Rick Perry Shares His Thought-of-the-Day on Abortion, from a Sports Bar



The Irony of discussing the issue of abortion in a Sports Bar is obvious. The change in Rick Perry’s stance on abortion is documented. He admits he has had a “transformation.” He watched a DVD and said:”I really started giving some thought to the issue of rape and incest. (There are) some powerful stories in that DVD.” Based on watching this DVD Perry says he “STARTED” giving thought to this issue. Does that mean he hadn’t thought much about it when his web site was put together summarizing his stance on social issues? Does that mean that he hadn’t really thought about it when he previously took the stance on abortion that it was OK in cases of rape and incest. How about when the mother is going to die when she carries the baby to term? Perry has signed a pledge saying that abortion should be banned in all cases. That means that he doesn’t value the life of the mother above the life of a fetus that will inevitably die when the mother dies.

The issue of abortion is not the critical issue in the 2012 presidential election. The economy is the critical issue facing America. If there is no health care for indigent women, it doesn’t matter what the Supreme Court has decided regarding abortion, she may not be able to afford the cost of the abortion. If a nuclear holocaust occurs the pregnant women will likely give birth to babies exposed to radiation and they won’t survive anyway. For Rick Perry to discuss abortion in a discussion over drinks at a Sports Bar is a clear indication of his attitude toward women and their reproductive rights, or lack thereof. To indicate that he “started” giving thought to the issue after watching a DVD, is an indication of the depth of this candidates consideration of all issues.


7 thoughts on “Rick Perry Shares His Thought-of-the-Day on Abortion, from a Sports Bar

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  1. I think that is so cold and brutal….
    Men having the right to decide if a woman dies or not. And there are woman who have no problem with that at all.

    Why are the rest of us not up in arms??????


  2. I think “thought of the day” is accurate. Neither the GOP nor the media can handle more than one “thought” at a time, no matter how awful.


  3. I have long had the opinion that the abortion issue is something men should not be allowed to address or vote on. Men are the problem. If they acted responsibly in the first place, the girl or woman 1) would not had gotten pregnant or 2) would have a supportive partner in raising the child. To think that the current Congress spent so much of our time (and money) discussing when rape was really rape and how to cut funding to Planned Parenthood when issues like job stimulus and helping schools, etc. were ignored. Thanks to Republican men (and unfortunately some women) for the waste of taxpayer money on bogus issues!


    1. Beaglemom,
      As I drove with my husband to my daughter’s basketball game this am, he asked what I wrote about. He volunteered that he felt the issue of abortion is the best example of men oppressing women. He made the point that the clear message is that the baby’s life is more important than the mother’s and that half the time that baby is a boy.


  4. My MIL is Catholic. I had full blown eclampsia with my first pregnancy (blind & unconscious + sick for months before & afterward + my BP never went down and I will always have problems with it). I got pre-eclampsia the second time & it started sooner & had they not induced me it would have been worse than the first time. I decided to have my tubes tied after every doctor I saw said that i would get it again. Apparently if you get it after the 1st (very rare), the second time it is supposed to be better, and the third time even worse.

    I decided that the two children I had needed a mother & there is no way I wanted to abort (because that is the only way I would live). If it had happened because I didn’t know any better then you have to do what you have to do, but since I knew…….

    At any rate, my MIL was absolutely disgusted that I did that. Her philosophy is that I should never have had sex again.

    My conclusion is that people are nuts. How would these people feel if THEIR daughters were raped and got pregnant? How could you ever expect a child of abuse to carry a child?

    Just another reason I left religion behind in the dust.


    1. debinOH,
      Thanks for sharing this personal am very emotional part of your life. Unfortunately it seems that people who are so adamantly opposed to abortion have never had to face a situation like you did. It’s easy to say that it shouldn’t be allowed in cases of rape or incest until it is your daughter who became a victim and she becomes suicidal due to the pregnancy. In my family we had this happen, when my brother was opposed to abortion but learned that being “pro-life” may mean being “pro-choice.” https://malialitman.wordpress.com/tag/pro-life/ I just saw my nephew at Christmas time, and was reminded once again, of the blessing that he is and that he would not be alive today but for abortion.


      1. I remember reading that story a while ago, thanks for the reminder.

        It IS heartbreaking that we have to make decisions like this. While there may be a few people who use abortion in place of birth control I know that most people who have an abortion do NOT do it without tons of thought.

        Even if it turns out there is a god I cannot believe that he would come to a different conclusion than your brother & his wife did. I refuse to believe it. I refuse to believe that he would condemn someone who had to have a life-saving abortion either. Nor do I believe that he would condemn anyone who had one for other reasons. Not one of us has walked in anyone’s shoes & we have no idea of their circumstances.

        It always galls me that all these people who are out there making a huge deal about abortion act like people just do it like they take a shower or eat. Really?



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