“Fed Up” With Rick Perry

Rick Perry wrote “Fed Up” which was published during the last year.  Now that he has declared his interest in becoming President of the United States, he is trying to pretend he didn’t mean some of the things he said in in Fed Up.  It seems that Rick Perry does, and says, whatever he thinks will be serve his interest at the time.  First he was a Democrat, now he’s a Republican.  First he was in favor of legalized gambling then he wasn’t .  First he advocated secession, now he wants to be the elected leader of the country from which he wanted to leave.  The real Rick Perry is a hypocrite.    If you are interested in anticipating what Rick Perry would actually do in the Oval Office, the best indication would be to consider the positions of some of his largest campaign donors have taken.

10 thoughts on ““Fed Up” With Rick Perry

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  1. So Malia Who do you tihink looks more like a chimpanzee?Perry or Bush?This guy is not only a hypocrite he’s corrupt as hell too.Rachel Maddow did a great peice on Perry on Friday about how he is selling Texas out.This is Bush all over again only dumber.The problem is this country loves dumb.How else can anyone explain 2 terms of Bush.On the plus side I survived Irene.


    1. Neil,
      Glad Irene is over. I still have family members who are unable to come home due to airport closings. I hope they’ll open in the am.
      Perry is bright enough to figure out how to give Texas tax-payer money to companies and people who will give him a fraction of the money to his re-election campaign, and appoint only people loyal to him to state office so that they will protect him. He could do so much damage to the country! He told a lot of lies during the campaign of 2010 and people didn’t realize they were being deceived, in spite of a full-page-front-page story in the Dallas Morning News about just one story of the corruption that defines who he is. As he climbs in the polls it can’t be about his true leadership or governing abilities. It must be about the perception of who he is. Hopefully we have time to make people aware of the danger of Rick Perry as President.


      1. You need to start a “Perrygate” to compliment “Babygate”! Hope it doesn’t take as long. We are running out of time on both of them. Why are people so stupid? It isn’t just the pretty ones that lie….look at Cheney and Bush!


      2. Mrs. Gunka,
        I may have to start just that, but I’m waiting to see what Palin is doing at the tea party speech. Malia


      3. I remember news stories about Scott’s legal troubles and his ties to the health industry, and Florida elected him anyway. I’m hoping the we all wise up before next fall…


      4. Sally,
        I don’t think Republicans feel a need to “wise up” before the primary. It’s up to us to make them aware of just how dangerous their candidates could be.


  2. Hopefully one of P-Rick’s former boyfriends will decide to tell all. That would sink his ship in a hurry, I think.


    1. Balzafiar,
      I’m still waiting, and hoping. After all the hateful things he and the GOP have said and done to the homosexual community, Perry deserves to have made public any and everything he has ever done.


  3. I think I’ve said this before, Malia, but in regard to #2 I don’t think she would have had to wait four years. As underhanded as she and her minions have been shown to be during the past three years, I truly believe McCain would have come to an untimely demise and she’d have been in the driver’s seat long before now.


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