The Definition of Success in Rick Perry’s World

There is an ancient Persian saying:

“I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.”

With Rick Perry as the Governor of Texas, Texans have learned to appreciate the little things in life…like having feet. In Rick Perry’s Texas having feet is a real success story. Never forget that education, and sex education are each insignificant when you compare them to the importance of appendages.


Texans shouldn’t think of education as embarrassing, even though:

1. Only 78.3 percent of Texans 25 years of age and older had a high school diploma in 2004.

2. Texas is #49 in verbal SAT scores in the nation (493) and #46 in average math SAT scores (502).

3. Texas is #36 in the nation in high school graduation rates (68%).

4. Texas is #33 in the nation in teacher salaries. Teacher salaries in Texas are not keeping pace with the national average. The gains realized from the last state-funded across-the-board pay raise authorized in 1999, which moved the ranking from 33 to as high as 26th in the nation, have disappeared over the last five years.

5. Texas was the only state in the nation to cut average per pupil expenditures in fiscal year 2005, resulting in a ranking of #40 nationally.

6. Texas is #6 in the nation in student growth. The general student population in Texas public schools grew by 11.1% between school years 1999 and 2005, with the largest percent of growth seen among low income and minority children.

7. Between school years 1999 and 2005, the number of central administrators employed by Texas public schools grew by 32.5%, overall staffing in public schools grew by 15.6%, while the number of teachers grew only 13.3%.

8. From fiscal years 2002 to 2006, average tuition and fees at public universities increased 61.4%. Average tuition and fees at community colleges increased 51.3%.

9. From fiscal years 2002 to 2007, the Texas state budget was cut in terms of real dollar, per-student funding for universities by 19.92%; for community colleges the per-student cut was 35.29%.

10. California has nine nationally recognized research institutions; New York has seven; Pennsylvania has four; while Texas, the second most populous state in the nation, has only three.

11. Out of Texas’ 145 public and private higher education institutions, only one private institution, Rice University, ranked among the nation’s top 50.

Consider the positives. Texas has an education system. Texas has some kick-ass football players. Rick Perry is running for President of the United States, and if elected he wouldn’t be the Governor of Texas any longer.


Texans shouldn’t focus on the total failure of its abstinence education.

1. Texas spent a nation-high $17 million last year for abstinence education programs.

2. Federal statistics in June showed that 52.9 percent of Texas students in ninth through 12th grades had sexual intercourse, compared with 47.8 nationally.

3. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also reported that Texas youths are less likely to use condoms.

4. Instruction to high school students in Texas about condoms are couched in terms of how often they fail, according to state law.

5. The federal government has spent $1.1 billion on funding for abstinence programs since 1982.

6. Texas has the third highest teen birth rate in the nation — 50% higher than the national average. Texas taxpayers spent $1 billion on teenage pregnancies and an estimated $15.1 billion over a 13-year period, according to a 2004 study by the National Campaign To Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.

Rick Perry says abstinence works.

What Rick Perry forgot to say was that the success rate of abstinence instruction in Texas has had a 100% success rate among teens missing appendages. Think of what this could mean for the entire country if Rick Perry is elected President.

Rick Perry is certainly an example of the importance of education and abstinence in Texas.  He is the living embodiment of the importance of education, and abstinence. If he were educated, or his parents had practiced abstinence….

Texas A&M would have been one yell-leader short, and Texas would be one coyote richer.

16 thoughts on “The Definition of Success in Rick Perry’s World

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  1. Malia, that Perry abstinence video is absolutely mind-numbingly, inconceivably, head-shakingly outrageous!! Holy S**t! And that man is a 3-term Governor? Him getting re-elected is as crazy as McCain ‘winning’ another term. If I hadn’t have seen that with my own eyes, I never would have believed it. Rest assured, I will spread the video far and wide – I had NO IDEA Perry was that dense and dangerous.

    For anyone vying for the Republican nomination against him, all they need to do for a campaign ad is run that video. Wow, just wow. He’s almost as embarrassing as Palin!


    1. Heidi3,
      Yes, he is horrible and corrupt. The combination definitely puts him on par with Palin. Now we have to do all we can to ensure that neither comes close to the White House.

      If you follow his logic, you can imagine that we go to war and win one battle, but lose the war, and he says his strategy worked! Frightening! Malia


    2. Heidi3,
      He’s an embarrassment to the country and to my state. I can’t imagine that we could ever recover as a country if he won the election!


      1. Wow! He sounds just like the other numbskull Texan that had control of our country. We don’t need another dumb Texas cowboy in our White House. I never realized we had so many ignorant, uneducated and ill informed voting citizens in this great country. I wonder if this happens in other countries. My wish is that someday anyone running for a political position is fined for telling outright lies and if they continue to lie they are no longer eligible for office period.


    3. I agree Heidi3. You said it correctly – no one would believe this video unless they’ve seen it themselves.

      When I posted it on one of Malia’s earlier blogs – I had no words to describe it. It took me some 5 minutes to even come up with ‘dumber than a rock’. It was a ‘close your mouth you’ll catch flies moment’.

      Oh please, never let it happen – but should he become the nominee, this is a vid that could easily be used in ads. From the President’s campaign, to the DNC and better yet – others ‘organizations’ putting out ads!!


  2. Well, your post explains how he got elected. Too many stupid people who don’t know any better and the spiral back to the Middle Ages continues. Get out while you can, Malia. We will need you around to help re-build the US once we completely implode, and based on these statistics, Texas is going down quick.


    1. dmoreno,
      Yes Texas is failing fast and Perry is the cause of it. It’s so amazing to me that Perry paints himself as the savior of Texas when we are failing so badly! Malia


  3. Malia,
    That video says it all. He is not only mind numbingly dumb but he looks and talks just like W. How has Texas survived the two of them? He must NOT be allowed anywhere near the White House.
    What can we do to keep this man from winning any election ever again?

    We have a “great” one here in FL too. He isn’t running for POTUS (yet) but he is in the process of decimating FL. How people here could be so stupid as to elect a known thief for Gov. is beyond my understanding. I did not vote for him and will do whatever i can, which I realize isn’t really much to get rid of him.


    1. surfpnsbch,
      Texas hasn’t survived very well. If Perry would be elected it would be the end of any hope of restoring our country.


  4. You do such great research, Malia. I closed my eyes while listening to the abstinence tape and guess whose face floated before me? Yup, W. No, No, No, a Texas village cannot lose another idiot to go live in the White House. Not again.


  5. Malia –
    If you have time today – check out an article by Craig Medred at Alaska Dispatch – title is “Mama Grizzly”.


  6. The fact that Perry has any support shows how ignorant this country can be. Most were probably born yesterday, so they don’t remember our most recent cowboy and the cost. The last cowboy was busy clearing brush while a bunch of Saudi terrorists trained in the U.S. and successfully carried out an attack that turned three skyscrapers to dust. What followed was a security based spending spree that put the country near bankruptcy, destroyed the dollar as international currency, and killed over 10,000 soldiers (don’t get me started on how they count combat deaths) and severely wounded another 100,000.

    After the cowboy rode off into the sunset to his mansion, an unarmed Black kid from Chicago with a brain and a law degree accomplished the mission. He managed to get a couple dozen U.S. Navy Seals through TSA security checks. They grabbed a couple helicopters, took Bin Laden out and captured huge cache computer data. (For those who don’t read the smaller print, Bin Laden was a computer genius, one of the best in the world).

    Can we afford another cowboy? There was another one back in the 1980’s who campaigned, promising to balance the budget, and left us with a new record debt. Tell Perry come back when he and his guns successfully defend his state borders from foreign drug dealers. We’ll let a smart kid from the city deal with terrorists.


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