Rick Perry’s Days Off

A simple Freedom of Information Act Request to Rick Perry’s office asking for the Governor’s calendar identifying state business resulted in 453 pages of documents. The calendar was a daily schedule with some days taking more than one page. The calendar produced covered Nov. 1, 2010 through Oct. 21, 2011. Thus 355 days worth of Rick Perry’s calendar was produced. The records produced revealed:

1. Of the last 355 days Governor Perry only reportedly worked a total of 164 days for “State Scheduled Business”. Thus, for 191 days out of the last 355 days, Governor Perry had no “State Scheduled Business.” That means he worked less than 50% of the days in the last 12 months, or just 46% of the days.

2. Perry did not declare his candidacy until August 13th, 2011, and even before that he failed to work 144 days out of approximately 9 ½ months, or 285 days. That means that he worked less than half time as Governor of Texas, even before he declared himself a candidate for President.

3. Of the days that he did perform some type of state business, he failed to work a significant number of hours during a normal work day. Examples include:

a. Thurs. April 7th Total hours worked- two 10:15-12:15 when he attended a


b. Mon. April 11th 7:00-8:30 attended a dinner

c. Tues. April 12 one hour

d. Thurs. May 12th, Only work was a “bill signing”

e. Thurs. Aug 4th “tended to state business” a total of 2 hours

f. Mon. Aug. 8th “tended to state business” a total of 1 hour

g. Sat. Aug. 13th “tended to state business” a total of 1hr

h. Sun. Aug. 14th “Tended to state business” a total of 30 min.

i. Mon. Aug. 15th “tended to state business” a total of 1 hr. 5 minutes

j. Wed. Aug 17th “tended to state business” a total of 1 hr 45 minutes

k. Fri. Aug. 19th “tended to state business” a total of 20 minutes

l. Mon. Aug. 22nd “tended to state business” a total of 1 hour

m. Tues. Aug. 23rd. “tended to state business” a total of 1 hour 35 min.

n. Wed. Aug. 24th “tended to state business” a total of 2 hours

o. Thurs. Aug. 25th “tended to state business” a total of 1 hour 50 minutes

p. Friday Aug. 26th “tended to state business” a total of 45 minutes.”

q. Mon. Aug. 29th “tended to state business” a total of 100 minutes

r. Wed. Aug. 3oth “tended to state business” a total of 45 min.

s. Thurs Sept 1st- Only state business listed was visiting an Elementary school for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

t. Sunday Sept 11th Only state business listed was 25 minutes spent at a memorial ceremony for the victims of 9-11.  Whew, that really took it out of him.

u. Mon. Sept 12 Only state business was attendance of an “Execution briefing”  which usually lasted 30 minutes.  No matter who you are or what your crime, in Texas everyone is entitled to 30 minutes of the Governor’s time before being executed.

v. Tues. Oct. 11th Only state business was one phone call regarding “business recruitment.”

4. Of note were the following entries:

a. On Nov. 19th Rick Perry went on a trip to Santa Monica California for “business recruitment.”

b. On Nov. 9th he want to a funeral at 10:00 in the morning (remember this was state business, not personal) . That was evidently so exhausting that Mr. Perry was unable to do any other state business that day.  Rick Perry is so sensative!

c. On Nov. 3rd the only work he did for the State of Texas was to call the Lt. Governor at 10:15.

d. On Friday March 4th Rick Perry devoted a total of 10 minutes to a conference call regarding a response to the wildfires in Texas.  Those wildfires are just an act of God, so talking about them is really not productive.

e. On Friday Jan. 7th Governor Perry attended a Party and Game in Dallas, as part of his duties as Governor. Dinner was held at the Steak & Chop house in Ft. Worth, and he was driven to Cowboy stadium for the AT&T Cotton Bowl: LSU v. Texas A & M game. Lucky for the Governor he was able to get home to Austin that night to sleep in his own bed since he flew with Harrison Aviation, and his flight time was a mere 45 minutes. Upon his arrival in Austin, he didn’t have to waste time hailing a cab since his driver was waiting for him. It was a good thing this was State Business as this trip to Dallas could have cost the Governor a lot of money.

f. On Monday Jan. 31st. Governor Perry attended a TAMU v. Texas Basketball Game in College Station . It was a two hour drive to get there, and he was driven there and back on taxpayers nickle.  Wow!  Texans must really love basketball to make it part of the Governor’s official duties to attend a basketball game two hours from his home.  Thank God Rick Perry is such a devoted Governor that he is willing to make this type of sacrifice for the good of Texas.

g. On Jan. 28th he again had his driver take him, at tax payer’s expense on another trip to college station, his alma mater, for a funeral, that was considered “state business.”

h. On Sat. Jan 22nd Governor Perry was driven by his state-paid driver to attend the Rally of the “Texas Alliance for Life” where Bishop Vasquez spoke.

i. On Monday Feb. 14th he devoted 45 minutes to the briefing of another person about to be executed in Texas.

j. On Feb. 2, 2011, Governor Perry traveled to San Diego to attend an “Instructional Aviation Water Safety” Conference.

k. On March 7th he had a meeting with Pastor Hagee

l. On March 8th Rick stared his day at 3:00 p.m. and ended by 4:10.

m. On March 15th he worked for 1 hour having a conference with bloggers.

n. On April 4th Rick Perry attended the NCAA Mens Basketball Championship Game, and declare it to be state business.

o. On Friday May 6th his state business took him to an Exotic Game Ranch with shooting in the afternoon.

p. On June 10th he had another execution briefing that lasted 30 minutes.  So many people are executed in Texas that it seems these execution briefings are a full-time job for the Governor.

q. On July 5th the only thing on his calendar was two phone calls at 8:45 and at 10:45.  I bet he was so exhausted after those phone calls that he needed a cool one at the side of the pool with his lunch.

r. On July 22nd he attended the ASPEN Institute for “Conversation at the Republican Governor’s Association.”

s. On Aug 10 , just three days before he declared his intention to run for President, he attended the National Conference of State Legislators’ Major Donors from 9:30-11:00 which was considered to be “state business”

As identified by Rick Perry’s own calendar he is not even a half-time Governor. His lack of concern for the State of Texas is particularly troublesome in light of his declaration that he would NOT run for President, and would devote himself to Texas if elected Governor again.

Moreover Texas requires its elected officials to work 40 hours per week.  Not only has Perry failed miserably to comply with his promise of serving as Governor for a full term, but he continues to fail to meet his statutory obligations.  Even Ferris Bueller didn’t take off as many days as Rick Perry.

40 thoughts on “Rick Perry’s Days Off

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  1. I’m not sticking up for Rick Perry, but I’d be interested to see what other governor’s schedules had looked like. As I understand it, Texas has a “weak governor” system, wherein he/she doesn’t really have much to do. It probably should be a part-time job for any incumbent. I expect that W’s schedule was similar; the person whose schedule I’d really like to see is Ann Richards’, then we can make a legitimate comparison. As to his “promise” not to run for President and serve all four years – I don’t think anyone believed him at the time. If they did, they were extremely foolish. I hope he goes away soon after his clownish speech in New Hampshire.


    1. physicsmom,
      I would encourage you go to the web site patriotsagainstperry and see just how bad things are in the state. He could spend every day for the rest of his term just working on solving the challenge of fixing education in Texas, and that would be a good use of his time. Even if he doesn’t have to meet with legislators, he could be working to improve the state instead of going on state-paid vacations. If he is a “leader” then he should “lead” and that is by being involved.


    1. Martha again,
      I haven’t seen it on any report yet, but I agree. I have sent a link tonight to CNN and MSNBC, but I would encourage you and everyone reading to pass it on to any source you think would be interested. Thanks, Malia


      1. Malia,

        You made Juanita Jean’s site – you know, The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc, professional political organization – CONGRATS…

        I will start posting a link now.

        Thank you for your hard work.


  2. Well, as his role model was GW, who never met a vacation day he wouldn’t take, I’m not surprised. What will surprise me is if the people of Texas elect him again.


  3. Holy Cow Malia! That is jaw-dropping, considering the regular 2011 Texas legislative session was January to the end of May, 2011, plus the short special session (as you know, our legislature is NOT in session full time). So Gov. Goodhair was basically not working while the Legislature was in session?

    And where was Perry during all the wildfires this summer? He was in California during the ERCOT power outages when Texas had cold weather early this year.

    The Texas Tribune has a “Perry Tracker” and his schedule is, or was:

    Date Venue Location Description Related Story
    11/4/2011 Hy-Vee Hall Des Moines, IA Republican Party of Iowa Ronald Reagan Dinner
    11/1/2011 Vermeer Corporation Global Pavilion Pella, IA National Association of Manufacturers Presidential Forum
    11/1/2011 Drake Diner Des Moines, IA Meet and greet
    11/1/2011 Civic Center of Greater Des Moines Des Moines, IA Education and Economic Townhall
    10/28/2011 Radisson Hotel and Convention Center in Manchester Manchester, New Hampshire Perry will be the keynote speaker at the Cornerstone Action’s Annual Awards Dinner. http://bit.ly/kyVRsX
    10/28/2011 New Hampshire State House Concord, NH
    10/28/2011 Barley House Concord, NH Gov. Perry to speak at luncheon
    10/25/2011 ISO Poly Films Gray Court, SC Gov. Perry to unveil next pillar of jobs/economic plan. Flat tax plan unveiled.
    10/25/2011 South Carolina State House Columbia, SC Gov. Perry to hold press conference
    10/22/2011 Loess Hills Hunting Preserve Merrill, IA Gov. Perry to hunt pheasant with Congressman King
    10/22/2011 Kaufmann Family Farm Wilton, IA Gov. Perry to speak at Kaufmann Family Farm
    10/22/2011 Iowa State Fairgrounds Paul R. Knapp Animal Learning Center Des Moines, IA Gov. Perry to speak at Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Fall Banquet and Presidential Candidate Forum
    10/18/2011 Venetian Hotel Las Vegas, NV Perry participates in a GOP presidential debate at The Venetian.
    10/14/2011 United States Steel Mon Valley Works Irvin Plant West Mifflin, PA Perry will unveil his plan to make America more energy secure.
    10/13/2011 Pittsburgh, PA Perry campaigns in Pennsylvania.
    10/12/2011 Columbia Club Indianapolis, IN Perry participates in the GOP Presidential Forum.
    10/11/2011 Darmouth College Dartmouth, NH Perry participates in an economic debate with GOP presidential contenders.
    10/8/2011 Orange City, IA Perry campaigns in Iowa.
    10/7/2011 Omni Shoreham Hotel Washington, D.C. Perry speaks at the Values Voters Summit.
    10/1/2011 Manchester, NH Perry campaigns around New Hampshire.

    This list may be too long for your comments, I did the “copy” and “paste” thing. Please keep up the excellent work! I hope your work finds a larger audience. H


    1. H,
      I didn’t have this list when I wrote the post, but it is staggering just how much time Perry makes for campaigning and how little time he makes for Texas. Thanks for passing this on! Malia


    2. H,
      In comparing them to the information I have provided, it looks like he has been on the campaign trail for virtually every day in Oct. so the days that were not included in the calendar I received would have been days when he did little or no state business.


      1. It also appears as if he spends far more time each day out of the state ‘working’ than he eve has while in Texas. Shameful. But again, Bush handled the Presidency the same way..I’m sure Cheney put in far more office hours than Bush…it’s governing by committee. Hasn’t even worked in Texas…


      2. Sally,
        Texas has so many problems that have been ignored, that it is hard to imagine how he sleeps at night….no wait…I don’t want to know anything about that.


  4. Great post, Malia. His schedule seems to match one of the most common descriptions of him to a tee: all hat and no cattle. Of course, for most republicans, an appropriate description would be: all HATE and no cattle.


  5. Hi Malia

    I hope you don’t mind but I linked to your post for my next Dusty’s Corner post at PoliticalGates and the P2Blogs picked up your story from my earlier tweet. Maybe HonestyInGov can post it to Digg.



    1. Dusty,
      My goal in writing is to get the word out, so anything and everything you can do to pass on the information is appreciated! Thanks for your help! Malia


  6. OT/ I usually post on IM, but since you are based in Texas and in the legal profession I thought you might find this of interest:


    Long story short: This video is apparently an Aransas County Family Court Judge beating his daughter with a belt (in a manner that is waaay beyond what could be considered discipline). Note that it’s not easy to watch. Reddit and 4chan have it, but it’s best that it gets out wherever possible.


    1. Dinty,
      I have called the sherrif’s office in Aransas County and the man is “under investigation” now. They have definitely see the video and are working on the case. thanks for passing on! It is totally outrageous!


  7. Malia, if the state of Texas requires him to work 40 hours a week, is it possible to prosecute him, fire him, or impeach him due to this documented breach of that employment requirement?

    I think Rachel Maddox should see this post….


  8. Malia,
    Have you seen this video of a Texas Judge beating his handicapped daughter with a belt, it happened in 2004, she took the video and she just released it. He and his wife should both be in jail, I fear for the daughter now that she has released this.



    1. mmboucher8,
      Thanks for letting me know. I have called the Aransas county Sheriff’s office and they said they have the video and the Judge is “under investigation.” It’s so horrible I can hardly watch the video.


    1. mgardener,
      I think that people and companies that have benefited from the Emerging Technology Fund have diverted money to him. He has also had supporters include him in land deals that have helped his net worth in a big way. Before the election in Nov. 2010 for Governor in Texas the Dallas Morning News ran a full page front page story about a corrupt land deal that caused Perry to benefit financially from one of his buddies.


  9. Malia, thanks for helping explain the New Hampshire speech. The old boy must have been suffering from exhaustion due to splitting the duties of Governor with campaigning. Obviously he was destined to rule. He has about the same work schedule as Queen Elizabeth.

    So this information is available with a simple FOI request? Like “physicsmom” I’m wondering what other states look like, especially mine. Gov Kasich and his corporate cronies have been bashing public servants workers in their campaign commercials.


    1. aj,
      I don’t know how other states would handle it, and how your Governor keeps his records, but Perry’s staff has a procedure you can even file the request on line. I have a feeling after this hits the fan they will quit making it so easy.


  10. omg. I didn’t think anyone would be so stupid as to be photographed with the dreaded corndog…oh wait. The Bachmanns and Perry are truly a three-fer.

    I think after Perry’s drunken speech on Friday, he’s on his last leg.


    1. Ripley in CT
      I’m going to post something on that speech this am. I hope you are right! He was definitely under the influence of something!


  11. Based upon the amount of damage he does when he is “working” here in Texas, it’s probably a good thing he spends so little time doing it. I hate to think of the damage he could do if he worked as governor full time! Since many of his supporters are super-sized religious RWNJs, live in more rural areas, listen to Faux Nooze and don’t read any of the big city “librul” newspapers, they are hearing for the first time how much Perry is a “pay to play” guy, bought and paid for by businessmen who have their way with him. I don’t expect he could ever be re-elected as governor now, much less president, but we should never over estimate the intelligence of our citizens, and must stay very vigilant.

    Thank you, Malia, for what you do so well. I would be interested in reading about your thoughts on what would happen if a Regressive is elected president and is able to appoint another very conservative judge to the Supreme Court. It is anticipated that Judge Ginsburg will be retiring during the next presidential term, and I shudder to think of that.


    1. laingirl,
      It is frighten to contemplate! There is so much damage to the progress that could be made in the area of civil rights! We are lucky that Obama has Sotomayor and Kagan on the court, but it would still be really bad for the country if someone very conservative was put on the court. Given what I am seeing, Romney looks like the most likely candidate, and he seems to be willing to do or say whatever he needs to to satisfy the GOP. thus if he were to be elected, and be able to pick the next Justice, you can bet it will be a blow to us….especially women and gay men


  12. And this guy wants to be President? President Obama works tirelessly, and for the greatest good. How the hell would Perry even begin to keep up, besides being an embarrassing doofus.It is politicians like Perry that have earned the public’s distrust and frustration, and rightfully so.

    Who amongst us would last a month on a job with Perry’s work ethic. I personally have to much pride to be such a slacker. We need to raise the public’s awareness and clean house on these moochers and grifters. Occupy the voting Booth.


    1. Sue in Minnesota,
      I think the lesson we can take away is that the only job not in danger in this economy is being the Governor of Texas.


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