Sarah Palin Proves Herself a Heartless Fool!

Callous is the word that comes to mind as we read Sarah Palin’s post today regarding the death of Mrs. Cathy, billionaire, wife of deceased founder of Chick-fil-A restaurant. Mr. Cathy was 93. He died at home, “surrounded by family.” His wife just passed at 92. She died in a hospital surrounded by her family. She and Mr. Cathy were married 65 years.

**HFR CHICK-FIL-A TRUETT CATHY**Chick-Fil-A founder Truett Cathy reacts during an interview at his corporate headquarters office in Hapeville, Ga., Wednesday, July 26, 2006. The fast-food chain's restaurants close on Sundays to give employees a day of rest, a business decision 85-year-old Cathy said has been a big factor in the company's success, by sticking to his doctrine of considering people before profits. (AP Photo/Ric Feld)
**HFR CHICK-FIL-A TRUETT CATHY**Chick-Fil-A founder Truett Cathy reacts during an interview at his corporate headquarters office in Hapeville, Ga., Wednesday, July 26, 2006. The fast-food chain’s restaurants close on Sundays to give employees a day of rest, a business decision 85-year-old Cathy said has been a big factor in the company’s success, by sticking to his doctrine of considering people before profits. (AP Photo/Ric Feld)

When Mr. Cathy died he left a fortune of 6 Billion dollars behind. Mr. Cathy had been on Forbes magazine’s list of the wealthiest Americans in the country. While death is never a good thing, we should all live to be 93, die at home with our family all around, and leave 6 BILLION DOLLARS to support our family for generations to come. Mrs. Cathy live to be 92 years old and was married 65 years. Few people in the world have the blessing of living long enough to be married 65 years. It is no secret that Mr. Cathy became famous for his religious views. His restaurants were closed on Sundays. He also became the center of controversy because of his homophobic remarks that landed his business in “hot water” two years ago. In July 2012, Cathy made headlines when he said “guilty as charged” in response to a question about whether the company was in “support of the traditional family.” The quip led to boycotts of the restaurant chain by equality supporters.

He later said that he regretted his remarks. He said:

“Every leader goes through different phases of maturity, growth and development and it helps by (recognizing) the mistakes that you make,” Cathy told the AJC. “And you learn from those mistakes. If not, you’re just a fool. I’m thankful that I lived through it and I learned a lot from it.”

Sarah Palin seems to have forgotten that Mr. Cathy realized his mistake, and apologized.

palin chick filet

Sarah Palin proves herself heartless, as she failed to mention any prayers for the families of the two women who were killed in Lafayette while they sat watching a movie. Jillian Johnson, 33, and Mayci Breaux, 21, were just two of the three people who died at the hands of the shooter John Russel “Rusty” Houser. 11 people were shot in this senseless act of violence Three died.

victims of shooooting louisiana

It is a loss when a 92 year old woman dies. It is a tragedy when two young, vibrant women are senselessly killed at a movie theater.

Why wouldn’t Sarah reach out to their families and express her remorse. Perhaps the answer is that Rusty Houser was a member of the Tea Party and demonstrated he had a “twisted mind.” Mr. Houser was a frequent online commenter, with numerous posts on immigration, free speech, and his fears about America’s future. He was registered as a member of the Tea Party Nation and held strong views on race, immigration, and the future of America. Regardless of the political views of Mr. Houser, the loss of life in Louisiana was tragic, and the victims had no political connections.

All of America mourns the loss of life and those injured in Louisiana. All of America feels victimized by yet another senseless act of violence at the hands of a deranged gunman. Even if Houser was incited by the extreme positions of the Tea Party, he was clearly not targeting his victims due to their political positions. The taking of these innocent lives was a tragedy for all of America, regardless of the political affiliations of any person. Sarah Palin has shown herself to be a fool by bringing attention to the anticipated death of an elderly wealthy woman, and failing to express any sympathy for the unexpected loss of life of two very young women. Their combined ages were 54 years old. Together they lived less than Ms. Cathy by 38 years. Their combined net worth would be less than the market fluctuation of Mrs. Cathy’s net worth on a single day. Mrs. Cathy died in the peace of a hospital room surrounded by family. These two women in Lafayette were violently murdered at the hands of a crazed gunman.

houser gunman louisiana

3 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Proves Herself a Heartless Fool!

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  1. Do Phylicia Rashad and Sarah Palin read newspapers together????

    the level of denial these two women have in common is appalling. what a shame. two very attractive popular women caught up in the disease of denial, like its all they’ve ever known. what a waste.


  2. Sarah would rather show her support for Chick-Fil-A instead of sending a condolence to the families of the two young women who were killed. Even for Sarah that is a new low but it shouldn’t be a surprise. Sarah just doesn’t get it, never has, and never will.
    P.S. It’s doubtful the Cathy family even gives a shit whether or not Sarah posted condolences for Mrs. Cathy on Facebook. Sarah would never say anything about the Tea Party member who committed the senseless crime.


  3. Has $arah commented on any civilian mass shooting since her infamous “blood libel” screech? Heck, after Sandy Hook she went out and bought Tawd a new rifle “because she could” and crowed about it. What a slap in the face to those families.

    She’s not about to comment; she thrives on it. Look at her recent “CROSSHAIRS ARE BACK” Facebook post. She is one nasty, vile person, and all in the name of God? Yeah right.


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