Shailey Tripp’s Book is Available

I haven’t read the book yet, but Shailey Tripp just let me know that her book is available at Amazon if you might be intersted.

9 thoughts on “Shailey Tripp’s Book is Available

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  1. Looks like it is her 32 page short story thingie about some of the struggles she’s gone through. Good for her to publish it – but most of us are still waiting for her to spill more Palin-related stuff. That’s what we’d pay the big bucks for! I think she has some legal restrictions on that until July. Maybe later this summer? We can only hope.


  2. This has nothing to do with anything we’re interested in. It’s probably filled with misspellings, grammar mishaps, and giant run-ons that make up her blog. Higher education my ass.


    1. Frank,
      I haven’t seen the book, but I promised Shailey that I would let everyone know about it. Malia


    2. Neither does your post, Frank. Many readers here are interested in Todd Palin, which is what Shailey’s new book is about. Your reference to “misspellings, grammar mishaps (sic), and giant run-ons that make up her blog” contradicts your claim that you are not interested, since you clearly have read her blog and troll this site. So then what might be your motive for pretending not to be interested when everything you say points to the opposite conclusion? Obviously to dissuade anyone who might wish to read her book from doing so. That’s the thing about trolls. You claim to be an interested reader, ready to offer up advice and concern, when your actual motives are as transparent as pee on a window pane. It would be so nice if just once you guys, instead of lurking in the shadows, would be honest and say, “I love Sarah Palin and no matter what anyone says about her I choose to believe she is wonderful, so take your anti-Palin drivel and leave me alone!”
      Now that kind of honesty would be downright refreshing.


  3. Where is her book about Todd?
    This movie thing is making me anxious and angry. Someone on IM said it’s going to be in movie theaters. Is this a nightmare? Seriously, will she ever go away?


  4. I’m all for anyone that’s under Sarah’s skin taking some of her oxygen. I’d buy her book over Bristol’s anyday. Say what you want about Shailey, she’s a single mother who is brutally honest and doing what she can to make a life for her kids with the resources available to her.


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