A Fitting End to Sarah Palin’s Career at Fox: Irrelevancy!

palin fox news

As referenced in my post yesterday, Sarah Palin’s contract with Fox has NOT been renewed. In checking the last interviews she gave on Fox, it appears her last interview occurred on Dec. 20th. “Irrelevancy” was the topic of discussion. She was disparaging the President, once again, and suggesting that it was foolish for Time Magazine to chose the President of the United States, who had just been elected to a second term by the majority of Americans, as on of the most influential people in the world. To support her argument, she used herself as an example of people Time may have identified in the past, but are no longer relevant or influential. Here is the quote:

“But Time magazine, you know, I think there’s some irrelevancy there, to tell you the truth. I mean, consider their list of the most influential people in the country and in the world, some who have made that list — yours truly! That ought to tell you something right there regarding the credence that we should give Time magazine and their list of people.”

Now that Palin will no longer be speaking on Fox, it’s true she is no longer relevant. President Obama can call a press conference any time of the day or night and have representatives of every news agency in the country in attendance within minutes. Palin seems to miss the critical consideration…the year that Time Magazine chose the most influential people. Palin was chosen in 2009, and Obama was chosen , again, after he was reelected. President Obama continues to be one of the most influential people of our time. Sarah Palin, if she was ever influential, her time just ran out. She should do as Barbara Bush said, and go back to Alaska, and stay there.


palin toast

95 thoughts on “A Fitting End to Sarah Palin’s Career at Fox: Irrelevancy!

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  1. LOL!!! “I mean, consider their list of the most influential people in the country and in the world, some who have made that list — yours truly! That ought to tell you something right there regarding the credence that we should give Time magazine and their list of people.” ”

    She admits, through her word salad, that she was a joke to be nominated as one of the most influential people in the world…


      1. Then why is she living in AZ? I think the Grizzley Mama is running scared. She is a 90 lb. weakling. Never had the guts to ever show up at Shawn or Craig`s hearings in AK. Sarah always sent daddy Chuckie or mommy Sally because she was afraid she could be called to the stand for her crimes in 2009. Shawn and Craig felt safest in AK because everyone HATES Sarah there. They made a large number of friends while Sarah is losing all of hers, like Clark and Kris Perry. Sarah used AK like Todd does with his prostitutes, she took everything and gave nothing back. Took it all to AZ to hide Willow, the mother of Trigs baby, so Willow does not get into trouble again. I guess you have to face it Willow, Sarah is not GOD. Sarah just lost the only job she never QUIT! Sorry, I have to get back to my laughing, HA HA!!!


  2. If there was an award for the person who has shown the most disrespect for our President, she would have no competition. She is laps ahead of everyone else…


  3. First, I think you ment Newt’s Looney Colony. Second, she actually was very influential in 2008 and 2009. Before her 2008 campaign Congress and the President could occationally work together to get things done. Now, not so much. Before her, politicians at least tried to be politaclly correct. That’s now been relegated to history like the curtsy. There are many other things she influenced during her breif time out from under her rock, but they are all negative. I like to describe her as fireworks. She shot up high so all could see her burst into a dazzling spectacle. Then rapildy decends with a trail of burnt paper and the smell of sulfur.


    1. The Congressional majority party before the 2008 election was the Democratic Party. Democrats in Congress seem to understand that they are there to do the work of the people and they do cooperate and get things done. Democrats have never been afraid of compromise; they understand that it is the essence of politics and not a “dirty word.” Republicans, on the other hand, are intransigent and only capable of behaving like spoiled children. Too immature to do real work.


  4. “Person of the Year” or, until recently, “Man of the Year,” is a more-than-80-year-old tradition at Time Magazine. It takes months to be put together by correspondents, writers and editors.
    “Influential People” was a pr device recently instituted to garner pubicity for the magazine and make its recipients feel all puffed-up. Bozo the Clown could make the list; Sarah Palin did, too.


    1. When some of her more serious ethics violations and crimes have been revealed, and she’s convicted, and / or shamed into utter silence forever, we can sing the Wasilla Witch song.

      Until then, I applaud Malia, Gryphen, Syrin, Shannon Moore, and all the other big league bloggers who are suddently and relentlessly working on exposing $arah the fraud.


      1. jkarov,
        We are all working to disclose the real Palin, and we have been doing it for over three years.


      2. I completely agree. It’s not enough she’s a laughing stock. She and her husband and anyone else involved in their shady dealings must be held accountable.


  5. If she thinks the award is so irrelevant, why did she go to the big award dinner and drag the whole family when she was on the top 100 list?


    1. Marie,
      Absolutely, she did, and I think that she mentioned it in Dec. just to remind everyone of just how important she thinks she is! The amazing thing is that she doesn’t seem to realize the effect of her saying and doing the things she does publicly! Shailey Tripp would probebly have never known who David Chaney was if it weren’t for Sarah making such a big deal of his facebook picture that showed him “checking her out”.


      1. And thanks to you Malia and Shailey Tripp, we found out who was in charge of the Secret Service detail for Sarah in AK in 2008-2009. Something the Service would not tell us for 4 years now. He would have to have been working with Claude Kilpatrick, formerly of AST Govenors security and RuthAnn Jostin of the Wasilla Police confirming reports that our son was in AK when Shawn was home the whole time with us in PA. His library records and field sightings from US Capitol Police investigators sent from Washington DC. prove this. Sarah, family and friends put in all the false reports to their friends in law inforcement and they would confirm the reports to continue an investigation. Meanwhile, PA State Trooper David Takach, FBI liason working out of the FBI office in Allentown, PA, was putting in reports that he could not find Shawn in PA. Some of these reports were while the Capitol Police were watching Takach watching Shawn at home, at the library in Tamaqua, PA, and while Shawn was at our local Walmart in Hometown, PA. God Bless you Malia for all you do to protect the public and expose the Palin`s for their crimes. With all we are learning from you and adding it to what we have discovered, one day we can clear our son Shawn`s name and expose Sarah and her crimes against my family. We can only thank people like you Malia, for taking the time to care.


      2. Shawn’s Mom,
        I have always been committed to the truth, and that’s all I want, and I know you do too!


  6. Malia: Please don’t diminish yourself by mentioning her name! Ha! That little gem from Palin concerning John Kerry’s joke about her at the Democratic National Convention was in itself hilarious…and Palin didn’t even get it. She couldn’t comprehend what she had just said.
    But then she never does. Her mangled, word-salad, hateful-spewed answers to everything helped do her in.


    1. scootswoodle,
      I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to something she said, and thought I just had a brain fart, as when she was done, I just couldn’t understand what she just said. I’d listen again very carefully and realized she was the one who had had the brain fart, while she was talking!


      1. The smell from Wasilla has been there for a very long time – in fact the stench came from the Alaskans who refused to do anything to help rid this witch from National politics. They know her husband is a pimp – they know all of her secrets – the barstool with her name – meth…lots of grandbabies from literally everyone.
        And still they protected her.

        She is very old rubbish – but she’s smelled since 2008.


  7. Malia, All the recent attention by the Republicans using the phrase “boys will be boys” don’t you think it is , well sort of ironic?


    1. m,
      And of course nobody is admitting that some unknown blogger found this out. They report it as if the news just came out today.


    1. Marie,
      I think you are right!!! I’m sure they saw the post and got a statement from Fox, because after all, they are the media, and I’m just a lowly blogger!


      1. 🙂 LOL
        I posted it over on HuffPo Wednesday after I read here and they squashed it. Wouldn’t post it. Figures!


      2. the DQ,
        They have never let me even comment after I wrote for them for a couple of months. I never got an explanation. I think there was a suggestion that I didn’t believe the story about Trig, and after that I was blocked from articles or even comments.


      3. They did the same thing to me. This is the work of Sarah’s attorney John Tiemessen. He did this to us with TMZ and now is trying to do it everywhere we post. He will threathen lawsuits and to bring in the FBI when they feel a poster is exposing some of Sarah’s truth. Thomas Van Flein, the top staffer for Rep Kosar in AZ used to be Palin’s attorney but is still working for her and is a silent partner in the law firm, and still works on threathening news agencies and any posters they feel are a threat to SP. Tiemessen even tried to get the FBI to pull the records of all the posters on TMZ in 2011 so he could try to file protective orders from AK on anybody who was supporting any of the articles that TMZ was doing for us. Stand Strong Shawn Christy’s FB page, and his personal FB pages were taken down in 2011, but they left up my husband Craig’s. The Anchorage FBI denies taking these FB pages down, yet Tiemessen claims that the FBI did take them down. There were no threats on these pages, only the truth. We believe Tiemessen’s law firm does not charge Sarah and carries her because she is their top high profile client. Sarah spends alot of $ with Todd on private investigators to also look into people who are posting and they deem to be a threat. In 2009 when everything started with my son Shawn, we suddenly got a police officer on our local force in McAdoo PA that works with Intrepid Detective Agency. This agency is owned by former PA State Troopers and the lead investigator in 2009, who was setting up my son, David Tacach, is with the intelligence unit for the PA State Troopers. Sarah has been doing alot of grifting here in our little town. David Tacach was relieved of his duty as an FBI liason for the Allentown FBI when in Dec. of 2010 he was found to be supplying investigative information to Kristan Cole and RuthAnn Jostin, investigator for the Wasilla PD. We have the e-mails to prove it. Sarah set up Tacach to cover her own butt. She will burn anybody in her path to stay alive.


      4. Ministry – Let’s Go! Palin…here kitty kitty kitty…smirk…I don’t get mad I get legal..and that has her SCARED…Shawns Mom – have Malia send me some basic intel and I will include it in my evidences against her…lock and load Palin…here I come!!! A storms a brewing…


  8. Poor PDSers.

    How can you live with the fact that it was Palin who did the dumping now that the news is out today?

    Need a kleenex to remove that egg from your face?


  9. It just confirms what you said Malia…but supposedly she turned down the new offer…at least she is gone…now endless rhetoric will be online instead!


    1. Check CNN,
      Yes they have now officially related that Palin is history! Funny that she is saying she turned down an offer but we haven’t heard what the offer was. It could have been to mop the floors at Fox for $100.00 per year for all we know.


      1. MSNBC isn’t covering her as to FOX lack of renewal. I’m sure that Rachel et al see her as nothing more than a fly on poop!


      2. Millie,
        I did send the story to MSNBC, so they know that by the time it hit the mainstream, it was old news.


  10. Hoorah! A fitting end: ignominy. She deserves no better.

    However, before we celebrate her demise at Fox, remember there are plenty of loonies in the GOP/TP to fill her Red Monkey shoes.


  11. Bwahahaha, it’s posted on huffington & real clear politics now. little lying bitch is saying she turned fux down..if that’s the case they offered her 1/10th of what she was getting just to get the brainless harridan out of their hair!!! I just popped a cold one to celebrate! ding dong the wicked witch is dead. Cheers everyone!!!


    1. jcinco,
      Pop another one for me!!! I guess they decided that once I reported it, they might as well announce it. I think the fact that Fox was first to make the announcement is a pretty clear indication of who dumped whom.


      1. jcinco,
        Thanks YOU for your unwavering support! It’s people like you that make what I’m doing so worthwhile.


      2. the DQ,
        I think you’re right! I think he was fed up long ago, but couldn’t get rid of her till her contract was up!


    2. jcinco, The Palinites believe she turned down Fox, and they also believe she turned down the job for VP in 2009. One thing for sure,Sarah makes a great cult leader she might have a future in horror movies. How about “Sarah Manson”, Charlies new wife!


    1. AK Sandhills,
      The good thing about facebook and tweeting is that we don’t have to hear her voice, and most of what you see is written by someone else, so even if you don’t agree with the premise, you understand what is said.


  12. Sarah is like a hurricane…She may be passing and weakening, but she still leaves a hell of a trail of destruction in her wake. She has virtually single handedly destroyed the Republican party in AK, not to mention making AK the laughing stock of the United States. She now is living in Arizona which I am sure that in the next few years she will destroy Scottsdale and the surrounding Phoenix area. It is very Karmatic that she has gone to reside in AZ. Is this the Great Spirit punishing John McCain for bringing her out of AK? Or is this Sarah’s vindictiveness to punish McCain for her not getting her way in the ’08 elections? Will her most punishing blow be to run for Congressional office in AZ? The state will never be the same again! Hopefully President Obama’s assault weapon ban will include Sarah’s mouth! We can only pray that she will never come to reside in any of the other 48 states to save our union. Since she has gone south,maybe she can keep going and settle in Mexico. We don’t need another planet, we need another galaxy. Does anybody have a Stargate?


    1. Hi Shawn’sMOM – breaking the mormon stranglehold in Arizona will never be done by someone as weak and stupid as Sarah Palin. Like most states, we have politicians and a machine that runs them. She would be just a cheap carpetbagger (which incidentally John McCain is already). You may think AZ is pretty awful, but our GOP Gov just announced she was changing her mind and going forward with Medicaid expansion.
      Technically in this state, the Dems and Indies vastly outnumber the GOPers. We have the Babbits, the Flakes – like many states we have families who have been in office for years –
      I doubt the State GOP would toss one of it’s “own” out the door for that cheap trash.
      She is enjoying Scottsdale and visiting car shows where they are selling cars that she can’t afford. She has no job and her hubby is an Alaska pimp. The house was purchased by an investment conglomerate – at inflated price.
      I doubt she’ll stick around. She is getting NO attention here.
      The papers/blogs posted her at Russo Steele last weekend- no one down here saw it or knew it…
      Please do not make the mistake of assuming that the people of AZ suck her toes and kiss her ass just because Alaska does.


      1. shondi99: Thank you for all the intel from AZ. Your information is really helping us put the pieces of the puzzle together for our fight with Sarah. Do you know if Kristan Cole, Sarah’s BFF, is involved with this investment conglomerate? Rumor has it when we had our protective order hearing with AK on 5/9/11 that Kristan Cole, who did not make the hearing, was coming back from the East Coast because this investment conglomerate is headquartered in NY city. Also, do you know the history of Kristan Cole, she is a big real estate broker in AK and used to be associated with Re-Max. Her mother actually was a real estate broker in AZ many years ago, and that’s where Kristan got her start in real estate. Her mother is reportedly in prison for embezzeling $ from her own real estate company. Her mother attempted to run to Canada, but we heard that she was extradited back to the States. We believe that SarahPAC $ is being used for real estate investments thru Kristan Cole. Bradford Cole, Kristan’s former husband, petitioned the court and was granted a divorce from her on 5/8/12. Apparently he was scared because he was a real estate broker and partners with his wife, and word has it that he split because there is a possible investigation on her right now. Any info would help us out, and also help to expose Sarah’s dirty dealings.
        And, I would never make the mistake of assuming the people of AZ would kiss her butt. I just feel sorry for AZ for ending up with trash from AK in their back yard. I love your state personally, been there many times myself and almost moved there.


      2. The majority in Alaska could care less about her. She has done nothing more than embarrass the residents of the State – especially the women!


      3. IS that by chance Manhattan Life that I quote ” our company assumed much of the Western United Life Assurance policies in 2006″….just a tip of the iceberg of evidences I entered in the courts…USA…UK…UN…
        I know the pieces fit – cause I watched them fall around me…smirk…
        Sarah Jones aka Sarah Palin…Richter Investments…SMILE…court time!


      4. Shawn’s Mom – let’s mediate thru Malia since she is an attorney…oh and for the record I sent Murdock of Fox News the same intel I sent Malia – then his mother who was 101 died…now I hear he is raging mad! Gosh what could that be all about…cough cough…may be those FALSE reports they gave England…and that 500 million…BAM…


  13. What I found unfathomable was when she was selected by Time and Secretary Hillary Clinton was not. How anyone in his or her right mind, who is not blinded by far right partisanship, could have ever considered her over Secretary Clinton was mind-boggling in its stupidity. I knew that as inept as she is, it was only a matter of time before FOX NOISE canned her. There could have been no other reason, since she’s on exactly the same hate-filled, fear-mongering wavelength they are on. Dumping her is not something they deserve credit for, since they are the same hate-filled, negative propaganda machine they were before they even knew she existed.


    1. Anne,
      I think they would have kept her a lot longer if she had just sucked up to Roger Ailes, but she wasn’t even smart enough to do that!


      1. She would have claimed that she’s too roguish to suck up to anyone. “I’m a grizzley independent, and with God’s help I’m going to Americanize the media that’s been repeating the lies of Muslims terroristic politicians who want to sell our great natural resources away from Jesus Christ, you betcha!”


  14. I think she’ll pop up on TV from time to time with whatever gig or commentary she can get. She loves the limelight and won’t want to give that up. What a mistake John McCain made in picking her for his VP.
    When 2016 gets closer, she’ll probably tease her FB fans and get them all in a tizzy about whether she runs for President or not, but if she does run she won’t make the primaries.
    Besides, if Joe Biden runs in 2016 he’d wipe the floor with her.


  15. Malia – she was influential in so many negative ways – much of the current breakdown of relationships between the right and left in the country was generated and flamed by Sarah Palin. In her absence it is hoped that the country will rally behind the best President the US has had for many many years.


    1. 99ts,
      I agree! I think she was more powerful that people give her credit for, not because she promoted conservative ideas, as she had no ideas. The only thing she did was promote hate and discord. The Gabby Giffords shooting is such a good example of that!


  16. ShawnsMom – good luck with your task of clearing your son. No one deserves to be a target of the Palin Clan. They disgust most human beings…targeting your son was unfair and the fact that the authorities lied about everything hopefully will come out.
    Sending you good thoughts…you are among friends.


    1. shondi99: Thank you for your support. With friends like you and Malia, and alot of other people who post on this blog, I think we can force the political powers to finally take criminal action against Sarah, Todd, and the rest of their mob. The Feds will wait until she has fallen as low as she can go before they make their indictment. Law enforcement just wants to make sure there is no blow back because we are dealing with alot of radical people who have alot of guns and like to play back yard malitia. This will keep alot of us safer when they decide to put the cuffs on Palin and her crew. And it can’t come soon enough! Looking forward to hearing from you in the future. It’s always good to have friends. Thanks.


      1. yes, good luck Sean’s Mom, I have your back & will continue to post the TRUTH on hp whenever they post stories about her…I’m not sure why but I’m often able to slip comments through when others can’t…


      2. shondi99: I will definitly get in touch with Malia and have her give you my e-mail address.

        jcinco: Thanks for covering our backs! And for posting the Truth out there as much as you can. I stopped doing it last year when my husband and son were arrested, but now that my son is back in AK because of his so-called probation violation, I am using every opportunity I can now to spread the word about all the corruption that is going on. I will be able to do even more now that I am unemployed again, as I was laid off from my job yesterday.

        I am going to try to attach a link to a KTUU story about what my son went through while in the half-way house. If for some reason it doesn’t work, all you have to do is go to KTUU and put in Shawn Christy in the search. It’s the first article that comes up.


      3. Malia, please do that. And thank you once again for all that you do in getting the truth out there. If it weren’t for people like you, she just may very well have been our VP. Oh, what a scary thought!!!


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