A Culture of Corruption in Both Homeland Security and the Department of Justice

The Secret Service is the division of Homeland Security charged with protecting the President, and candidates running for President or Vice President. Thus when Sarah Palin was running with John McCain, she was guarded by agents from the Secret Service.

palin cheney checkin her out

The Drug Enforcement Administration is a division of the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice has an Inspector General, but that position is different than the Inspector General of Homeland Security. The Inspector General for the Department of Justice is Michael Horowitz and he has held that position since April of 2012. He is charged with detection and deterrence of waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct within the Department of Justice.

The Inspector General for Homeland Security is a different office, with different responsibilities. Charles Edwards had been the acting Inspector General of Homeland Security before he resigned on Dec. 17, 2013 do to an investigation of corruption within his office. Yes, the person charged with policing the Department of Homeland Security, was himself being investigated for fraud and corruption. His resignation came just three days before he was scheduled to testify before the Senate regarding his lack of independence. The hearing was cancelled and Mr. Edwards has “formally requested a voluntary reassignment…in line with existing protocols and procedures, …and he has been reassigned to a career position at the science and technology division.” http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/12/17/homeland-security-watchdog-resigns-under-ethics-cloud-days-before-hearing/ Thus Mr. Edwards is still on the government payroll, but he is no longer allowed to investigate allegations of corruption, much like those he was suspected of being involved in.

A new report has been released by the DEA regarding a culture of corruption within the DEA. That report indicated that special agents in the DEA have used prostitutes, used government issued cell phones to arrange meetings with prostitutes, and then took the prostitutes to government furnished apartments. Those agents apparently erased information from their government issued cell phones when they became aware of the investigation.

This is where the overlap of the DOJ and Secret Service agents is significant. Both departments were involved in the “raucous night” in Cartagena, Colombia in April of 2012. It was two of the DEA agents that arranged for a supervisor in the Secret Service to receive an “erotic massage” which included oral sex.

Because the Inspector General for the DOJ is different than the Inspector General for Homeland Security, there is at least some hope that agents such as Cheney will be held accountable.

david chaney and prostitute

In the FOIA Requests that are to come this month, there may be further information disclosed about Todd Palin and the Culture of Corruption within the Secret Service, not because of the compulsion to tell the truth, but perhaps if they don’t tell the truth, there will be someone at the DEA who will provide contradictory evidence.

35 thoughts on “A Culture of Corruption in Both Homeland Security and the Department of Justice

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    1. laurensd1,
      I do too! I’ll start posting my letters on the 11th, as that is the last possible date Homeland could interpret our agreement to prohibit a new FOIA request.


  1. Those two dudes with that hooker look like they have had waaaaaay too much red meat. In fact, government would simply run so much better if it became vegan. We are meant to kill so that we may live. Killing, abusing, neglecting, lying, frauding, yelling, stealing, hoarding, cheating…..it all starts with what we put in our bodies, our “output” is contingent on our “input” so to speak.


  2. Do you think using a cell phone to get a hooker is a bad thing? Lets look at the facts.

    The SS is in charge of watching the president. I think we can agree that their time is valuable. Do you want them driving around the streets looking for a common street hooker? Of course not.

    Do you want them having sex in a back alley? of course not.

    To save time and to insure safety they use government cell phones and hotel rooms. This is only logical. What if they get aids from a cheap hooker and bleed on the president.

    People its unmerican to not do all we can to protect the president. I don’t think we can sit around. Its time to take a stand and buy prepaid cell phone cards and rooms at the four seasons. Its time to make sure that the hookers are tested and can be all they can be. Todd is willing to help.

    Todd pack is setting up a separate operation to protect these men from the carnage of bad hookers and lumpy mattresses.

    Please send cash, gold jewelry or couch change to Toddpack/clean/hookers.con


    1. Paintchipeater,
      You are right of course, and maybe with those government issued cell phone we should be issuing condoms to all the agents. Better safe than sorry. We wouldn’t want them to be in a foreign country and not know who would carry them. Besides we could have the government make them red, white, and blue, or just redand blue in Tocc’s case and that would cut down on the cost for government employees health care! It’s just common sense.


      1. Malia

        It obvious you understand the situation. First let me correct your spelling of the word cents. Sense according to the todictionary is short for sencimillia. It is definded as a green organic bud recently legalized in the state of Colorado. Enough with the spelling lesson.

        Toddpack has solved your concerns about taking care of our nations finest. I have been promoted to senior lead mule for Todd pack. I take my orders directly from general Cheech and sargent Chong.

        I am on an emergency assignment in clorado driving a van full of fresh Todd tested hookers. Our mission is to honor and use protection until the rubbers run out. Wish us luck and may Todd be with you.


  3. Me thinks there is a hooker pipeline with connected pimps knowing where, when and whom is requesting supply… As the president travels worldwide let’s not be naive. Now who would have this information? What is his cut or terms? I bet Todd knows.


      1. Supply and demand is not the concept here. Here is the supply,use it, this is what we demand.

        It’s hard to get guilty people to expose guilty people. It’s like a gang initiation. You have to kill or mame someone to get in. If you get in the gang you know have 100 members that can turn on you at any minute.

        Todd gets busted for prostitution. A gang member from the police department releases a press release proclaiming his innoce. The police gang member obviously had more to lose than his job or he would not have done it.

        How many people testified against al Capone. Dirt on dirty people from dirty people is very clean.


  4. Just read a site with a ton of palin quotea, from on-air segments, and speeches. The woman has the same baseline answer no matter what the topic!
    “Im sarah, a christian, I hate gays, I hate that im not preaident, I hate blacks, I hate our current blakk prez, our blakk prez is the reason for all that has ever been wrong with everything everywhere, I hate gays, everyone is awful except for me, im an ignorant k@@t but im too ignorant to know it, my father molested me my whole life.”


  5. BO should make a statement for palin…..tax wasilla federally at 98%, criminalize heterosexuality in wasilla, criminalize christianity in wasilla, criminalize gun ownership in wasilla, remove the Firzt Ammendment from wasilla city limits, legalize taxpayer-funded abortions in wasilla, criminalize consumption of animal products in wasilla, manadate a Maximum Wage in wasila of $3.25 an hour, mandate a minimum weekly work schedule in wasilla of 120 hrs of work per week per person over the age of 14yrs., mandatory participation in gay marriage or face jailtime, criminalize ownership of bibles, mandatory participation in a religion other than christianity, mandatory 75yrs prison time in SuperMax solitary confinement for even mentioning thE NAME Jesus (even if u are thinking it), mandatory participation in gay pride.celebrations every night after the gay marriage attendance and mandatory socialized abortions.

    Your hatespeech brought this on yourself $arah loui$e heath w palin.


    1. Your comments are asinine and meant to disrupt this blog.

      You can continue to illustrate how foolish you are, but you will not alter the course of events.

      There are apparently many people who are giving testimony about the Palin-Heath crime family. The Trust Sandal will not go away. Nor will Pimpgate.


  6. Small typo, Malia: Charles Edwards had been the acting Inspector General of Homeland Security before he resigned on Dec. 17, 2013 DUE to an investigation of corruption within his office.

    Thanks for the post. Kind of reminds me of a striptease to Jan. 11th! cheers!


  7. Malia, there has been a MASSIVE cover-up of wrongdoing at Secret Service to include the Alaskan prostitution scandal. Baltimore law firm Semmes, Bowen & Semmes has very forcefully threatened me with “SEVERE CONSEQUENCES” if I tell anyone anything about any of the many, many racketeering and corporate espionage crimes planned, directed and carried out by retired high-level USSS agents. Google “Beckett Brown International” to see more…


    1. John,
      I know this has been a constant battle for you. If you want to draft a request for documents, I’LL INCLUDE IT AS ONE OF MANY I’m requesting later in the month.


  8. Malia, wasn’t your agreement only with Homeland Security? So, you could send a FOIA request to the DEA or Dept of Justice now, right?

    If you asked those two departments for all documents listing David Chaney, Todd Palin, Greg West (TP’s “business” partner) and other secret service agents and prostitutes or sex worker, I wonder if any documents would be provided.
    Or if you sent a FOIA to DOJ about employees’ use of prostitutes generally? Maybe we can then learn how extensive prostitutes are used by government employees and to get government contracts.


    1. red white and blue,
      You are right the agreement only expressly related to HOmeland, but I don’t want to give them ANY technical argument about why they could deny production of the documents, so I’m just being cautious to wait a few more days to eliminate any issue about timing!


      1. From http://www.foia.gov/about.html …,

        What is FOIA?

        Enacted on July 4, 1966, and taking effect one year later, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides that any person has a right, enforceable in court, to obtain access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions of them) are protected from public disclosure by one of nine exemptions or by one of three special law enforcement record exclusions. A FOIA request can be made for any agency record. Before sending a request to a federal agency, you should determine which agency is likely to have the records you are seeking. Each agency’s website will contain information about the type of records that agency maintains.

        The FOIA is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Under the FOIA, agencies must disclose any information that is requested – unless that information is protected from public disclosure. The FOIA also requires that agencies automatically disclose certain information, including frequently requested records. As Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court have all recognized, the FOIA is a vital part of our democracy.

        It is the Executive Branch, led by the President, that is responsible for the administration of the FOIA across the government. The Department of Justice’s Office of Information Policy oversees agency compliance with these directives and encourages all agencies to fully comply with both the letter and the spirit of the FOIA.

        What is the Administration’s FOIA Policy?

        President Obama and Attorney General Holder have directed agencies to apply a presumption of openness in responding to FOIA requests. The Attorney General specifically called on agencies not to withhold information just because it technically falls within an exemption and he also encouraged agencies to make discretionary releases of records. The Attorney General emphasized that the President has called on agencies to work in a spirit of cooperation with FOIA requesters. The Office of Information Policy at the Department of Justice oversees agency compliance with these directives and encourages all agencies to fully comply with both the letter and the spirit of the FOIA. President Obama has pledged to make this the most transparent Administration in history.

        Last Updated: 1/2011

        Return to Top


        I’ve spent considerable time looking at the FOIA laws and can find no precedent requiring a requester to agree to not file requests for any amount of time.

        That fact alone is enough to convince me that someone is covering up criminal activity.


      2. alan,
        I agree and clearly they were trying to hide something. That will be included in my next set of requests. I’m sure they won’t voluntarily produce anything, but I am familiar with the court house and understand how to use it.


      3. Malia, you know I’m behind you in all of this. It really pisses me off that the very government that is supposed to be “for the people” is actually “for the criminals”. And the media and elected representatives are sitting back and allowing it. What ever happened to the oath of office promising to support and defend the Constitution and the laws of this country?


      4. alan,
        I was naive’ enough to believe in our system of government as a government for and by the people, but I am learning that the government is not what I thought it was! I think the only cure is exposing the corruption and holding people accountable for their failings. If I can help prove Todd’s involvement as a pimp, that will be one small step in uncovering the truth.


  9. Interesting turn of events, pot is legal, the DEA and SS can’t keep it in their pants, and TSA uses felons, pedophiles, and sexual predators to grope us. The war on irrational fear is crumbling from within.


  10. Malia, I looked up BBI per Mr. Dodd’s suggestion. Mother Jones did a nice write-up.

    Please note last Paragraph (page4):

    “Richard Beckett is now CEO of Maryland-based Global Security Services, which, according to its website, offers clients a “suite of business solutions” that includes “intelligence services,” “disaster management,” “information systems security,” and “paramilitary operations.” Last year, his firm provided bodyguards to Senator Barack Obama.”



  11. avahome, the BBI crooks in “Spooky Business” by Gary Ruskin and http://www.spygate.org are very well connected politically to both parties. BBI did security for Clinton’s second inaugural in early 1997. As you cited, another Richard Beckett company called Global Security Services did security for Obama in the primaries. In 2012, Richard Beckett hosted a crab feast fundraiser at his home for Republican U.S. Senate candidate and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino. Bongino’s brother was on the infamous Colombian USSS detail. My former Baltimore attorneys – Semmes, Bowen & Semmes – refused to name Richard Beckett as a defendant or a witness in my lawsuit against the Beckett Brown International saboteurs and predators of the corporate underworld. Semmes threw my case. More later today


  12. avahome, Baltimore law firm Semmes, Bowen & Semmes was involved in some of the Beckett Brown International racketeering and corporate espionage crimes. Semmes has orchestrated a MASSIVE COVER-UP of ALL BBI criminal activity to cover their own asses. The original BBI business plan was faxed from the USSS Financial Crimes Division where Paul Rakowski was Regional Supervisor. At trial Semmes refused to play a phone message Beckett had left me stating Rakowski had committed numerous tax frauds. At trial Semmes refused to introduce – or even mention – tens of thousands of stolen documents, wiretapped phone calls, bugged meetings, hacked emails, inserted moles and other crimes Rakowski had planned, directed and carried out. The culture of corruption at USSS goes back at least to 1994 and continues today!!!


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