Sarah Palin Elevates Racism to a New Level


There was a time when Sarah Palin seemed to be interested in young Black men.

glen rice

Whether if was a bad experience with Glen Rice, jealousy over her loss to Maryline Blackburn

palin marilyn blackburn

in the 1984 Miss Alaska beauty pageant, or the 2008 loss to the First African American candidate for the Presidency, it seems Sarah Palin has established herself as one of the leading racists of our time.

palin kkk

Most celebrities and politicians are worried about being politically correct, even if their underlying views are racist. Not Sarah. She was quoted as saying,

“Looks like Sambo beat the bitch.”

People who know Sarah have reported that she regularly refers to Alaska’s Aborginal people as “Arctic Arabs,” “mukluks” and “fucking Eskimo’s.”

garner die in Berkley

garner die in Jackson Missippi

The multitude of comments erupting from Sarah’s foul mouth about our President include:

1. referring to him as “lackadaisical”

2. accusing him of “shucking and jiving”

Palin has also told African Americans that they don’t know the meaning of the word slavery. Palin also defended the racist remark of Phil Robertson that black people were happy under Jim Crow. Before she quit as Governor she was sued for violating the law by refusing to issue the 2007 Juneteenth Proclamation. It was also noted that she had no African-“Am. I likeericans on her staff. While some might assume that was simply coincidental, Palin clarified that she didn’t have to hire any Blacks, and that she did not intend to hire any.

Sarah Palin has also defended people like Dr. Laura when she used the “N” word 11 times on air. She calls people like Rush Limbaugh a friend.

palin limbaugh sum of all fears

Media sources have chosen from Limbaugh’s many racist remarks to identify the top ten.

Given her history of racists behavior it should be of no surprise that she has not uttered a word, a tweet, or a comment about the death of Eric Garner. Maybe she missed the video of NY police officers restraining an unarmed man, putting him in a choke-hold and slamming his head into the concrete.

Since she doesn’t read, maybe she didn’t know that a grand jury failed to indict the NY police officer who caused the death of Mr. Garner.

eric garner head lock

eric garner three police officers involved

eric garner falling ofstretcher

Maybe she hasn’t read about protests held across America intended to bring to light the outrage of people caused by the abusive and deadly force used by white police officers against a black man. However you’d think she would hear or see the protests held in Anchorage.

anchorage protest eric garner

Never forget, Trayvon Martin,

trayvon martin

Chavis Carter,

Michael Brown,

or videos with these black men who were shot:

It seems that in light of the national media attention associated with the death of Eric Garner, Sarah Palin would use this opportunity to gain attention for herself, by speaking out regarding the outrageous behavior of the NY Police.

palin neck

However the death of Eric “Garner occurred last July and Palin has said nothing! The grand jury failed to indict the police officer involved, and their decision was announced several days ago. The Grand Jury was not asked to consider a “reckless endangerment” charge.

Contrast Palin’s comments when an indictment was issued by a Grand Jury regarding Rick Perry. When that happened Palin was quick to assert that this indictment was the result of “thug tactics”. That case didn’t involve a murder. There was no racial issue involved. Yet Palin felt it appropriate to weigh in.

Palin always offers an opinion about everything, even when she has no experience or education regarding the subject matter involved. Thus, the fact she has chosen NOT to say a word about the egregious conduct of the NY police is evidence of her support for their conduct. Sarah Palin has an opportunity to be a force for good. Instead she supports people who are racists. She speaks out about the right of the unborn to experience life, but she is unwilling to insist on the right to life for the father of 6 children who is now dead.

eric garner tatoos

36 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Elevates Racism to a New Level

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  1. It should be noted that the picture of Sarah Palin wearing a KKK hood and robe is Photoshopped (not by you, of course, Malia; it’s been on the Internet since 2008). ;-D


      1. I have never been offended by anything that Malia has posted. I don’t consider myself a dem. but non-partisian and I am extremely liberal. What does offend me is Palin and her hate and divisveness.


  2. There but for the grace of her God… Maybe in the next incarnation the Tundra Turd(tm) will be an ethnic minority and experience all that means. One can only hope that Karma will act in that fashion. Unless it acts quicker and she is utterly and fully disgraced into silence in this lifetime (soon).


  3. What does she call Todd Palin and her daughters when she gets angry? They are certainly not White. Track Menard is the only White offspring that she has.


    1. I remember during the campaign she told the press about Todd having Yup’ik heritage. That, I believe, was to boost her image of someone who is sensitive to minorities, which we all know is false. And she doesn’t seem to appreciate the free health care her children have because of Todd having some native blood. She really is a POS.


  4. sarah and todd are not racist at all. Just the other day there were two homeless people in front of the brothel. Sarah and todd walked up to the black one and shook him down for all the change he had. The they did the same to the white one.

    you know what the black guy actually had more change. That means the people of this area really like black people more than white people. If their is predgudice in the lowest office in this land there must be predudice in the highest office.

    I think we should all study the ways of todd and walk a green mile in sarahs shoes. do unto others as the would pay the amount due to you.

    todd have mercy on your soul


  5. Surely you didn’t think she would? When she gave her paintchipeaters the que to go for the dems with guns and Gabby got shot, a little girl died. This is how barbaric the people on the right are. She couldn’t even call the mother of the little girl to sympathize. She didn’t even call Gabby Gifford to see if she lived. sarah deserves her very own insane barbaric ignorant followers. its all she’ll ever have


  6. She’s such a low-life POS! When she was elected Governor, she told her chief of staff at the time that they were to fire all people of color. When asked why, her answer was, “because I said so” or something to that effect. These same people she was having fired for no damn reason had just worked their asses off for her campaign but she didn’t give a damn. She thought that she and Todd had been given the keys to the kingdom and the checkbook, too. She thought they were going to rule like the King & Queen of Alaska. To this day she is pissed that Barack Obama beat her and McCain in the general election. Of course, she only sees it as a personal insult, rather than the fact that the country voted against her & McCain. She will go after Obama forever because she can never defeat him alone. This loss eats at her daily and the fact that she can never rectify it by defeating Obama for the Presidency just gnaws on that sorry excuse in her chest that is allegedly her heart. Every time she opens her mouth, she reveals what a sorry excuse she is for a human being. She doesn’t belong in Bo’s dog house, let alone the White House. Thankfully, she’ll never get to see either one.

    I have no doubt in my mind that she made the comment, “So Sambo beat the bitch, eh?” It sounds like her and she also thought she was fucking invincible at the time. That bitch makes me sick!


      1. Wow, the comments on your blog are like a game of telephone. Each person adds a little something to the last person’s accusation against Palin. Funny how none of tgis stuff has any credible backing. Oh well, keep on playing “The Malia Litman Telephib Game” the only ones dumb enough to buy into the B.S. are fighting a losing battle these days anyways.


  7. This post is as irresponsible as bloggers “reporting” similar things about Obama and democrats. There are named people who’ve said Obama is gay and a coke hustler, which IMHO aren’t the public’s business. But it would never make actual news because it’s unverified. Shame on you Malia for writing things you can’t back up.

    Especially since Sarah is close to her inlaws, who are native, and has black friends. And she often speaks of her kids (4) as being native and that they’re all proud.

    Oh and Obama called HIMSELF lazy, which was reported on numerous “legitimate” sites.


    1. End it now,
      Your comment is “irresponsible” asyou provided exactly NO support for what y ou said. I did backthings up and gave you a link!


    2. Sarah Palin is a Troll just like ‘end it now/anne grimes/just no/no comprends/julezz(porn actress)/jessie/pimp daddy/Bristol the Trial Daddy dater/krusty patullo. It is ironic that none of the Palins ever complain about you, Troll. You are either one of them, or you are paid by the Snakeoil Pac.
      Does Sarah call her supposed ‘Black’ friends SAMBO? Does Sarah still Fantasize about Glen Rice?


      1. Excellent reading. I have said for decades that the U.S. government was into drugs up to their eyeballs. I knew it in the 60s, in the 70s, the 80s….And they are still involved today. Always have been, always will be. You KNOW any time there is that much cash involved, the buzzards will circle. They will and have lied, cheated, back stabbed, double talked, yes, I believe even had people murdered to get their filthy hands on the easy drug cash.

        The only thing this so called “drug war” is about is getting as many of the little people as possible out of their way and in prison. In other words, less cash for you, more cash for me. Get in our way? We’ll destroy you.

        Trusting those people that call themselves politicians is a grave mistake. The government of the U.S. is one of the most corrupt organizations on this planet. Has been from day one. Their motto is me for me and all for me.


  8. Good article Malia. Sad – but accurate.
    As the wife of a “Native American” – I have always found it amazing that neither she or her husband ever felt that inner twinge to do what is right for the Alaskan people. There are villages – not too far from where they live where people are still without indoor plumbing. The sexual abuse of girls and women is rampant – and yet neither ever made it a cause. Lost opportunity. Have to wonder what Walker will do – if anything.


  9. Malia – Sarah Palin is not educated enough to give an opinion because she lacks an understanding of the issues. Sarah has contrived this image of herself that she is a patriot and that she is supportive of all Americans, but that’s a blatant LIE! The only person Sarah Palin cares about is Sarah Palin.


  10. >>>URGENT CALL TO ALL READERS<<<CALL 888-373-7888 NOW!!!!<<<


    If you or someone you know is being forced to engage in any activity and cannot leave – whether it be commercial, sex, housework, farm work, construction, factory, retail, or restaurant work, or any other activity – call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 to access help and services. Victims of slavery and human trafficking are protected under U.S. law.

    Trig Palin is unable to break free from the SHACKLES OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING at the hands one Sarah Louise Palin of Wasilla, Alaska. He may not be biologically related to her. His entire life has been spent for her personal gain – money, property, and prestige. Your calling 888-373-7888 NOW will help Trig become a free boy. He deserves autonomy, he deserves to eat solid food, he deserves to see and hear.


  11. All things Palin aside, the last photo with #99 tells the whole story of this scam. Note the position of the officer’s forearm on Garner’s carotid artery. In MMA it’s called a death lock and the refs jump in to monitor consciousness of the victim. It kills in a very short time. That’s why it’s banned from police use. The “can’t breathe” was probably due to a crushed windpipe and compression from the officers kneeling on him.


  12. Malia Litman is homely looking whereas Mrs. Palin is a Patriotic Beauty Queen, so the jealousy is rather apparent. Funny how it’s always the dogfaces of the Lying Liberal Democrat Party who just can’t stand beautiful, strong Conservative women. Liberal women also end up with breast cancer from so many abortions, like Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz.
    Go and Google “Democrat Women vs Republican Women and there’s no comparison, Schulz, obese Rosie, Warren, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, all botoxed and dried up inside. Biggest liars on he planet.


    1. rosietheterrorist,
      You reveal much about yourself by the nature of your criticism. The fact that you can only disparage my appearance is validation of all that I write.


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