Rick Perry Rap

In case you hadn’t seen this one, you might enjoy this rap at Rick Perry’s expense.

3 thoughts on “Rick Perry Rap

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  1. Well, that was pretty good. I also clicked on the 1988 Ron Paul interview. I love that he says federal income tax is the worst thing ever. The interviewer asks how could we fund what that would take away. His answer – new taxes. Wow! So you take away income tax and still tax me just calling it another name. Brilliant!

    I work with a lib and it makes him sick that we give money to the poor, etc. He feels very strongly that we should voluntarily give money to the poor. When you ask him what he would give money to he says things like the NRA. Somehow I don’t think that that is going to help.

    The interviewer also stated that there were 30k people living on the streets (I assume where they were doing the interview) & RP says that they are there because of the welfare system. I think that all these people forget that many of the homeless are mentally ill. They may not want treatment but how could it possibly be wrong to feed & cloth them?

    What would we do with all the children born to poor people. Should we just let them starve? The children have done nothing.

    Oh yeah, & privatize social security. Glad that didn’t happen or all the money probably wouldn’t be there for sure. My girlfriend’s son is a cop & he rolled over his 401k plan (from another job – non-cop related). Guess what happened to it? Enron. No need to say anything else.

    Okay, off my soap box. RP just tees me off with his simplistic views of utopia. Yeah, the people pulling million dollar bonus really are going to share that with their employees – NOT!


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