Sarah Palin, the Undeclared Candidate, Declares War

Even people who were once in Palin’s inner circle are ostracized, sooner or later. Every book I have read regarding Sarah Palin, including her own, Going Rogue, documents the many people who have initially tried to help Palin, and have been discarded when they were no longer needed. Trailblazer, Blind Allegiance, Going Rogue, Game Change all provide very specific examples of people who originally tried to help Palin, and became the victims of a grizzly attack.

At the debate of the then Republican candidates, each was very careful not to disparage each other. It was the perfect example of “political correctness.” Of course Sarah Palin was not part of that debate. Needless to say if she had, there would have been a lot more controversy. Texas Governor Rick Perry is one of her latest victims. Over one year ago it was Rick Perry who introduced Sarah Palin as “one of the great Americans of our time.”  At the time, the similarities between the two candidates was remarkable.  Now that Palin is about to announce her candidacy, she knows she will be fighting for the same people who might support Rick Perry.   Maybe Perry should have said a prayer at his recent prayer meeting  that the Empress would spare him.


Palin recently re-tweeted an article regarding the debt amassed by Rick Perry and Mitt Romney during their terms as Governor.  Of course she is no longer Governor, so any information she might mention would be more than two years old. However the fact that she directly attacked Perry and Romney on economic issues is evidence of her willingness to split the conservative vote, and her plans to run. Conservatives4Palin also explained, in case anyone missed it, that:

It’s also noteworthy that the article that Palin re-tweeted pretty much calls for her to run for the presidency.”


62 thoughts on “Sarah Palin, the Undeclared Candidate, Declares War

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  1. If only she was relevant to anyone but the mindless mob that worships her blindly and whatever you want to call the money driven whores of the media I might actually listen to her. Not really but I was trying to be kind.

    She can run but when she does she can’t hide anymore.

    I hope she announces. There are enough personal bombs ticking away out there and when they start to go off she’ll be laughed back to wasilla.


    1. Agree. It’s pretty funny to anticipate that her own record won’t be examined, whether or not we start in her one-horse town with the $22MM she left as town debt or the AK budget itself during her half-governance. Regardless of her own record though, we should not expect facts in her recounting of her near-godly career.


  2. Let’s just sit back and watch them tear each other apart. Whomever comes out on the bottom will blame the liberal press or the mainstream media.

    The gop will continue to cater to the rich.

    the tea party fringe will continue to wear tea on their heads

    and the liberal/progressive will watch with popcorn in hand just waiting for the 2012 elections to re-elect President Obama


  3. It seems to me that Sarah has managed to alienate every political friend that she has ever had. Use ’em and screw ’em should be her motto.


  4. O/T – Bachmann attends church service denouncing homosexuality. Wonder who actually picked the topics. Hmmmm???

    This past weekend was the reporting of ‘Prayer’ – In Texas, in Iowa.

    Bachmann & her ‘G’SO in Iowa attended two services Sunday – the second where the subject was ‘marriage and homosexuality, testimonial video included!! I ask ‘How much has he been compensated or what has he received to confess the ‘pray away the gay’. I laugh at this statement in the MSNBC link like I believe it – NOT “It just so happens they were here today,” Mullen said of the Bachmanns. “And we were teaching on both marriage and homosexuality.” YUP, they just happened to walk by – what a coincidence!!! Oh wait – the Beckmann, I mean Bachmann campaign released this statement on Mullen’s sermon: “Michele was an invited guest, she always welcomes the opportunity to meet with parishioners.”

    It was Bachmann’s 2nd service of the day — the first being in Des Moines, Iowa on the subject of her faith and political life. Separation of church and state anyone.

    From LGBTQNATION, the opening paragraph is priceless!
    “Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann, who recently sidestepped reporter’s question about her views on gay marriage — calling it a “frivolous” matter — sure does love herself a good ole, Bible thumping, anti-gay sermon.”

    The link also includes the video of the ‘I was gay before I wasn’t’ confessor. Can I just say, with only seeing the image on the still screen of those vids without watching them (I’m just drinking first coffee so too early to watch!) — that scarf inside the collar — says something totally different!!

    P.S.: Your blog on ‘Michele Bachmann is an Equal Opportunity Bigot’ has been linked to Mike’s Blog Round Up on Crooks and Liars today


  5. This personality feature of hers is becoming increasingly well-known. I could not help but smile grimly when her “bus tour” made a mad dash up to New Hampshire to steal the spotlight from Romney’s presidential announcement.

    And AGAIN with Michelle Bachman! Just pathetic.

    Since she has extreme difficultly in relating to others in a normal manner, I think her workaround is to pick fights, and then try and “make up”. From one extreme emotional state to another. Either venom or syrup.

    Oh, I have a little devil on one shoulder, that is urging me to write to Rick Perry and suggest he ask SP to be his VP. They would so appeal to the Tbagger crowd. And he is such an venal idiot, he deserves a good clawing by that harpy.


  6. What about the debt she racked up as mayor. I’m not sure about her short time as governor. Does anyone know?
    If she is running, what is she waiting for?
    I really feel that she has made so many enemies because of her big ugly mouth, she will be squashed like a bug by fellow Republicans who are running. This will be fun to watch. What a group!!!! To me, Huntsman is the only one with any character but then I don’t know much about him. Sarah is finished. It doesn’t mean we should quit exposing her though! And that’s just my opinion and the polls too.


    1. I agree, what is she waiting for? Divine guidance, no doubt. To quote her many fans at the C$P, “run, Sarah, run.” Then it’s “game on!” (Another C$P mantra)


    2. Huntsman is a non-starter for me simply because of business affiliations, and too close for comfort parallels to the Kochs. Huntsmans father attended MIT with the Koch’s, they both have petro-chemical related business interetsts, the Huntsman School of Business at USU sponsors Kochs’ scholars, a program funded in full by the Kochs. There are accusations that schools are relinquishing academic integrity in exchange for the Koch’s funding. I just can’t seperate the two, and am praying that America’s corporations don’t overtake our government…that race, I believe is on.

      Huntsman, it has been suggested used his position as Ambassador to China for personal business interests and gains. He seems nice enough, but frankly I don’t trust him. I trust President Obama, I respect his intellect, his work ethic and his character. I do not see him through the lense of the MSM, which IMO is greatly distorted. I am not happy with the Republican party, and really not happy with the disrespectful, demeaning and often think racist references that are casually and frequently engaged in by our citizens, our media personalities and even some of our elected officials. I think it is shameful, and an embarassment to us as a nation.


  7. She would be wise to lay off Perry. He is slick, slimy, and better equipped to deal with these political games than her gang of amateurs. Fortunately, Palin is not wise, so I can’t wait for them to eviscerate each other in front of the American public. They deserve each other.


    1. He also has far more money and much better evangelical connections than even Scarah. And a shorter enemies list….


  8. It’s interesting that you mention the discarding of one-time allies because that’s pretty much what Pres Obama has done his whole life. The difference? Not one. The two politicians, sarah and barack, seem to have a ton of “thugs” behind them. The only difference I see is that the media gives O a pass.


    1. Right, no one in the media EVER criticizes Barack Obama for anything…at least not more than once an hour ever since he entered the primaries. You are a moron.


    2. My you are small minded. You chose a great name for yourself. You are also woefully uneducated. Barack Obama has some very long term friends and some worked on his campaign. Sarah has no friends that I can see in Alaska. You can’t name a few Republicans in government there who respect her. And I have to laugh at your media comment. Sarah was made by the media. Without the McCains ( who she just crapped on) and the media, Sarah would be nothing. And President Obama has not been given a pass. Is that you Sarah? Always playing the victim. You just don’t get that America did not want you in office and they still don’t want you. You could never debate Obama and win or even come close. Intellectually and knowledgewise, you aren’t on the same playing field. What a sore loser Sarah is. And she hasn’t the knowledge or ability for public office. If she runs, she will be a laughing stock.
      Now whose Paul Revere??? And what about those friends of ours….. You know, North Korea!? LOL


    3. Be specific, back up your accusations. I’ve done a lot of background research on President Obama, nothing even remotely points to the accusations you are making. Nothing. And the thugs bit, you drop that often when you visit here and elsewhere….what does that mean anyway?


    4. Your screen name says it all. Obama does not have a string of people speaking up or writing about how he threw them under the bus. Palin does. If you are going to show up here, plan to provide facts and links to authoritative sources, which is how Malia prepares her content. You say more about yourself with such a juvenile posting than you do about your intended target.


  9. To curious, if she does run, she will have obviously weighed any risk. No one knows her past better than her. She will do what’s best for her and family. A bunch of lies told by bored, lazy 19 year olds will be forgotten like all else.


    1. I see you drink ‘tainted’ koolaid.

      The other evidence is — you don’t live nor have any contact with the State of AK. You’ve been bought and paid for.

      I suspect your bank account is much ‘lighter’ as you’ve been conned to donate!!!


    2. She doesn’t access risk. She is incapable of any type of reflection. She is a malignant narcissist and a pathological liar. There is no comparison between Ms. Quittypants and the President other than they both are mammal’s. Although she has more reptilian traits, IMO. The rich irony is that she will be exposed and neutered by the other right-wing candidates. They will exploit the shit-storm that’s about to hit her dingy. Mercedes interview. Track not being married when getting his (now) wife pregnant. A family tradition. Bristol’s non-existent career and book sales. The flat-stomach picture on Laura Novak’s blog. (Yeah, explain that $arah.) Joe’s book coming out. The babygate book coming out. The movie at the Toronto Film Festival. I’m sure there is more. Face it bot’s. She’s over.


    3. And no one pretends her past never existed better than she does. She has convinced herself that she was a wonderful mayor, a stellar governor who is beloved by the masses, that she should be Mother of the Century for never aborting a child, that her kids did not have sex as teens, that they never did drugs, and that Todd never visited a prostitute. Not once. And that it was not her fault that she and McCain lost. She will do what’s most lucrative for Sarah, as she always has.


    4. Since she “knows” herself so well…she might first get off the amphetamines and ask herself how is it that she had her Very own Death Panels? Yes 254 people died on HER WATCH watching for services, Special needs people!!! In fact it was SO BAD the FEDS DE-FUNDED the program on about 6.16..09 less than a month before she QUIT!

      And by bored lazy 19 yr old you must mean dumbassed BriDull?


    5. Narcissists do not “weigh risks” because they believe they can do no wrong. Palin is a narcissist ( and the notion that she puts family first is laughable. Her kids are props at stump speeches and otherwise she is an absentee parent.

      As for the lies, which — pray tell — are you alluding to? I know that school is still out, which is why you are here with inance postings.


  10. To me all of the republicans (except Huntsman) is like singing Send in the Clowns. Quitter Palin as soon as she puts her toe in the water all the dirt on her will finally bubble up to a boiling point and we will finally get the truth about many of her lies. I am sure of it. I don’t think crazy Bachman or Perry the two other religious zealots will let her off easy. It would be funny to see the fight of the religious nuts on the extreme right. Then Romney will pass and win then Obama will beat her.


    1. You go get ’em girl!!!

      I back you 100% and I hope you & Gryphen can get your story the coverage it deserves.

      The Palins need to be exposed for the lying frauds they really are.
      You take care of yourself & watch your back hun!!


    2. Shailey,
      Thanks for hanging in there. I now know from personal experience how frustrating it is to be affected by the corruption in Alaska.


      1. Malia — You and Shailey need to keep the Todd story alive and well. Palin put him into the background (AKA “doghouse”) since this story broke, but it MUST resurface when she declares her candidacy, if only to expose the hypocrisy of that so-called Christian home AND the corruption of the Anchorage police (or more).


      2. BW
        I am in touch with Shailey and she has agreed to do another interview, so there will be more to come.


      1. Cheryl,
        In 2009 I thought this would never happen, but here we are with potential candidates Palin, Bachmann, and Perry. I need more help to write about all three!


    1. Stop teasing, Michael.

      Why not just come out with it right here and right now? Are you sworn to secrecy as well?

      It’s been over three years. Many of us have been paying a ton of attention. Enough is enough.


  11. Here’s some interesting news for you Malia. Jesse Gryphen now knows who the baby belongs to because his friend Mercede Johnston told him. He’s sworn to secrecy and so that puts the burden of proof on you and others. And even if I didn’t have inside info on it, the fact is pretty obvious now to anyone who’s following along closely.
    Do what you want with this message. It’s mainly meant for your use anyway. Just keep your eyes and ears open for the fact to manifest itself in how he is covering up now.


    1. Michael,
      I have met Gryphen on a couple of occasions, and I have a lot of respect for him. If the way he gets people to confide in him is by keeping their confidence, than I applaud that. We are all seeking the truth, and uncovering the truth, even if he can’t share it yet, is the beginning. Malia


      1. I can understand your respect Malia but along with that is the fact that the main mission from the beginning has been compromised. I just want you and a few other people who have worked so hard to uncover the truth to know that.

        From my perspective the respect has vanished. There are some deals with the devil that can’t ever be made. If the truth comes out it won’t be coming from Jesse Griffin. He’s made that impossible now. I just hope that you aren’t in it with him and you haven’t sworn yourself to secrecy. I imagine it in his interest to work to protect Mercede Johnston and her interests now as opposed to exposing the truth of what has been important right from the beginning.


      2. Michael,
        The really nice thing about doing my blog is that I am not accountable to anyone but my readers like you. Everything I have posted on this blog is referenced to the source of the information. I provide links to anything I reference and if it is an interview I’ve done by phone I provide the person’s name, or if they won’t give it, I disclose the office that I called to get the information reported. I don’t presume to know what Jessee knows. I don’t have the connections to people in Alaska that he does. People like joe McGinnis have been to Wasilla and interviewed residents. I am just a mom in Dallas, reporting on what I can learn from here in Dallas. If I reference something that may not be factual, I simply report that something has been said by someone, and tell you who said it. It is then up to you to make your own decision as to the credibility of the information, based on the source. I met Jessee in Washington D.C. when I was there for my book signing. He told me about things reported to him, but that he and I have never reported as we could not substantiate them, and he didn’t disclose the source of the information. I hope you understand that I try my best to document anything I report. Malia


  12. I guess winky forgot how rick man-handled her at the repugnant guv’s meeting held after the election. Remember she wanted to start babbling to the press about, who knows probably bad-mouthing the president, and he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her away from the mike? I think perry has a cruel streak a mile wide and maybe stoopid sarah will suffer his wrath. It’s almost worth seeing his feeble attempt at trying to grab the repugnant nomination, as if any independent worth their salt would vote for the religious zealot, and steam-rolling d.f. sarah a few dozen times.


  13. I think Sarah is planning on announcing Sept 3 (I thin that’s the date) when she is a keynote speaker at some major Tea Party event or another.

    However, as might have been expected she is now singing the “It’s all Obama’s fault” song about the issues in the economy since the debt ceiling was (finally) raised and is saying “I told you so” – she clearly has not only a selective memory but a selective judgement of cause and effect.


  14. I want to see her grades from the five colleges she attended. It’s obvious in reviewing her history as Mayor of Wasilla and part-time governor of Alaska that she has zero knowledge of economics.

    She is not qualified to run for president – much less another office.


    1. Palin has the nerve to mention her “micro” and “macro” economics classes that she took at U of I, indicating that they gave her the “common sense conservative solution” to today’s debt problem. However, she fails to mention that in the only Economics class she took, she received a “D” as a final grade. She talks about her taking Alaska from AA to AAA but says it’s due to the number of permits she issued for drilling. WTF? Does she really think that we’re unaware of her raising taxes on the oil companies? The very same thing that President Obama and the Democrats want to do and yet she screams about it today as if it would kill the U.S. economy. $arah’s FB posts were most definitely NOT written by her but if she wants to prove she knows what she’s talking about let’s dare her to go on national TV with a well-known economist and debate her views against theirs. We’ll clearly be able to see within minutes that she hasn’t a clue as to what she is talking about.

      Sarah, put your money where your mouth is, any talk show other than on FOX, no pre-announced questions and you have to talk about the things you allegedly said in your FB posts. How about it?


  15. My money is on an independent run by $arah from the start. That way she can avoid primary debates, avoid unscripted pressers, and try to fund raise from the disaffected voters. Her next speech is at a Tea Tantrum event…

    She has been bad mouthing the GOP since the last election, none of the party leadership has confidence in her to win, and the right wing talking heads like her anymore. She has more statements to walk back than any of us can count.

    Starting off as an indy will let the party gauge how much of a threat she is to them, and will allow the rest of us to see how many conservatives she will peel off the pack. If she is rising in the polls over time, the GOP may extend an olive branch and forgive her from her mavericky ways,

    She can say she tried to run for office, and she can continue to play martyr. That is her only remaining strength – the ability to get a few people to feel sorry for her. All aboard the Palin Pity Express!


    1. newmexicogold,
      Or she may just support Michele Bachmann and position herself to be a VP pick, and she could do her job at FOX a little longer.


      1. No way, Malia. Palin’s ego will not permit her being in position #2 again. Remember her statement in India earlier this year when someone asked her why the Republicans lost and she replied that she was not the lead on the ticket?

        Palin hates being #2 ever since her loss in the Miss Alaska pageant (to a black woman no less! She never recouped from that event and sense of being ‘robbed’ by a black person.). SP will not settle for #2 again. The bigger question is who would run with her as VP. Scary to think of how dumb that person must be. Look for that nominee to be Right of Attila the Hun.


    2. I think you may be right about a third-party run. Unfortunately for SP she does not understand nor appreciate the power of history. She should have interviewed Ross Peror or Ralph Nader. I think she has been courting the military (including militia, white supremistis, John Birchers et al.) as part of her naive belief she can actually lead a ‘revolution’. Bring it on, Sarah.

      The only part of her plan that you omitted is that after 2012 she will write a pseudo-history on how the MSM and liberals (and GOP establishment) brought her down. Her ‘base’ will buy yet another book in which she is a national heroine AND a victim of evil forces in America.


      1. BW,
        But the good news is that she probably won’t have any more money in SarahPAC, and they won’t be able to afford to buy the book, and so who will buy it???


  16. Whats new about Plain declaring war. The whole Republican Party/Tea Party/Wall Street Bankers and the Corprate Elite declared a “Cold Civil War” aganist the American working class,elderly,retired and unions. Sounds like the “Business Plot” all over gain of 1934. To turn the country into a Corporate Fascist State. Thats the one the media will newver print nor broadcast.


  17. “Nobody knows her like her.” Wow! Really! How profound!!
    I’d say Mercerdes has her pegged. You can cut her down all you want. Sarah is a proven pathological liar with no credibility. Mercedes has no motivation to lie. She is a wonderful well liked young lady who has far more credibility than Sarah or Bristol. They have lied and been caught too many times. Sarah lies about everything , even the weather. And everyone knows it. Perhaps you should enlarge your mind outside of the tiny bubble you live in.


  18. Keep right on thinking that Palin is going to run and you will keep on making her rich by providing her the attention she needs to keep being noticed.

    She’s not running. And she is definitely not going to be chosen as a running mate by Bachman. Bachman is finished. Place your bets on the lame ass excuse Palin will come up with to say she can’t run or won’t run. That is, if a real life crisis with her daughter Bristol doesn’t do it for her.


  19. Palin is no pit bull, with or without lipstick. She is more snakelike, basking in the sun, observing from a rock and then striking without warning. Her criticisms of other Repug candidates not only signals her intention to run, but her clear direction not to take a #2 position with any other candidate. Otherwise she’d be more circumspect about her venomous attacks.

    I guess we have to wait for the Iowa TP event to learn that she is in the game. She is wagering that the longer she waits the fewer the other snakes. In the meantime other candidates are going to become her victims — though she fails to recognize that they soon will be her “haters.”


  20. My attempts to get things rolling again are starting to be noticed. I posted this on Gryphen’s blog in response to another blogger posting my message on how Gryphen has been compromised by taking Mercede into his confidence on the true babygate story.
    Anon at 10:45, The point is, Mercede knows all the details and she’s told Gryphen in strictest confidence. Now Gryphen can’t tell us and he can’t pursue the issue with any sincerity. Just want some people to know that.

    p.s. no amount of censoring my message is going to keep it hidden any longer.

    Some of the other blogs have the message and are now cooperating in helping expose what’s going on. The help of this blog would be appreciated if the mission is still to expose Palin’s faked pregnancy.


    1. Gryphen says you’re full of crap, so why don’t you offer up some proof and we can decide for ourselves. How do you know Gryphen is keeping a secret for Mercede and what is that secret (since you claim to know). Anonymous proclamations don’t mean anything, especially to those of us who’ve been following this story for more than three years.


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