Palin Said Obama’s Birth Certificate was a Distraction; Now She Needs a Distraction

Sarah Palin’s poll numbers have hit an all time low. Even Donald Trump was rated more favorably than Palin.


Now Palin thinks that if she talks like Trump and questions the President’s citizenship, she might miraculously gain in popularity.    The only problem is that she previously said the issue was just a distraction. Perhaps she needs to distract the public from its focus on her lack of intellect, education, experience, and truthfulness.

9 thoughts on “Palin Said Obama’s Birth Certificate was a Distraction; Now She Needs a Distraction

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  1. I read an insightful posting elsewhere recently that has given me context for understanding the Palin phenomenon. The writer said that we are in an era of politicians who are products of the era of Reality TV. ANYone can get a reality show — there’s no talent or content of merit required and thes shows are cheaper than hiring professionals.

    When you look at Palin through this lens/metaphor, you can see why she has lasted this long: the content is junk, but there are weekly segments that have enough lunacy to hook the credulous.

    And how appropriate that Trump, who runs a reality show, should out manouever The Queen of the TPer because he knows more about reality shows than she does. (He’s equally despicable, but more skilled than SP.)


    1. Laura,
      A man of his intellect and financial means should know better. How in the world does he think that he looks OK?


  2. I keep thinking Trump is spoofing America, that he’ll soon say “gotchya, see how easy it is to manipulate people and politics, see how easily just anyone can run for President”……like he’s doing a “reality show” about the media and politics.


    1. M,
      Maybe if Sarah Palin could be lined up for the first episode of that reality show, she would be satisfied, and never announce her candidacy? Worth a try! Malia


    2. I agree, I think he must be a double agent as no one is so stupid that they would think these antics would result in anything other then muddying up the water even more for the goopers, baggers & birthers.


  3. This is how Palin works. Since she has absolutely no independent thinking skills, she’ll use whatever she notes gets the cute little crazy-bigots all riled up –then runs with it like its the first time you heard it..actually all GOP’ers do that I notice. They stay on message. SAME FREAK OUT LIE OF THE DAY REPEATED ALL DAY!!!. NO ONE GOES OFF MESSAGE–THEY’VE BEEN WARNED! She gets all excited too when she sees them react. She is her biggest fan. In the past..she really didn’t want to go there for fear of the same request of her–son? Whatever..matters not what the dingbat says. She is NOTHING BUT AN IGNORANT ARROGANT MILLIONAIRE WOMAN MADE OFF POOR UNEDUCATED PEOPLE SUCH AS HERSELF. How does anyone hold anything like that on a pedestal? As for Trump. I just can’t trust a man who combs his hair forward. ANOTHER MILLIONAIRE and ARROGANT FOOL.


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