Mission Pharmacal Does NOT Advertise on Limbaugh’s Show!

Barbara Keelam from the Executive Offices of Mission Pharmacal called me back this morning and confirmed that the company DOES NOT advertise of the Rush Limbaugh Show.  She has confirmed that they bought an advertising package about 4 years ago that might have included some air time on Rush Limbaugh’s show, but if it did that package would have expired at least two years ago.  She is confident that Mission Pharmacal Does NOT advertise any longer on the Rush Limbaugh Show.  Thank you, Mission Pharmacal!

18 thoughts on “Mission Pharmacal Does NOT Advertise on Limbaugh’s Show!

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  1. the Young Turks has issued a challenge of $10,000 for Rush to prove he has 20,000.000 listeners.

    He doesn’t. It was a figure his staff pulled out of a hat in the early 1990’s according to the Young Turks.

    And he sends his program to the many radio station free, so the advertising is pure gravy.


  2. Mailia. Thank you. After years of “some” men and yes some women in power running this country into the ground, I am quite sure that it is time for women to take charge. After witnessing what can be done regarding the rush limpballs fiasco……..I believe women of the USA can get things in order quickly. I am a supporter of President Obama. I voted for him in 08 and will again in 2012. I believe him to be our best bet. But I am looking at 2016 and I believe that a strong educated woman president is in order. I sincerely hope that women across this country feels the same. We must start working on this ASAP. Tell you the truth, Im sick and tired of the male leadership and insults galore to many issues. Thanks Again Malia, your work and insight is priceless. Becky in Arizona


    1. Becky,
      Thank you for your loyalty and comments. It’s people like you who make what I’m doing worthwhile. thannks! Malia


  3. I just saw part of “the View”. Sandra Fluck was on and she did a magnificent job of holding her own.
    The ladies of “the View” were of the opinion that Limbaugh should not lose his job (his method of earning a living they said) as if he really needs that money to live very well, much less survive. They of course, have a different opinion than many of us. I was very disappointed in the way they handled the situation.
    I rarely watch the show for a number of reasons and this segment has not changed my mind for the positive.
    Maybe I am just too angry to see any other point of view at this time but I don’t think he should get away with his words and actions. As Ms Fluck pointed out, he spent three days attacking her (and all women) and didn’t offer his “apology” till after being faced with sponsor loss.
    I DO think he should be silenced or at the very least muted. His kind of vitriol has no place on our airways.
    Thanks for letting me vent and especially thanks to you Malia for all you do and for your rational voice.
    Sara in Florida


  4. I just heard that several female Iraq War veterans, and members of VOTE VETS, have sent a letter to Armed Forces Radio requesting that they drop Rush. Meanwhile he’s blathering along on his show today only regretting that he used the two words: slut and prostitute. Pervert.


  5. Malia, I post this as an FYI that totally took me by surprise.

    Patricia Heaton (Everyone Loves Raymond) went on a twitter rant against Sandra Fluke last week but of course, soon after, deleted her twitter account, Next she’ll say she was ‘hacked’ or ‘drunk tweeted’. What’s becoming the usual ‘victim’ excuse these days.

    Here is a link to some preserved messages:


    In a funny way, it explains to me why I never liked the show!! I could just never put my finger on it. A comic she’s not. I’m reading she’s on a show called ‘The Middle’ now?? Hmmm — sounds like some email/letter writing/calls as there’s no way to hit back on twitter now. Haven’t seen anything as to an apology – but probably would be an ‘I’m sorry but…..’

    Ms. Fluke was on The View this morning and was well spoken, classy person. She put Whoopi in her place, as Whoopi always brings things back to herself as example. It’s not. She’s a celeb with an open forum to speak. Ms. Fluke is a private citizen and only by way of invites to interviews, has a forum to speak out. Walters was consumed with concern for the show’s sponsors – “If you don’t like what we say, turn it off”.

    The View Panel has clearly shown how they have lowered the standards of what an ‘apology’ is — of course until it is something said about them as they then bounce off the walls.

    Absolutely disgusting.


    1. I have never liked “The View” – not sure why, except I’ve always felt most of these kinds of programs are very prescripted and set up to steer the dialogue towards a specific conclusion/opinion – of their choosing. Whoopi is a talented lady, but, even though I’m sure I’m wrong since I’ve only seen a handful of the shows, none recently, IMO only she felt like the “token” black amongst all those White ladies. I haven’t watched main stream TV or cable since I left work 8 years ago – due to MS. One of my crafty ways to restructure my financial obligations to accomodate an incredible loss of income – especially for a woman whose husband thankfully was made to leave shortly thereafter.

      In some ways – there are some really good things about my situation, I’m single and I haven’t had to put up with the inanity of the MSM. Not sorry at all I don’t get “The View” and that my perception of Patricia Heaton was spot on – even way back then, I could spot a Right Winger a mile away! I Thank you so much, Malia, for being such an advocate for women, and people, in general. God knows we are so in need of true advocates! It is so incredibly disturbing to see what’s happening today all around the country – and the punitive actions the RW have managed to pass State and Local legislation so clearly discriminatory and in violation of the Constitution.

      I hope Sandra Fluke sues him and his company! Hard to believe that men think they have the right to block access to birth control – based on FUNDIE crap in a country founded on Separation of Church and State! I get so upset about this stuff it sometimes makes me think – maybe it’s better not to know – just get rid of the Internet access, too! I’m sure I won’t, but, I do think about it sometimes.


  6. Great job. Limbaugh has a history of insulting and debasing women – and young girls. It’s about time people rise up against the filthy pig.


  7. It kinda concerns me that “The View” woman are defending rush at all. Seems like it is hazzleholf that is most outspoken and the republican defender. I dont watch that show much at all……But those girls need a letter or two.


  8. I like how rush was squirming and saying……I dont usually use those type of words. What a coward liar he is……..he uses that and more.


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