Todd Palin Provided Sexual Services to Secret Service Agent

Shailey Tripp pled “no contest” to the charge of running a house of prostitution in Anchorage.Ms. Tripp has written a book disclosing graphic details of her business relationship with Todd Palin as her pimp, complete with a description of Todd’s unusual anatomy.

The secret service agent assigned to guard Sarah Palin during the 2008 campaign was David Chaney. 

David Chaney has resigned from the Secret Service as a result of his involvement with prostitutes in Columbia.  Shailey Tripp has given me permission to report to you today that David Chaney was referred to her by Todd Palin for sexual services, which she DID provide. It seems that there is a culture, at least among some agents, of use and abuse of women. In an effort to make this information known to people within the Secret Service, I contacted Paula Reid, both yesterday and today, the office in D.C. in charge of the Colombia investigation both yesterday and today, and was ultimately referred to the Secret Service Office in Dallas. Agent Holloway in Dallas indicated he would look into the complaint. When I didn’t hear back from him, I contacted him again today and he indicated he would contact me within the next two hours. After three hours passed I called Agent Holloway back, and he then referred me to his supervisor, Agent Peek. Agent Peek advised me that unless I had audio or video tape of the encounter he would not be interested. When I explained that I did not have either, but had a witness statement, he hung-up the phone on me. It was as if he simply wanted confirmation that there would be no recording featured on the news that he would have to explain. There was no indication of an interest in uncovering the truth about a culture of corruption within the Secret Service.

While testifying before a Senate Judiciary Committee, Janet Napolitano said that she felt the Colombia incident was an “isolated case.”

She said the agency’s office of professional responsibility had never received previous complaints in the past 2 ½ years.  “If the misconduct is part of a pattern, Napolitano added, “That would be a surprise to me.”

Surprise! If anyone bothered to talk to Shailey Tripp, she would confirm that Todd Palin and David Chaney had been hanging out with Hookers. I have filed a complaint with the office of Homeland Security so the period of being “complaint free” has just ended. Please help me bring media focus to this story. Shailey Tripp has done her part by disclosing this painful part of her life, and it is our turn to demand that somebody take notice. It is interesting that the Secret Service agent who caused this scandal to come to light refused to pay the woman who provided the sexual services requested, and according to Shailey Tripp’s book, Todd Palin stopped paying her for services provided to him. It appears there is no honor among thieves.   We might expect Palin’s attorney to ask the Secret Service to issue a press release to the National Enquirer, indicating that there is not one “scintilla” of evidence, in their possession, that they have reviewed, implicating David Chaney in the scandal involving Todd Palin or Shailey Tripp.  If they refuse to take the statement of Shailey Tripp, Todd Palin, or David Chaney, there would be no evidence to review.

154 thoughts on “Todd Palin Provided Sexual Services to Secret Service Agent

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    1. Balzafiar,
      Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, but it rocks my world to think that this goes on, and people just look the other way!


  1. Malia, you are the best. I was alive in 1963 and remember another debacle the secret service was involved in. There were some wild parties that went on back then as well. The wild partying and use of prostitutes is a widespread problem and the tax payers often pay for much of it. The lack of oversight and poor management is a symptom of a really sick country. This has been going on for decades. They let the worst of the worst stick around long enough to get to positions of authority and this is the result. I am thankful for Shailey Tripp and you Malia.


    1. Celia,
      Thank you for your support and encouragement. It just never ceases to amaze me what people get by with. Sooner or later they must be held accountable, and I hope it’s sooner.


    2. Power corrupts. People like the Kennedys, basically any wealthy, powerful group of people, ensure no good will come from their transactions. It’s not partisan. This is human nature run amok. It’s probably been occurring since the first contract was signed.

      The casting couch is another example, in a minor way. Sex and human closeness is something we need to survive. In some people, the need is magnified.


  2. Great story, Malia. Now that it is proven Shailey Tripp serviced Agent Chaney, was it to keep sercet things Palin did while on the campaign trail in 2008? That would be called bribery.


    1. Enigma,
      Your guess is as good as mine, but its funny to me that McCain was involved in the Senate Hearing today suggesting that there may be more information.


      1. Oh dear. Is that what comes next?
        Shailey Tripp provided sex services to McCain/Palin campaign staff? Campaign managers? She flew back and forth to Washington D.C. and Arizona? Did she have sex with John McCain himself?!


    2. What would be secret? You can’t hide anything when running for high office. Especially when you’re on camera 24/7 for months. If true, Todd was probably told by his former boss that those SS men had a penchant for booty. The key to unraveling this is to determine WHO bagged Todd as a rung on the prostitution ring ladder. That’s the only key imho. Without it, it’s just confusing.

      My guess would be, in 2005 (my guess), when Sarah and Todd were discussing running for Gov, they were talking to many people. Obviously powerful people as this is politics. Todd was told about the business and an avenue to make money for himself. We know they kept things from each other to protect the other (Todd moreso than Sarah, as per Bailey).

      Todd used Sarah’s rising prominence to bag extra cash. That to me is ironic and funny.


      1. Todd’s former boss? What “former boss” did he have that has a relationship with the Secret Service?


    3. Enigma, how is it “proven”?

      Tripp writes in her book that she had paid sex with Secret Service Agent David Chaney. Is there corroboration of some kind? Photographs? What’s the proof?


      1. guest,
        I am unaware of any evidence other than her statement. Likewise, I am unaware of any proof of the Colombia deal other than the prostitutes statement. There might be more evidence of either, but it would only be revealed through an investigation.


  3. It is going to be he said, she said, and they evidently are going to hide it under the rug, which will have a huge lump in it.

    They demand video of the encounter? OMG. WTF?

    Looks like it’s going to result in another Anchorage Police bit of flummery.


    1. lilly lily,
      The amazing thing is that it didn’t take video or audio in Colombia, but instead just a prostitute speaking up. Why is there a different standard now in the US?


      1. Malia, there’s possibly a different standard because prostitution is legal in Columbia, therefore the complaint made by the prostitute would be considered legitimate, as services were provided but not paid for in full. In the US prostitution is illegal you can’t really complain about something you weren’t supposed to be doing in the first place, does that make sense? I hope so. 🙂 Great article as always!!


      2. Pete,
        I know and understand there is a fundamental distrust of prostitutes in America, but it seems to me that a lot of prostitutes engage in this behavior not because they are dishonest, but because they are desperate.


      3. “…prostitutes engage in this behavior not because they are dishonest, but because they are desperate.”

        Pete’s comment didn’t speak to dishonesty or reputation or anything like that. You asked the question – why is there a different standard in the US?
        That’s what he was answering: because prostitution is illegal in the US.


      4. Malia, I believe the media (journalists) would make all the difference. The media picked up the story & it got covered partly because PBO was part of the story.
        The media is and has been proven to be more right than left and covering this subject is interesting if it hurts dems. not gop.
        More light on the issue is needed.
        I read that sex trafficking is very lucrative and is the 3rd largest money making business after drugs & guns.



  4. Go, Malia, go! Way to go. I don’t know what I could do to help but hope you get the story out into the main stream. What will get them to follow through on an investigation – legal or just by media?


    1. reddog,
      I have no idea how to do more than I have except to try to get some national media attention. Everyone reading could send a link out to your favorite news sources and hope somebody picks it up.


  5. Wow, how can you get anyone to listen? I contacted the Dallas office of the Secret Serice a few years ago when I read threats against the president on a particulare website. They communicated with me back and forth for nearly two weeks and went and talked to the cretin. He turned out to be a well known white supremicist. They gave him a talking to, but I guess that was all. I’m just incredulous at how the Palins get away with everything!


    1. Duchess!
      Me too! Maybe the Secret Service is just covering their backs, and my hope is that the Office of Homeland Security will pay attention. If this post gets picked up by the ap or someone, maybe more will be done because they don’t have a choice.


  6. *particular* Are the Kochs and Murdoch protecting them? I know how powerful they are. Chris Matthews was just asking if there had been other allaegations such as the ones that were just made. Maybe if you email him? I know I’m grasping at straws here, but I certainly know what to do except possibly buy bilboards and ask the questions there.


  7. “Agent Peek advised me that unless I had audio or video tape of the encounter he would not be interested. When I explained that I did not have either, but had a witness statement, he hung-up the phone on me.”

    I guess it matters to the Secret Service management if it was a Columbian prostitute versus an Alaskan prostitute?

    Agent Peek doesn’t know that Malia isn’t through with this.


      1. So if a citizen overhears a threat that would fall under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service do they have to provide audio or video evidence to the Secret Service before they are inclined to investigate?
        I guess the argument regarding 911 will be renewed now after hearing what Secret Service Agent Peek requires before starting an investigation.
        If anyone is aware of the Emily Good story; this is an alarming precedent being set by the Secret Service.

        Read the Emily Good story here;


  8. “It is interesting that the Secret Service agent who caused this scandal to come to light refused to pay the woman who provided the sexual services requested, and according to Shailey Tripp’s book, Todd Palin stopped paying her for services provided to him.”

    Are you certain about the agent who did not pay Dania Suarez? David Chaney was the supervisor. The agent that did not pay was someone else. It is very confusing. I did understand the supervisors where not the ones that solicited Dania. I remember wondering why the supervisors were removed so fast. It seemed to me that Paula Reid must have had some idea what was allowed under their supervision. She may have seen the FaceBook right away. She got them out of there immediately. To may knowledge no one has named the man who did not pay Dania. I read a story that his friends, other agents, came to the incident and did give her $250ish, not the $800 she had asked. It was too late because the incident was public.

    “After being propositioned by a still-unidentified Secret Service agent, Suarez spent a few hours in his room at the Hotel Caribe, a source close to the investigation said”

    None of that changes what happened with Shailey. Only as far as the agent that Dania spent time with and a disagreement resulted. I do not believe he has been named. I don’t think it is either supervisor.


    1. anonymous,
      I don’t think he was the one who failed to pay the prostitute, but its just an indication of the attitude that women are to be used and then tossed aside.


  9. Laurence O’Donnell, Jon Stewart, Colbert Report, Daily Kos, Andrew Sullivan. They may not do anything, but they should get the information.

    Look how long it took for the creepy stuff between Rielly Hunter and Edwards to filter out.

    Ditto JFK and his harem..

    The secret service is out to protect themselves as well as the people they guard.



  10. Well I guess Shailey could have started screaming “They/He did not pay me for my services” and called the police. Unfortunately prostitution is not legal in alaska. Too Bad she did not tape it. She was a poor woman, taken advantage of by Old two tone toddle.


  11. I would contact an investigative reporter-theres one at ABC-not a political reporter-this way it is under investigations not politics-go to abc website under investigations and look for contact info…….


  12. I sent an informative email to The Washington Post about Agent Chaney and his Todd Palin connection. Hopefully he will read Shailey’s Book.


  13. I don’t suppose Shailey has a record of travel and money transfer for this particular rendezvous? I had a friend who believed in going in the back door if the front door didn’t work. Now that said, depending just how big this is and Todd’s involvment…Sarah’s big mouth always spouting off perhaps there is a way to annoy her.

    Real people can get hurt…I worked on an article a few years back: Death Rattles: The Hangings of the DC Madam and the Prostitute


    1. avahome,
      I am still working with Shailey to try to locate some documentation that might corroborate her story. I think that Sarah’s comment about “Boys Will Be Boys” after the publication of Shailey’s book would be an indication that she knows about this.


      1. Malia, banks have to keep hard copies of deposit slips for 3.5 years, and then accessible microfiche copies for 7 years.

        Shailey IS entitled to those records. It WILL cost her, but – the payoff could be great in the way of simple satisfaction or monetary benefit.

        If Todd’s handwriting is on those slips (compare to previously documented / known Todd handwriting samples, such as tax returns, notes on a speech script for Sarah…) OR if a handwritten check OR other type of instrument / wire transfer was utilized, the paper trail would be there too. Shailey MUST ask ahead of time for a copy of the deposit “off-set” item (i.e., what was it exactly that was being deposited).


  14. You’d know it was a republican conspiracy if rep. Darryl Issa isn’t interested. Sen. Susan Collins is pretty hot under the collar about this scandal and the Secret Service culture of misogyny (among some at least.). Any Maine readers willing to contact her with this?


      1. Malia. How about surveillance tapes at some of the hotels used of who came and went. How about all the other girls and shailey filing complaints as you did. Lie detector test of all the girls. Women in every state contact their represenatives and demand this gets look into. Its too bad shailey did not immediately think from day one to prepare a case against Todd. How about Frank Bailey? What does he have to say? Sooner or Later this will get the attention of someone or agency. Palins cannot hide their past for much longer. They are not powerful, they are nobodies from small town alaska.


      2. Zoom Zoom,
        All of the things you mention might confirm the story, but it will take an official investigation, and so far that doesn’t seem to be something we can predict will happen. It’s like the scandal involving Todd. Once the APD issued their “press release” it was as if everyone was afraid to talk about it.


  15. Malia, Shailey concerns me not because I think she’s being dishonest (I do believe most of her serious claims. Though some innocent things I think she’s embellish or padded)

    But it concerns me that when she first started her blog, she referred to the illicit sex she had without disdain or negativity. Her statements contradict how she described the sex in her book. I know she’s said she uses humor to get through, but a true victim can’t do that. They don’t refer to it as ‘sex’ as Shailey did. Shailey was a pawn in a timeless profession. She wasn’t a mistress. She gave us emails where she says she wanted out, yet she STILL, one year ago, referred somewhat humorly and perhaps even fondly to the sex she had.

    Im sure she could benefit from therapy as many things she’s said don’t sound right.

    Just my thoughts.


    1. Belle,
      I understand that there is, and may always be, credibility issues, but it seems that from everything I can tell Shailey is telling the truth regarding this episode, and has nothing to gain by lying about it. Also, I don’t think she knew that she was a key to this story until she saw the recent picture of David Chaney, which again, tells me she is telling the truth.


  16. Malia,
    On the Dylan Ratigan Show, 4/25/12, Ari Melber is discussing the Edward’s mistress trial and the legal and financial repercussions. Or ? Haircuts or mistress expense. You might want to check it out. It will probably make more sense to you. Campaign finance regulation. Personal spending.

    Will the former Federal Election Commission members get to testify?


  17. Perhaps you should contact someone at the Washington Post. See if they have a place on their site where you can post this information. The Secret Service might not be wanting to follow this up, but the press might.


  18. Malia – I am a big fan of your blog and despiser of the highest order of Mrs. Todd Palin and everything about her and her dangerous, disfunctional family. But I have to say I have my doubts about Shailey Tripp. I didn’t read her book but I did read her blog and her postings on other Palin blogs.

    In my mind there is something not quite right about Shailey’s claims. I can’t put my fingure on exactly what it is but a part of me thinks we’re being played.

    Obviously you’ve been in contact with her. You’re a lawyer and a tenacious researcher. I know you would never go off half cocked (no Todd, that’s not a reference to you!) Just wonder if you are 100% convinced of her veracity. Some thing slightly less. Fifty/fifty, or what. I would love to know. Thanks.


    1. A Reader,
      Obviously I can’t be sure, and I have to admit I was very skeptical of her story before I first interviewed her. However I think that before my first interview of her, I thought of prostitutes as criminals instead of victims. Shailey Tripp has been in abusive relationships with men for a long time, and she has allowed herself to be put in that position repeatedly. It is hard for me to understand how any woman could allow men to do this to her, but I have never been as desperate as she. I grew up with loving supportive parents, and it is hard to understand what my view of life would be if that had not happened. I do have kids and understand that I would do anything to take care of them and keep them from harm, and if prostitution was my only way to take care of them I would do whatever was necessary. I would also lie if that was my only way to take care of them. However the reason I tend to believe Shailey is that the information she has provided me, to the extent I can verify it, has checked out to be truthful. For example she never mentioned David Chaney to me until she saw the picture of him on the internet, and then she recognized him immediately. The details that she has provided seem to much to be imaginary, so yes, I do believe her.


      1. Thanks Malia. It’s a tricky situation and I will always keep an open mind about her claims. As I said, I just have an odd feeling about all of this. My life experience couldn’t be more different from Shailey’s so maybe I lack the synapses necessary to make sense of her story. I’m just sure as hell hoping her story is true and that finally, the right people pay attention and take action.


      2. A Reader,’
        The reason we are still talking about this is because no independent body has ever investigated the claims. that, by itself, would suggest to me that Shailey is telling the truth, and people are covering the story up.


      3. Malia, Shailey Tripp grew up with loving supportive parents, too. I don’t think her view of life is much different than yours.

        A routine suburban American childhood in Alabama/Louisiana. Upwardly-mobile, employed white-collar parents. A large Louisiana Cajun family with property, family occasions, grandparents, cousins, church, etc.
        A large East Indian family. Well-employed, educated. Grandparents lived in England.
        Shailey herself said on her blog that she traveled many places, many times. I think she said she’s been to London six times?
        She herself said she was a child provided opportunities and posted photos of her childhood/teenage/early adult awards and accomplishments. She’s quite proud of her various achievements.

        Why do you have the impression that her view of life reflects a less fortunate background?


      4. guest,
        I’m not a psychologist, but I simply have the impression that, for whatever reason, she was very vulnerable to men who took advantage of her.


      5. Okay, thanks for the explanation. It sounds different to me.
        “I have never been as desperate as she. I grew up with loving supportive parents, and it is hard to understand what my view of life would be if that had not happened.”

        To me, that sounds like you’re saying her life view, and hence her personal choices, are different because she didn’t grow up with loving supportive parents.
        I take that as kind and generous and compassionate and empathetic – making allowances because of a disadvantaged upbringing that resulted in lower expectations for herself.
        Which is how we tend to generalize women who choose to enter a life of prostitution. Poor and under-educated, lower socioeconomic groups, girls who’ve had poor role models and unstable homes, with limited choices.

        Which doesn’t describe Shailey Tripp.

        We rarely think of girls from two-parent caring homes, with lives of advantage, travel, broad choices and well-educated foreign-born mothers, growing up to become prostitutes.
        In fact, we tend to be more shocked and less forgiving. Even a little angry.


      6. Shailey Tripp strikes me as being a sad case. I’de prefer she got her life sorted out so she could put the past in the past. BUT… This prostitution business is there and needs to be settled before she really could move on.

        The El Salvidor scandal is bigger. Possibly the girls were Russian agents in that one. That is certainly not what Shailey was. More someone down on her luck trying to provide for her family.

        Like it or not, the secret service has to deal with our home grown problem issues. And Todd Palin is one of them, as long as his wife continues to meddle in American politics, and trash the President.


      7. lilly lily,
        It’s particularly offensive when Palin claims to be all about family values, and uses the phrase “Boy will be Boys”. It’s as if she is taunting all of us who know about Todd’s business, and she thinks she is untouchable.


  19. That explains the missing computer and Rolodex. Things have a way of disappearing when high level people are involved. When Shailey is suicided, you will know without any doubt that she was telling the truth. The late DC Madame’s client list is out on the internet somewhere. I wonder if she had a client named Chaney.


    1. aj,
      It’s a frightening thought, but I am constantly concerned for Shailey’s safety. She is too, and she is doing all she can to protect herself and her kids.


      1. She has a book out detailing things. I doubt anyone with power would be that stupid to do anything. These are smart people in a decade long, possibly century long, (actually, who knows who long) ordeal.


  20. Malia, I thought in our legal system, if someone can’t prove they had sexual relations with someone, nothing can be done. Meaning, without audio or video of Shailey and SS horndog, is there anything that can be done?


    1. Riley’s mom,
      I am not aware of any requirement to actually have audio or video. In fact I’m not aware of any such recordings made in Colombia, and David Chaney has resigned. It’s just a case of providing additional proof that what a witness says is in fact the truth. Without video or audio, than the evidence is the witness’s statement. In this case it would be a reason to investigate, and at a minimum they could ask David Chaney to admit or deny the statement while giving a lie detector test.


  21. Malia, I keep telling mom to just pay off Ms Tripp to be quiet about dad’s prostitution ring and be done with the whole thing.

    Buttttt nooooo, mom has her mean girl face on and refuses to negotiate with my dad’s girlfriend Shailey. Kind of reminds me of Bristol where Bristol just hates Levi’s love interest.

    Oh well, as long as mom wants to play tough girl with Shailey, the affair between dad and Ms Tripp keeps on escalating. Funny thing is that this whole thing could of ended long time ago. Now my parent’s grand kids will have to live through all this humiliation for the rest of their lives.

    When will mom learn?


  22. What about Rachel Maddow? She has a Twitter account as do others at MSNBC and reporters who might be interested can be found there as well. It seems like there are ways to get around the bosses at these stations and papers and get to the people who do the work.


  23. Subpoena Chaney’s phone records
    Subpoena airline ticket info…was Chaney in Alaska when alleged sexual encounter occured.
    Check secret service log books (which are very accurate) to when Chaney was on duty in Alaska…do times match victims claim.
    What vehicle or vehicles did Chany use while on duty in Alaska.
    Are those vehicles on any traffic or parking lot surviellance cameras near location of alleged act of prostitution?
    Is or was there a surveillance cam inside the business?



    1. anon,
      It appears that the only people who care about this are the people who read this blog, and that attorney in texas.


  24. Malia, I would suggest you play hardball. Call them and tell them you will be contacting Janet Napolitano, the senate committee, media and the white house, not only with the information but will document their response to your information.

    Good luck and thanks for all you do.


  25. i hate to sound like a broken record but the media is not in the business of telling the public the truth.

    these type of sexual goings on are always covered up when they involve “important’ people.

    in fact todds involvement with power players behind the scenes may be the sole reason why palin has never been exposed.

    i have thought that may be the case ever since Ms Tripp made her statements regarding prostitution but obviously lacked information.

    readers who doubt the extent of such a cover-up should invest a little time researching The Franklin Cover-up .

    or if you prefer something more recent the penn state investigation.

    who here thinks a known pedophile like sandowsky was, could have had unrestricted movement regarding 1000s of children for over 20 years if he were not being protected??
    sandowsky was a procurer.

    this is indeed serious stuff and people have/do turn up dead.

    perhaps the reason (as i have posted before) Ms Tripps story left me feeling uneasy as if something were missing, was because of what she HASNT been able t o say.

    and that may involve some very important people.


    1. I had made a suggestion on Shailey’s blog that maybe since Shailey remembers faces but doesn’t know names……someone could draw from a description. I was hoping that a volunteer would pop up who could draw well and could help. By getting drawings out there it might jog a memory and begin identifying these customers that were brought to Shailey by Todd. My gut tells me that there would be one big kerfluffle…. This would be a back door way of creating interest and hopefully a way that women who serviced these men could/would speak. For instance Shailey mentioned a guy with last name West…she cannot find a pic….how odd.


      1. avahome,
        Right now we need to get somebody’s attention on the men she has already identified!


    2. You have echoed my feelings completely. Shailey’s book left me with a terrible unease about her safety. She is very brave.

      But something seems to have happened in the past year or so. My state seems to have really stepped up the attention to sex trafficking. I see articles about arrests for big cases in my local paper weekly. But, sadly, we have much more work to do to bring this nasty business out into the light.

      Thank you so much, Malia!
      And commenters on this thread…Good job!


      1. Cracklin Charlie,
        Women need to help each other. We are the majority of voters in this country, and we should demand accountability of all military officers and Secret Service agents.


    3. Someone, I think it was Nomad, wrote a post on PoliticalGates about the Franklincase. He had lots of backup and many details. If any haven’t seen it, it is worth the time to look it up.


  26. New 5 star review on Tripp’s book at Amazon. Not sure what to think of that review though. Apparently the reviewer doesn’t know Shay is doing better now.


  27. Malia, what about the FBI? Shouldn’t they be investigating the prostitution ring since the Alaskan Police is doing their best to cover for Todd and Sarah? There has got to be some brave investigative reporter somewhere in this country. How about The Rolling Stone magazine?


    1. Lonnie,
      I sent a link to rolling Stone, so we will see if they take an interest. I have no confidence in the ‘FBI in Alaska, as shailey said there were two agents present for her arrest that had been customers.


      1. Did you direct your link to Matt Taibbi? He’s one of the few journalists left on this earth with any stones…


  28. How about contacting someone outside of the US? The BBC? Maybe a reputable news organization from abroad might be more inclined to do what the MSM is afraid to do.


  29. But the media IS in the business of selling good stories to the public! Juicy stories are their primary, if not only, agenda.

    I’ll disagree about power players being protected. The media does NOT protect the big guys. In fact, they love to bring ’em down. It sells! So this makes no sense whatsoever.

    Nah, they’re not shy about publishing stuff about some of the biggest “players” in the country/world. They’d have no problem with some pissant Alaska politicians and businessmen. But they depend on incontrovertible evidence and irrefutable documentation. It cannot be speculative. It has to be ‘vettable’.


    1. guest,
      I think that is why they were afraid to print more or even investigate after the APD press release. It is just outrageous to me that nobody paid attention to the fact that they even commented on the evidence, and that what they said was contrary to their own records.


      1. APD has nothing to do with the media not publishing something. The police are just one more interesting (and predictable) twist to a great story. Media is not “afraid” to print a story. But they must have proof. Documentation.

        Since the very beginning – long before the APD sidebar – Shailey contends that she has a variety of “proof” in different forms; some she’s publicly identified, some not.
        Emails, a duplicate of a tie that she gave to Todd as a gift (although I’ve never understood that, a tie isn’t proof of anything), photographs, lists of names, etc. She had at least 4 cell phone numbers, one of which was still being used in 2010/2011. Etc, etc.

        She said she had proof. She needed a buyer. Is that still the case?


      2. guest,
        I don’t know the answers to many of your questions, but I am working on getting documents or records to confirm her story.


    1. old redneck,
      I didn’t ask for the details of the sexual encounter, but it is clear that Todd referred him as a customer who sought some type of sexual service.


  30. He had a history of molesting girls BEFORE his law enforcement career and yet he wrote procedures for investigating your own.
    “Conditt headed the internal affairs unit that investigates agent wrongdoing for the Office of Professional Responsibility at FBI headquarters in Washington from 1999 until his retirement in June 2001, the FBI said. He wrote articles in law enforcement journals on how police agencies could effectively investigate their own conduct.”

    I hope the FBI an dlaw enforcement burned everything he wrote. If this is thekind of people who work in internal affairs at the FBI no wonder there is a boys will be boys attitude.


  31. Chris Halsne, KIRO tv, investigative reporter in Seattle Washington, reporting on 2011 secret service scandal involving strippers and escorts in Ecudor on CBS This Morning.


      1. Ooohhh, Saltaire, do you think Todd sent her, when she was hooking in Seattle?! His name isn’t in her Seattle BackPage ads and it’s her own phone number.
        She blames him for her arrest. It doesn’t make much sense with the timing. Why would he have her arrested in March, and then send her down to Seattle in May?

        Or do you think some other time before that? What about the other “tour” dates and cities?


    1. Spinner,
      Thanks for continuing to read! If everyone thought it was over in 2008, it wouldn’t matter what I wrote, nobody would know.


  32. If Tripp files a lawsuit, Chaney can be compelled to testify. If he pleads the fifth, you know it’s all true. But as you know, we’re talking years here. I’m not holding my breath.


    1. What would Tripp file a lawsuit about? What’s the grievance to be adjudicated?
      What testimony from Secret Service agent Chaney would be ordered by a judge?



    Malia, you may have already seen this. Sex Traffickers go to jail & have to give assets to victims(used to be called prostitutes).

    I’ve never seen this happen before. It gives hope that authority will start treating traffickers this way now instead of always blaming those with no power.

    thank you Malia, for the blog and your concern.



  34. jadez, I agree!

    just look at the Catholic Church pedophile scandal!!!
    How long has it been since it was uncovered? Yet, it is still being covered up by the church hierarchy and very few of the criminals have been jailed.
    It’s a huge institutional problem. Men will be men, and boys will be boys is a bs excuse.
    More light in the problem is happening and the pressure can’t stop.
    I don’t think for a minute that sex trafficking isn’t going on in every country & on every level.
    BP execs. are named in S.Tripps’ book. The Gulf oil spill by BP has done so much harm & yet we only get commercials telling us how wonderful the cleanup went etc… when the truth is that after 2 years the Gulf & sea creatures are forever changed; fish with no eyes & so much more proof. But do we hear about it? No, it’s not corporate news and that’s what most of our news is, Corporation owned. The Chuck Todds of the news business are paid to “ignore” real news.
    How about the congressman who “apologized” to the BP execs because PBO wanted them to have a large fund of money for the victims of the oil spill. What the hell is going on except we have been wholly bought by the oil ind & corp like the Koch bros.
    We are inundated with talking points & lies each day by the so called journalists of the corporations.
    Each of us has to do what we can, as you are doing Malia, to get at the truth and bring light to the issues, whatever that light reveals.


    1. jeanabella,
      It is so sad to me that it takes somebody like me with no background in these matters to follow up on the stories and be the one who follows up. From the corruption of the APD to the less than half time that Rick Perry worked as the Governor of Texas, or just the lack of a hunting license of Palin the year she gave her speech before the Republican National Convention when she described herself as a hunter, I am constantly amazed at what the facts are that nobody is willing to report. And by the way, how is it that Todd Palin could just ignore a subpoena in the Troopergate matter and never suffer the consequences. If you or I did that we’d be thrown in jail.


    2. Some of the more troubling and explicit information concerning the Gulf spill has been published in Al Jazeera English. They have had stories on some people who have very serious health problems as a result. I live on the coast and near where these incidents reportedly are happening yet there has been NO local reporting of them.


  35. I am so glad you won’t give up. It looks like more is coming to light and media paying more attention.

    The following editorial appeared in the Miami Herald on Wednesday, April 25:
    Secret Service prostitution scandal a serious security breach
    Read more here:

    As Congress looks into allegations that military personnel and Secret Service members paid for prostitutes in Colombia, other charges involving three Marines in Brazil are coming to light.

    Seattle TV station KIRO, a CNN affiliate, cited an unnamed U.S. government contractor who worked extensively with the Secret Service advance team in San Salvador prior to President Barack Obama’s trip there in March, 2011.


    1. Apr 25, 2012 3:31pm
      McCain Calls Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Briefing ‘Waste of Time’
      “They wouldn’t even have information as to who was in charge on the ground in Cartagena. It was remarkable,” McCain, R-Ariz., said incredulously. “There are clearly implications to national security when prostitutes were in these individuals’ rooms. [The military personnel] have the schedules of the president’s activity the following day. We need that information. That’s our duty to have that information and make decisions accordingly. This briefing today gave us no details on any aspect of it.”
      “Our obligation constitutionally,” McCain added, ”is oversight of the activities of the men and women in the military and our national security. That’s the job of the Senate Armed Services committee. Right now the Pentagon is being totally uncooperative in allowing us to fulfill those obligations.”
      Sen. Carl Levin, the chairman of the committee, was more subdued, telling reporters that he thought the briefing was “sketchy” but he also explained that “it was a preliminary briefing because the [Pentagon’s] investigation is not completed.”


  36. Also the English Papers. Didn’t the Daily Mail do a long article on this and the female agent who blew the whistle?


  37. Malia — I’m a little late to the thread, but did want to say thanks for the thoughtful and (as always) thorough post.

    Regarding the incident in Colombia — I believe it hit the news because the police were involved at the time? I seem to remember something about a fight spilling out into the hallway, attracting attention.

    Thanks again for all of your hard work.


    1. A long time ago there was a blogger named blogslut and she was located in Northern Tx can’t remember if it was East or West.. She knew about prostitution and I had seen someone wanting “around the world” performed on them. I asked her what the heck that was and she explained that the person wanted to be licked all over….that’s pretty icky to me!


  38. Look at this story of a drug bust and even the airport agents were involved in aiding drug running. Corruption is being exposed.–abc-news-topstories.html
    Murdoch admits cover-up–abc-news-topstories.html
    Sex worker may sue U.S. Embassy

    If Murdoch is admitting cover-up there is hope that this wil be Sarah Palin in the news in the not so distant future.


  39. Seems to be a lack of evidence for Ms Tripp and a lack of credibility that could be why the story is NOT being picked up by the press? Ms. Tripp has financial benenfited in many ways and then plays the victim? When she OFFERED her services? Ms. Palin does the same, always playing the victim even when she isn’t. There seems to be a lack of consience on behalf of all parties involved here.


    1. blue moose,
      Shailey Tripp wasn’t paid by the National Enquirer as promised. I never saw their arrangement or contract, but I know that I never paid her for doing an interview. It’s a catch 22. How can a prostitute ever complain about anything because she is a prostitute, nobody takes her seriously.


      1. They did pay her. But not what Shailey was expecting. She SAID they promised to pay her some amount contractually and then changed the contract retroactively. That’s her own report.


    1. Shailey reported on her blog sometime this winter that she had an offer from Hustler Magazine. She never said what happened.


  40. If someone has strong evidence and is found to be credible the press would more than likely be all over the story. They cant risk their own credibility! It’s to bad she can’t prove it with more substance.
    But on the other hand all parties should have considered their behavior and actions affects on the children involved and seems no one did.
    Especially (dirt bag)Mr Palin. Just shows how much he loves them?


    1. blue moose,
      It seems that the problem is that the Anchorage Police scared everyone off by issuing that bogus “press release.”


      1. Respectfully, I just don’t agree.
        The Anchorage Police Department can’t “scare off” the Washington Post, New York Times.
        I don’t think APD can even “scare off” the National Enquirer.

        They’ve had waaaay bigger stories than this.


  41. Every trick she turn for Todd she financialy benefited, as for the enquirer maybe Gloria Albright can help her with that? and she now has a book.
    And well maybe Mr Larry flint could do her story too?? Come on Your a lawyer you know about evidence and credibility. they all are unconscieble
    even Ms. Tripp.


    1. blue moose,
      I am trying to get independent documentation, but it amazes me all of the records that have disappeared. Not things that disproved Shailey’s story, but things that have just disappeared.


      1. Now wait, that’s not fair to readers.

        You’ve got to be kidding.
        For 15 months, Shailey Tripp has been given the benefit of all doubt and received very fair treatment. She’s convinced complete strangers of her story, based on repeated assurance that she has PROOF, secured, duplicates, materials placed in safe-keeping with various attorneys around the country, her mother, Jesse Gryphen.
        That the National Enquirer saw all of her documentation, as well as individuals such as yourself, Gryphen, Laura Novak, et. al.
        That she could produce proof and documentation of every allegation and claim she makes.

        Her interviews with the National Enquirer came long before the Anchorage Police Department episode, so proof and documents provided to them would not have depended on anything that APD did or did not return to her.

        That’s just not fair.


  42. The real “proof” of a secret is hiding in plain sight.

    That $900 contribution Shailey Tripp made to Sarah Palin’s campaign was for prostitution services. For Todd? For campaign staffers? For David Chaney?

    Shailey says that “gift certificates” (her language) came back to her. She has them. All she has to do is show a journalist.
    If there are no names identifying specific individuals that used them, it’s still bullet-proof. A clear, provable paper trail to Sarah Palin’s campaign exists.

    I believe all this rationale about donating “massages” to a real estate agent is pure unmitigated baloney. But even if it was true, it’s still documented violation of campaign contribution rules, either way.
    Campaign contributions cannot be made in someone else’s name. And they wouldn’t be logged as such. If I go buy an Office Depot gift certificate to furnish office supplies to a campaign, it doesn’t become a contribution from Office Depot. If I supply pizzas for campaign staff, it doesn’t get logged as a contribution from the pizza delivery boy.

    If a real estate agent made a campaign contribution, which defaulted to Shailey Tripp’s name, that’s illegal.
    And that’s a great story. Researchable. Documentable, even if Shailey Tripp won’t show anyone proof of gift certificates. But she does have to be willing to say to a credible source: “I didn’t make that campaign contribution.”

    The way to shine a light on stuff for the media, the mechanism to get a newspaper story, is to file a complaint of violation of State of Alaska campaign laws. Laws that are inseparable from federal campaign laws. That’s a story that carries national/global interest.

    See, that’s not a story about Shailey; that’s a story about campaign contributions. Shailey is just a detail. And she doesn’t have to show anyone proof of anything.

    But Shailey has to be willing and have a collaborative spirit. Credible journalists cannot use internet innuendo as a formal source.


    1. guest,
      I have lost faith in the Alaskan government. the Ethics Complaint I filed was in my opinion a lay down, and the AG summarily dismissed it! In order to do that he had to say that “legislation” was not “legislation” …literally . If you answered that way on a law school exam the professor would flunk you. It was unbelievable! There will never be better evidence of corruption in my mind than that finding. I think it will take people in Alaska getting the attention of your legislators before anything will come out. They can ignore me because I don’t vote in Alaska, but every Alaskan citizen who reads this blog should start making their voices heard.


      1. Malia, the ethics board is a small handful of gubernatorial appointees with virtually no oversight, no scrutiny and no public process. The AG’s office did not summarily dismiss it. A small handful of special-interest wierdos did. And they can. Their decisions are subjective and interpretive.

        Not the same as election law. Not the same at all. Two very different animals. Campaign finance law is NOT subjective, it’s very specific, subject to regulatory oversight and public process. And it’s about MONEY.

        Do you think Shailey Tripp is prepared to say, directly, honestly, clearly – “I did not make that campaign contribution.”
        It has to be her. It can’t be someone else doing it for her.

        If she is, then it’s ‘Go’ time. If she cannot/will not say that, ya gotta wonder why.


  43. Here, let me help.

    Click to access Complaint_Form.pdf

    Complaint subject: Campaign Income, 2006 State General 30-DAY REPORT, filed October 9, 2006, by PALIN/PARNELL (Candidate for Governor/Lt Governor). Covering Period From 08/13/2006 through 10/06/2006.

    Line 7 – 09/01/2006, NON-MONETARY, IN KIND, $900.00.
    POB 879547
    WASILLA AK 99654

    Complaint: Fraudulent campaign contribution in excess of annual individual limits.

    The 30-Day Report filed October 9, 2006 for PALIN/PARNELL reports receiving a campaign contribution from a named individual (Line 7). Ms. Shailey Tripp denies contribution to the Palin/Parnell campaign.

    Further, this contribution exceeds the statutory limit of $500.

    1. Straw donor statutory violation, prohibited by Alaska Statute15.13.074(b) and Title 2 of the United States Code.

    Alaska Statutes Sec. 15.13.074. Prohibited contributions.
    (b) A person or group may not make a contribution anonymously, using a fictitious name, or using the name of another.

    2 U.S.C. § 441f:
    No person shall make a contribution in the name of another person or knowingly permit his name to be used to effect such a contribution, and no person shall knowingly accept a contribution made by one person in the name of another person.

    2. Individual contribution exceeding $500 (Alaska Statute 15.13.070(b) (1)).

    Sec. 15.13.070. Limitations on amount of political contributions.
    (b) An individual may contribute not more than
    (1) $500 per year to a nongroup entity for the purpose of influencing the nomination or election of a candidate, to a candidate, to an individual who conducts a write-in campaign as a candidate, or to a group that is not a political party;

    ~~ There you go. All she has to do is notarize it.


    1. Guest, you are either blissfully naive, or your initials are R.A.M!

      In all seriousness, do you think it’s that easy? When Malia speaks if documents and records that have disappeared, she isn’t referring to a scrap of paper Shailey had in her junk drawer which cannot be located now.

      We are talking about a VERY HIGH LEVEL, multi-agency COVER UP. Some of the disappearing documents are phone records. Not just the paper records or computerized records, but the tape backup of phone records which phone companies are required by law to keep. The records associated with Shailey’s multiple cell phones- GONE. Gone from the hard backup where every single dial in, dial out, answer, hang up is logged and time stamp coded. By federal LAW. Shailey’s records were gone from the time period she spoke with Todd on the phone.

      Do you have any clue how high up the food chain one has to be in order to delete phone records from the federally mandated hard backup? The law states that only records which provide an immediate risk to national security.

      As for your assertion that the NE and other media outlets wouldn’t have been thrown off the story simply because APD issued that false statement? Unfortunately you are very wrong. Your logic that the story is “too big” doesn’t hold water- or more accurately, it doesn’t hold AMNIOTIC FLUID. Sarah Palin’s faked pregnancy is the biggest political news story since the Clinton impeachment and yet no media outlet will TOUCH it. Not because they don’t have the information; they do. But because some one or multiple someones are up very high, pulling the media puppet strings.

      The media KNOWS Sarah did not give birth to Trig.
      They KNOW Todd is a pimp.
      They KNOW Shailey is telling the truth and they know Todd’s silence is acquiescence.

      But it’s all covered up. The national enquirer promised Shailey, in writing, $120,000 for her story and the documentary proof. She provided it- AND multiple witness statements (notarized) confirming they had seen Todd Palin come to the building for sex.

      But lo and behold, as SOON as the NE checked with the Palins to get their response to the allegations, suddenly there was an “anonymous “tipster” and the NE in one fell swoop told Shailey they would NOT be paying her (except for a token amount they’d already paid- a tiny FRACTION of the amount promised IN writing) and then the statement released by the NE via the APD…via the PALIN FAMILY LAWYER.

      I’m sorry, but if you think it’s as simple as “Shailey, sign and notarize this!”- you are sadly, sadly mistaken.

      Please keep in mind that people who have crossed the Palins in recent years have ended up burned alive, fired from jobs for no reason at all, having their reputations in tatters, or crashed into a mountain because “somehow” water was put into the gasoline tank of their aircraft. (and do you really think Curt Menard, an EXPERT aviator, put water in his OWN aircraft? An aircraft which just happened to have been docked in the Palin’s backyard hours before the fateful, fatal flight?

      Shailey may be eccentric and she may not color inside the lines at all times, but she has PASSED THREE POLYGRAPH TESTS regarding her sexual liaisons with Todd Palin, and she has provided ample documentary proof of said liaisons- and the fact that more proof has just disappeared, or been DESTROYED by APD in direct violation of a court order- is proof on its own.

      The media will not touch this because Sarah Palin is being protected by the highest levels of the GOP. Not because they love her- but because they know what utter FOOLS they will look like when it is revealed they nearly put an uneducated airhead with NO qualifications in charge of the most powerful nation on earth.


      1. Nyah,
        Thanks for your comments. I’m not in a position to respond right now, but soon I hope.


      2. “…if you think it’s as simple as “Shailey, sign and notarize this!”- you are sadly, sadly mistaken.”

        Actually, no. I’m not mistaken at all. Not even a little bit.

        Clearly you don’t understand about this campaign contribution. That it’s actionable. That it requires nothing more than her statement. That it’s not arbitrary or discretionary. That it needs no “proof” and no convincing, no polygraphs, no materials, nothing.

        Why would you NOT want her to do this? Kind of seems like a “no-brainer.”


    2. Guest,

      Lots of things are “actionable”. Todd Palin and numerous others ignored court ordered subpoenas on the direction of Sarah Palin. That is “actionable” and should have resulted in contempt of court citations. But it did not.

      A high ranking official within the Anchorage Police Department violated a specific court order concerning Shailey’s property. This was an actionable offense in direct violation of a judge’s mandate.

      There are MANY Palin related instances which are technically “actionable”. However as I tried to illustrate in my above comments, just because something SHOULD be a certain way with the Palins, it certainly doesn’t mean an “action” will occur. These people have a long and powerful reach. Shailey could file that document and suddenly hear that a relative in Alaska had their tires slashed.

      Unfortunately, it just ISN’T as simple as you make it out to be.


  44. I wonder if you understand that “actionable” means Shailey Tripp can do something without having to convince anyone, deliver proof, hire a lawyer, file a complaint, etc.?

    Something like an illegal campaign donation cannot be left unaddressed. There’s a civic and legal duty as a citizen to make a correction. Even a moral obligation.

    To fail to take action on this while loudly protesting corruption in politics, is the height of hypocrisy.
    To abdicate personal responsibility while calling for action from corporate and political leadership is whiny and divisive.
    To do nothing is a misuse of one’s right to participate in election process and insults those most disenfranchised from power – women, minorities, and the poor.
    To provide money to a campaign while openly accusing the beneficiary of personal grievance, is ridiculous and unbelievable on the face of it.

    For shame.


    1. guest,
      I think you expect too much of somebody who has been victimized by the Palins. She is afraid for her safety. She has little or no money to hire an attorney. A suit like this would hold no financial rewards for her. Maybe an average concerned citizen could file such a complaint?


  45. Malia, that makes no sense. She already said multiple times in public, on the internet, that she didn’t make that donation. If she feared repercussion from the Palins, she wouldn’t have already put it out there.

    No attorney needed, and it wouldn’t help if there was. An attorney couldn’t do this for her. Nor could some other person.

    This is not a lawsuit. This is not an ethics complaint. This is a citizen’s matter. Election oversight. The election commission. It’s a report to the election commission that she didn’t make that donation. She isn’t taking anybody on, just correcting a matter of record.
    You are very right that there is no money in it for her. It costs her nothing and she gets nothing. If that’s the integral motivation for everything, then this was an empty suggestion. I guess that would explain why she didn’t correct that very official error, in the first place.

    But here’s what’s in it for her. This is the very thing the media tracks and reports. And the story wouldn’t be about her (that’s a good thing, not bad), but instead it’s about the Election Commission and the business of campaign donations. She gets some PR as a regular citizen instead of a prostitute being exploited.

    But by the time we’re done hashing this out on the internet, someone will have corrected the record.


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