Family Comes First for Palin and Her Supporters, Unless It Doesn’t Come First

When Sarah Palin declared she would not seek the GOP nomination for president, she cited her family as the primary reasons for the decision. “Family comes first” she said.

It is unclear what she meant by that phrase? Did she mean that she couldn’t bear to miss the next episode of Dancing with the Stars featuring Piper? Did she mean that she wouldn’t tolerate the delegation of the job of hiring a babysitter for Trig? Did she mean that only she could coordinate press releases for Todd to be issued by the Anchorage Police Department? Maybe she was feeling that nobody could teach Piper and Trig the value of abstinence like she could? Maybe she missed the birth of Tripp and swore she wouldn’t miss the birth of Willow’s first child. It could have been her commitment to teaching Piper how to bake really fattening desserts that inspired her to give up running for President. It certainly couldn’t have been based on the importance of spending time with her family. She traveled to Lynchburg Va. just three days after announcing that she would not run, and then she was off to South Korea to demonstrate her commitment to family,by leaving them.

Palin supporters seem to have internalized this commitment to family too. Peter Singleton and Michelle McCormick of Texas left their jobs, homes, and families to move to Iowa to campaign for the non-candidate. Some supporters didn’t leave their homes and families, but felt disappointed when she announced she wasn’t running after all. The C4P community is probably the community most heartbroken by Palin’s announcement, and it’s there that angry supporters who feel jilted are posting and commiserating. This is a sign that a real backlash against Palin is building in response to her decision.

TENCOLE posted: “I feel sad, disappointed and very bitter. I feel like the bride left at the alter and not feeling very good about the person that left me there. This could have been handled much better……we deserve better…the “boots on the ground” deserve better. I feel “led on”, and when I think of the numerous times I defended her/us against just such an announcement as this, I get nauseous … Her speeches coming up. you know like this weekend … guess what, I don’t care …”

Sarah Palin was disingenuous when she continued to raise money for a Presidential campaign that she never intended to launch. Remember when Bristol announced that her mom had made her decision? It was June when Bristol said “she definitely knows.”  If she wasn’t going to run, why would she allow people to compromise their family lives, their financial security, and give of their time to her campaign? The answer is the same answer for why Sarah Palin quit her job as Governor of Alaska. She obviously had no regard for anyone but herself. The fact that people had given her money and campaigned to elect her as Governor, only to be disappointed when she voluntarily gave up that position is a clear indication that Palin has no regard for her supporters. Even though she is worth millions, she still takes money from the unemployed and retired. Even though she talks to God, she doesn’t do it in church. Even though she proclaims her love of country, she inspires war. Even though she declares her commitment to family, she abandons her children often, and for long periods of time, without even the excuse that she is running for office. If she can make a difference without a “title” then perhaps she should abandon the title of “mother” and be satisfied with the title “ Caribou Barbie.”

45 thoughts on “Family Comes First for Palin and Her Supporters, Unless It Doesn’t Come First

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  1. Excellent post, Malia, and dead on. Sarah cares for absolutely no one but herself. Unfortunately some are struggling greatly to believe it and to accept it. A hard, hard lesson that hopefully they won’t have to suffer through again when the next phoney bright, shiny object comes within their sight. It’s all an illusion!


  2. Too true-you nailed it.And I must say,loving the sarcasm.Keep it up.please!! I will be giggling for awhile remembering this post.


  3. An illusion that some just refuse to believe thats it just that and nothing else. You gotta hand it to her. She really is a good rip off artist. One of the best with absolutely no shame at all. Having burnt so many people with her lies I blame those broken hearted fools for not looking and listening to what they were praising. God must have cried when he saw you fall for the fake xtian. But thats you guys. NOT US. You can have your lying do nothing bubnr who quit I might add.


  4. so how and why did they fall for it? Because she knew all she had to do was mention GOD and sanctity of life! and BAM! DONE DEAL! she has their pockets AND THEIR IGNORANT one ever checks out these proclaimed xtians. No one. Especially their voters.


  5. “how to bake really fattening desserts”
    Im so glad someone else has noticed this.
    Any picture of her kitchen–outside of the time she had toaddy loot meat from creepy-chucks freezer for the greta-ploy, er play, er, act—the only thing you see from pic are sugarey fatty
    JoeM’s mention of her friends story of the girls burning mac/cheese because no one cooked or kept food in the house is not a shock from all pictorial accounts.


    1. When have you seen inside the fridge? You are nuts. And Joe’s book is full of lies.

      There’s a reason Sarah and crew try to find out who speaks to press. Wouldn’t you if people were LYING so horribly and freely? There are some jealous and/or shady people up there in the sticks.

      From what I know and hear, life for her kids was incredible. Family was abundant, friends were always over, smiles were always plastered on their faces.

      BUT, alas, no one wants to hear good stories. They want spectacle, bullshit and intrigue that fills their boring lives. There’s a reason the Palins impress people they meet. There’s a reason Kyle and family joined to do that reality show. These people are fun loving and warm, open-hearted people.

      I pity anyone who is so closeminded that they make judgments before getting to know someone. And I Feel bad for Joe that he tarnished his author credentials by writing slanderous, dishonest trash.


      1. “Carolyn”

        You are paid to do this, right? If yes, then it’s fine, we all have bills to pay. If not, then I pity YOU.


      2. I don’t for one minute believe Joe tarnished his credentials, does everyone except the Palins lie, Joe,Levi,Dunn, Nichole Wallace,the people that worked for her that wrote books, and spoke on the record? Glen Rice, he lied also didn’t he Sarah? The liars are the Palins and DR.CBJ, the McCain group, and we know why you won’t ever run for President, because those “locked SSA Records” will be unlocked if you are not exposed before then.


      3. Oh BARF!!! Do you really think anyone believes this nonsense? What you wrote is so ridiculous and farfetched! I don’t know whether to laugh at you or pity you. You write these same lines over and over again at other blogs and you are the lying one. Joes book is not full of lies. Sarah isn’t suing because she has no grounds to sue. Lie everyone else I’m sick of seeing you post false information everywhere and calling people names because they see right through Sarah’s bullshit. Shame on you for defending pathologic liar who takes advantage of others!


      4. “good” mothers don’t kick their children out of the house. Both Track and Bristol were expelled long before they turned 18. Where is Willow now? Has she been expelled also?

        How about Trig? Expelled or just suspended?


      5. Dis Gusted,
        He’s in some computer cafe sending a text message to Sarah asking if he can come home. He can’t call, since he can’t speak, and never knows where Sarah is. You are right that the three older kids are gone. Maybe that’s what Sarah meant when she said her decision was a “family” one, as she was afraid she couldn’t get the whole family together for the Republican Convention.


      6. Carolyn,

        Kids who grew up happy, with genuine smiles (maybe it was not your meaning, but plastering smiles on kids’ faces seems so “Mommy Dearest”) don’t typically vandalize busses and the homes of friends, they don’t typically abuse drugs, and don’t behave in public like Bristol has; confronting drunks in a bar with homophobic slurs and that “big middle finger” to America. Instead, they grow up loved and respected as very special individuals so that as they mature, those are the traits they reflect.

        I guess maybe that’s it, Palin supporters actually identify with bad behaviors. Sarah seems to attract the broken and disenfranchised. Maybe they don’t begrudge her grifting because, given the opportunity, they would do the same. She’s smart to them because she’s winning that game. Yikes- where’s the love.

        Carolyn, if you are really Willow locked in the basement and forced to put out so many rebuttals per hour, start sending code- we’ll figure it out. You’re the smart one and so the most problematic. Break free and live an honest life.


  6. One would think that a 5 month old special needs child plus an unwed pregnant teenager .would be enough to keep on from taking the VP nomination.

    Just saying


    1. That’s right, not to mention a trouble teen boy who’s going into the army.

      And there’s nothing sexist about it.
      It has nothing to do with her being a mother and everything to do with her being a PARENT.


      1. Sarah Palin has a serpent’s heart,
        Tell us what the rumor is…Piper can’t be doing well in school since she has missed so much! I bet she’ll never catch up!


  7. I know she does the things she does and says the things she says but her behavior is just incomprehensible to me. Three years and I’m constantly amazed, shocked, all of it. She’s evil and so blatant. I hate the feelings she stirs in me and the energy lost. For a long while I’ve believed her to be mentally ill and think that among the reasons(cash cow, kids, etc.) that T. has stuck w/the psycho is to protect her.
    This post at FrozenJustice helped me understand psychopathic behaviors, those of SP and of several people I’ve known.

    Thanks for all you do.


    1. Since when is “evil” characterized by trying to make people understand that the current democrats in office are NOT working in this country’s best interests. They are creating welfare junkies. Look how people treat Cain. They say he’s not really black because he doesn’t play to black people promising them en easy ride. Yes that happened.

      Obama, Mr “If you love me, you’ll….”

      Yes, he began a phrase that way recently.



      1. How many “unqualified” friends did Sarah hire while Governor? Look what she did with the “Mat-Su Dairy” who runs that? Where the pipeline she told everyone she built? So Sarah take your meds or Bailey’s and go to bed.


      2. Is it fun being in a constant state of ignorance? You seem to relish it just like the rest of repugbaggers. Why?

        Why do repugbaggers such as yourself, lie then project?

        Cain’s mental capacity is of a typical repugbagger. he’s stupid and crazy for being a black repugbagger. Mr. Keyes lite.

        I suggerst you look into ows and see “We the People” rising up to stomp out the stupid. It’s a beautiful thing.


      3. No, President Obama didn’t begin a phrase with the sentence “If you love me….” He was talking to an audience of about 10k about the jobs bill and as he paused, someone in the audience yelled, “We Love You, Mr. President”. He just gave a little laugh and a smile and said, “well, if you really love me, you’ll help me get this jobs bill passed.” It’s not as if he brought it up on his own as they said on FOX LIES.

        If you think the Republicans who have yet to even attempt to pass a jobs bill, despite running on “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS” are doing anything better, you’re delusional.

        How did President Obama “create welfare junkies”? That’s a pretty broad claim but I’m sure you can back it up. Right? Go ahead, tell me.

        Unless you’re in the top 1%, the GOP is not working in your best interest and in fact, voting for them is voting against your own future. But I’m still wanting to hear about these “created welfare junkies”. This should be a good story.


  8. This post actually makes no sense Malia.

    Here, let me specify what I mean: My words in caps

    It is unclear what she meant by that phrase? Did she mean that she couldn’t bear to miss the next episode of Dancing with the Stars featuring Piper? RANDOM AND WEIRD STATEMENT BUT SARAH WAS OVERJOYED AT BRISTOL’S PARTICIPATION ON THE SHOW. SHED CALL HER FAMILY IN EARLIER TIME ZONES TO FIND OUT SPECIFICS ETC. I AM A GOD FRIEND OF ONE OF THEM.
    Did she mean that only she could coordinate press releases for Todd to be issued by the Anchorage Police Department? HOW IS THIS RELEVENT?

    Maybe she was feeling that nobody could teach Piper and Trig the value of abstinence like she could? YOU ACT LIKE THERE’S NO MORALITY AMONGST THEM ALL, WHEN YOU HAVE NO DIRECT INSIGHT INTO THIS ASPECT.

    Maybe she missed the birth of Tripp and swore she wouldn’t miss the birth of Willow’s first child. HUH? THIS REALLY DOESNT MAKE SENSE CONSIDERING SHE WAS WITH BRISTOL FROM THE BEGINNING

    It could have been her commitment to teaching Piper how to bake really fattening desserts that inspired her to give up running for President.

    It certainly couldn’t have been based on the importance of spending time with her family. SHE JUST SPENT HOW LONG IN ALASKA BETWEEN WORK ENGAGEMENTS. YOURE A LITTLE IGNORANT. She traveled to Lynchburg Va. just three days after announcing that she would not run, and then she was off to South Korea to demonstrate her commitment to family,by leaving them. SO I ASSUME YOU HAVE SOME CHOICE WORDS FOR BUSINESSMEN AND WOMEN. FIRST LADIES (WHO, TECHNICALLY DONT HAVE A JOB WHILE THEIR HUSBAND IS IN OFFICE, AND OTHERS WHO TRAVEL TO SUPPORT THEIR FAMILY. HYPOCRITE THY NAME IS MALIA LITMAN. PEOPLE DONT UNDERSTAND THAT SARAH SPENDS A LOT OF TIME IN AK, ESP THIS PAST YEAR. SHES THE BREADWINNER.




    1. Carolyn,
      Regarding Trig…how about his mother meeting his special needs instead of a babysitter.? Have you ever seen Sarah sign to Trig? Evidently he can’t talk, I’m guessing because he can’t hear. I know Sarah would be the first to show off her ability ti sign if she knew how to do it?


    2. Ha ha ha ha!
      [pointing and laughing at “Carolyn”]

      I’m sure the media would love to see al the evidence you have that Joe’s book is based on lies. Are you on the witness list for the Palin’s slander suit? You could be Sarah’s savior. What are you waiting for?

      You come across as a drooling sycophant. The more you post, the more we laugh at you.


  9. “Peter Singleton and Michelle McCormick of Texas left their jobs, homes, and families to move to Iowa to campaign for the non-candidate.”

    This is incredibly sad and pitiful. As much as I detest Palin, and feel her followers are seriously deluded, I can’t help but feel pity for these two, as they had the “fire in their belly” to support someone they believed in, who could have cared less about them.

    I think we are slowly but surely going to see a grown swell of discontent from former Palin supporters. She has stupidly and callously thrown them all under her gaudy bus, without a thought of consequences. The veil is slowly being lifted on the hordes of believers, who are beginning to grok that they’ve been duped, took, had; victims of a long con perpetrated by a convoluted idiot.
    If Palin has any sense of self-preservation she better start praying and hard, but thankfully, I think it’s much too late.


  10. They’ve been told at C4P to expect an “unconventional run” from Sarah Palin or just to “Shut Up”. Anyone who doubts that Palin will launch a bid for POTUS thru 3rd party channels is labeled a troll and told to go home. There are only 20 or so commenters over there that are allowed to post anything and they can only do so if they “toe the line” and stay with the Palin is running platform.

    It’s a rather amusing diversion to read there daily and digest their rants. They brag about how many comments they have but it’s the same 20 die-hards that haven’t left or been banned.


  11. I shudder to think of the parent-child dynamics that have gone on in the Palin household all these years. Imagine the secrets and lies those kids have to keep and perpetuate. Imagine having to deal with such immature, inconsistent parents. Imagine hearing your mother talk about some family ideal that you’ve never experienced.

    I can still feel sorry for the Palin kids, but now that some of them are parents, themselves, they need to break the cycle (I’m looking at you, Bristol). I’m really hoping that Willow doesn’t follow in her big sister’s footsteps.


  12. The Palin supporters got exactly what they deserved. They fell for her lies and now they havetolive with it. I learned awhile back I won’t give more than $10.00 to a politican. I never gave before Obama ran. I keep getting call for contributions and I won’t send him anything. I have stopped send any politican money because I don’t see my money in action.


  13. Carolyn:
    I have asked this repeatedly. Refute just one of these supposed “lies”. These “lies” were the basis of Palin threatening to sue Mr. McGinniss. Another in a series of hallow statements. And why stop at him? Why not Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt? Or Frank Baily and Geoffrey Dunn? Or me for that matter. Let me answer my own question for you. She won’t expose herself to discovery for the same reason she won’t expose herself to the the scrutiny of a presidential attempt. These statements are not “lies” they are a description of the obvious. She is a master of self promotion to the weak minded. She was exploited by Roger Ailes and now that she has shot her wad and proven herself to be a classless, know nothing he is done with her as well. Her behavior is in direct conflict with what she says. She decries “elite’s” and yet demands private jets and 4 star hotels. Not one of her children have graduated high school which explains why she has a viseral contempt for anyone who is educated. It is the educated who see thru this fraud!
    She doesn’t care about you or the folks at C4P or the starry eyed who went on this Close Encounters of the Third Kind quest, she only cares about herself and her own financial enrichment. Hell, she doesn’t even care about her own children.
    Face the reality of Palin Carolyn. Find another false prophet to worship.
    Or better yet, change your own life wherein you don’t need one.


  14. A couple of words to “carolyn”: You DON’T know sarah palin. And the other thing: the devil can appear as an angel of light. Check out the author of this book that makes that claim. Author: God.

    If God spoke right into your ears: “sarah palin is a fraud and psychopathic liar, you would hold your hands over your ears, face scrunched up screaming “no, no, no, no….” Yeah. God himself couldn’t convince you of your abhorrent and wrongful IDOLl worship of this unhinged woman. You come across as crazy as sarah palin. Its that “birds of a feather” thing, I’m sure.

    You DON’T know sarah palin. That’s very VERY clear. Up here in “the sticks”, WE DO.

    Malia: Your posts are spot on and TRUTHFUL. Keep up your excellent research and posting. For those who are teachable, your research is immensely important.


  15. Carolyn, there are observations & testimonies from many people who don’t know each other, have no axe to grind regarding Palin & her ‘incredible’
    (your word) family that refute the happy smiley stuff you peddle about that
    wierd family. The thing is, is that they were dysfunctional long before
    Sarah hit the headlines in ’08. She is the exact opposite down to the least detail, of what she claims to be: not a devoted mother, not a devout Chistian
    (personally, this particular falsity offends me the most), not an energy expert, not a seasoned hunter, not ethical, not a conservative except with her own
    money, not a hard worker, not a foreign policy expert, not honest – she’s been caught contradicting herself trying to cover her lies. Why is it so important to you to perpetuate the myth that she’s everything she isn’t?
    Do some research & face the truth.


  16. If family was so important to her, then why did she accept the nomination for vp and after losing, continue to roam the country/world spouting lies and inciting ignorant people? It was all about “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” Too easy for her to run her garbage out of her mouth and get paid for it than to even think about being a vp or president! I hope the well runs dry on the old witch soon.


  17. Do you honestly think that everyone who criticizes Sarah is a Democrat? Or jealous of her? If you are going to spend so many hours writing the same lies about Sarah o er and over, you may want to try to not sound like a complete moron! What do you think you are accomplishing? How pathetic that you spend your time this way! I would never waste my tine and expend energy going to anti-Obama blogs and insulting people and calling them names. What for?? You aren’t helping Sarah or changing anyones mind! People just laugh at you because you sound completely unhinged!!!!! Think about it. You aren’t accomishing a thing here and you are only upsetting yourself. That is sad dysfunctional behavior and don’t say people here are that way. Most people come here because they agree with Malia and want to hear what she says! Malia has a right to express her opinions and your childish, irrational tantrums only reinforce our viewpoint of Pailins cult members.


  18. Malia: “Peter Singleton and Michelle McCormick of Texas left their jobs, homes, and families to move to Iowa to campaign for the non-candidate.”

    Hmmm, not so sure this was a selfless act. I really suspect that O4P was created with the collaboration of Sarah Palin to give the impression she was running…which would keep the dollars flowing in to SarahPAC (and a few more donations to o4p). There was never any clear idea what exactly they were doing, and Singleton was always very vague when asked.

    But generally speaking, yes, she has a lot of gullible supporters/patsies who put her before they put anything else, the poor fools.


    1. Pam,
      I know that there is much we don’t know about Palin and it certainly wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Palin paid these people to do this. Maybe she met them in her therapy group, they were out of work, and because she has a servant’s heart, she wanted to help them find purpose in their lives?


  19. Wasn’t it Bristol we saw smashing Piper’s face down in a birthday cake while laughing? With Sarah right there? Piper is what, 8,10 years younger than B? This kind of humiliating cruelty disguised as “fun” for everyone else is much more damaging to children than outright physical abuse. Kids can at least learn that the physical abuser was wrong. Obviously Bristol was the recipient of same or she would never do such a thing to a sibling she “loved.” I ache for all those children, even the so called adults among them.


    1. Licensed Psychologist,
      I ache for the kids, and for our country! It feels like we are all being abused by the politicians. We have a great country, and we should be demanding great candidates for public office!


  20. Think it was Willow who smashed the youngest girls face in the birthday cake with a glorious smile.

    Pretty is as pretty does.

    This family is mean , but very photogenic.


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