“Non-Press Release” of the Anchorage Police Regarding Todd Palin’s Love Child

The anticipation is overwhelming. We have been waiting since March 25, 2011 for the Anchorage Police Department to clarify the truth of the allegations of the National Enquirer that Todd Palin has a love child.  Of course we would expect the Anchorage Police Department to shed some light on the story printed by the National Enquirer. When the allegations of a sexual relationship between Todd Palin and Shailey Tripp surfaced, we only had to wait four days for an explanation from the APD. We didn’t hear a denial from Sarah of that “relationship” until Jan. 28th, which was seven days after the story broke, and three days after the APD issued their “Press Release.”

It’s now been over 15 days since the story broke regarding the “Love Child” and we haven’t been graced with a Press Release asserting the “lack of evidence” connecting Todd Palin and any “love child” in Alaska.

We have NOT heard on Twitter, Facebook, or Fox News from Sarah Palin regarding a denial of the “love child” story. Why have we not heard from Sarah Palin? Why hasn’t the APD clarified this story? Sarah Palin still has a lawyer, and there is no indication that Dave Parker, like Officer Rollins, has been imprisoned.

Possible explanations are:

1. Sarah Palin doesn’t read, so she doesn’t know about the story.

2. Sarah was afraid to comment, as she herself has at least one “love-child.”

3. Sarah is still trying to confirm the identity of Trig’s parents.

4. For the last 15 days, Todd has been in the hospital in a coma from being hit in the head with a can of food. Sarah is waiting for him to wake up, so that when he says nothing people will think his silence is an endorsement of everything Sarah says.

5. Sarah has ordered a new suit for the Press Conference, but it hasn’t come in yet.

6. The Holy Spirit whispered to Sarah that the allegations are true, but Sarah is writing a letter to herself in God’s voice to explain why the story is not true.

7. Sarah and Todd are not finished with their “squirmish” over the story, so the outcome is uncertain.

8. Sarah is waiting to confirm the age of the alleged “love child.” If he/she is of voting age, Sarah might need the vote in the 2012 election.

9. Before Sarah “refudiates” the story she needs to get a manicure to ensure that Todd’s blood isn’t under her nails.

10. The APD hasn’t had time to destroy the evidence, so when they say that there is “no evidence” of a love child, there really won’t be.

11. The APD is waiting till the new section on their web site is ready which will be called “Press Releases issued to the National Enquirer at the Request of Sarah Palin’s Attorney.

12. Dave Parker the Public Information Officer who is supposed to issue the Press Release is nowhere to be found. Some speculate that he has taken up permanent residence in the confessional booth at church, but no confirmation of those rumors has been forthcoming.

13. Sarah is waiting for Todd’s first book to hit the book stores. It will be called “Walking the Walk: The First Dude’s Commitment to Life.”

14. Sarah is working on learning to “re-load” her gun.

15. Todd isn’t sure which “love child” the National Enquirer knows about.

16. Since members of the Anchorage Police Department regularly have consensual sex while on duty, Police Chief Mew is hesitant to authorize any press release about the paternity of any children in Alaska.

Perhaps the Anchorage Police Department has already issued a “press release” to the National Enquirer. However, like the first one, its not listed on their web site.

IF a press release by the Anchorage Police Department might be issued in the future it might report:

“ None of the evidence that still exists, that we have examined, confirms that Todd Palin has fathered any love children. We have talked to the following children at the Mat Su Borough Elementary School:

1. “Prud” 10 year old girl

2. “Ho” 9 year old girl

3. “Bay” 8 year old boy

4. “Iron” 7 year old boy

5. “Dog” 6 year old girl

6. “Snow” 5 year old girl

7. “Mobile” 4 year old boy

8. “Shay” 3 year old girl

9. “Lee” 2 year old boy

10. “St. Paul” 1 year old boy

11. “Minne” 1 year old girl (twin sister of St. Paul)

None of these children know who their father is. “

Dave Parker would probably issue a statement following the press release to the N.Y. Daily News,

“ It was just paternity by innuendo, nothing else. “There’s not one scintilla of evidence still in existence of the connection between Todd Palin and any of the children living in Alaska.”

Sarah Palin would probably follow the press release by saying:

Heck, all they had to do was ask me or ask Todd himself, “Hey Todd, you been fathering any Rug Rats with any hookers in Anchorage?” and he’d tell the truth…as best as he can remember it.

Remember Todd has been hit in the head, repeatedly with cans of food , and he has been thrown 70 feet through the air from a snowmobile.

Anyone who would expect Todd to remember the identity of all of his kids would be a corrupt bastard,  a member of the lamestream media, , a child molester, gutless, limp and impotent. Once again, I am the victim of a Blood Libel.

53 thoughts on ““Non-Press Release” of the Anchorage Police Regarding Todd Palin’s Love Child

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  1. How about, “She’s been trying to figure out how to use a dictionary to look up the term “love child” since the idea of love and a child simultaneously has confused her.”


    1. Cheryl,
      Or maybe she’s had to go to the hospital due to severe pain, as you know they say…the truth hurts. Malia


  2. Note: Thunderous applaud in background!!!

    Well done, Malia. Just finished watching Steven Colbert’s Walgreen’s over at IM and have to say I busted a gut, but after reading this piece, I laughed even harder. Not taking anything away from your talent, but I am sure you agree, $paylin makes it pretty easy, doesn’t she? Thanks for all you do.


  3. I find it odd that a second woman has not come forward to contend that the baby known as ‘Trig’ is her child, or the mother of Todd’s alleged ‘Love Child’. I mean the world is filled with lunatics willing to make false confessions just to reap the 15 minutes of fame and million dollars that can be had just fotr making the claim (whether it’s the truth or not is immaterial to raking in the big bucks).

    Of course – if one were to actually come forward, a DNA test of the adults involved would be a given, right?

    And wouldn’t that be a fun day for court TV!


      1. Sarah Palin has a serpent’s heart,
        I hear there has been a lot of plane crashes in Alaska, from water in the fuel tanks, so…who knows?


      2. I meant, by my comment, that I find it odd no one has made the claim – in every national story there is a percentage of lunatic fringe claiming to be ‘the one’ – except in the case of the Palins.

        People who didn’t even live in the US confessed to having kidnapped the Lindbergh baby for example. There’s a lack of ‘fringe’ here, of people trying to grab credit by interjecting themselves into the spotlight. And for what it’s worth, that ‘lack’ is looking to me like an elephant in the middle of the room.

        I’ve no doubt the bub Trig’s real mum is silent for very real reasons. But where is the handful of ‘usual suspects’? Where are the crazies?


    1. The “second woman” mother of Trig is Bristol. How far forward can she come without totally alienating herself from her female parent’s money pot?


    2. I mean the world is filled with lunatics willing to make false confessions just to reap the 15 minutes of fame and million dollars that can be had just fotr making the claim (whether it’s the truth or not is immaterial to raking in the big bucks).

      So something might be different .
      Normally the lunatics are the bored spectators and not the busy participants. In rare cases the million dollars would be chump change. Compared to whatever lucrative scheme was under way. Whether or not the money had come from chumps.


  4. Hysterical, Malia! Todd will certainly object to #7, it’s “Machine”, not “Mobile” doncha’ know?

    Is there a boxed DNA Maternity Test? Usually the only time there is a question of maternity is when a fat psycho fakes a pregnancy and steals someone else’s baby from a hospital or cuts it out of another woman’s womb. Sarah isn’t fat…


    1. ProChoice Grandma,
      Glad I could make you laugh! The names of the kids “prud” and “ho” are my personal favorites. Malia


  5. Oh my, this made my day as much as the Colbert report posted on IM. Excellent post, and do keep up the work on the APD, maybe one day they will respond. Did you get much feedback, any, from the editorial you posted in multiple papers?
    I so enjoy your posts.. thanks.. Pam


    1. Pam
      I haven’t hear back from ANYONE in response to any of the letters I have sent! It is amazing to me that it doesn’t seem to merit national attention, or that people are too frightened to print the story. Thus, when I get completely frustrated, I find that writing something like this post is great therapy for my dismay. Thanks for reading along. Malia


  6. The entire family are, at best, shameless grifters. However, it wouldn’t shock me in the least if their egregious behavior ran far, FAR deeper.


  7. Malia, I see the palinbots are out early on this one.

    I am sure they are happy to increase the number of hits this piece gets.

    Thanks for the laughs, I highly agree BS is down for the count. Number two is my favorite I enjoyed the pictorial evidence too also.


    1. CinNY,
      Yes, the palinbots don’t seem to realize that by virtue of their reading, my blog gets more attention. Glad you laughed with me! Malia


  8. I do not understand why it would be part of the APD’s job to find out about someone’s alleged illegitimate child. If that would be part of their job description they would have no time to devote resources to things more important like actual crime.

    Honestly, this whole post does nothing other than demean this blog and actually brings doubt to anything written here, especially since the writer purports to be an attorney.

    Now, I know that I will be depicted as a “troll”, “Palin-bot” and whatever, but seriously, someone should use some brain cells and realize that this whole post is ludicrous.


    1. DeeDee,
      Last time I checked it wasn’t the APD;s job to issue press releases to the National Enquirer about anything! Even people who aren’t attorneys know that. I use my real name, my real picture, and have made my experience known to everyone reading, so you are free to look me up and the name of the firm is Thompson & Knight, and I was a senior partner when I opted out of my career to stay at home with my three kids. The use of the term “Non” in the title would suggest to most people reading the post, that there was no intention to mislead or to suggest that the APD had issued such a statement. You are exactly right it would be ludicrous for the APD to issue such a statement, just as it was ludicrous for them to issue a “press release” regarding Todd’s connection to a house of prostitution. I am glad your brain cells are working on overtime today to catch the meaning. Malia Litman, R.N., J.D.


      1. I can understand their issuing a press release re the house of prostitution since it is considered a crime to solicit sex for money. In any event, you stated that you were waiting for a press release, thus my surprise.

        In any event, I would not put too much credence to this alleged “love child”. Something would have shown up before considering that this child is supposed to be in his teens. You would think that someone would have brought it up during the election for governor, or when researchers went up to Alaska to find out information when she was selected as the GOP VP candidate.

        My concern is that some of these things are just as out there as the birthers’ “born in Kenya” moment and it just makes people seem as deranged as the birthers and ultimately all it will accomplish is for some people to feel more kindly towards her.

        Obviously, it is your blog and you will handle it the way that you think you should and it is none of my business as to how you do it. However, you do have to admit that some of the people posting comments make scenarios that are a bit out there.

        Anyway, good luck with your blog and hopefully everything will work out for the best.


    2. The humor lies in the fact that the last time the National Enquirer ran a story about the palins, the masseuse/hooker bust and that tawd was somehow involved, the APD quickly issued a statement that tawd was not, in fact, involved. No one had ever heard of a police department issuing statements regarding national enquirer stories. silly sarah’s reaction was that folks should just ask tawd if he was hanging out with hookers in Anchorage, whereas she hasn’r responded to the “tawd’s love child” story. Capiche?
      Now the question is did you not get it or are you just trying to stir things up?


    1. AKLynne,
      Thanks, I try hard not to be too hateful in my comments, but I think DeeDee just didn’t understand.??? Malia


    1. Older_Wiser2,
      PLEASE HELP ME! THIS COULD BE BIG! Please tell me what connection you found between Heroic Media and the Exceptional Foundation? could be really important! Thanks, Malia


  9. another O/T Neil Cole, founder of the candie’s foundation, has posted a damage control story over at HP on the Media Tab in the side bar. So far three pages of comments and not one positive to his lame ass explanation of why she was used as a role model for teen girls. if anything all it accomplishes is naive teens thinking what a great living they could make by getting knocked up.


    1. Yeah, I think Candies made their money off Bristol and cut her loose, stick a fork in her.

      I think the Candies is a scam org.


  10. Malia I love your posts. You understand what really goes on in Alaska better than many who are sitting here in the middle of the corruption and incompetence. #10 is something I have experienced personally from the state troopers here in Alaska. Yes, aren’t those plane crashes from all that water condensation interesting. I have my own theory about one of those crashes from the first day the story was reported, but it does not involve SP.


  11. Every so often, a comment will pop up regarding the death of Darlene Miller and questioning if there is anything further to be known about her connection with the Palins. She had been a neo-natal nurse at Mat-Su Regional, then went on to become a hospice worker towards the end of her life. She died in a house fire in January of 2009.

    There is very little to be found in the ADN archives about that specific event, but there is an article in April which talks about a rash of arson of house fires in the Valley since December.

    There was also the fire at Palin’s church. Then another guy had his garage set on fire and if I remember correctly his dog was killed, and he was someone who had made negative statements against the Palins. There just seems to be lots of *unsolved mysteries* relating to that family and we’ve certainly seen plenty of postings from her ‘bots about actions they’d love to take against Palin’s detractors.

    Another blog had a posting from someone who said they knew someone who worked in the Permanent Fund Division and that proof had been provided for Trig to have received his check. Unfortunately, the poster didn’t give any further details.

    One of the many e-mails that was released to MSNBC et al last year, had a thread regarding a puppy that was ready for delivery to the Palins, and it was from some doctor. There was a dog that the Palins did get and for whatever reasons, they chose not to keep it and it was given back (I think to the Menards). I’ve gone back through that website trying to find the specific message to see what the actual date was in connection to her trip to Texas and supposed birth of Trig, nor how it compared to the puppy that they really did get.

    Anyone have any thoughts or anything further on any of these?


  12. Malia – I’m almost ashamed to admit this but I didn’t get the joke on the listing of the kids and the names….sometimes it takes me a while but if you could give me a hint or spell it out so I’m not left out of the joke? 😦 I got the silliness about the apd releasing a press release but didn’t “get it” on the kids listed – and i’m frustrated!!


    1. Sharon,
      As you know Todd and Sarah always picked the names of their children to represent something important to them…like “Bristol” was named after Bristol Bay where they would fish every summer. Thus…”Prud” and “Ho” was for Prudhoe Bay which is the oil field where Todd worked. Snow andmobile is for Todd’s love of snowmobile racing. Iron and Dog is to remind you of the Iron Dog race. The last two names were from the location of the RNC Convention held about two years ago which coincides with the age of the kids. Hope this helps. malia


  13. But in response to some of the other posts – I have always wondered about the plane crash that killed Curtis Menard and didn’t want to say it out loud to anyone as far as what I suspected because it just seems so outrageous. But there is a troubling thought there – I really do believe toad had something to do with it. And it was even before the airport video of him harrassing the guy with the camera. He looked dark and menacing to me in that video. I watched his face and the way he went after that older guy and made fun of him because he was shaking – and taunted him. That was so creepy. It troubles me that I even have those thoughts and yet, I find everything about the palins odd, strange, bizarre and off center in many ways.


    1. Sharon,
      I have to tell you that one of the first things I did when I started writing was to read Trailblazer. I learned so much about Palin from Bennett’s account of her. It was the most factual account and unbiased with very specific names and facts. I found the author was adept at reporting facts in such a way that the association of two or three facts being put close together conveyed a very clear message. for example when he gave all the facts to suggest Sarah was pregnant when she married Todd, he never says she was pregnant, but it is obvious. He even explained that Todd’s father never got an explanation for the difference in the length of time they were married, and the length of time of a normal gestation. Likewise he explained that Sarah was very fond of Curtis Menard, that Curtis was the “God father” of Track and in the page before talking about the crash he explains that Curtis confronted Sarah to say that she wasn’t paying enough attention to her children. Boom! The next page Curtis is killed in a mysterious accident. Very curious. Malia


  14. the Candies company shows the most offensive images of young girls in very suggestive poses – I just can’t imagine why more parents aren’t outraged over what that company puts out there. It’s not surprising they’d use bristol to further their obvious platform which has nothing to do with abstinence and everything to do with marketing based on sexuality and the pursuit of sexual relations amoung teens. It reminds me of those old cigarette advertisements that targeted younger kids with certain images….until they were finally stopped.


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