The Foul Odor Coming From Wasilla Alaska, and Paint Creek Texas

There is a Southern expression “Just because a cat has kittens in the oven, that don’t make them biscuits.” Like the kittens in the oven that aren’t necessarily biscuits, growing up in a small farm town, does not necessarily make you a farmer. Even though Rick Perry advertises himself as a small town farmer/cowboy

and became the Agricultural Commissioner for Texas,  Rick Perry is far from a friend of the farmer.

Perry is so deeply unpopular in his hometown of Paint Creek that residents he went to school with, and even his former Boy Scout Troop Leader, will not be voting for him.

Perry touts himself as being from a town so small it lacks a zip code. He spins the tale of growing up the son of poor tenant farmer, who wore clothes sewn by his mother. While he proclaims himself as the product of Paint Creek, he is a product a town that is not proud of producing him. The residents of Paint Creek feel forgotten by Perry.

Haskell County Judge, David C. Davis stated that Perry “absolutely” turned his back on the town and that Perry has not been seen “in many years”.

Wallar Overton, Perry’s Boy Scout Troop Leader, who presented Perry with his Eagle Scout badge, indicated that he will not support Perry’s bid for the Presidency, stating “Our politics don’t jibe”.


Speaking anonymously to Huffington Post, a classmate who has known Perry since kindergarten stated that Rick Perry has a “big mouth”, but “doesn’t do much”.

A past neighbor of Perry explained that “I never saw him on a tractor in his life…And I never did see him on a horse.”

It seems that with Rick Perry, like Sarah Palin, those who know him best, like him the least. When you look good and lie well, people initially think only good things about you. After people begin to see Palin and Perry for the people they really are, they feel abandoned and deceived. Whether you are from Paint Creek Texas, or Wasilla Alaska, the smell of a skunk is still unmistakable.

19 thoughts on “The Foul Odor Coming From Wasilla Alaska, and Paint Creek Texas

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  1. This is probably your best post ever. Thank you. It ranks right up there with one of Syrin’s first posts about the Tundra Turd.


  2. A very interesting blog post by Paul Blumenthal on Huff about Perry’s new book “Fed-Up”: “Rick Perry’s K Street Project Sought Earmarks, Federal Funds”

    The book sets out Perry’s rants about earmarks being wasteful spending while the book neglects to mention he hired lobbyists with connections to DeLay and Abramoff ‘at the same time he ranted’ to bring home the bacon. He succeeded – transportation, healthcare, drug plan and add in the K Street Program connection run by DeLay too – Millions & Millions floated to TX.of the nasty wasteful Washington earmark spending!!!

    Me thinks – no – me knows his ‘shitkickers’ have been overflowing for years. That’s why he still wears them everyday as the feet/socks can’t be exposed. They’re overripe and rotted!!

    How did Perry avoid going down when Abramoff and DeLay did. Hmmm. Interesting.


  3. ‘”has a “big mouth”, but “doesn’t do much”’, is a job description for a Tea Party politician or a bully…same difference.


  4. I think Perry will not have a fawning press following his every move either. He’ll have Fix and Frauds, but that’s it. The GOP is really screwed, and good for them!


  5. O/T
    Another member of the ‘Stunned & Stupid Club’ that has come out of the woodwork to pimp her book!!

    Ding! Dong! The Witch is Back!!

    Now she’s here – Now she’s not!!

    Not that I like Morgan but in my view – he did nothing wrong! In fact, it was what I would consider ‘fluff’ questions that could have been easily answered yes or no but ohhhhhh no — Now she’s here – Now she’s not!! LOL

    The habitual ‘victim’!!!! Reminds me of Carrie Prejean on Larry King!!!


    1. de,
      Thanks for this! I have to admit I hadn’t thought about the witch in quite awhile! I wonder if her book will have spells in it! ?I can’t believe she just stopped the interview! Malia


    2. You have to think she was not very prepared for that interview. The questions that upset her should have been expected. She really overreacted. Not off to a very good start as she hustles her book. I just wish he would have asked about the mice that have had the human brain transplants. Would still like to know where in the hell she got that info.


  6. Malia –
    Spoke yesterday with my sister who llives in Sanger TX. She said Perry is such an embarassment. She calls him a “purty boy”. Over the past couple of years, especially, she and I have talked about the problems in Texas – and ours here in Calif. She said he has absolutely no concern for the ordinary folks – he has his and that is what is important. I think he is shallow and superficial like Palin. What a pair.


    1. Pat,
      I’m glad to hear that you sister in a small town like Sanger sees Perry for who he is. We need more Texans to realize what a scoundrel he is.


  7. Especially bad when your hometown does not think that much of you.
    That should be a big fat warning to the rest of the nation!!!!


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