Todd’s Silence is Becoming Deafening!

Given the facts that have now surfaced regarding the alleged involvement of Todd Palin with prostitutes, it is helpful to review facts:

1)    On the same day March 2010,  Shailey Tripp and Kashawn Thomas were arrested and charged with running a house of prostitution and engaging in prostitution.

2)      Police Records generated, in conjunction with the arrest, identified items seized as evidence which included office documents, office machines, condoms,used condoms, office calendars, books with client phone numbers, photographs, and computers.

3)      On January 21, 2011 the National Enquirer published the story that Todd Palin had been sexually involved with Shailey Tripp.

4)       On Jan. 21,22,23, and 24th there was NO response or denial of the allegations by Todd or Sarah Palin.

5)      On Jan. 25, 2011, the Anchorage Police Department issued the following press release:

None of the physical evidence examined by police showed any connection to Wasilla resident Todd Palin and his name did not appear in any of the records seized by APD.

The investigation of the prostitution operation was initiated by Anchorage Police Department’s Vice Unit responding to internet advertisements, not through information developed from any tips or other persons.”

6)      On Jan. 25,26, and 27th there was NO response or denial of the allegations by Todd or Sarah Palin.

7)       On Jan 28th Sarah Palin said that the allegations were “B.S.”, that they were “all a big lie”, that the Anchorage Police Department had no evidence, and that this was all a “waste of time.” . Sarah Palin went on to say:

“Heck, all they had to do was ask me or ask Todd himself, “Hey Todd, you been hanging out with hookers in Anchorage?” and he’d tell the truth.”

8)  On Feb. 10th, I asked the question “Hey Todd, You been Hanging out with Hookers?”

9)  On Feb. 10, 2011, the Immoral Minority posted an interview with Shailey Tripp wherein she confirmed that she had exchanged sexual relations with Todd Palin for money.

10)  On Feb. 11th I posted my interview with Shailey Tripp wherein she confirmed that she had exchanged sexual relations with Todd Palin for money.

11)  From Jan. 21 through today, Feb 23rd, Todd Palin has not responded to the allegations of his involvement with Shailey Tripp.   The only denial of the relationship by Sarah Palin was the indication that  because the Anchorage Police Department had no evidence of a connection between Todd Palin and Shailey Tripp, that the story was a  big lie.  She has never actually said that she asked Todd and he said it was a lie. She never said that she knew the story to be a lie.

12)  On Feb. 22nd the Anchorage Police representative who issued the Press Release of Jan. 25th confirmed that the Press Release previously issued was in error. On closer examination of all the police records, Officer Parker confirmed that there WAS in fact a tip by an individual named William Fortier regarding the prostitution arrests of Shailey Tripp and Kashawn Thomas.  Officer Parker also confirmed that cell phones and computers confiscated at the time of the arrest of Shailey Tripp and Kashawn Thomas had not been checked to confirm the name or phone numbers of any of the customers of Ms. Tripp and/or Ms. Thomas. Finally Officer Parker confirmed that it was Sarah Palin’s attorney who requested that the police department issue a press release regarding the lack of evidence connecting Todd Palin to Shailey Tripp.

It has been one month since the National Enquirer broke the story, and it has been one month that we have heard nothing from Todd Palin to confirm or  deny the allegations. We didn’t hear from Sarah Palin until AFTER the Anchorage Police stated that there was no evidence connecting Todd to the prostitutes.  However we have now confirmed that the Anchorage police did not examine all the evidence confiscated, including cell phones and computers.  Thus the question remains:

“Hey Todd, have you been hangin out with hookers?”  Maybe we don’t need an answer.  Maybe a month of waiting is long enough.  Silence can be a powerful answer.   Leroy Brownlow said:

“There are times when silence has the loudest voice.”

Todd Palin’s voice is getting louder with each passing day.

58 thoughts on “Todd’s Silence is Becoming Deafening!

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  1. Maybe that explains the Tundra Turds mental issues. Syphilis can have a profound effect on the brain in the later stages and not in a good way.


  2. Malia, how can you be so rude? Todd is working. He’s headed for Nome and that $10,000 first place money. Bristol can’t figure out why he doesn’t just go out and charge $20,000 to speak on marital fidelity.

    All kidding aside, the silence from Todd and the Palin consigliere says a lot. The Palins have always fired back (pun intended) immediately. In this case you would have expected libel, defamation of character, child abuse (hey, she always gets the kids involved) LAWSUITS.


    1. The Palins have not fired or will not fire back regarding Todd and Ms. Tripp’s affair because, drum roll paleazee, Ms. Tripp says she has evidence that she had sex with Todd and this is whats keeping the Palin’s traps shut.

      They cannot come out denying it and then Ms. Tripp comes out with her evidence. So if this was in court, Todd’s lawyer would be telling Todd to shut up until you see the evidence. What did you say Todd and Sarah? Can’t hear you.

      As stated above, you cannot ignore what is not being said by Todd and Sarah. Todd has never denied it and Sarah is only saying see what the Police is saying. Now the balls are back in Sarah’s court because we just found out we were mislead by the police to protect Sarah.


    2. aj,
      Yes, to my knowledge she hasn’t called anyone a name over this one yet, so that in and of itself is very telling! Malia


    1. Will,
      I love your analogy to the Titanic. I think when Palin finally goes “down” it will be as memorable as the sinking of the Titanic. Maybe they will make a movie about it too! Malia


  3. Malia, thank you for everything. Your linear analysis helps me to collate and understand “the big picture.” But, I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for a hard-copy reply from Captain Mew…


    1. KatieAnnie Oakley,
      I learned a long time ago that I can’t wait for people to do the right thing, sometimes we have to give them no choice. Malia


  4. My guess is ..Sarah and Todd are not saying anything else because Van Flein knows the hooker story is true and that it’s in their best interest to keep their mouths shut. The longer this story stays out there…the better the chances that Sarah will spout off …all on her own.


  5. Nice quote about silence. Good job, Malia – I certainly have been wondering about the silence of Todd Palin.

    Usually, like Jesse James, John Edwards, Tiger Words and others, they “come out of the chute fighting it”…. Very odd behavior on Todd’s part. Are they just hoping it will go away?


    1. Are they just hoping it will go away?

      Well they are still waiting for the stories about Bristol’s past and current pregnancies to go away. Silence is golden when you are liars and trying to hide something.


      1. except there’s no evidence that Bristol was pregnant before her documented pg and she is not pregnant now.


      2. Alan,
        I have the impression that Sarah thought it would just go away after she got the police to issue the press release. Sorry, that wasn’t good enough! Malia


    2. lilylake,
      Given the “tough guy” persona that Todd works so hard to create, you would expect a direct and powerful denial right away if the statements were not true. Malia


  6. You ever notice with the Palins, when something is a lie, they’ll scream, shout, pout, you name it, but when something is the truth, and hits close to home, they’re as quiet as a mouse?


    1. You speak common sense. Is that not what anyone would do? celebs, private citizens and the Palins alike? It’s sad that all this is discussed. It’s sadder that other politicians’ shady dealings are not discussed (esp DEMS and ESPECIALLY the current Pres)

      None of this has anything to do with politics. People are evil. The Palin family will never implode as people wish. They will stand by and continue to support one another. I suggest everyone here grow a heart and get a life


      1. Teresa,
        I am searching for the truth, and the fact that the truth has yet to come out prevents some people from having a life. Malia


    2. Sunshine1970,
      Or they don’t directly deny it, they simply insinuate that it is a lie, but don’t directly deny it. Malia


  7. They are like cornered snakes now. They cannot sue anyone…they KNOW it is true. Just like the information about Trig…they cannot produce a birth certificate showing April 18 as his birthdate. It probably was much earlier explaining Bristol’s absence from school.


    1. TiredOfTheEmpress,
      I love your screen name! As time goes by more and more people seem to be willing to come forward. Will be interesting to watch! Malia


  8. The funny thing about all this is that it puts a damper on Todd seeing any other hookers in Alaska now. If he does, he’ll have to wear a Groucho Marx disguise or go out of state incognito. Todd has nothing to say in his defense because it’s all true and they no longer have their hatchet man Frank Bailey around. LOL

    BTW, you do an excellent job Malia. That letter you sent was the best!


    1. Ha! A Groucho Marx mask, what a visual. If he can’t help himself he’ll get busted the way NE busted edwards in that hotel. So what’s the word on the irondog? Is it over, did tawd win, did tawd cheat again? Did he disappear never to be seen again?


  9. Yeah, he has not said a peep. To us, it shows he is guilty. HOWEVER, the story has gone silent in the MSM (I tend toagree with the Palin’s name for them – LAME-stream-media – because they ARE lame in not reporting facts!)


  10. Kashawn Thomas told you she’d sold her story, but we haven’t seen that story printed anywhere. I’m wondering if she “sold” her story to Sarah and Todd.

    And given her youth, one also wonders if that “story” could have landed Todd in some serious legal trouble.


    1. Yeah .. maybe Van Flein ‘bought the rights’ to that story ?

      Or .. maybe it was bought by the PR firm, BSMP (or was that BMSP)


    2. midnightcajun,
      You are right…I don’t know who she “sold” the story to, and for all I know it could have been the Palin’s. I am hoping we just haven’t heard about it yet. Malia


    3. Interesting theory. Without a lawyer it would be considered a bribe to give Kashawn Thomas money to keep her mouth shut and with a lawyer it would be considered that somebody bought the rights to Kashawn Thomas’s story (to keep her mouth shut), very interesting. Why would anybody buy the rights to Kashawn’s story if it only involved a common citizen of Alaska? I can see somebody buying her story if it involved a high profile person or the spouse of a high profile person. I wonder if Lou Sarah has any info regarding this or knows anybody with deep enough pockets who could afford to keep this story out of the lamestream media?


  11. Has anyone interviewed Fortier about who he saw coming (no pun intended) and sounds heard arousing suspicions of prostitution? Any Todd Palin sightings? What about asking Levi about the alleged exchange after Todd was with Shailey?


  12. Great work! Your tenacity is amazing considering you are working on the side of decency for no monetary compensation. Had you not gone to the trouble the police wouldn’t have had to answer some key questions. And the beauty of that is the more questions they need to answer now as damage control measures, the deeper into the shit they sink.

    Oh what a tangled web we (they) weave, when first we (they) practice to deceive.

    If the only benefit from this is to Shailey’s case then it’s well worth the effort in my opinion. Rather, it’s looking more likely now that it’s going to open up Todd’s can of worms.


    1. Michael,
      Thanks for your kind words. It does make me sad that in the absence of my involvement, Palin would have gotten by with this. Malia


    1. Archivist1000,
      Thanks for your help getting the word out about this story. Obviously the police don’t plan to do so. Malia


  13. malia

    he is too busy with the dog race or whatever its called!

    Lighter note: you must have heard the news abt the the Witch and DWTS news? For laughs:


  14. Malia, Sad in a kind of happy way. No matter, if that’s how you feel I’ll gladly feel the glee for you that your hard work is bringing out! hahahahahaha!


  15. Malia did you hear that Lou Sarah has disappeared from Facebook? I hope she is okay. Maybe Chuck Heath should go check up on her since he knows her so well?


  16. “None of the physical evidence examined by police showed any connection to Wasilla resident Todd Palin and his name did not appear in any of the records seized by APD.”

    Well what SLOPPY police work the APD do! They only examined what 5% of the evidence? And say what? They aren’t willing to make a clarifying statement or retraction?

    Sloppy and loose, not a good reflection on APD if you ask me.

    Malia, you may have to write another letter to the Chief, this is not acceptable to mislead the public, not to mention it shows such shoddy workmanship of the fine men in blue, in fact the good people of Anchorage may not feel too safe or trust APD if this is how they operate.


    1. Also, too…….they said in “any” of the evidence siezed, they lied to the public since they didn’t even look at “all” the evidence.

      Half assed job.


    2. M,
      I think it is up to them if they want to set the record straight. ‘Check out my post in the am, as I may be doing a sample e-mail that could have been used? HaHa. Malia


  17. Malia–I really admire what you have done with this issue as a citizen-journalist and “legally savvy” individual. It really does ‘take a village.’ These fools may think they can “get away” with this nonsense, but actually, the light will catch up with them–

    There may be some new important twists in this story. Ms. Tripp did another interview with Blade @ Sarah’s Scandals. According to Tripp, Todd manipulated her into prostituting herself– she did not have sex with her massage clients before that. Moreover, he then “recommended” some of his “business associates” to use her services– i.e.– he pimped her out. I wonder if he also pimped for Kashawn, or others? What was his cut of the actions? .. Did he have a whole “stable?”

    This, if true, is MUCH more disturbing than Todd simply cavorting with known prostitutes. It should be publicized far and wide.


    1. Conscious at last!
      Yes, it is very disturbing, and especially to think that he would be the “First Dude” and this would be the type of “family values” we would hope to see in the White House. Malia


  18. “Finally Officer Parker confirmed that it was Sarah Palin’s attorney who requested that the police department issue a press release regarding the lack of evidence connecting Todd Palin to Shailey Tripp.”

    what are chances spldf donations paid attorney’s fees for THIS? :))


    1. tofutti,
      Yes, of course we knew it was inspired by Palin, but I never thought we would get confirmation that it was done by the police as a result of a request by Palin. Having confirmed that, I would think that the police would be very sensitive to any further appearance of bias, or impropriety,and that they would check the cell phone and computer records to identify whether Todd Palin was one of the people that Shailey Tripp dealt with. Since they have no interest in doing that they must be covering up for somebody, Todd, another high profile man, or both. Their silence speaks volumes. Most importantly, if Todd Palin were really not involved, Sarah could have her lawyer call the APD and insist that they review the cell phone and computer to show that he was not involved! Since that isn’t happening, its basically like confirmation that they don’t want the police to examine the evidence. Malia


  19. I wish the mainstream media took the effort to do half of this type of research. Todd’s silence is telling, but even more unbelievable, is Sarah’s. She doesn’t realize how foolish her “just ask Todd, and he’ll tell the truth” statement makes her look. I feel for the younger kids in that family, someday they’ll find all this on the net and know what vile liars their parents are.


    1. macandcheesewiz,
      I predict that some of the Palin kids really do know. Sarah said in her book that she doesn’t believe in coincidences. If that is true it can’t be a coincidence that Bristol named her son “Tripp” and Shailey’s last name is “Tripp”. Malia


  20. I have come to the conclusion that Sarah and Todd deserve each other. Their lives have been built on lies, fraud and deception. The fact these two idiots married each other, they saved two other people a life of Hell.


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