Calling “Bull Shit” on Sarah Palin

It was May 18, 2011 and Sean Hannity interviewed Sarah Palin, specifically for the purpose of determining her intentions for the 2012 race.  Within days of this interview, people began making their declarations regarding running for President. Pawlenty declared on May 23rd.

Michele Bachmann declared on June 27th.

June 3rd was the date Romney declared his intention to seek the nomination.

Over a month ago, on August 12, 2011, Palin said:

“In fairness, I don’t want to be perceived as stringing people along.”

‘ “Now more than ever people have to get involved in the 2012 election”

She went on to explain that voters should consider the record of each of the candidates to determine if they were fiscally conservative both in personal life and politics?

She said that September would be her “drop dead” date. News sources picked up this comment, and reported September to be her own, self-imposed” “drop-dead date”.  Today is October 1st.

The time has come to call “Bull shit” on Sarah Palin. She hasn’t declared her intention to run. She is still getting paid by Fox to talk about candidates whose name she can’t remember. Fox is still paying her to comment on the debate performances of the people who have committed to run for President. Palin has protected herself from having to debate the other candidates in the Republican primary by not declaring. She can’t even perform without inspiring laughter when she is the only one speaking.

She has indicated that her family is a major consideration in the decision because they would be subject to additional media scrutiny. That is laughable! Bristol has worked hard to stay in the public eye, by writing a book, dancing with the stars,

and now with her new reality show. If Palin wanted to “protect” her family she would never have included them on Sarah Palin’s Alaska. If she has been praying to God for guidance, and he hasn’t told her to run yet, that would be a sign.

She doesn’t have a record of fiscal conservative values, both  politically. and personally. Owning two homes in Alaska and a third in Arizona, flying on private planes, and riding in chauffer driven cars is not the record of a fiscal conservative.

New Hampshire requires all candidates to declare by Oct. 28th, so we will know for sure by that date. However what we know for sure is that even if Sarah Palin declares that she is running, she is not serious.Declaring her intention to run doesn’t mean she wants to win.   She wants the publicity, money, and the attention of being a “contender” but she doesn’t want the responsibility that goes along with being the President.  Just as she didn’t want the responsibility of being Governor, she doesn’t want to have to answer hard questions on the campaign trail or in a debate. For three years we have heard her criticize President Obama, and now we are hearing her criticize the candidates who have put themselves on the line to answer the hard questions about what they would do differently if elected.

We presume that anyone running for President WANTS to be elected. Palin has proven that she does not. Even if she declares now, it is clear by her lack of commitment and refusal to put a campaign in place by today, that if she declares it is for show and nothing more. If she really wanted to make a difference, she would not have quit her job as Governnor. Now it appears that the only difference she really wants to make is in her financial statement. Whether she announces that she is or is not running doesn’t really matter. The clear indication is that she loves the publicity. She loves money. She doesn’t really care about what happens to the country. If she declares now it would be intention by “innuendo” and nothing more.  I’m calling “Bull shit.”

49 thoughts on “Calling “Bull Shit” on Sarah Palin

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      1. I was thinking I wonder what her outstanding credit cards look like? Remember this is the woman that spent over $150,000 on cloths for her and her family during the campaign season. Really Sarah fiscally conservative? That makes many of us laugh. By the way I just finished reading McGinnis’ book. Excellent and he really captured the liar that she is.


  1. It was a bad September for the sista. Now she faces an even more brutal October as it seems both the left and the right have decided to release themselves from their own self-imposed silence. When Joe’s book came out the MSM unloaded on him quickly rather than face the truth they have kept her alive and in the debate because she generates clicks and viewers. The way the Canadian Press is handling his interviews should be making the US MSM cringe in shame. I doubt it will happen but if it does then October should be the long overdue beat down of her – that seems to be starting this morning with the release of the NYT bestseller list and a generous review that was a serious backhanded slap to the woman from NYT who wrote the first horrific review. The new film opens today, then a reported book on babygate are just two more information points she’ll need to deal with while Joe’s book gains more national attention. Levi’s claims are being debunked in key areas and he is being shown as still under the sphere of influence of SP. The mining scandal might erupt leading to other more intense scrutiny of her long term ties to Koch. It’s just not going to get better. Watching the clips of her this week you can almost sense she knows it’s over. Will she lash out in one final frenzy? Most likely. And that lashout will cost her as the right seems to be filled with people who have been waiting for her power of support to quietly withdraw and leave her, in the words of Spiro Agnew, to twist slowly in the wind. Couldn’t happen to a better person.


  2. Some people think that she won’t run because she makes more money by not running. I think her big earning days are behind her. Who wants to pay to hear a has-been Quitter Governor who chickened out or quit (again) running for Prez speak? Read any of her future ghostwritten books? Give her another reality show? Contribute to SarahPac? How long will Ailes keep her on Fox? I’m guessin’ not long since she’s arrogant enough to start a vendetta against two of Fox’s hosts, especially Ailes’ favorite blond. The MSM is finally starting to look into the Palin’s seamy side. That coverage is still limited but will increase until she’s relegated appropriately to the sands of time and the wilds of AK where she has few friends left.

    Thanks Malia for all you’ve done to help the process. I posted a link to your story on the Corruption in AK (Chief Mew, Reality show perk, Parker PR) at ADN news opinion piece re Chief Mew’s fender bender and suggested they needed to follow all the links for the real story. Considering the comments there, I think it’ll find a very receptive audience. 🙂


    1. KiheiKat,
      Thanks for doing all you do. I can’t do this alone, and it’s people like you that help get the word out! Thank you! Malia


  3. You said it so well. She stepped in her own pile far too many times cause it’s all over her now. Sad that’s she’s still so much a part of the human dialogue with so little to say. I yearn for a Palin (all of ’em, any of them) free world. Would even be willing to pity if she would just go away quietly.


    1. dz,
      If she had gone away three years ago, I would pity her too, but she has done so much damage in the last three years, that I no longer have any pity left.


  4. Obviously, the author of this article has no idea about Palin’s accomplishments. This author, also didn’t read about her e-mails, which were to prove what an idiot, fake and lazy Governor she was, yet, they actually revealed that she was a very engaged and dedicated politician – to her Alaskans, not the entrenched political established on either side.

    So, when I continue to read that Palin is not interested, or that she has no chance to win, I laugh, because it shows me, over and over, that the critics have read nothing about her, other than the hateful talking points of the Left, and the dismissive rhetoric of the established Republicans.

    Palin has the right to enter the race, participate in the debate, inform the electorate about her view, and we, as voters will decide if we agree wuth her or not.

    It is not up to the pundits and politicians on either sides to decide it for us.


    1. watch her speech in Birmingham, before she headed to assist after the tornado destruction, and then tell me that Ms. Palin has anything of value to offer.
      oh, and i’d take her more seriously if her dogs (greta) didn’t continue to call her Governor. that Title doesn’t fit, and it sounds like a joke.


    2. She may have the right, but she will not act upon it because she lacks the intellect, the temperment and the character.
      It’s interesting, that whenever Ms. Palin is called out for what she is, the critics are labled “haters”. That word is employed to illicit a feeling of sympathy for her and like true Pavlovians, her syncopants rally around her in an increasingly feeble and pitiful attempt to put lipsick on a rabid and dying pitbull.
      Let me clue you in there Sparky. People dispise her for her hyprocricy, her derision of anyone who is educated, her disrespect for anyone who posses a challenge to her, her self-serving nature, her pathological lying about everything, her phony pregnancy, her slutty daughter, her bully of a husband and just about everything else that comprises this extremely flawed and malignant narcissists personality. She is smug, condescending and resents the world.
      She was an abject failure as both mayor and governor; by even the most modest measurement. Not to mention that she quit to pursue fame and fortune, not the hallmarks of a serious and dedicated “public servant”.
      What she has been successful at is to turn herself into a freak show that would make Fellini envious. And these emails that you think exonerate her, they were heavily redacted and their release was delayed for yrs. They still are not complete.
      I challenge you to list these vaunted “accomplishments” you claim she is responsible for.
      I also challenge you to explain why she won’t put “the haters” to shame by releasing her medical records (and collect a cash reward) to prove that Tri-g is her biological child.
      She is a laughing stock and now she is lashing out at her employer. Let’s see how long she gets to broadcast from her Barbie Doll TV studio.


    3. Which email proved how involved she was, the one regarding the phony letters to the editor that she had her supporters sign and send, after she wrote them? Or was it the email regarding the software that helped her staff rig the polls that kept her standings impossibly high?? What I liked reading most was how they had to go back and fill in her schedule so it wouldn’t look so empty since she worked mostly from 10 a.m. to 3p.m. and spent hours shopping, my thanks to the chief of security who spoke out about this part-time governor and how little attention she paid to her job or her family. She was obsessed with her image, however. Hiring an image consultant from day one, pretending they were there to promote Alaska when in actuality they were there to promote Sarah, only Sarah!


    4. OK, when she participates in a debate with Perry, Romney, Paul, Herbie, and Michele, you can come back. And we’re still waiting for her to express her views…up to now, all she’s done is criticize everyone else and parrot the ‘views’ of Fox News. As far as ‘her Alaskans’ she left them in debt and angry…find us one who thinks she was ever engaged or dedicated.


    5. Bwahahahahaha!

      Ooh, the fairy tale trolls are out!

      Sure she has the right to enter the race, but as a sideshow. While she may have a veneer of charm in person, she has yet to make a single substantive contribution to anything.


    6. Doesn’t seem she’s interested in exercising those right to enter and participate in the election. Or she would have, wouldn’t she?


    7. Those emails of which you speak showed that Palin was neurotically obsessed with how SHE was perceived — to the point of creating ‘Letters to the Editor’ on her own behalf under false names. Moreover she did not introduce ONE piece of legislation of note during her VER short tenure (allowing for six months of campaigning). The Republican leader of the AK legislature has referred to her as dis-engaged from the process of creating legislation so your fan email on Palin’s behalf simply flies in the face of FACTS about her half-term.


  5. Yep…she is all Bull Shit! Time to call her on it. She is like a parasite, very irritating, hard to get rid of and of no use at all. She sucks blood ( money) out of people to line her pockets and gives nothing but headaches, hatred, and lies in return…..absolutely worthless.


  6. Isn’t it fun. Even the reds call her schtick BS.
    The redstate guy with his hourly check-ins yesterday (Did she declare yet? Nope!) says “This hasn’t just become a joke, but a bad joke.”
    I hear circus music playing in the background. The uni-cycling bear has dropped a few of the dishes she was juggling and Nelson (the Simpsons bully) says “Ha-haw!”


  7. McCain should be forced to answer why he did not fully vet this maniac. He dumped her on this country, and even when it was obvious she was unhinged, he kept declaring that she was presidential material “Absolutely” he said numerous times. To me this proves HE is unfit for office. This woman is a disgrace, someone in her “wonderful, close” family should get her to a medical facility that specializes in mental illness. Unless of course, the rest of them as just as batty. Or, they do not want the gravy train to stop running.


    1. Scarsdale,
      I think it is funny that Palin is talking now about the failure to “vet” obama. Who would “vet” him except the voters?


      1. He ran against Hillary. Just because the GOP was paying no attention at the time does not mean the media and the Clintons were not all over Obama’s past and present. Sarah is grasping at straws. Bendy ones.


      2. President Obama was vetted more thoroughly than any political candidate in our history.
        Palin is using the old tactic to blame the other side for what is a reality about her. She is a pathological liar.

        Everybody knows the truth, that she was not vetted, AT ALL.


      3. Malia, it’s because she’s oh-so good at her b.s. projecting deflecting that’s why. By her projecting that Obama “was not properly vetted” is her way of deflecting the fact that she herself WAS NOT “vetted” at all.

        She thinks that by doing that, she’s taking the focus off of herself & deflecting it back onto Obama which then makes it specifically about him & not her.


    2. Hearing Steve Schmidt, campaign manager for McCain, refer to the selection of Palin as the “failure of the vetting process” was the icing on the cake.

      How much more explicit can one be about McCain’s irresponsibility…unless you want to add fellow-staffer Nicole Wallace’s newly released D.C. novel is about a mentally unstable woman who becomes V.P. Wallace claims that she was inspired by Palin!


  8. I think she was testing the waters with her “shackle-y” comment, but notice that Greta was NOT buying it, and I bet contributions to SarahPac are sagging.. I think Granny is riding her Fox News gig for as long as possible, but can only stay relevant if she runs, however poorly.

    So yes, I think she will declare at the last possible second (even as late as October 31st), run a crappy “campaign” and milk that cow every four years.

    P.S. Congratulations on the troll – didn’t the American people decide on what her “title” would be in 2008?? Go back to your compound in Wasilla, SP!


  9. I keep hoping the GOP has more goods on Sarah and starts to leak their stories. I don’t want Sarah to run for national office and secondly, I won’t be happy until she is in orange overalls for some of her past deeds.


  10. cheers2all: That lala land gauze you’ve got glued over your eyes and head cannot ever be removed. When practically the entire state of Alaska (HUGE land, small population) TELLS everyone how wicked and DESTRUCTIVE these valley trash lying, bullying, phoney, stupid Palin clan are – and you still cling and kool-aid think they are able to possess ANY office of high stature – you are the ones who are down in the dirt dumb and put ALL the rest of THE PEOPLE in this nation and the entire planet in danger. Look at your country now. REALLY LOOK AT IT. Ruled by those of your party long enough now to throw this nation and its environment and people lower than its ever been in its history. I indict you for this and I indict the know nothing Palin’s for their and your unimaginable pretenses at attempting to fool everyone on all things all day long – and I indict you most for your abuses of your “freedoms” in not understanding what the RESPONSIBILITY of that means by clamoring for and supporting a liar, a thief, a mentally unstable hypocrite like no other hypocrite, for her accusing others of vile lies, innuendos while committing exactly those same accusations. Your gargantuan ignorance in not being able to see this is more than what so many of us CITIZENS (not “right”, not “left”, not “libs”, etc., etc., blah, blah blah) of this country are willing to suffer.

    Palin is NOT who you IMAGINE her to be. WE IN ALASKA HAVE TOLD YOU. Do you know her better than us who LIVE HERE! NO and HELL NO you don’t. She IS a fake, idiot and WAS A LAZY GOVERNOR who TOOK state monies (per diem) to live in her own house while in the course of supposed to be doing GOVERNOR DUTIES IN THE STATE CAPITOL. Her home in Wasilla was NOT the capitol in JUNEAU. How many governor’s or people for that matter, follow that pattern? She’s not a rogue. She’s out of control and simply a spoiled rotten child to immature grown up woman who will get her way whether or not you or anyone else likes it. And if you stand up and say you disagree with her on even the slightest thing, you better watch your back. And isn’t that the terminology all her dumb followers threaten? You’re in la la land. Gabrielle Giffords was targeted and people were killed. You dumb shit. Don’t you connect dots? NO. It appears you are incapable of rational and sane thought. SHE TARGETED THAT WOMAN. THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE OF THAT STORY. It is my ALASKAN opinion based upon FACT and KNOWLEDGE of that horrible person palin, that killing anything would not dent her emotions or thinking. SHE IS A REMORSELESS entity. SHALLOW AND EMPTY OF FEELING FOR ANYONE OR ANYTHING. EVERYTHING IS A PRETENSE AND LIE. Your thinking is about as deep as dirt.

    No one said she doesn’t have the right to enter “the race”. GET ON TOPIC! (capitalize for emphasis not shouting) She doesn’t “debate”. She doesn’t inform of her “views”. LOOK AT THE FACTS OF HER lying “accomplishments” in our state. SEE IF YOU CAN FIND THEM! She has trashed Alaska, its REAL people, its lands and has not enriched us “fiscally” or any other way imaginable. GO DO YOUR DAMNED RESEARCH!

    You are just like the hypocrite palin’s. The author of this post is not YOU is it? “OBVIOUSLY” it was not YOUR research that put everything here that is FACT BASED AND RESEARCHED and we who DO know palin, will vouch for 100 per cent. Obviously, its you who blather on about the palin you OBVIOUSLY know NOTHING about. Those emails? You must mean ALL THE REDACTED ONES that sarah’s lemmings were told to REDACT. WHY? Because she has LOTS to hide.

    Its not “rocket science” to figure out sarah palin. But to lazy, crazy and dumb people, its a monumental task. Just watch fox news and stay inside your little comfort boxes. Don’t go to Palin’s Pandora’s Box and open it. It might slay you for what would escape.

    My advice to you : get your head out of your ass. Is that too much to ask?

    To Malia; As far as Truth, Facts and Research: Your posts get all my five star ratings. TRUTH reigns over fiction for me at all times and in all places. I look forward to everything you have to enlighten our nation with. Palin’s taint needs the bleach of everything you say.


    1. Go, deennaa. I too have no patience with people who profess a kind of innocence about a topic as though they don’t have a search engine on their computer. They are entitled to believe what they want because they enjoy fantasy or sci-fi, but insisting that those of us who live in the real world with FACTS do likewise is reprehensible.

      One of the reasons to get out and vote in 2012 is to provide balance in the voting booth so that loonies like ‘cheers’ don’t ride roughshod over us as they did in 2010.


  11. One thing in Levi’s book that nobody seems to try to debunk is the story of Bristol and Levi and their publicity shoot with People? (I can never remember the celeb mags). He was originally told it would be for $300,000 split equally between the two of them. Time came to sign the papers and Levi’s part was $75,000, Bristol’s was $225,000. She told him “it doesn’t matter, it will all go in the same account”. But then she dumped him. That has Sarah and her lawyer written all over it – not Bristol. Bristol can’t even figure out how to say “NO”. I’m a mom. I would sure hate to see my 18 or 19 year old get ripped off like that.

    Back to the topic of your post: Sarah may have meant that she was going to tell her bots to “drop dead” by the end of September. Either directly or letting them twist in the wind. Seriously.


  12. I forgot to say that it would be easy for Levi to prove that he signed a contract for $75,000 when the total amount of the shoot was $300,000. There’s been no denials by Bristol on that but I can’t see the kid coming up with that – it had to be Sarah and Van Flein.


  13. When Sarah first became known on a national scale in 2008, even those who were taken with here conceded that it would be impossible for her to have a significant political career unless she became serious about establishing her ability to speak clearly and knowledgeably about the wide variety of issues a president has to deal with.

    She has, as many predicted, completely ignored that advice, and her idea of substance still hasn’t progressed beyond the Mama Grizzly level.

    There’s nothing wrong with superficial appeal, as long as there’s something deeper beneath the surface. Sarah has had three years to show that she has it. She’s been a complete failure.


  14. Malia ~
    I can’t help it. You said, “We presume that anyone running for President WANTS to be elected.”

    However I think this should read. “We should be able to presume that anyone running for President WANTS to be elected” because some of these clowns are in the race only for the sake of the race and know that they can’t win. Nor could they do the job.Like Palin, they just want to raise their profle in the 7×24 news cycle, sell a book and get better speaking fees.

    I’m sure I have posted this quote on your site before because in this election cycle, it is becoming a favorite. George Carlin said, “In America anyone can be president. That’s the problem.”


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