The Anchorage Police Admit Misstatements!

Dave Parker of the Anchorage Police returned the phone call I placed yesterday to Mr. Mew, the Police Chief.  Officer Parker confirmed that he is the person responsible for the Press Release issued to the National Enquirer.  He explained that issuing press releases is part of his job as the “Public Information Officer.”  He explained that the police department has a “Web Master” who determines the content of the web site.  Mr. Parker never sent the National Enquirer Press Release to the Web Master for her consideration to include in the public web site.

Officer Parker indicated that after the National Enquirer story involving Todd Palin and Shailey Tripp was published, the Anchorage Police Department was contacted by the attorney for Sarah Palin who he believes was Thomas Van Flein.  The attorney asked them to review their records, and if there was not a mention of Todd Palin’s name, to then issue a press release accordingly.  This task was given to Dave Parker as the Public Information Officer.

Before issuing the press release Dave Parker reviewed the records regarding the arrest that were readily available to him on his computer.  He spoke to Sergeant Cathy Lacy, and the Vice Squad.  He also reviewed the paperwork that he perceived was the paperwork seized.  He was not aware of, and did not review, “office calendars” but he did review “loose leaf” notebooks that contained client names and numbers.  He thought that computers and cell phones were seized, but made no attempt to review any information on any of them.  Thus if Todd Palin’s name or phone number appeared on the computer or the cell phones, he would not know.  He didn’t mention any photography in the information reviewed.  Of course if pages had been removed from the “loose leaf” notebooks, he would have no way of knowing about that.

There seemed to be some confusion about the case number on the computer he was using, and indicated he would need to do further checking and would call me back.  He did call back and confirmed that there is a police number and a court case number.

Officer Parker confirmed that the Officer Billiet was the officer who had spoken with William Fortier when the initial call was made regarding possible prostitution activities.  Dave Parker did not know about Officer Billiet’s involvement or his tip from William Fortier.  Thus Dave Parker confirmed that he did not have all the information when he prepared the press release for the National Enquirer.  Officer Parker confirmed that no attempt was made by him, and to his knowledge, by anyone with the Anchorage Police Department, to check the computer records or cell phone records of either Kashawn Thomas or Shailey Tripp.  Thus he confirmed that the names of many people could be on the computer or cell phones seized, but he would not know about that.  Thus if Todd Palin’s name appeared on the cell phone or lap top of Shailey Tripp, Officer Parker was not in a position to confirm or deny that.  He did say that “Rabid” anti-Palin people might try to “conjur” something up.  He did confirm that the cell phones and computer would be returned when both cases are closed, and that there would be no reason for any phone numbers or names to have been deleted.

In conclusion, the Press Release issued by the APD was inaccurate and misleading.  The “evidence” seized, and “examined” by the APD did include cell phones and computers, but they were not “examined” to determine if the name of Todd Palin appeared on them.    There WAS a call place to the Anchorage Police Department that ultimately led to the arrest of Shailey Tripp and Kashawn Thomas.   Officer Parker just didn’t have all the information available at the time he prepared and issued the press release to the National Enquirer.

I appreciate the call from Officer Parker, and his willingness to answer questions.


194 thoughts on “The Anchorage Police Admit Misstatements!

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      1. Dude, they do it to themselves. People are responsible for their own behavior. Any other way of thinking is retarded.


      1. KatieAnnieOakley,
        If anyone was in doubt…the APD remembered me! I had called them when I was coming to Anchorage for the book signing to alert them to the potential for a problem, and they began the conversation by asking me if I was the one who had recently been to Anchorage. They knew who I was! Malia


    1. Great. And good job Malia. This once again plays to my favorite position, “it never hurts to ask,” and wow …. you got an answer!


  1. Remarkable display of deliberate derliction of duty in providing false information to a single media outlet.

    APD must be proud of Officer Parker.


      1. Malia, Great job!

        I would like to ask: how did Parker seem on the phone? Was this situation normal” for him, or did he seem at all ashamed or nervous of having issued the very peculiar and incomplete statement “on-demand”, as it were, for a single “client”?


      2. Lidia,
        He did ask me if I was a lawyer, and if I knew criminal law. In general he seemed to be very forthcoming, and didn’t seem to attempt to hide the fact that he might not have seen all the records. It was almost as if he had done what he was asked to do by someone higher up, but there was not request that he dig very deep. I got the impression that the people giving him the orders didn’t want him to find anything, and they were happy with his report. It wasn’t until those “rabid” anti-Palin people made a stink about the misstatements that there was even an issue. Malia


  2. Excellent Job Malia! I figured they would telephone you. I could not see that the police dept. wanted anything in writing….perhaps they learned their lesson. Wonder if there will be a retraction printed in the NE if Mr. Parker follows up on his mis-statements.


    1. avahome,
      If they are smart they will issue a retraction. If not the NE is in a really good position to cry “foul”. Malia


  3. Malia,

    Please check with the higher ups. Mr. parker answering the question is HIGHLY dubious, at best. Its like asking the fox if he raided the hen house.


    1. sjk,
      Mr. Parker told me that he was returning the call for the chief of police, who I called yesterday and left my name and number. I never called mr. Parker directly, so I think we can presume that the Chief really told him to call. Malia


  4. So, when will Officer Parker issue a correction to the media, especially the ADN, Associated Press, Fox News, and other MSM outlets.


    1. dlbinpdx, you took the words out of my mouth!! The corrected release should also be directed to The Enquirer!

      Since when, upon receiving a call from ‘who he believes’ was VanFlea, does anyone make a Press Release to clear a ‘citizen’. This sounds like it should be taken further up the chain of command under a ‘complaint’ or ‘ethics’ matter. Do you think if it was some other Mainstreet citizen, the police would jump hoops to release a Presser. Not highly likely.


      1. Isn’t it SIMPLY AMAZING that they jumped when VanFlea told them to? Gosh-golly-gee-whiz, I wonder WHO WOULD HAVE HAD VAN FLEA CALL APD??


    2. dlbinpdx,
      I don’t know. We will see just how long it takes. If the police are trying to be fair and impartial, we should see a retraction today. malia


  5. Well, I will say that I am shocked that he actually spoke to you. It is sad but it doesn’t really matter anymore (not to us but to the bots) because once it was announced people already listened & made up their minds then. They aren’t going to be looking for the truth at this late date.

    After all if you can’t believe the police who can you believe?

    Why is everything that surrounds the Palins so gosh darn bizarre?


    1. I did not, for one moment, think Malia would receive a hard-copy reply; if it ain’t in writing, it didn’t happen… or she misunderstood… or he was misquoted… blah, blah, blah….


    1. debOH,
      Thanks I am thrilled to do it. It is days like this that I feel my time and effort really make a difference. It is because of people like you who read regularly, that we can spread the word across the country. Thank YOU!! Malia


    1. sjk,
      I don’t know but I guess we will see if my letter, or the letters of those who send them in following this interview, will inspire them to issue a retraction of the Press Release! Malia


  6. “Officer Parker just didn’t have all the information available at the time he prepared and issued the press release to the National Enquirer.”

    Sorry…not buying it at all. that is what the police are supposed to do….have the facts or no comment. he went rogue on the PR….


    1. sjk,
      I couldn’t agree more! An officer of the law should not need a blogger from Texas to inform him of what his own records show. Malia


  7. So if they didn’t examine the cell phone and laptop, why did they seize them? Didn’t they think there might be evidence there? They were looking for a “prostitution ring,” right? Didn’t they think that cell phone records might be involved?

    They looked everywhere except where there was most likely to be evidence.


    1. Ivyfree,
      Exactly my point! Why seize them if they weren’t going to use them. One could argue that they didn’t need them because the defendants plead “no-contest.” However if the computer and cell phone records would have relevance to a case against one of the women, I don’t know why the same records wouldn’t have some relevance in a case against a man who went to this place to take advantage of their services. Malia


      1. I assume that is because they don’t routinely waste their time busting johns. Cops seize everything, but they don’t spend hours and days pouring over the records like it’s watergate. Can you imagine if they had to go through the cell phone records and computer hard drives of every hooker, pimp, drug dealer, and pornographer they ever busted?

        There shouldn’t have been a statement by the police AT ALL. And if they did make one, it should have not sounded like an exoneration of Todd, it should have simply said that at this particular time he is not a person of interest and it is their policy not to comment on evidence in open investigations, period.

        Palin money closes mouths and cases. They made a phone call and was assured they would get a favorable press release. But theoretically, if somebody in power had a political vendetta against the Palins, then they could do some digging. Todd was part of Sarah’s political team and if they could prove that those “business contacts” of Todd’s who were getting free massages paid for by Todd were also connected to official state business, then that would be a big deal. But stuff like this rarely gets exposed.

        When I first read all over the internet that this story would explode, I tempered my excitement when I heard Sarah, after a long deathly silence, flatly deny the story. And I knew, at that point she’s confident it’s going nowhere. Sure, this is bad press for the Palins, and they ended up as a late night joke. But the way they look at it, at least they got out of legal hot water and this will eventually die down like everything else. But…of course not before Shailey is done telling her tail.


      2. Samantha,
        Palin didn’t deny the truth of the story until the police issued this statement. thus it seems she puts more credibility in the police than Todd. Now that we know how credible the police statement is, and Todd still hasn’t denied the events, it looks pretty bad for the Palins. Malia


      3. C’mon, folks. Both of you know WHY those items weren’t checked – APD knew who’s names would be on the phone(s)/computer(s) (and I ain’t just thinking about Tawdy Todd!).

        If they looked at the detailed info, they’d be in one h-e-l-l of a pickle.


      4. But she knows he’s cheating, and so has she. She waited until the police statement, (which she helped create), because she wanted to quash the story. It was no indication really of what she thought of Todd. Todd doesn’t need to comment on anything because he hasn’t been arrested.


      5. Samantha,
        You are right he hasn’t been arrested, and neither has any man who visited the house of prostitution. What does that say about the attitude of the police regarding men and women involved in prostitution??? Malia


  8. Hi Malia –
    You are one persistent lady. Also helps to be very smart!! Sounds like maybe he was intimidated into making that statement by Palin’s attorney. Wonder how often that sort of thing happens with that family! I would say really often. Thank you for continuing on this – it is not over yet I can see. He needs to make another statement and clarify things.
    Didn’t he say the items would be returned to the owners when the case was closed? I thought Shailey’s had been closed sometime last summer. Have not read or heard anything about Thomas’s case – have you?


    1. Pat,
      My understanding from Officer Parker is that Kashawn Thomas’ case is now closed, but he doesn’t think the items seized have been returned as they also relate to Shailey Tripp’s case. As I understand it Ms. Tripp’s case has a couple of more weeks before it will be closed, but as long as she meets the terms of probation, she will remain on “probation” until the deadline passes. I think that will be around Mr. 4th-10th. Malia


    1. VirginiaVoter,
      It seems the more we learn the more we have proof that the truth is not the motivation for anything Palin does! The more we learn, the more unethical she appears to be. Malia


    2. Actually, I want to respond to KAO, but somehow there is no reply button there…

      Anyway: I would say: “Don’t hold your breath” – because they VERY likely will delete certain names/evidences – and if they get caught in it, they will simply say “Ooops! We don’t know what happened…”!


  9. Excellent work.

    So someone pulled the chain, and out comes a statement.


    ‘Hey guys I’m working on a statement about this story in the NE. ‘

    (poker face): ‘Which story is that???’

    ‘The story in the NE about the Palins and that prostitution thing’

    ‘So the additional search and arrest warrants we requested nine months ago finally got approved?’

    ‘Not exactly.’

    ‘So this is about the lost evidence then?’

    ‘Not exactly’

    ‘What is it about then?’

    ‘ Well someone upstairs got a call from the Palin’s attorney and they have requested a statement that states they are not involved in any way. That is what this is about’



    1. loonwatcher,
      Yes, I think that is the only thing we can be sure of at this point which is that the statement was issued at the request of Palin’s attorney, and truth was not important to the message. I guess we should have come to expect that. Malia


  10. Malia, once again I congratulate you on your dedication to reporting truth and seeking out facts wherever they hide.

    So, from his new post working for a newly elected Congressional Representative from AZ, Van Flein is able to direct the APD’s activities. In his ‘earnestness’ to obey the directives of Van Flein, the APD representative missed some relevant details. The official APD press release was then very good for Todd and Sarah Palin and very bad for the truth.

    Nicely done Malia!


    1. mxm,
      EXactly, and its even more significant to me that Sarah wouldn’t respond to the allegations until the police issued this releasse. If they issue a retraction…do you think Sarah will?


  11. Outstanding work. It answers a key question (at least from my view) about WHY he issued the sloppy press release in the first place. It sounds very much like Van Flein simply ASKED him to.

    My dream now is this followup request. Could you please review not only your “records”, but the evidence itself (computers/cell phones), and if Todd Palin’s name does appear, could you please issue a press release to that effect?

    Again, great work.


    1. Lynn,
      I don’t expect that we will ever see the accurate phone or computer records. I expect they will mysteriously disappear before they are produced. I think the fact that the police department says they never looked at the computer or cell phone records, in spite of these allegations, is some evidence that in fact that they did, and didn’t want to see what they found. Malia


      1. “…We don’t know if pages are missing from the notebooks…”.

        You can count on the hard discs already having been wiped clean… military-style. “Lithium battery missing.”

        The phone battery drained and lost all the data… the SIM card, if any, was “mishandled.”

        Shailey and KaShawn need to request their phone records from their respective cell phone service providers before that magic one-year is up. Some companies can go back longer, but it seems one year is the golden standard. Of course, serving them with a warrant / process of Discovery they can go back farther, but not so much for us mere mortals accessing old records.

        Still can’t get over how this sounds like a small town, podunk, rinky-dink p.d.


      2. Katie Annie Oakley,
        I can’t report all I know but it may not be as easy as you might think to get phone records. Malia


    1. SME131,
      I have the e-mail of the reporter with the NE who wrote this story,and yes, I have already sent him the link to the post. Hope they ask for a retraction from the ‘APD. Malia


    1. It Could Happen In America,
      Exactly, how hard was that? Why didn’t someone in the MSM make that call? I think we know the answer. Malia


  12. So will the APD release another statement to the National Enquirer?
    How about look to see whose names appears in the computer or cell phone?

    YeeeeHawwww, Hot dang it, don’t fork with Malia Litman. You go girl!

    This does not look like it is going to be Sarah Palin’s year.


    1. Wyona,
      It does make me mad that the Anchorage Police Department issued this statement that was misleading and tended to totally discredit Ms. Tripp,and to vindicate Todd. I don’t know the truth, but clearly the police are not willing to disclose the truth. Malia


    2. I don’t believe Todd’s name will show up on ANY records as “Todd Palin…” But I am quite sure one of his (known…) phone numbers will!


  13. “He did say that “Rabid” anti-Palin people might try to “conjur” something up. ”

    Not usually necessary.
    She manages to do just fine all by herself.

    So instead of those “”rabid” anti-Palin people might try to “conjur” something up”; what happened was that this statement itself was conjured up by the APD in response to a request from an interested party.


  14. Thanks Malia.
    Palin’s people called the police for a press release???Officer Parker’s answer is sloppy, casual and unprofessional and useless.Why issue a press release if he he wasn’t going to study the evidence first.This new message to you seems even more suspicious .
    Are you scratching your head at this point?I am.


    1. Totally UNPROFESSIONAL … SO people who want a full examination of this criminal activity and possible involvement are RABID ????

      That is insulting ….. to citizens isn’t it?

      Is the police RABID when they investigate crimes too, or is it just anti-Palin people who are RABID?


    2. Erica from Dallas,
      My impression is that they issued the press release to get Palin’s attorney off of their back, and they simply thought that people would accept whatever they said. If we hadn’t checked their own records, and called them on the misrepresentations, they could have continued on without anyone noticing. The fact that NE dropped the story conveys to me that the police force tends to be believed even though they might not have earned the trust of others. Malia


    3. Erica,
      Yes I was surprised that he called, but I asked my assistant to listen in on the call and take notes too in case there was ever a dispute about what he told me. I also told Officer Parker that my assistant was on the phone, so we were clear about who was on the phone and he knew that I was taking notes. At one point he even asked if I was an attorney, and if so what kind. Malia


    1. pvaz, In my letter, that was posted earlier today on this blog, I asked the police chief for publish a retraction, so we will see if that happens. I didn’t specifically ask Dave for a retraction when I talked to him, but felt he should WANT to issue a retraction. He also said that the Press Release had been sent to several sources, including the National Enquirer, so I am guessing that if a retraction were to be issued that it would need to be sent to several sources. I guess we shall see. I would think that the police department would want to clarify the error of their previous statement in the interest of truth, and not because I asked for it. Malia


  15. Good work Malia. Now it’s only a matter of damage control for the Palins and that’s worth a lot more to the police than pursuing charges against anyone involved. The police hold none of the marbles now and they know it. The only trouble is, to make all the charges go away or be reduced to police complaints isn’t going to appear to be on the up and up. Shailey’s lawyer will know what’s good for her and exposing Todd Palin as the whoremonger isn’t. Good for Shailey, good for Todd, but not good for our cause. Too bad unless someone can get to Shailey and cause her to consider what’s in the common good.


    1. Michael,
      It seems clear to me that the police were never interested in pursuing Todd, or any of the customers of Ms. Tripp. However because we know that the Press Release was misleading, I would expect that Sarah and/or Todd would need to deny the allegations, and not simply rely upon the press release of the APD. Sarah never denied the allegations until the press release came out, and Todd, to my knowledge has NEVER denied them. Perhaps we are beginning to better understand why. Malia


  16. So does this mean if there is a ‘rumor’ circulating about any “average Joe” a call can be placed and APD will put out a press release squashing that rumor?


    1. Connie don’t be ‘silly’ … that only applies to the Palins. Looks like the APD is in her pocket.

      GOOD for Malia … but I think there is MORE to come now… if you are an ALaskan then DEMAND that a full investigation be made!

      If Todd sent buddies to Shailey … as she says in her blog, then he was PIMPING.


  17. did they say why they intentionally lied?
    and why this is also a lie?

    because the statement was never put on their official web site so they obviously knew they were lying.


    1. tom,
      I don’t know if they lied on purpose, or if maybe the chief of police just asked an officer to issue a report, knowing that he wouldn’t find the correct and complete record. In any event, it is clear that the press release issued was misleading. That is the important message from this interview. Malia


  18. ha ha ha…..I imagine Officer Parker had to clean up his own mess, oh to be a fly on the wall when his superior had a chat with him.

    I can imagine the “why” Van Flein called Sarah’s good church buddy Parker. Her paranoia knows no bounds, I can just hear her screaming and whinning, “put this to bed!”

    So, it’s kind of interesting that they’ve seized but not looked at the computer or phone info. Why the heck not? That seems off. Did they decided Shailey’s operation was small time potatoes and not a big enough deal to bother with?

    But that dang Todd, who got all worked up and need servicing, loose strings Sarah dear, loose strings. I believe there is PROOF waiting to come out. And if it is found to be tampered with, guess who will be suspected. I doubt even Officer Parker would risk that for Sarah. If he does he’s a complete fool and a liar who doesn’t deserve to wear a badge or be a public servant, much less consider himself a Christian.

    Well Malia, at least we know the evidence is still there and will be returned. We just don’t know if it will be messed with. A phone numbers can be deleted but phone records, not so much.

    Thanks for taking this upon yourself and digging deeper to find the truth. It’s interesting that Parker didn’t forward the press release to the web site person. Gee, I wonder how often that happens?


    1. M,
      The really great thing is that Parker confirmed to me today that he doesn’t know of any reason that the phone records or computer information should be erased in the past, or in the future, and that he expects them to be returned in the condition in which they were in when confiscated. Thus, if evidence has been destroyed, at any time, we know there was no good reason for it. Malia


    1. AFM,
      I was shocked that I got a call too!!! I am surprised that the police chief let Dave Parker call me back, as I would have expected the Police Chief or his attorney to make the call. As it was the person who knew about the press release was the best person to answer my questions as he was the person who had done the investigation, such that it was, so he was the right person to talk with.


      1. I had hoped it was a moment such as this…

        After Mew listens to your phone message and reads your emails, he turns to Parker and says, “You created this mess by going rogue, you clean it up or bury yourself trying!”


      2. KatieAnnieOakley,
        He asked me specifically if I was an attorney, and I said “yes” but I haven’t practiced in 17 years, and never did criminal law. Malia


  19. How can Parker issue a press release without all the information….special treatment for one party against the other ,shows bias against Ms Tripp and
    Kashawn.Will Parker issue press releases for others, at the beheast of their lawyers……his response is more telling.More to see here. Keep up the great work Malia.



    1. Linda,
      My distinct impression was that this is exactly what Palin’s lawyer wanted the police to say to attempt to discredit the story of Shailey Tripp, and it was quite misleading. For example to say that there was no caller reporting the potential house of prostitution has nothing to do with Todd, but has everything to do with the credibility of the person reporting the story.


  20. Sounds like a case of ‘IF I DON’T LOOK I WON’T FIND IT” to me .. what ELSE did Van FLein say to make sure only a cursory examination of the evidence was done???

    GOOD JOB MALIA .. no wonder Sarah Palin is SO AFRAID OF BLOGGERS … she can’t control them like she does the MSM .

    NOW if only the MSM would examine Shailey’s blog and clue into the timeline!


    1. Archivist1000,
      I too am amazed that a stay-at-home mom, writing a blog from Dallas Texas, would be the one to highlight the misreporting of the Anchorage police, and the misleading comments of Sarah Palin, instead of a national news source. It definitely looks to me like a case of a police force that didn’t want to uncover the numbers or names of any of the customers of the house of prostitution. Whatever the motivation, its clear to me that the suggestion that Todd’s name was not on any evidence seized was misrepresenting the evidence, as the phone records and the computer records were never checked. Malia


      1. Malia that is funny …. looks like you are a MAMA GRIZZLY huh? You know the type of person that Sarah considers her ‘base’ …

        Well Sarah … meet Malia, a REAL MAMA GRIZZLY, an educated one who can READ and saw something was not right . One who can WRITE too, oh that must burn!

        I am posting links to this on Twitter …. I hope everyone is!

        NOW people must demand that ALL THE EVIDENCE be examined to truly exonorate Todd from his ‘role’ ….


      2. Archivist1000,
        Thank YOU! I never liked the term “Mama Grizzly” until now, and I will consider it a badge of honor. I just wonder if Sarah Palin will ever think of me that way? Probably not. Malia


  21. Thank you Malia.
    You make asking follow up questions look so easy. Wish others would ask them!!
    Keep on pushing!! Digging!! Asking! We apprecaite it.!


    1. comeonpeople,
      I am still asking all the questions I can of all the people I can. The amazing thing to me is that in spite of the arrest of the women charging them with prostitution, there was no attempt by the police to identify ANY of the men who might have also been involved…Todd or any other men. Malia


      1. Obviously they didn’t WANT to attempt it ..



      2. So, they arrest two women and confiscate evidence based upon a “tip” and they haven’t looked at the evidence to determine the extent of the crime… So, was the arrest and cell phones and laptops confiscated to get the evidence to ensure that it didn’t make into the public domain? This whole case is just plain fishy…


      1. $arah will never run for president. Too much baggage and she knows it. All she’s doing is biding her time. Stretching this “maybe I will, maybe I won’t” for as long as she can.
        Once she declares either way the money dries up. She can’t charge for her word salad if she runs.
        If she doesn’t no one will care what she says.


      2. ferob,
        I hope you are right, but I fear she will run just to remain relevant. I guess we will know in the next two months. Malia


  22. I am also appreciative of Officer Parker in his willingness to call you back so quickly. I thought he would drag it out for a while or ignore you completely. It’s unfortunate but I believe his working for Palin damaged his credibility. His comments about ‘rabid’ anti-palin people and ‘conjuring’ (witchcraft?) lies show where his heart’s allegiance lay and it’s not with the people of Anchorage or the law.


    1. BJ,
      I am not sure who he might be favorable to, but I got the feeling his comment was more directed at everyone who is so focused on these political issues. Malia


  23. Knowing that Press Releases are posted online – since when does ONE person have the authority to choose whether it is posted or not. Parker did not submit it to the web person. What I would identify as a lowly ‘Public Information Officer’ makes that choice? Really. Doesn’t say much for the AK Department. In fact, it raises questions as to their Rules and Procedures – Do they too have private emails to conduct business?? Wouldn’t be too hard to open that avenue up by the sounds of it.

    “He believes it was Van Flein”??? WTF

    Before you go issuing Pressers, you best be damm sure who it is.
    This sounds to me like higher up authorities need to be questioned regarding this as this has all the appearances of a ‘rogue’ cop. I’d like to check his family bank balances!!!!!


  24. This is soooooo laughable. Charges will be dismissed due to shoddy investigation. I am floored. I cannot begin to express how sloppy this is. Where to begin? Sooooo many mistakes, errors, contradictions. Clearly biased police department. I’m just – stunned.


    1. Police still have the ‘evidence’ … why?

      They MUST examine it all … come ON ALASKANS … do what Malia did and DEMAND it

      Shailey has been ‘punished’ now, so nothing more can happen to her … the police are DELIBERATELY IGNORING what could be evidence!

      They don’t WANT TO KNOW so they are ignoring it!


      1. KatieAnnieOakley,
        I believe that to be true and we will see if we can uncover who that might be. Malia


  25. It may be that they don’t plan to review the cell phone or computer records too intensively on purpose. It would surprise me if that happens all that often in small communities…get rid of the prostitute but don’t go after the customers…because of the problems that it would cause in the community (i.e., if you arrest your best friend or neighbor for engaging with a prostitute, how well would that work out; affecting family members etc.). My father-in-law was a Chief of Police and purposely did not become good friends with people in the community because of this potential problem and trust issues (people trying to get favors or getting pissed at you or your family if they were arrested); it also really aggravated him when he saw people in church who he knew had done wrong.


  26. this is awesome and it opens up an whole new line of questioning. Mr. parker is exactly who SHOULDNT be answering this. He can just make up what he wants to.

    He thought it was Van flea? really? Is APD on retainer or beholden to them?

    Keep digging Malia. Keep digging. you have just scratched the surface. Please follow up with the State Attorney’s Office….


  27. Great job, Malia. Just how long do bloggers like you have to keep doing the work before the msm steps up? Mr. Parker should get a reprimand. Inaccurate, misleading press release put out to satisfy Palin’s ex(?) lawyer. The police usually omit information from press releases and press conferences when they don’t want evidence or witnesses compromised. Doing it because you are lazy and are apparently doing a favor for a friend is really out of line. WAY out of line. But then, I’ve given up on ANYBODY actually minding the store in Alaska. I know I never want to live there again, but some days I think about never visiting again either. The whole damn state is knee deep in moose shit.


  28. Maila, you are amazing!! Thank you! I find it extremely unsettling that a police officer, a public servant, would do what he did. He has that job title BUT he lied or omitted things from this statement. In most places, a police officer would be severely reprimanded for this. It isn’t the police departments job to lie for a private citizen.
    I bet his superior will do nothing though. It seems like way too many people in powerful positions lie for the Palins.
    Isn’t what he did ” illegal” in the sense it could negatively affect Shaileys case? Illegal isn’t the right word–but what he did could have legal implications. Are you going to ask them to write a retraction? What about asking the person in charge if they have written misleading press releases for other private citizens. I done care if the guy is the Palins best friend, what he did was sleazy.


  29. So did Officer Parker also recognize that “rabid” Palinbots would do ANYTHING to bury incriminating information?

    Anyone? Anyone?


  30. Maybe a woman’s group in Alaska can make some noise about the inequality of focusing on the prostitute not the john.I imagine their are some other friends of the police department on Shailey’s client list.


  31. Well, well, well.

    Great work, Malia!

    The APD is the coffee and donut crew up there. If I were Alaskan (which I’ll never be, thank you very much), I wouldn’t feel safe knowing those clowns are on the job.

    Karma is catching up, $arah! No need letting us all know when it overtakes you……We’ll already be there!


  32. APD better not tamper with the evidence. The cell phone providers and the folks who received the calls will still have the records. Jail time for an APD cover-up is a lot worse than dealing with the Wasilla hillbillys.


  33. I don’t understand why they would seize a computer and at least two cell phones to break up a supposed prostitution ring and then not examine them for evidence of people’s participation, whether as johns or pimps. What is the purpose of taking this equipment if they had no intentions of checking? And REALLY, how could he say “no evidence of Todd Palin’s” involvement without checking either the cell phones or the computer? It’s ludicrous.


  34. So let me get this straight, Thomas Van Flein who is not even SP’s lawyer anymore, has the ability to DIRECT the PR person at APD to write a public statement? Really. That is a stunning revelation, when you think about it.


    1. Ennealogic,
      I know know if Van Flein may still be representing Palin? I know he has taken other employment and is away from Anchorage, but I assume he could still make a call on behalf of Palin.Malia


      1. Malia,

        None of this passes the smell test in terms of Parker being the one to answer your reaching out to the Chief to explain Parkers actions. You dont even know if the Chief got your message!

        Too many assumptions. I assume that Parker doesnt have his details straight and he is a bad liar! No one knows if van fleabag called it in. Why take his word for this?

        Where is the corrected PR? On the website? In the recycle bin?
        What is the “official” APD stance on this?
        Who can call into APD and get a press release sent only to the NE? Anyone? Bueller?

        He has much to lose if found to be a rogue spokescreep..



      2. sjk,
        My letter still went today to the Police Chief by certified mail return receipt. We will see if the APD issues a retraction or modification of the previous statement. Believe me, I won’t quit now. Malia


  35. I’ve not read all the commentary on this as yet, but do strongly believe that this information from Parker should go to the National Enquirer. It amazes me how people continually have tried to protect Sarah Palin and it has done nothing but make them look bad to the citizens of Alaska and throughout the U.S. Being involved w/her ruins reputations as we have seen in Anchorage – Meg Stapleton would be one example and poor Levi is another. But, it is being proven now (through the release of the manuscript) that Levi did not lie about Sarah.

    MSNBC is running segments on Palin today with regard to what has come out in the manuscript that was leaked. I personally think she is in big trouble.


    1. Millie,
      I have sent the story to MSNBC and to NE. We’ll see if either picks up the story. I hope someone nationally notices. Malia


    2. Levi’s ruined because he trashed his almost inlaws for no reason. Sarah had nothing to do with the break up. He was simply immature and a dumbass kid. Still is. He desperately needs guidance, something he’s NEVER gotten at home.


    1. PhilaPhan,
      Yes, I realize that I am an easy target. However I think that if more people are willing to put their name with a statement, there is strength in numbers. I am willing to say NO More LIes, and the more people who are willing to stand up and say the same the fewer lies that will be tolerated. Malia


  36. And another thing….If Todd/Sarah somehow initiated this sting against Ms. Tripp in one of their classic efforts at retaliation/discrediting against someone who had crossed them, wouldn’t they realize that it could backfire? Or, were they so confident that the Anchorage police would still be in their pocket that they could go after Tripp without fear of repercussion? My head is spinning.


    1. Lynn,
      My head is spinning too! I guess Sarah thought that it didn’t matter what the police records showed, that if they issued a press release everything would just go away. Even the NE was willing to let it go, but its bloggers who weren’t willing to let it go, and that’s a pretty sad state of affairs that we have to rely on bloggers to keep people honest. Malia


  37. “Officer Parker confirmed that no attempt was made by him, and to his knowledge, by anyone with the Anchorage Police Department, to check the computer records or cell phone records of either Kashawn Thomas or Shailey Tripp. ”

    So… WHY WOULD THEY CONFISCATE THE ITEMS, if they were not examined????


    1. FEDUP!!!,
      Good Question! Officer Parker suggested that because Shailey and Kashawn pled “no contest” that there was no need to examine the cell phones and computers. I guess the only reason would be if they wanted to make other arrests of the men who were using their services, but I guess that wasn’t something t hey were concerned with! Go figure! malia


  38. Sorry, this “Public Information Officer” needs to be fired. A PIO NEVER gives a press release without full comprehension of all the facts of a case.


    Malia, you need to re-contact the Police Chief and contact the Internal Affairs officer and file a complaint for a falsified press release.


  39. This is weird – LOTS of ‘reply’ buttons missing here… :/

    Anyway – Several people mentioned that Shailey and Kashawan (sp?) should request their phone records from the phone companies, and Malia, I believe you said it was more difficult than some people thought.

    I don’t know, but each month *I* get my cell phone statement, it itemizes each and every call – both incoming as well as outgoing.
    It’s my LANDline phone that does not show the records – only long-distance ones.


  40. So if there is no reason to review cell phones or computers then aren’t they done with these items and can return them or do the people pleading no contest forfeit their belongings forever?


    1. Laura,
      My understanding is that the police will return these items once the probationary period has expired. We’ll see if that happens, and what the condition of them is. Malia


  41. So Van Flea, via Paylin orders, prepared the “statement” much like the “medical statement” made by Paylin’s doctor one day before the election. Written by Paylin given to the Flea and then sent to whomever needs to “sign” the official letter. Nice.


  42. Thanks again, Malia !
    Some things really make more sense, now, about Shailey Tripp first
    mentioning evidence that exists, but wasnt in her possession at the time,
    about it starting out about Todd, more than Sarah…

    Kudos to you for using the internet as a ‘force for good.’
    I cant wait to see what’s next.


    1. SunnyVee,
      I didn’t realize when I started this blog over a year ago, that it would turn out to be so important to me and to so many people. However now I appreciate the importance of reporting the facts instead of having to report what someone else tells you to report. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to devote the time to this that I have. It is so much easier to tell a story instead of reporting the facts. After a little over a year, the thing that I am most proud of is that I have never been accused of being untruthful. People certainly have disagreed with me, but I haven’t been accused of reporting untruths. Thanks for your support! Malia


    1. BW,
      It surely doesn’t appear to me that there has been any attempt to identify or arrest ANY of the men who used these women. How is that fair? Malia


  43. Do we know how many of the Willow stories are true?
    Funny how the AK police favor the males when its Tawd Palin,
    but the females when its Willow – if the stories of her partying are true.

    What other “Palingates” touch on police favoritism?


    1. That story about the break in and who was charged was false. Not only did the actual party leaders not know their party made the news, no one was busted. WIllow showed for 5 minutes


  44. I’m glad you got a timely response. I wonder how many other “clients” could simply call their lawyer and have a police statement issued that excludes their name, without ever investigating the evidence in their possesion?
    And the “rabid anti Palin bloggers” statement makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, and prooves where their loyalty lies.
    Thanks for all you do, Malia. You’re a woman of honor and seeker of truth.


    1. macandcheesewiz,
      Thank you for following all these posts and for helping educate others. Hopefully there are enough people following now that when a story like this breaks, that the national media will pick it up. Malia


  45. I certainly didn’t suggest that the police would have any intention of pursuing clients of prostitution. They never do and legitimately so. (well, not fair but that’s the way it is) But Shailey’s knowledge of what went on including Todd Palin buys her immunity for the most part unless she wants to spill the beans. Treating her with kid gloves is probably the best way to prevent her from spilling the beans because if they don’t then she’s in a position to force some evidence into the light of day. I doubt she will have to or even want to. Such as these affairs of the heart.

    Then, on the other hand we know how love can morph into anger and hate overnight. Just speculating on the chances of this becoming something good for us.


  46. What the F, I just read in the Immoral Minority comments section that Kristan Cole has also moved to AZ? What is up with that bullshit. SOMETHING!


  47. Malia, I think the real answer is that it goes all the way to the top – Anchorage mayor Dan Sullivan. He & the Palins are long time allies. I think the call from Sarah or Toad went directly to him, then to his appointed “Chief” of APD. He’s also a person that didn’t have many good things said about him when appointed.

    Lt.Parker, shame on you. Aren’t evangelical pastors supposed to tell the whole truth? For those letting him off the hook cuz he’s a “christian” just remember that Frank Bailey is also a fundamentalist who willingly went along with all the illegal activities of the Palins, indeed, lied all the time to cover for her. Parker was the perfect person for Sullivan & the Chief to give the false information. Whether he was part of it, or an unwitting dupe, it’ll probably never be known. I’m betting he was part of it although I do admit to being cynical about the depths the “bots” will go to protect the Queen of Slime & the Prince of Perversion.

    Thank you so much, can’t say it enough, thank you! You’re definitely one of my main heros. Keep spreading the sunshine, you’re doing a magnificent job!


    1. KiheiKat,
      I don’t feel like a hero right now. I am so disgusted with politicians, that I’m embarrassed that our country can’t do better than Sarah Palin. Malia


  48. Congrats Malia on getting the info the MSM didn’t!!! Way to follow through 😀 I also appreciate that Parker was forthcoming and (assumably) told you the truth. Better late than never, right?
    a fellow SAHM


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