Sarah Palin’s Nightmare is the National Enquirer’s Nocturnal Emission

From the moment Sarah Palin was tapped as McCain’s V.P., the entire Palin family has been responsible for selling thousands of copies of the National Enquirer.




Headlines have made reference to Sarah’s affair, Bristol’s pregnancy, Todd being involved in a house of prostitution, and now the Enquirer is reporting that he may have a “love child.”  In the March 25,2011 edition, the front page reads “Sarah Palin’s worst nightmare about Todd  A LOVE CHILD!”  The story is certainly questionable as no sources for the information are disclosed.   However the Enquirer also reports that Bristol and Gino Paoletti had been “living together at Bristol’s Arizona home.”  It is not surprising that the couple is living together, especially when Bristol was an unwed teenage mother. The amazing thing is that Bristol was making television commercials advocating abstinence and giving speeches about the merits of abstinence, and then returning home to her “live-in” boyfriend.  I’m sure they weren’t having sex. Bristol probably needed him close to ensure that she had  enough time to teach him the virtues of  abstinence.


51 thoughts on “Sarah Palin’s Nightmare is the National Enquirer’s Nocturnal Emission

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  1. I wonder what happened to her baby bump from when she was DWTS?? That WAS a baby bump! Did she secretly give birth? Did she keep it or give it up? Or did she have an abortion? It looked kind of big, too late for an abortion.
    Maybe that’s why Bri$tol has been so quiet lately. Now she has three babies to raise!
    Todd’s love child i Tri-G.


    1. Mary – I have wondered the very same things myself. I would have sworn she was pregnant, too. I also thought she looked too far along to have an abortion. And – speaking of babies – I still want to know what happened to the babies that were used as stand-ins for Trig.


      1. I’m assuming you are her gynocologist or otherwise intimately familiar with her reproductive organs. I don’t know if she was pregnant or not, but there’s no way anyone other than one or two people in the world other than Bristol herself can say she definitely wasn’t pregnant.


    2. She DEFINITELY was pregnant – if you just grow ‘fat’, you do NOT get an ‘outie’ bellybutton, and she DEFINITELY had an outie!


  2. This family is amazing. You did an article recently on “white trash”. That is about the only way to describe this clan. From the Heaths to the Palins – they are a wonder in dysfunction. Hope there is some substance to this “love child” article and it is not one of those “I married an alien from outer space.” type article. Well – whatever – all of this does not bode well for dear Sarah and the rest. The comment on Bristol was very appropriate – I remember reading when she and her new love first became involved that they were living together while she was still advocating abstinance. What a shocker!! I hope her planned book is a total flop.


    1. correction “from the heaths to the palins to the johnstons” all white trash. one mustnt separate either family from the term as they are all grifting lowers.

      and Bristol never lived with Gino. I dont even think they saw much of each other.


  3. they sure spend a lot of time in AK if they actually have a home in AZ. Bristol’s own FB post said “I may or may not have a home in AZ”.

    did she actually buy a house with cash???or did Chuckie buy it?

    Is it true that Gino was Mercede’s boyfriend just last year? Is he the father of the newest baby? or is Jeremy Morlock (Tripp’s father) the father of this one too? Was Bristol EVER abstinent? Does this sound like SOAP?


  4. Bristol Palins New Candies Ad Campaign- “Cause if you liked it, then you should have put a heel on it …All the Single Ladies… Oh Oh Oh Oh…”


  5. Have you Malia or anyone else read the actual article?? I am curious to hear what it says exactly…………….. Thanks!


    1. it’s bunk. the NE needed a palin story to draw people in. There’s not one piece of factual info in it, as per usual


      1. how would you know? and if that’s the case why aren’t the palins suing for defamation of character?


      2. What does it say & how do you know it isn’t true?? Are you a a family member or real friend( not just a fan I mean) Thank you.
        Honestly the NE has tons of others to write about that are bigger draws then the Palins. They don’t pull readers in as much anymore because Americans are sick of hearing about the Kardashians and Palins. Overexposure!


  6. I continue to suspect that the house in AZ was purchases as a first home as tax deduction for Bristol so that she could keep more of her money after DWTS.


    1. probably, which was genius. intelligent people would do the same. My parents used to purchase homes to pay less and stop monetary bleeding elsewhere


  7. I think a better statement is: Wasilla character shown through bs NE stories. And Gino did not live in AZ with Bristol.


  8. Teens brag about all the money (up to 5 digits) they receive selling lies. Lanesia is one. How did she get her nice truck?


    1. Good question! Yeah, how do any of you Wasilla kids get the nice trucks and new Jettas? I wanna know!
      14 year-old cheerleaders off to Cheer Camp in Hawaii, carrying $400 Coach purses.
      One parent works on the Slope. The other waits tables. Nice.

      How about you, searching? Your parents buy homes to save money. Wow. So you got a Chev or a Ram? And tell us about Lanesia!


  9. I’ve too busy today to post, damn that “real job” of mine! Anyway, I was going to post earlier that we haven’t heard much out of bristle lately, she must be wallowing in unwedded bliss with the newest guy she’s shacking up with. What a great spokeswoman for candies and abstinence. Did her radio show gig fall through? So what are her and gino up to? Just laying around the shanty, calling folks racist and homophobic names? What a great job sarah has done with her kids. Any one that thinks this family belongs in the whitehouse needs to undergo a psychiatric evaluation ASAP.


  10. Here’s a tip as to why the NE cannot be trusted. Bristol has a nanny with her pretty much all hours of the day, unless Tripp is not with her and just with the nanny. That should tell you a great deal about the accuracy here. BEsides, she has spent very little time so far in AZ. From thankgiving – mid Dec. and early jan – mid january. thats like what 4 weeks total. in the latter was when her best girl friend visited for like a week. during which Gino visited for the first time. Malia, I can email you screen shots of convos to prove this. Everything I say is back up by convos and pictures. I’d be a better source for the NE than anyone who’s ever talked to them.


    1. searching,
      I’d love to see the pictures, and I would be the first to acknowledge that the National Enquirer may be an unreliable source. We just don’t know. Thanks, Malia


    2. Searching – you seem to have more personal knowledge of the Palin family than the ordinary person. At the risk of sounding like a stuck record – perhaps you can answer a question for me. I would like to know about the babies that have been used as stand-ins for Trig. I have seen the pictures of babies that were NOT Trig (but were presented as Trig) eg. the baby with the “ruffled ear”. Since you seem to have a close connection – perhaps you can answer this for me. Thank you.


      1. Pat,
        I wish I could answer this question. What seems to be the common belief among most people following the Baby-gates issues is that Sarah did not really give birth to Trig. Whose parents are Trig’s real parents, when was he really born, where was he really born, etc. is subject to much speculation. There was an entire web site put together by a medical doctor complete with pictures, to show that Trig wasn’t Sarah’s baby. When you see pictures of Sarah Pregnant with her first child, it’s hard to believe that she was ever really pregnant with Trig. When you read about her report of her amniotic fluid breaking while in Texas, boarding a plane back to Alaska, where the flight attendants didn’t know she was even pregnant,much less in labor, where there is an account of a man in the airport lounge who talked with Todd and he didn’t know she was pregnant or in labor,and this was her FIFTH child (supposedly) it defies imagination that Trig is really Sarah’s child. Who he is I don’t know, but today is the first day that I have considered the possibility that he is Todd’s child by another woman???


      2. Hi Malia –
        This whole story/hoax defies comprehension. Perhaps that is why she has gotten away with it thus far. I remember when I first accessed Palingates some months ago and started reading the massive amount of info. At first I could not comprehend it all. I did not even share it with anyone for awhile (and then my poor husband became my listener). It seemed the most bizarre claim that anyone could do such a thing as fake a pregnancy. But – after reading and reading and absorbing it awhile – I could not deny this had happened.
        Why she chose to do this, who was a party to it and how she has managed thus far to evade exposure is the mystery now. There are people who certainly know what happened and who have the answers.
        I remember reading recently on IM about some women who claim she talked about having a tubal after Piper’s birth so she would not get pregnant again. Gryphen has asked these women to come forward and talk with him – but as often hapopens with people connected with Palin, they are afraid to do just that.
        This will all come out some day – I hope you are right there in the forefront to claim your share of the kudos.


      3. Pat,
        I am with you! It is hard to imagine that this is reality in America! If you wrote a screenplay for a movie,no one would buy it because people would say it was just too unrealistic. It could never happen???


      4. Laura,

        If you’re interested in the photos of her fake pregnancy, you can find all of the evidence presented quite well in this 2 part video


  11. Why shouldn’t Todd have a Love Child? Seems like one of the Palin litter may be Sarah’s love child. It also seems that we have spent two years trying to understand the mystery of Trig’s birth???? Malia


    1. MO,
      I certainly don’t know who that love child would be but it does seem like Trig is with Todd more than any other parent. Malia


  12. Another amusing episode of the trials of “Wasilla-billies”
    I do wish we could clear up a few outstanding Plot-Lines
    Trig-G Tax Gate Building Materials

    I do have a tiny bit of sympathy – can’t imagine my life (as mundane as it is) to be the topic of the National Enquirer.


    1. Enjay,
      you and I can’t imagine this for a minute, but then you and I would be smart enough not to run for VP when we had a new baby with special needs, a son who vandalized buses, a husband who was unfaithful, a teen daughter who was pregnant, a sister-in-law who burglarizes houses and takes her 4 year old daughter her with her on the caper, a daughter who calls people “faggots” etc., etc. Most people would be smarter than that. Malia


  13. Does anybody remember all the hoopla over Bristol’s declaration of NO SEX until she is married episode?? She was going to revirginize herself in front of GOD and country???? Wasn’t that shortly before she and Levi were going to get married and just after she got the gig with Candies? I remember that quite well and wonder why no one is calling her on it. The View got quite involved in the discussion, wonder what dear sweet Elizabitch would say about Bristol’s behavior today?? Paylin motto–do as I say not as I do.


    1. I think Elizabeth is over Palin, I sense she’s lost respect for her.

      So, I read the NE article boils down to Sarah sitting on the edge scared to death that the story will come out about the “love child”, apparently Joe M. and Geoffrey D. have dug into the details, speaking to people about it, Sarah is sweating bullets that it’s going to come out and ruin her.

      As for Bristol, apparently when she was in AK for a funeral of a HS friend (who died and how?) Bristol tweeted she was hanging out with an old BF, Gino who was in AZ had a jealous hissy fit, tweeting back and forth, it then moved to facebook war and then to a screaming fight via cell phone. They’ve split as a result.

      So (and this TOTALLY sounds like our Scarah) Sarah is asking Bristol to make nice so Gino doesn’t “share” anything Bristol may have told him in the 6 month relationship, Sarah’s afraid that Bristol may have shared family info) and Sarah wants Geno to sign a confidentiality agreement, lol, that is so our Scarah.

      I think that’s about it. Just some inside family close friend probably makin a buck sharing grapevine news. I wonder what NE pays for this stuff. I wonder if RAM, who surely must be a little less enchanted by Scarah by now, is makin some extra mula on the side? Just pondering out loud.

      I never realized there was talk about a “love child” in AK. And apparently Sarah doesn’t know for sure if there is a love child, and that she’s ticked at Toad for all of this talk?

      Things that make ya go hmmmm……. I wonder what’s comin down the pike.


  14. After hearing Gino is living with Bristol, the rumors might be true.
    It is being said the reason Bristol got a big chin implant is so Gino has a place to rest his gonads.


  15. Where’s “searching” now? Seems like whomever that is belongs to the Palin family or is an official, incognito spokesperson. Who else would be so “knowledgable”? You don’t get that kind of supposed information from outside the compound walls.


  16. I long ago stopped trying to figure the reproductive histories of this family. They co- habit or screw who they want to, and then figure out how to explain the results afterwards. After all, Heaths, Palins do what they want to do, and don’t expect to be called on anything legal, illegal or immoral.

    They do whatever their whims and libidos dictate.

    Everything is swept under a mighty lumpy carpet. And the carpet is squirming with more than dust bunnies and dust mites.


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