Bailey’s Book Teaches An Important Lesson

When your child is sitting in his car seat after an automobile accident, having a hard time breathing, you might immediately pray to God that he survives the trauma, but you would call 911 for an ambulance. If your dentist tells you that you will require gum surgery if you don’t floss you might pray to God that you will be able to avoid the surgery, but it is no surprise when you find yourself on the gurney being wheeled into surgery if you have failed to floss as the dentist told you to do. If you are behind on your credit card payments, you might pray that the credit card company doesn’t cancel your card but you know that if you attempt to charge that new 54 inch flat screen television your credit card, the charge will be denied. Whatever your view of God and religion, people would be irresponsible to simply rely upon God to fix their problems. Likewise the use of God to govern our country would be a mistake of epic proportions. Frank Bailey’s book, Blind Allegiance, illustrates the importance of separating a belief in God and responsibility to govern using all available knowledge, resources, and judgment.

Mr. Bailey explained in Blind Allegiance that he had been an Evangelical Christian before working for Palin.

After becoming devoted to working for Palin he abandoned his wife and two kids to focus on Palin. He admits he engaged in behavior that was contrary to what he knew to be right. While he admits to a “ton of mistakes” he declares that writing this book was part of his “return to God.”  He also explained that although he originally thought that “God had chosen her”  he realized that she was “erratic” “vindictive” and “unethical.”

Mr. Bailey has now been credited with writing a best-selling book, making potentially thousands of dollars because he found Jesus and returned to his religious roots. Thus the notion of God has now been used by Bailey to justify working for Palin, telling lies, playing dirty tricks, disparaging innocent people, breaking campaign rules, and supporting a candidate that he knew was incompetent and would be disastrous if promoted to higher office. He allowed her to run and potentially become the Vice President of the United States, without speaking up. We can praise Bailey for “finding Jesus” and writing this book, but the fact that he is no longer working for Palin, and making a lot of money off of this book, would suggest that he is vindictive and unethical too. He is not donating the proceeds of this book to his church. As Palin prepares to run for the highest office in the land, it’s great that he came forward. However Steve Schmidt came forward AFTER the campaign and Bailey is coming forward AFTER he no longer has a job with Palin. Frank Bailey, like Steve Schmidt and John McCain helped put Sarah Palin in a position to do damage to our country of “epic” proportion.

As we read about the travesty of Sarah Palin as Governor, and all the scheming and unethical behavior in which she engaged, we should pause to consider the fact that Sarah Palin didn’t go to church and pray that Walt Monegan would resign. Instead Sarah Palin “knowingly, as that term is defined in … statutes, permitted Todd Palin to use the Governor’s office and the resources of the Governor’s office, including access to state employees, to continue to contact subordinate state employees in an effort to find some way to get Trooper Wooten fired. She abused her power and permitted a situation to continue where “impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda.”

Sarah Palin didn’t go to church and pray that the neighbor who complained about excessive tourist traffic near the governor’s mansion would drop her complaint. Palin sent Piper out to sell lemonade, and then used her position to accuse the neighbor of protesting children playing. Palin’s actions caused bloggers, not religious leaders, to describe the neighbor as being “sick” “unhinged” and “drug-addicted”. 

When she didn’t want a mosque built in N.Y. she didn’t simply pray about it, she took to her facebook and voiced her concern on Fox News. When she opposed Nationalized Health Care she told lies about “Death Panels” instead of simply praying to God that he would ensure that Congress would vote against it. When she was Mayor and wanted to obtain earmarks for Wasilla she hired a lobbyist for that very purpose instead of praying to God that he would build the infrastructure Wasilla desired. When Wasilla received Millions of Dollars in earmarks it was not because of the prayers of Sarah Palin, it was the direct result of the money she spent paying a lobbyist. When a scandal broke regarding Todd Palin and a prostitute, Palin didn’t go to church and pray for divine intervention, she called her lawyer, and got him to get the Anchorage Police Department to issue a false press release that was likely to create the impression that Todd was not involved with Shailey Tripp.

Conversely, when Barack Obama promised to find and kill Osama bin Laden, he may have prayed for God’s help, but he took action. For months he directed US military to devote substantial effort to finding bin Laden, and then planned and directed a well though out and rehearsed mission. When bin Laden was killed it was not an act of God, it was the result of an expert team of Navy Seals who were highly skilled and trained using that skill and training. They may have said a prayer on the helicopter as they approached bin Laden’s compound, but the attack could never have been accomplished and would surely have not been successful if we had relied upon religious leaders to kill bin Laden.

If prayer was the solution to the country’s many problems we would have no problems. Millions of people across the United States have said billions of prayers hoping for the end of military, economic, and social problems. If prayer was the solution we would not need Sarah Palin to occupy any political position, we would simply ask her to go to church and devote herself to prayer. If prayer were the solution she would not need to ask her fans to donate millions of dollars to the SaraPAC so that she could fly on private planes and ride in chauffer driven limos. Instead she would simply ask them to pray.

Frank Bailey seems to have returned to God and religion, written a book, and is positioned to make a lot of money. God and religion have been used by Mr. Bailey and the Half-Term Ex-Governor to justify many corrupt and immoral things in the past. The outrageous thing is that both are still using God and religion to justify their behavior. God may forgive them for past transgressions, but our country can not afford to be so forgiving. We must stand up and say “NO MORE”. Leave God and religion as a private matter to be between the individual and their God. We can no longer afford to elect leaders that we perceive to be the “holiest” but we must seek out those who are the smartest, most experienced, the most ethical, and the most inspiring patriots.  If we fail to do so, the downfall of the United States of America will not be the result of God’s wrath, but our own foolishness.

20 thoughts on “Bailey’s Book Teaches An Important Lesson

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  1. Frank Bailey learned a hard lesson. He was on Lawrence O’Donnell’s show last night, and I saw a man who is sick of what he’s done, and repentant for his previous behavior.
    I believe him.

    He learned the first rule of blind devotion – You are not in control. You are not a person. You do not have a say. You have a use, and are useless beyond it. That is $arah’s belief, and it took him four years to see it, but he finally joined the human race.

    $arah’s got serious problems if she thinks she has a snowball’s chance in the general election. If she did, she doesn’t any more. Republicans are tying themselves in knots about the Ryan “budget”, and just by association, if you are Republican, you are a Ryan “budget” supporter (after all, all but four Republicans voted for it).
    Bailey’s book will resonate for months – longer, if people keep it there. The Ryan “budget” will haunt Republicans all the way to November 2012.

    $arah’s so stupid, she’ll say something in defense of the indefensible. Count on it.


  2. Excellent and so very true Malia.

    Prayer does NOT solve problems – it may help us carry the weight of those proplems or refocus our thinking to come up with a solution. I feel God, Jesus and Holy Spirit have a lot more pressing issues to deal with: wars, famine, Darfur, polar bears becoming extinct, than the traffic on my street. (However I do have several potholes I’d like Him to fill. Do you think maybe I should call the City? Nevermind – that would be another
    “unanswered prayer)

    I just read Mudflats Chat with Frank Bailey and asked:

    Despite the Christian Conservative vs Liberal Left “tags”, how did you find common ground? Do either of you see a way to heal the rift in our heated political discourse? How can we reach out to each other to work TOGETHER rather than constantly fight?

    Many times we keep trying to redirect focus on the issues – yet when it comes to Palin, you can’t fight issues because she never clearly states her position. Her record is so convoluted and skewed – was for it before being against it, death panels for end of life wishes, commonsense conservative lobbying for DC dollars, etc. Smaller government, less regulation and stand between a woman’s choice.


    1. Enjay in E MT,
      I think the answer is that her only position is to believe in God and believe in her. I don’t think she cares that she would be a disastrous President, she is only thinking about the celebrity status of being President. After all even the worst President in the history of the US is stil a president. Malia


      1. “After all even the worst President in the history of the US is stil a president”

        …even if he got there dishonestly.


  3. What a great post! Apparently, people don’t read the bible or they read and don’t understand what they read. Here are passages that I think back up your entire post.

    “Therefore do not worry, saying, ; What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we wear? For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. ( Matthew 6:31-33)

    “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: the neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!” ( Luke 12:22-24)

    “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” ( Matthew 6:34)

    “And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to the span of life?” ( Luke 12:25)

    “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” ( John 14:27)


      1. Thanks, but I cannot take credit as I found them at this site as I could not remember the quotes myself.

        As a kid, I was raised as Southern Baptist and lived next door to the church. My father was a faithful believer in God and the bible. He would recite the Lord’s prayer each night before going to bed and before eating he would give thanks and ask God to bless the less fortunate. Simple man and very faithful. However, I’m the polar opposite but I do keep my father teachings close to heart. I no longer believe in religion but I do believe in love and that a Higher Power does exist.

        Even as a child, I found myself questioning the bible (I once read the entire bible within a day) and I just found it to be, as I would put it back then, not logical. If God is love, to me, you cannot destroy entire civilizations of men, women and children so that your chosen people can inhabit a particular piece of land. It never set right with me. I would ask my father questions and if he didn’t know the answer, he would just say “Never question God”. Well, being the little thinker that I am, I could not accept that answer, especially, as I grew older.
        Anyhoo, my father was a good man and he never pushed his faith on me but he would suggest I attend church every once in a while but he never pound it into me what I must and should do. I never even had a curfew growing up other than letting him and my mother know where I would be. He always taught us to love everyone and treat people the way we wanted to be treated. This is how I try to live my life and as such, I have no need for religion. I always try to wear a smile on my face (it’s been fading a bit lately hahaha) and try my best to be sincere and kind to everyone I meet. If God is love and love is unconditional, then, that is what I believe in. Love is the most powerful thing in the universe and we cannot live without. Even the devil LOVES to hate! 🙂 Sorry, for going on a tangent. However, it’s good to share your life with good people and bad (if they listen) and Malia, I think you to be a most wonderful person. Keep fighting the good fight. 🙂


      2. Primogen,
        Thank you for your kindness and your viewership. I have to admit there are days when I feel very discouraged, especially when dealing with the corruption that I see. But when I see comments like yours I am inspired and want to carry on. Malia


  4. “Frank Bailey seems to have returned to God and religion, written a book, and is positioned to make a lot of money.”

    I kinda doubt his co-authors Jeanne Devon and Ken Morris collaborated with Bailey on this book gratis, free of charge.

    As far as I’m concerned, Frank Bailey is The Prodigal Son.


  5. “We can no longer afford to elect leaders that we perceive to be the “holiest” but we must seek out those who are the smartest, most experienced, the most ethical, and the most inspiring patriots. If we fail to do so, the downfall of the United States of America will not be the result of God’s wrath, but our own foolishness.”

    This is so very correct. It is why religion should not be mixed into politics, and Palin, and people like her who use it need to be called out and exposed constantly. The sad part is that these people who use religion and scream xtianity from the tops of mountains, are far from the real thing, they are out grandstanding, power brokering, and manipulating sheeple, while raking in huge sums of money. They give xtianity a bad name. I thank Bailey for telling the truth about Palin, (something McCain will NEVER do because he cannot afford to politically) but Bailey and “his God connection”–oh well-la la la.

    EXCEPTIONAL POST. As always, thank you.


  6. I get a little confused when I hear political people saying God told them to do something. I thought God gave everyone free will. The idea was that we had to figure things out, make our own choices and just keep learning. When a politician brings God into an argument, it’s usually because he/she can’t come up with facts or a good argument to support their position.


  7. This post should go viral. There’s a reason for the seperation of church and state, and the pendulum, unfortuanately, has swung too far right. Orgaized Religion allows people to shift their conscience and abandon their responsabilities. People will attend services, read their holy books, and at the same time avoid eye contact with the disenfranchised, hungy, and homeless. They’ll give food around the holidays, or toss some coins in a kettle thinking they’re fulfilling God’s mandate. Hunger and poverty never take a holiday, people are poor and hungry everyday, and a few coins at Christmas, some spare canned goods and a employee supplied turkey generously donated with the best of intention s at Easter are just people sootheing their coscience, yet they can quote scripture chapter and verse, and gossip about who’s wearing what in God’s house.

    Thanks for another great post, it’s an angle I didn’t notice, and it’s all true.


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