Timeline of Events Re Attempts to Confirm Todd Palin Was Shailey Tripp’s Pimp

As we anticipate the production of documents by Homeland Security within the next 24 hours, it is appropriate to reflect on the events over the last 2 1/2 years that have led up to this event.  The following is a timeline with citations that could be confirmed by any media source you’d like to send this to.  Most of the citations have a link, but there are a few items of correspondence that are letters in my possession from Homeland Security.  As you look at these events, letters, and articles, it is significant to remember just how long we have been waiting.

*Jan 01 - 00:00*05_Flatbed_WEB





January 19, 2011   National Enquirer Story- Shailey Tripp asserts that Todd Palin was her pimp



January 25, 2011   Anchorage Police Department issue Press Release Attempting to Vindicate Todd



January 27, 2011   First Time Sarah Responds to the Allegations, relys upon APD press release (Todd never denies)



February 10, 2011   Hey Todd You Been Hangin Out With Hookers



February 21, 2011  Dave Parker APD admits Misstatements but refused to issue retraction or modification of press release; admits it was Sarah Palin’s attorney who asked that the APD issue the “press release”



February 26, 2011   Letter to Sean Parnell Re Claims of Todd being  a pimp



February 16, 2012   Pulication Date Boys Will Be Boys by Shailey Tripp



April 11, 2012   Wild Night in Colombia by Secret Service and Prostitutes




April 20, 2012   David Chaney resigns



April 20, 2012    Sarah Palin publicizes photo “Check this out bodyguard, you’re fired.”



May 14, 2012     E-mail to Merek Schaefer re allegations of Shailey Tripp regarding introduction by Todd Palin to David Chaney while on assignment in Oct. 08 during campaign to guard Sarah Palin



May 23, 2012   Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Secret Service Agents in Colombia



May 28, 2012   e-mail to Merek Shaffer re why nothing mentioned



June 7, 2012   Letter to Sullivan and Edwards re allegations of Tripp and failure to mention at hearing


June 18th 2012 Original FOIA Request




June 30, 2012   reply from Homeland, asserting asking for personal and private information.



July 2, 2012    appeal, overriding public interest, and statement of Shailey Tripp,



August 7, 2012   letter to Tiemessen asking for affidavit of Todd



August 20, 2012   Letter to Ms. Ferrell, Special Agent in Charge FOIA setting out Overriding  Public Interest



November 11, 2012  Article re Sex Trafficking in Alaska



Nov 15, 2012   Reports that Mark Sullivan lied



December 7, 2012   still waiting letter to Homeland Security




December 11, 2012    Sarah Palin demands greater transparency in government.



December 27, 2012   Dave Parker of the APD resigns



December 30,2012   Letter to Janet Napolitano



January 13, 2013   E-mail to Senator Lieberman, Collins



February 1, 2013   Mark Sullivan Announces Resignation



February 4, 2013   Letter to Janet Napolitano



February 18, 2013   Letter to President Obama



February 19, 2013    Letter mailed by Homland Security Agreeing to produce documents

“This is to notify you of our intention to proceed with the processing of your requests. “


February 25, 2013   Letter mailed by Homeland Security changing mind, documents not to be produced given pending investigation

“Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 (B)(7)(A) your file is being exempted since disclosure could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”


March   7, 2013   Letter to Sean Parnell, Governor of Alaska re Choose Respect Campaign, and failure of any APD to arrest any men after the Tripp/Thomas arrests for prostitution


March 29, 2013   Second FOIA Request Re Retirement Benefits paid to Sullivan and Chaney



April 8th, 2013    Letter to Todd Palin and his attorney inviting denial of allegations  (No response ever received)



April 17, 2013   Letter Sent by Homeland Security signed by AT Smith denying request for retirement benefit information (Request # 20121153-20121174) stating that no information would be released .  That letter stated:

“Pursuant to Title 5 United States Code Section 552(b)(7)(A) the information you requested is being withheld from disclosure as the information was compiled for law enforcement purposes and such disclosure could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”


March 14, 2013   Parnell Appoints Dave Parker to Judiciary Committee



May 7, 2013   Appeal of Decision of April 17, 2013



May 9, 2013   Report of Greg Stokes-  Change the Facts



May 22nd, 2013   letter to Sarah inviting Denial of Two-colors, and massage



June 25, 2013   Final Letter to Homeland before Suit



July 3, 2013  Letter of Agreement Homeland Security signed by A.T. Smith



July 7, 2013   possible motive, corruption of Charles Edwards, Deputy Director


87 thoughts on “Timeline of Events Re Attempts to Confirm Todd Palin Was Shailey Tripp’s Pimp

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  1. Excellent summary, Malia. You’ve essentially wrapped it all up neatly for the media.

    I would like to point out that you may not get the information within the next 24 hours for two reasons:
    1. The person responsible for releasing the document(s) to you may have been out of the office on July 5.
    2. The coming Friday is more likely since it would be five business days from receipt of your signature.

    Friday would certainly be preferable to them because negative information is more frequently released late on Friday.

    I have my fingers crossed that it confirms Shailey’s story.


    1. Balzafiar,
      Obviously, I can’t know for sure, but I returned the agreement by fax, on Wed night the 3rd, so you’re right the documents should be produced at least by Friday.


      1. I think you were duped. Now they have you locked in to not file suit. I think you have to ask yourself why they are so concerned about you filing a law suit. A alw suit filed would have gotten the media’s attention finally. They will not produce what the claim they will.


      2. akgirls,
        You are right, the media might pay attention to a suit, but it seems silly to spend $100000.00 pursuing a suit for a year only to be told that the documents requested either don’t exist, or don’t s ay what you think they will. If Homeland Security doesn’t produce the records now, it will look really bad for them.


    2. I really hope it confirms Shaileys story as well. I am trying to be positive about it but even looking at this timeline makes me wonder if there will be just more lies or leaving out information. I am wondering if Chaney would lie or not. And if it does confirm Shaileys story, will the media cover it? After what we have seen, I hate to be hopeful about that.
      Either way, thanks for persevering and the information will be in your book. Without you, this info would never have a chance of being exposed.
      I have to believe that someday Todd (and Sarah) will face prosecution for their crimes.
      What are the plans for your book, by the way? Are you self publishing and how close are you to finishing?
      Thanks for all your hardwork. I can’t wait to see what the statement says.


      1. Lisabeth,
        I am trying to be positive, and hope that they wanted a little more time so that when the news breaks, charges will have already been filed.


  2. And the pimp’s wife thinks she can run for Senate in Alaska. Does their complete arrogance ever stop? What is it with the GOP that more vile and ignorant you are the more they want you as their leadder? See what red wing states do to their peoples minds? They said on Morning Joe today..well sarah does have a faithful following-even today. Yeah..of about 100 ignorant folks who can’t think read or write. What a following. She could NOT be elected and everyone voted AGAINST MCCAIN BECAUSE OF SARAH. You can take stupid out of your vocabulary but not out of sarah–I mean madam sarah as in the lady of the house! Does she really think she can get women to vote for her? I THINK NOT.


      1. In addition to the whistle, get ready for bigger blow up boobs, shorter skirts, & those horrible wigs ! Please spare us all!


    1. Remember Sarah Palin endorsed Joe Miller for Senator. Lisa Murkowski won the seat by write in. Nobody from Murkowski’s camp will admit it but Sarah’s endorsement of Miller tipped the scales in Murkowski’s favor.


    2. This time line wraps up the story for the MSM, but our media is not only government controlled, but they don’t report much of the news about the Palins due to being afraid of being labeled nutty. It does take courage to tell a story like this Malia, thank you. I don’t believe you will be receiving much of anything on this story, but would be delighted to be proved wrong.


  3. Something else to include (perhaps another post?) is what Shailey went through to get her personal property back from the APD:

    What the law says, her fine and probation / completion of probation without incidence, what Dave Parker said regarding her property, what was promised by APD, your letters to the APD Chief, getting a judge to intercede on Shailey behalf to get her property returned, the APD’s (what appeared to be) dilatory strategy in acting upon the judge’s order to release all held property to Shailey and finally what should have been there but was claimed to be “destroyed” or “missing”.


    1. Yes great point. It was ridiculous and their intent to cover up so obvious. And isn’t Dave Parker supposedly a religious man, active in his church. What a hypocrite. And after he resigns, he is rewarded with a judiciary committee appointment?? I hope he and Parnell are exposed for the scum corrupt liars they are.


    1. alan,
      Thanks for the link! This is just another example of how and why it is so hard to victims to prove that it was a non-consensual assault. If they don’t fight back, and have physical injuries, it’s clear that the predator will deny the attack!


    2. I can’t even believe what is going on in the year 2013.. All of the insane laws being passed by the GOP and things like this? I sometimes can’t believe what I’m seeing and have to take a break from reading the news. Who on earth would be behind writing this brochure and thank God this Democratic representative spoke up about it. I do not understand how ANY women could vote Republican.


  4. That is quite the timeline. There were two full weeks of internet exposure of this before the National Enquirer story came out. Too bad Dirk’s site is gone. There were some interesting things there.

    I hope you get something substantial for your efforts, but I will believe it when you say it.


    1. Will,
      It has been such a long struggle, that I’m not assuming anything at this point. I’ll let you know as soon as I get anything.


      1. What is your preferred email address? I wasn’t able to find one on the blog. Thanks!


      1. http://alaskawtf.blogspot.com is now Alaska World Travel Fair – and none of the ABOUT or CONTACT or PRIVACY buttons near the top work. A travel site where you can’t contact the entity to plan / schedule a trip? RIGHT.

        There is NO TRACE of Alaska WTF or Dirk Diggler on the interwebs, google, nothing – not even on Wayback Machine.

        This was a professional erasure of a web site. it is now completely gone.


      2. Maybe the Palins’ attorney sent him a threatening letter, like they sent to Prof. Brad Scharlott, and demanded that he remove the blog. I remember that the last post was very inflammatory, but I don’t recall the specifics. I did copy and save several comments from that site, which are below. I think the author of one of the comments reads here. If she reads this, maybe she can add some insight.
        Anonymous said…
        Hey Todd, remember the fishing boat you were thrown off of in the early 90’s? Remember why? You bitched and moaned for days about finding a sex tape and the crew got sick of listening to you?

        Remember seeing that same boat captain this last summer with Greta VanSusteren in Valdez? That was an awkward moment, eh?
        January 17, 2011 11:22 PM

        Anonymous said…
        Mem’s Political Scrapbook has the info correct: Track is the local dentist’s son who died in an airplane crash. Sarah was pregnant with another man’s child when she married Todd. Sarah had several affairs while married–and on her medical records, it states there was an abortion. Sarah tried to get the medical office where she went to call it a miscarriage and they refused. Todd’s business partner and Sarah has an affair–and Sarah was to be named in the filing for divorce by his wife but she paid off Brad’s wife not to be named–and the couple decided to work on their marriage and the business partnership was dissolved. Todd is the father of Trigg but Sarah is not the mother. That is why her staff in the Governor’s Office said that she never looked pregnant except for the one month before he was born, and they thought it was padding being used to conceal a lie. It is correct about Track being sent to Michigan because of drug problems and problems with the law–and that is why he has nothing to do with his Mom now. Bristol was sent away to live with Aunt Heather Bruce because she was pregnant. Willow is no longer living at home. Todd refused to join Sarah on a lot of the activities shown on her Reality Show but her Dad and Chuck wanted to get the money coming their way, too. Todd will stay married as long as the money continues to come rolling in–but he lives a separate life from Sarah and enjoys his boats, planes, hangars, snow machines and ATV’s and he schedules Bristol and Sarah to be gone quite often so he can come and go as he pleases. Once Sarah’s political and speaking careers are over, Todd will be gone. All Sarah wants him to be is discreet. From watching the Reality Show, it was obvious that all of the Palin kids knew that they were just pretending to like Sarah.
        January 19, 2011 7:16 PM

        Anonymous said… on Alaska WTF 1/26 post

        now where is the part where Todd Palin was involved in a murder of a prostitute on KJB that was native? Or the getting a IBEW electrician to tape a girl that they just can’t KILL or get to MOVE?

        ABI Case number 06-76332 about a child rapist that Palin convinced the Palmer DA to not prosecute because the children were not worth it? or could it be the finanical genocide she inflicts on a mother and her children because she wants them to MOVE?
        Her mother and Palin’s best friend came over to the mothers house in 1998 and tried to convince her to move…when she didn’t? American Domestic Terrorism…then there is severe domestic violence. or how about the Trooper Wooten who didn’t arrest the SOB when he pointed a 9mm at the mother? or left a rifle and released him? how about a coniviction of violation of DVPO being erased so the rapist could drive a school bus?
        or how about going after her employment with the MSBSD and when they didn’t fire her?
        They went after her oldest by sending in a kid to start a fight..or how about no child support for 7 years now? or the Commissioner of Revenue being killed by a seatbelt error?
        Same hanger as Todd’s plane? or how about the mother sending an email to Palin’s best friend Mary Ellan Moe dated July 3rd and then Palin shakily resigned less than 24 hours later? HUGE reasons like a trust fund that belongs to the mother with children that Palin and Moe’s didn’t want her to find moreless take back


      3. Regarding Mary Ellen Moe: She lives in Couer D’Alene, Idaho. She is one of SALLY HEATH’S best friends.

        Chuck Jr.’s blog entry, day of October 8, 2012 (on he and his dad’s “Book Tour”), edited for space:


        … I picked up a rental car, we loaded up, and headed north to Couer D’Alene, Idaho. We drove to the home of Jack and Zella Bloxom, where we’d end up spending the night. Jack grew up with dad in Idaho and they were teammates on the basketball, track, and football teams at Sandpoint… Jack ended up being a very successful college baseball coach and recruited me to come play for him in Idaho…

        On the way up the hill to their house, we spotted three whitetail deer grazing nonchalantly beside the road… Jack and Zella live in a beautiful setting… high on a hill, surrounded by majestic pine and maple trees, and overlooking Lake Couer D’Alene….

        …Mary Ellen Moe showed up and helped us at our table. She is one of my mom’s best friends, and her husband, Chuck, was a hunting guide with dad for many years… We left after two hours and went back to the Bloxom’s house where Zella made us a delicious dinner…


      4. Thanks for doing that research. If I remember correctly, someone starting commenting on a missing trust fund and some other dirty dealings right before Dirk’s site disappeared.


      5. Who knows if the blogger had been getting nastygrams from powerful people? It was announced in advance that that site was going to be removed. Dirk gave plenty of notice so people could get their screen grabs 🙂 This is probably not typical when the takedown is due to serious threats.

        IMO the trust fund comments posted there were the same that have been posted everywhere for years IIRC . No details in these trust fund claims that I’ve seen which can be verified in any way .


      6. @ red,white and blue- THANKS!!! Those comments are crucial –
        I don’t know how I missed them at Alaska WTF. In any case, very important to the whole process of “birthing” the truth. :-))


  5. Did Shailey actually accuse Todd of being her pimp in the National Enquirer article? I thought that the story was that they were having “an affair,” although the article did also say that she had been arrested for prostitution as a result of Todd’s visits. As I recall, Sarah was the one who first suggested in public that Todd had something to do with the prostitution ring. I may be wrong about this, because I don’t have the print version of the story, but the internet version does not mention the possibility that Todd is a pimp.


  6. I meant to say, Sarah suggested that Todd was involved in the prostitution ring by bringing up and denying that possibility.


  7. Does Sarah Palin already know the outcome of Homeland Security’s response to your FOI request? Sarah Palin is considering having the title Senator Sarah Palin of the Great State of Alaska added to her list of failures.

    “Sarah Palin whips out her moosehide g-string, gets a little vajazzling, and takes a firm grip on her pole in preparation for another pointless political pole dance.”

    Courtesy of HuffPo:  Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) is considering going back on the ballot. In an interview on “The Sean Hannity Show” Tuesday, the 2008 vice presidential candidate indicated she might throw her hat in the ring to become one of Alaska’s U.S. Senators. “I’ve considered it because people have requested me considering it,” Palin said, after Hannity mentioned rumors of a potential Senate run. 

    “I’m still waiting to see, you know, what the lineup will be and hoping that, there again, there will be some new blood, new energy — not just kind of picking from the same old politicians in the state,” Palin continued. 



  8. WOW!!! I have been following this whole saga, and knew that there was a lot, but I did not realize just HOW MUCH you have done. Seeing it all documented in one place… HATS OFF to you, Malia! I just wish, all your work would finally result in SOMETHING – like an INDICTMENT of Toad, the PIMP…
    Thanks for all the awesome work you have done and still do, Malia!


    1. FEDUP!!!
      of course I couldn’t anticipate when this started that we’d end up here, but it is a testament to how long this matter has been pending, and how many people had notice of the claims, and how much this allegation was minimized and discredited. It goes to show just how much damage can be done by the police if they are corrupt!


  9. Malia, Awesome timeline. Really helps put thing into perspective.
    What’s so funny is stupid sarah walzes around with her fake titties and then none and her idiot clothes and everyone in DC and MSM knows what a farce it is and what idiots the whole family is. But they are not allowed to report it yet.
    Thank god for the bloggers who have been working to expose this grifter, lying, law breaking family and cronies, like JT, DeCou (Koo-Koo) Barko and all the US attorney’s and of course Sean Parnell or SP v. 2.o as he is called.
    Thank you Malia!♥


    1. crystalwolf
      It is amazing to me that nobody in the media has focused on this or even tried to reveal the truth.


    2. Who are the last people you mentioned? Sorry I missed something. Barko? deCou? Are they part of this timeline/story? I apologize if not and I’m taking this off topic..


  10. Malia do you think my daddy is a pimp? He was the First Dude of Alaska for Christ’s sake, why would he risk that by being a pimp?


    1. Anomolous,
      What motivated him I’ll never know, but the importance is verifying the statement of Shailey Tripp.


    2. First, I don’t think Pimp-Daddy was working for Christ or any other high spiritual master. I think being the first dud supported his other business endeavors including Bi-gender Prostitution Services, High as Kite, Inc.-(Delivery Included ), Excellence in Extortion, Guns are Us, Terror- the local Solution to any Problem, and Trust Plunder Anonymous.


    3. that daddy started long ago and far away…start with Spokane and Butch Lavanne and then add Omak and David and Dan…then Alaska…and add Rosemary and Brooks…some things started long ago and for reasons that are $$$ let’s see that was what 1989 right…nothing like HARD evidence to make “what goes around CUMS around”…better send more minions now…


      1. KGB, you write as if you have specifics. Why not share more of the story? If you have anything of real value to Malia, then contact her directly.


      2. Will the ones in the know keep it a secret until someone else gets it out? Murder is one crime worse than pimping.


      3. Wondering out loud if KGB is a distraction troll, trying to make a mockery of Malia’s blog to first-time visitors. How ’bout some even wilder conspiracy theories than Todd and Shailey? KGB and only KGB can tell the tale…

        All KGB seems to be doing is talking in riddles, spinning tales and taking the most circuitous route possible to “tease” some clandestine story(ies) from the lives of Todd and Sarah.

        If you’ve got something, bub – SAY IT. SAY SOMETHING PLAIN AND STRAIGHT-AWAY. But get to the point already! Makes it nice for the readers…


      4. Mass Murders my friend…and that is God’s Will doncha know…can’t get that intel out of Syrian’s Assad’s half-sister stashed in Alaska now…
        England is in DEEP and cannot stand the thought of UK and USA investments being pulled and exposed of our crimes for a half a century now can we Sarah? lol…oh baby doll your in over your head…better keep trying to kill Assad’s half-sister now…then have Seanny Boy in AK look the other way…it’s all on camera anyways…
        Thank you SO SO much Sarah…lol…whored yourself out good dear!


      5. KatieAnnieOakley
        I had the same thought. Whatever it is it is boring me. Now The Truth can’t seem to do any better.


      6. No Katie it’s BAD it’s really BAD…this prostitution started in Washington State and can be documented and it sounds like someone will bring it up in court…thank God for small favors…and it will show that the Heaths and their best buds are in on a “ponzi scheme” that involves making life as miserable as possible for the “birthright owner” as Senator Hollis French put it…and also notes that the owner is no threat to anyone…strike two Sarah…so Todd has been engaged in prostitution and drug running for some time…that sounds too specific to be a troll…and from what I know and the comments…bolts right up…


      7. David Cardenas…Daniel Jackson former male prostitute of Todd Palin’s who got approached in WA to methodically kill someone, when that didn’t happen Todd killed his brother…murder suicide…Washington…
        Rosemary of the Houston Lodge ran a brothell out of it for sometime…
        Brooks Jackson – found hung – hang em high Sarah…and Todd was his pimp to provide prostitutes – one ended up dead on Knik-Goose Bay road…but a poor party kid was blamed when he was too wasted to do anything moreless kill someone…any more questions? got all the intel!
        Katie is right…feels better to share…get it off your chest right Katie?


      8. Names,
        This is an incredible accusation! Is there someone who has knowledge of this? Have the authorities been advised?


      9. what happens in Alaska stays in Alaska…why do you think the NTSB from DC is in AK after an “accident” in Soldotna? State of Alaska and all the cronies think they can get away with murder…and as long as Wonder Bread Sean Parnell is in office it will go unpunished…dontcha just love AmeriKa???
        Personally, I hope the trust fund baby takes the money and leaves the USA and watches the country go bankrupt…trust fund is HUGE…would expect it after all the crap the Palins/Heaths/Moes put that poor kid thru! AmeriKa has become a dysfunctional country for sure…yikes!


      10. The NTSB investigates ALL plane crashes, no matter how small, as well as ALL train crashes. I used to date an A & P mechanic, who had to work around and with NTSB officials (he would clean-up / recover the crash site after the NTSB completed their investigation).


      11. really? in the news it was stated over and over that the local NSTB was gping to be accompanied by NTSB from Washington DC and it sounded like three is a crowd…not that this incident is anything but tragic not intentional…but it sounded like they did not like the DC boys here…


  11. I wonder if her jabber about running for senate is an attempt to distract from any news that might come from you in the next few days.


  12. Thanks for the summary, Malia. Just the thing to help pass the time while waiting to hear from Homeland.


  13. The concept for Americans to “accept” rape? Could that be due to a person that is in the USA that was conceived in rape and is not a threat to anyone despite Palin’s and Company legal dirty deeds to “label” that person? Then when pedophiles are tossed to devour the children of the person that is also acceptable because that child was a product of rape?
    So when does this all stop Sarah? When does Sarah and Todd admit defeat? Does that person have to summons the biological brother in another country to come to Geneva to ask why his sibling is a prisoner of USA? And why that HUGE trust fund is still being invested in the USA/UK?


    1. Lol…no the one who got “the fleecing of America” was supposedly conceived in rape…so why not finish the job and crucify the “poorest little RICHEST girl” in the world…what the current value now Sarah? I heard it’s HUGE like 12 TRILLIONS huge…so of course they keep that on the low down! right incompetents can’t afford attorneys…how is Hap these days? Still stalking the kid? or the neighbors or the meth heads you have on call?
      What is it this time my lovely Sarah? lol…play with fire you will get burnt…


    2. Common Sarah ANNOUNCE to the world WHO this is you keep attacking?
      Bets are that she will duck and run like a scared little girl she really is…


      1. she won’t or if she does she will claim that person is dangerous…haha..
        now that won’t work when the majority of folks think that person has the anointing…although I would think that person is annoyed by now…;)
        from what I understand the matter is going before Geneva courts this summer…when that occurs the matters will be calling the USA and UK to the global “carpet” to ask why is this done at the price of a human life? when they bark back…well that person is not dead yet…oh how quaint that will be accepted globally…meantime the REUNION will occur on Syrian soil and you will see the emergence of a new Middle East…
        That is not something the USA or the UK wants EVER to happen…
        Now for those Bible thumpers…isn’t there something in that there Bible that states if all is well God doesn’t come down to kick humanity’s ass?
        Isn’t THAT what we want? I would think majority would be elated at peace in the Middle East…but they sure are doing everything to stop it!
        Money is the root of all evil and when the accumulation of 50 years of investments are pulled and put in a UN bank account it is estimated at 15 trillion dollars to date…keep stalling folks…just builds that account and when the money goes South…don’t say I didn’t warn you all now!
        I wouldn’t blame anyone but USA and UK for their arrogance at this…
        Good thing for humanity the only thing that is an agenda? Clean up!
        Some things just never change hu Sarah…but your affections is any way the wind blows…or your doing another blow job…haha…bye folks!


      2. and when that 15 trillion goes to a Central Bank in Geneva…USA will be in another depression…thanks Sarah, Todd, Sally, Chuck, and Co.


      3. I’m sorry but I find it impossible yo believe the Palin’s are involved with Assads half sister or a trillion dollar trust fund that will bankrupt the USA.
        These comments have been posted forever with no documentation or factual information. If all this is really going on, why haven’t you given Malia details. Who so the “kid.”
        Frankly these comments are becoming annoying and I don’t believe them anymore. I think they are a distraction. But it’s summer now– and if it all comes true, I will apologize.
        For now, I would like to see Sarah or Todd held accountable for ONE single damn thing….


  14. Malia, I was curious about Parnell appointing Parker to the Judicial Council and looked to see what the Council members are paid. They are not, only reimbursement of travel/meal expenses related to meetings.

    However, I had forgotten, Kathleen Tompkins-Miller (Joe’s wife) is on the Judicial Council, appointed by Palin!


    It is all so incestuous.

    Malia, I hope all of your hard work and perseverance pays off and you break the political scandal of the year. I know you will be prepared for either outcome, I hope Shailey is.


    1. Annie,
      I assume nothing at this point, but hope for the best. I think we have waited long enough for resolution, and the fact that Todd has never responded to my requests for a denial is very powerful! What would he have to lose if he didn’t do this?


      1. Great point. Especially because the Palin’s usually can’t help themselves and respond to every slight.


    2. lol…and they really think that will STOP any legalities from coming forward…
      how about that magistrate position…I got a timeline of an applicant who qualified…enter date of December 11,2012 and you have oh shit we can’t let that happen…then all the secrets come out…better appoint ol Dave…
      He is Christ like…he will understand that we must keep that money and the Birthright Owner gets none…something like that Ol Dave? Well now from what I hear that case is going to be held in Geneva…yikes! Being as the USA is so corrupt and everyone is for sale at the drop of a dollar…I will call some folks Malia and see if they can send you old videos of Todd pimping out girls all over the USA…like I said this has been his fetish for some time!
      He used it to blackmail anyone and everyone…problem is no one cares anymore…so what if we find out some politicians are fucking prostitutes…
      What we really want to know is why you engage domestic-terrorism? $$$
      You really seem to think you can do it until the courts tell you that you can’t then have Sean appoint Dave? That is all you got…God help you all then…


      1. Is Dave gonna go to Geneva, and defend his client Sarah against attorneys who specialize in international law?

        Now, THAT would make a good teevee show!


      2. anyone and everyone involved will be summoned to appear…no shows? most of them will not show…doesn’t really matter…they got the intel anyways…notice how China’s President now made it a LAW to have kids visit their elder parents…sounds like Kid got thru to China!!!


  15. OK- so more pieces of the puzzle fall into place– The birthright trust owner DID NOT KNOW that she was entitled to this trust. Her adoptive parents (friends of the Heaths), did not tell her, yet they found a way to steal the trust from her and slowly plunder it. Then they decided it was better to try to kill her or run her out of town. Or… was that an added benefit brought to the crime by the next generation of thieves/murderers– especially Pimp-Daddy?

    I wonder how the kid actually found out the truth. I guess she wondered why these sick people were making her life difficult. We have been told that her father was Hafez El-Assad. It has been hinted that her mother was a British aristocrat or even a royal– (Further clarification would be appreciated.)

    Around 2009, they have a specific plan to kill her, involving other co-conspirators, but someone spills the beans. They e-mail SP with the info/threats that her plans to murder the kid have been revealed and foiled.

    Sarah quits her job as governor the next day. (Tsk, tsk)

    …to be continued


    1. This is now the third or fourth story/explanation for why Sarah left. I don’t believe any of this.. And think its distracting from Malia confirming Shaileys story.


      1. You are of course entitled to believe whatever you like. Can you explain how this discussion is distracting from “Malia confirming Shailey’s story?” It seems clear that Malia is working very hard on this issue and she is getting plenty of help and offers to support her efforts financially.

        If you go back to Palin’s national debut in 2008, you might remember that it was open discussions like this that brought us to a far greater understanding about her and politics in general. This is what democracy in journalism looks like.


    2. I have been keeping up with the comments about this subject matter and have kept copies of many of the comments about it from various sites. If there was a way I could contact you, I could let you know what I’ve learned so far.


      1. Why not just turn over what you have to Malia let her act as a central collection point? She’s a publicly known person with a deep interest in all of this, so anyone who chooses to remain anonymous can provide their information without fear. Malia can be trusted and can possibly use the information to take it all to the next level.


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