Who Needs a Republican Campaign When We Have God to Decide?

Republican candidates agree on one thing! Whatever happens will be God’s will.


When Sarah Palin was chosen as McCain’s V.P., it was God’s Plan. When McCain lost the election, that was God’s plan too. Palin explained … “it was in God’s hands.” Evidently God washed his hands of Sarah Palin long ago. Now he has used his clean hands to slam the door in her face when she contemplated running for President. Let’s just hope that the whispers of the Holy Spirit telling her to just “go away” can be heard over her cries of distress.

All the polls agree that Hermain Cain, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry are the Republican frontrunners. It seems that they all agree … God has chosen each to be President. God selected Rick Perry.


He selected Michele Bachmann. She said:

“I am a Christian, as is my husband. I became a Christian when I was 16 years old. I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. Since that time, I’ve been a person of prayer. And so when I pray, I pray believing that God will speak to me and give me an answer to that prayer. That’s what a calling is. If I pray, a calling means that I feel like I have a sense from God.

It’s eerie how tight Bachmann is with the Almighty.

Herman Cain believes the decision is in God’s hands.

Even Mitt Romney has explained that God did not intend this country to be a nation of followers. He uses God to justify his position that we need more soldiers, 100,000, to fight and kill people. If God tells Mitt Romney how many more soldiers we need to kill and be killed, then it isn’t a stretch to understand that God also chooses the President.

Campaigning, spending money, giving speeches, and kissing babies seems blasphemous. If God knows who should win, then he will inspire voters to pick the chosen one in the GOP Primary. If any candidate tries to convince people to vote for them, that might be contrary to God’s will. Why don’t the Republicans just suspend each of their campaigns, go to church and pray until the date of the primary, and donate all their campaign money to reducing the national debt? Here’s an even better idea. Why don’t they all go to church and stay there praying until November of 2 012?

19 thoughts on “Who Needs a Republican Campaign When We Have God to Decide?

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  1. They just don’t see the irony of God choosing each one of them for president.It sure shows that they tell God what to say and not the other way round.It’s so sad that they actually get away with this.Stop them Malia!


    1. Robert,
      I wish someone would ask them at the next debate if there is a way we could determine what God sounds like so we could tell who he was really talking to?


  2. as my granddaughter kindly pointed out – “Why would God choose the dumbest people to run for president? I thought he knew everything…. Why wouldn’t he choose to talk to someone smarter?”


  3. Malia, I think your idea they go to church to pray instead of campaigning is divine. (pun intended)
    My spirituality is more God helps those who help themselves e.g. opening a geography book if one aspires to be POTUS. Perhaps a conviction God chose you alone is distorted to explain away entitlement.

    I read a disturbing essay at C4P about Palin is the “We the People” one admonishing people for questioning God’s decision. Palin was like Abraham and shall be president rewarded by God. The greater message was send money, keep believing she is the leader of the free world for it is God’s will she not be shackled serving corporate donors and serve God not running.

    The piece sounded like heavy brainwashing manipulating guilt for questioning God and his plan Palin be president when He decides.

    Well, god gave man free will.


      1. And they tell you they want smaller government but they all want to join it.They want smaller government but they want to monitor every pregnancy.Smells pretty bad in those terms doesn’t it?


      2. Neil,
        Yes they want to tell you when you need to have a sonogram, but they are all in favor of less governmental regulation …except with regard to reproductive health.


  4. You forgot to mention Herman, aka Herb, Cain, an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church North, in Atlanta, but perhaps his God is the Federal Reserve?

    Love your democrat poster.


  5. God gave us the ability to learn and free will. We make decisions and enjoy or suffer the consequences. These “God told me” politicians seem to leave out the learning and free will. So they’re just like dogs sniffing fire hydrants because God made them that way.


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