Grandma Palin’s Lack of Parenting Teaches a Valuable Lesson

A quiet hush filled the oral surgeon’s waiting room. Three mothers and one teenage girl sat quietly trying to anticipate what the next few minutes would hold. One mother expected her daughter to emerge from recovery in a wheelchair ready to go home. Her beautiful daughter had ice packs wrapped around her jaw with a white strip of gauze that encircled her head.

Another mother sat with her 17 year old daughter next to her, gently stroking her hair. Both mother and daughter knew that the procedure was necessary, but frightening. I sat alone. My daughter was under the knife. The surgeon was one of the best in Dallas. Three dentists had confirmed that this was the right time to have her wisdom teeth removed. Having had two older kids experience this trauma, I knew as much as most mothers about planning for the event. I knew the right doctor. I knew what medication would be prescribed and it was at home waiting for my daughter’s arrival. I knew that popsicles, pudding, matza ball soup, and oatmeal were each in the kitchen anticipating their importance in the next two days of the patient’s life. Matching bags of frozen peas and corn would soon serve as the perfect remedy for the swollen cheeks that would inevitably result. Only experienced parents know that bags of small frozen vegetables mold better to the patient’s jaws than those larger pieces of ice that predictably melt and leak out of the zip lock baggie . Only really experienced parents appreciate the importance of having four bags so that two can be freezing while the other two are providing the intended relief.

Putting things in perspective, having wisdom teeth removed is fairly inconsequential. It’s not usually a life threatening event. Within a couple of days most teenagers return to their normal lives of being rebellious, defiant, self-absorbed kids who think they are God’s gift to the planet. Most days teenagers wonder what they did to justify having to share living quarters with the older simple-minded creatins. Being home with parents might be considered purgatory for most teens. Yet, when psychological or physical trauma inevitably become a part of that child’s life, parents become essential. Even as adults, when we are faced with a disabling illness, a broken bone, or just the flu, we yearn for mom’s caress, her back rub, her chicken soup, and the empathetic companionship of somebody who cares that we are feeling so bad. Parents can hire a baby-sitter, a nanny, a nurse, and a cook to perform each of the tasks necessary for the physical well being of their children. Yet the soup of a professional chef doesn’t taste quite as good as that made with love, by mom. The most perfect dressing applied by a nurse is never as soothing as the kiss mom gave after some Neosporin and a store-bought band-aid.

One hundred years ago 99% of babies in orphanages in the United States died before they were 7 months old.Unwanted babies were deposited in orphanages where they received the nutrition and shelter that was perceived to be necessary to sustain life. But the babies died. It wasn’t infection, disease, or malnutrition that resulted in their demise. It was the lack of human touch. Now, a century later, we understand how to keep our children alive, but many kids still suffer. The sense of abandonment they feel is not the result of the lack of food or a roof over their head. It is the sense that something is more important to their parents than caring for them.

Sarah Palin seemed to understand the importance of “being there” in her book, America by Heart.

If you are one of the unlucky few who survived the arduous experience of reading this book, you know she said:

“ More important, it turns out that it’s the quantity (italics are hers) we spend – not the quality (Italics are hers) – that is best for our kids. Busy parents like to comfort themselves that they can make up for not being there by occasional bursts of special activities. But you can’t just plan on being a good parent; you have to earn it. Journalist and Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes put it well:

Forget quality time. You can’t plan magic moments or bonding with epiphanies in dealing with kids. What matters is quantity time. Judging from my own experience – four kids- children crave prolonged attention, preferably undivided. They want whole days and nights of it…Woody Allen may be a lousy father, but his rule for life applies to being a father. Yep, 90% of fatherhood is just showing up.”

As Sarah and Todd were eating corny dogs and fried butter at the Iowa State Fair, a reporter asked if they were moving to Arizona. Todd answered with a succinct “no” and emphasized his point by explaining that “Piper starts school in a couple days,” (suggesting that of course she’d be in school in Alaska).It was like Deja-Vu all over again! How many times have we seen Sarah, hunting, giving speeches, or campaigning, with Todd, but without her children? Do you remember when they abandoned Trig after his surgery?  Track lived in Michigan in high school with neither parent. He wasn’t training to play hockey in the Olympics, or in the NHL. In high school, Bristol was living in Anchorage with neither parent. She wasn’t training for anything … except maybe  to be a camper. Willow is old enough to be in her senior year in high school, but it appears that she has dropped out. The explanation of Sarah and Todd is that she is being “home schooled”, but it appears the only people at home are Piper and Trig. Piper made headlines when she demonstrated her disdain for reporters who interfered with what she thought was to be her “family vacation.”  When Trig was a baby, the public saw a lot of him. Now that he has served his purpose, Sarah seems to leave him home most of the time.

Being a good parent is not a prerequisite to being a politician. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jon Edwards are living proof of that. Many politicians fail to spend any significant amount of time with their children. So what is it about Sarah Palin’s utter failure as a parent that is so offensive?

How we treat our children tells so much about a person. We learn about an adult’s values and motivations by the way they treat this kids. If a parent compromises their job for the sake of their children, we might consider them unselfish. Conversely if they use their children for political purposes then we identify the worst kind of selfish behavior. If a parent chooses to give birth to a special needs child, but then fails to meet their special needs, we are offended. If a parent fails to emphasize the importance of education with their kids, then we can anticipate that education would not be a priority when determining programs to cut. If the oldest two children don’t practice abstinence, but the parent continues to advocate abstinence only education, the hypocrisy is obvious. When parents insist that their children ride in car seats and wear seat belts, most people understand that these are standard precautions that any responsible adult would take to protect that which they love most in the world. If Sarah Palin allows her children to ride without car seats and seat belts, we recognize her as either not capable of acting responsibly or not loving her children, or both. By raising her children to become dependant and uneducated we could anticipate that Grandma Palin wouldn’t hold any young person in America to a higher standard.

John F. Kennedy said:

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.”

Sarah Palin has repeatedly demonstrated her lack of concern for this, our most precious resource. The abandonment and exploitation of her children gives each of them little hope for their future. If Sarah Palin were ever to become the President of the United States, there would be little hope for the future of the children of our entire nation.

46 thoughts on “Grandma Palin’s Lack of Parenting Teaches a Valuable Lesson

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  1. FWIW, we don’t know if Arnold Schwarzenegger is a good parent. We just know he wasn’t a very good husband.

    JFK also had affairs. He just doesn’t seem to have produced any children by them, so it’s kinda ironic that you’re quoting him.

    None of this, of course, changes the fact that Sarah Palin is a horrible mother.


    1. The Darklady,
      I know both were horrible husbands, and I could write an entire book about the problem with politicians who are not faithful to their spouses. Maybe after the 2012 election I’ll work on that! Malia


  2. A photo that would be a good comparison to that of JFK with all the kids, is the pic from the opening of her reality show where all the kids stand by themselves with no connection to the parents or one another as brother and sisters. It reveals how disjointed the family unit is and ‘family values’ are non-existent.


  3. my best friend, Deb Coutu, DIED having her wisdom teeth removed. She was 27 years old at the time. She had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia and the dentist was not equipped to help her. Her appt. was at 8:30AM and I waited for her in the waiting room.

    At 9:00 I heard a commotion in the back (where she was). EMT’s had arrived through the back door. Nothing was said to me that there was a problem and I didn’t question anything.

    By 11:00AM I asked the receptionist ‘how’s it going for Deb?” She looked at me in shock and stammer…”ummmm…errrr. she’s at the hospital.”

    “Which hospital?” I asked. “I don’t know…” was her answer. After numerous phone calls I found out which hospital she was taken to. I quickly drove there and met her mom in reception.

    Poor Deb – she was unconscious and couldn’t be revived. She had been without oxygen for nearly an hour because the dentist was incapable of intubating her when she stopped breathing.

    That wasn’t the worst part – Deb had a malformed chin and when she was brought to the hospital, the staff jammed an oxygen mask on her face. The oxygen leaked below the mask and somehow Deb’s sheets caught on fire.

    She had 3rd degree burns over 50% of her body. The doctors agreed that she was brain dead and pulled the plug pronouncing her dead.

    Deb’s mom had a heart attack and collapsed.

    It was a horrible experience, probably the worst I can remember. Deb never had any prior problems with anesthesia before – she’d successfully had her tonsils removed as a young child and her appendix removed as a teenager.

    I always accompanied my children for surgery, no matter how minor, because you just never know…….

    How that witch could leave Trig when he was undergoing surgery is beyond me. It clearly shows her narcissistic personality and lack of maternal instincts.

    Sorry this post is so long.


    1. Dis Gusted,
      I am sooo very sorry for your loss!!! What a nightmare. I was a nurse, and then I represented doctors in medical malpractice cases. Most of the time I felt the dr did nothing wrong, but occasionally when I did, we settled as fast as we could. I think because I know how horribly bad things can get it is very hard for me to have any of my children or members of my family in the hospital. When they are, I stay by their side for the entire time. Fortunately we have had very good doctors, with one exception, and we got rid of that dr. very fast. When I read about Palin leaving Trig, I was amazed! It didn’t surprise me that she didn’t care about him, but it surprised me that she would do anything that might tarnish her image as a dedicated mother.


  4. not so sure Track ever went to ‘school’ in Michigan. Have you ever seen proof of that? Rumors were that he was sent to rehab in Michigan.


    1. Dis Gusted,
      I hadn’t heard about that, but nothing would surprise me. It would make more sense than going there to play hockey, as I never heard that he was training for the NHL or the Olympics, and otherwise why would you leave Alaska to play hockey?


    1. Irishgirl,
      Thanks for the acknowledgement. I always worry that I shouldn’t share too much of my personal life, but it makes me who I am, and explains why I find Palin so offensive. Thank you! Malia


      1. I can see why you worry a bit about that, just please be careful.
        But I agree it does help others understand what motivates you.
        I’m so slow I missed that was your daughter. Ahhh! Sorry, I hope she’s Ok.


  5. Good article! I’m sadly not a parent. It is something I missed out on for various reasons and I will always regret it. That is one reason why watching Sarahs treatment of her kids has bothered me so much. I feel badly for those kids because a narcissist isn’t capable of being a good parent. You can see that here. I’m glad to hear Todd say Pipers starting school. I hope she stays in. Do the top 3 have HS degrees?
    So do you still think Sarah is going to run? She said she is afraid of media attacks against her children and I couldn’t believe it. Always the victim, and never her fault. That’s Sarah.


    1. Lisabeth,
      Being an aunt, or a big sister can be very rewarding…sometimes even better than being a mom.

      From what I have read, Track and Bristol have degrees, although they may have been awarded in an nontraditional way. I don’t think Willow is old enough yet, and hers won’t be the traditional way either, since she is being “home schooled”.


  6. Wonderful, Malia! And thanks for the wisdom teeth tips — we’re a few years away, but I feel better about it already. 🙂


    1. NSG,
      I keep a bag of frozen peas and corn in the freezer for any time one of the kids has an injury where ice would normally be used. they are already in a bag, they don’t leak, and they fit around the injured area so much better than ice! I keep waiting for the Green Giant to sprain his ankle and use a bag for his injury, but they must have people writing the commercials who are not moms.


  7. Hi Malia, I hope you’re daughter is doing alright. Peas DO work the best, don’t they? My youngest daughter had 5 wisdom teeth – a small one was hiding underneath another one! That should give your daughter an OMG moment.

    Regarding Palin and her parenting… I have no words. She leaves me speechless in that regard. A stray cat is a better mother.


    1. Katie,
      OMG!!!! A fifth wisdom tooth! I am so sorry. My daughter is doing great, …thanks for asking. I don’t think unless you have been a mother that you can really understand why what she does with and to her children really bothers us so much! She does such a disservice to mothers! Malia


      1. Well…. I don’t think this is totally true and it’s so hurtful when other women think us childless women can’t get it. It is actually worse because the pain of not having had kids ( if you wanted them) is so deep that you are disgusted by women like Palin.
        She uses her children and thus takes them for granted. Does she even know how lucky she is to have kids? And her neglectful treatment is abusive. It’s all about her, not what is best for her kids. It doesn’t take being a mom to find that incredibly offensive and disturbing.


  8. Great article, Malia. I think we are harder on women who choose to be away from home (and it IS a choice for anyone who is not a single mom) because the woman is the nurturer. Men can be great, great involved Dads, and a lot are, but it is Mom who remembers to check homework, kisses booboos, makes sure the dress for the big dance is ready, remembers the doctor’s appointment and gets the kids to the dentist. On top of that, she does what women do: takes care of the house, the laundry, the food…and probably pays bills as well. A woman who has been a nurturing, supportive mother can expect to have kids who will excel in school, stay out of trouble, and go to college so they can get good jobs and support their own families. I know that sometimes good kids get into trouble, but my experience (I raised two to their 30’s, and both have college degrees, spouses, happy marriages, kids and jobs…no trouble from either of them, ever, and no early babies) is that women who are connected to the family have kids who obey the parent’s moral standards. My daughter told me that when she was 20 and hanging out at a coffee house on Friday nights, she could hear my voice in her head telling her it was midnight and she should head back to the dorm.
    Then too, a mother in the throes of mothering does not need to tell everyone who will listen how important her family is to her. As my high school English teacher used to say, “show it, don’t tell it.”


  9. Almost off-topic: my specialist dentist has a little band that goes around your head and takes two just right sized gel packs. No more frozen veggies.


  10. Oh this brought back memories of the last child’s wisdom teeth extraction. The office had an efficient way of not terrorizing the kids in the waiting room- after the “procedure” the druggy patient, blood dripping from his/her mouth, would exit by a back door to the waiting parent. Only my offspring (I’d like to think under the influence of the drugs) asked to keep the teeth so there he was, kind of tipsy, holding a plastic bag of bloody teeth. Yuck!

    Even better- many years later we found the bag of teeth when cleaning behind a computer monitor. Double yuck!

    Hope your daughter is quickly feeling better.


    1. lazergrl,
      She is doing fine …thanks…but if it makes you feel any better, my daughter asked for her teeth too, and she is planning to mail one to each of her siblings in college. Tripple Yuck! She thinks it is funny, so I guess she got her sense of humor from me. Malia


  11. My friend’s ten year old grandson died during oral surgery also. It is rare but that is why people wait for loved one’s.

    My children’s father traveled frequently for his job. What I can’t grasp about the Palins is that both parents worked away from home. The narrative of “family first” with a young child ,older siblings and the parents living in multiple different cities does not add up to the narrative they hammer. Why did the family not live at the Governor’s mansion? Was Willow on her own in Wasilla, Bristol elsewhere, Track in Wasilla then Michigan?

    I have not been able to assemble a stable home picture. One parent needs to be present or available physically not sending a text. Sarah would have people believe she did it all when truth seems she and Todd bailed on the kids for the governorship. If Piper lived in Juneau was she absent from school routinely when Sarah went to Wasilla billing the state?

    Also, it is BS about firing the chef for she cooked for the family. Who.. Piper and briefly
    Bristol? It seems neither parent was a genuine hockey parent I.e. Present, supervising, car pooling, etc.


    1. Rene,
      You are right. Both parents seem to have a history of absence. Sarah went to Juneau without the kids. Todd worked most of their marriage on the North Slope where he would be gone for long periods of time. He also trained for the Iron Dog, and fished in Bristol Bay which also caused him to be gone a lot. I know that many dads have to travel, and now that fathers are taking a more active role in child care, having the father home when the mother is traveling is certainly a viable option. However if both parents are traveling, what happens to the kids? Drugs, alcohol, pregnancy, and dropping out of school? When a parent is not around to parent, the kids try to get attention however they can. Malia


  12. It annoys me that SP and Bristol lie about doing all for the children alone crying poor me. They must be delusional nannies are invisible or we fall for the suggestion when across country from their children they magically provide their care.
    Their ease of compulsive lying is the worst damage a parent can do.


  13. Heh! Damn you are obsessed with Sarah Palin. This blog is PDS on steroids. How many times have you seen Sarah Palin interact with her children? I’m guessing none.

    If you get a chance please write a post on why you are such a great parent. In fact you should write a book and share your greatness with the not so great parents out there.

    Speaking of the not so great, I’m sure the Obama’s parenting choices over the years have turned your stomach and caused you to include them once or twice on your blog.

    I’ll check the archives to catch your blog post about the Obama’s parenting abilities. I know the exploitation of the young Obama girls must have left you just as pissed off at them as you are of Sarah Palin, possibly even more.

    Don’t you hate when the Obama’s use their daughters as props on stage and during interviews? It must get your blood boiling. Terrible exploitation of young children for the sole purpose of political gain. I’m sure you agree that it’s disgusting and a disgrace for a parent to do such a thing.

    Did you happen to criticize the Obama’s for bringing their daughters to Jeremiah ‘God Damn America’ Wright’s racist and anti-Semitic Church? What parent wouldn’t want to teach their children hate for whites and Jews and an all around anti-American vision for their futures. How could that Church not be a positive influence for young impressionable children? You’re never to young to learn to blame whitey and the Jews for your problems.

    I imagine that tear jerker of a line that President Obama used during the Gulf oil spill made you cringe. What a coward to try to get sympathy by repeating, “Daddy, did you plug the hole yet?” That was outrageous and I’m sure caused you to scurry to your computer to slam the president in a blog post. How selfish of President Obama to use his daughter to gain empathy from the public.

    I’m kidding about searching your archives for these examples because It’s obvious that you are a hypocrite and plus I could care less how someone else raises their children. It’s none of my business, just like the Palin family is none of yours. Well, except for the fact that you’re a judgemental and deranged leftist.


    1. Oh, while I await moderation for my comment. Heh! Like it won’t be deleted. I would like to wish your daughter well on her recovery from her surgery.

      I know from experience what she is going through. I had my wisdom teeth removed at age 15 and the procedure was done in a Hospital and I was put to sleep since they had to cut my gums open to remove them. They didn’t like the way they were growing in and the way they were pushing my other teeth around.

      I think when I woke up from surgery that it was the most pain I can remember in my lifetime until I had a ruptured disc in my lower back many years later. Neither was a pleasent memory and both very painful. She will be fine as time passes.

      Even though we obviously disagree politically and I don’t understand your hatred for one family that you don’t even know, I would never wish for any harm for your family and hope your daughter is already feeling better.

      I still don’t understand the hate, but maybe if you allow me to visit and comment here I can see what the deal is with you and the Palin family and we can debate the cause and reasons for your feelings.

      I promise not to tell any other rightwingers or other Palin ‘cultist’ about your website, so you won’t get flooded with comments, but it looks like you could use at least one member of the vast rightwing conspiracy to offset the leftist tilt of your site. That is unless you dislike debate and enjoy more of an echo chamber effect.

      I guess I will find out soon enough.


      1. Richard,
        Thank you for your kind wishes for my daughter, and thankfully she is doing fine.
        I welcome your point of view, and please understand that this is not about a difference in political ideology, although I readily admit that I am considered a liberal in my views about civil rights. This site is about much more and thus, my focus on Palin, and now Bachmann and Perry. I post all comments unless there are too many foul words, or if someone attempts to dominate the comments by sending multiple comments to the same post(I have had someone send over 20 comments that were all derogatory ). So I welcome your point of view and I am glad to have you as part of the conversation. Malia


      2. The truth about Ms. Quittypants is impartial. There is no left or right. It merely is, and what she is, is a malignant narcissist, a pathological liar and a shameless self- promoter. You buy into this victimhood schitick of hers. We don’t. Her political career is over. People laugh at her. And she has no one to blame but herself.


    2. Look in the mirror. Judgemental, hyocritical, ‘whitey’, ‘jew’, ‘deranged leftist’
      …..the incriminations you project, the animosity and bitterness, all projections emanating from the same source… Must be tough living in all that bile that you choose to emerse yourself in. It is a choice. Why are you so motivated by fear and hatred, the ultimate weakness. I am surprised you didn’t refer to the First Family as ‘niggers’, considering your manners of expression and your lexicon.

      America definitely has a racist problem, and it is being exploited and manipulated by powerful and political forces to full advantage on the likes of Richard. I am wondering when open minded and decent Americans are going to confront the religious, racial and ethnic intolerances that are attempting to prevail, and say enough….not in America.

      Malia, you have the hide of an armadillio, which I am grateful for, along with your intellect, wit, and determination. Please keep up the great work, your voice is both welcomed and sorely needed.


      1. Sue,
        Thank you for your words of encouragement. Between having three brothers growing up, playing the trumpet in the band with boys, and then being a trial attorney, I had to learn to take abuse and respond with fact rather than name calling. I learned that in the end it is better to be right than noted for the colorful insults that I might hurl. I guess that prepared me for this blog, even though I never dreamed I would end up here. Malia


      2. Wow, so much for a debate. Okay Sue if that’s how it is then so be it.

        Shut the fuck up you idiot. You have no idea who I am.

        My best friend is an African American liberal. He would tell you to shove your accusations up your goddamn ass. We are basically like brothers and have been for over 20 years. Worked side by side and have been there for one another whatever problems we’ve faced despite our political differences.

        I have been by his side as he has watched his oldest brother suffer through a brain tumor the last couple of years and have made lots of visits with Derrick to visit his brother at the VA Hospital. Maybe you will think twice before you make unfounded accusations. By the way, everything I said about Wright’s church was true and I didn’t use the ‘N’ word to do it like you did. Do you use that word on a regular basis? Who is the racist Sue?

        I just wanted to see why there was so much hate for the Palin family on this blog and perhaps debate a few people. Mailia responded in a positive manner and then I see your bullshit post. I love to debate ideas and policy, but refuse to listen to some fucking racist that likes to call others racist because she feels guilty. Typical lib ranting about conservatives being racist when in fact it’s the libs that slaughter African American babies in the womb and could care less. In fact many love it.

        This is why liberals are so intolerant because you project your own problems on others. I hope you use the ‘N’ word in the wrong setting and someone kicks your ass.

        Mailia please take my e-mail off this website. I can see this was a mistake. There is no way to debate someone like Sue and I sure don’t want any of her comments showing up in my e-mail.


  14. Ah yes, wisdom teeth… Two of the Biscuitbarrel Bachelors already have undergone their extractions, and you have just reminded me to schedule Bachelor #3…

    When my boys pissed and moaned about this, I reminded them of one friend whose honeymoon was ruined by an abscessed wisdom tooth, and another person they know who had to undergo one extraction at a time, and pay for it himself! A few words is all it takes.

    Your daughter is fortunate to have your care, matzoh ball soup, frozen-pea packs, and all! Not being present for a small child’s surgery is one of the most inexplicable Palin Facts of all.

    P.S. JFK was no role model as a husband, but by all accounts he adored his children–what’s more, that love took him completely by surprise! The death of his premature son Patrick in August 1963 left him heartbroken and red-eyed; when I was little, my grandmother showed me photos of a weeping President. I never forgot.


    1. Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel,
      I feel like I should send the oral surgeon a recipe book to give all the moms my advice for cooking for a child who has just had her wisdom teeth extracted. I learned this time that homemade pudding with vanilla wafers run through the food processor is a big hit! Good luck with your 3rd.


  15. Pro life people think that they are so above us that believe in a woman’s right to choose.
    But what I see, especially in Rick perry and other so called conservatives their deliberate devaluation of life after birth.
    One only has to look at the conservatives role is debt reduction to see how they treat the poor, elderly and unemployed.
    I don’t remember Jesus talking about the unborn, but I do remember what he said about our obligations to others.
    I will never vote for any candidate that devalues others, but uses them as talking points.
    Any politician that cuts education and health care for children, yet talks about them as our greatest resource is untrustworthy and should never ever be in a position of power.


  16. Just went through this over spring break with my daughter. She ended up with a “dry socket” and it was a fairly unpleasant experience for the most part. I see sawah sent over two old white guy trollies to run interference for her. I read somewhere else that the majority of her rabid followers on C4P were older white guys, thinking she might “put out” or something I suppose. Anyway, at least she can use them to do her bidding, they’re just falling all over themselves to please the twitter quitter. Did you see the clip of tawd getting nasty with the lady in Iowa that called tawd and sawah sell outs? They’re just so damn presidential. How many people seeking leadership of the free world sink to elementary school playground insult levels when asked a question they don’t like? The palins and carl paladino are all I can think of. Hillbillies and thugs…


    1. jcinco,
      I did see the clip and it just reinforced for me the level of involvement Todd has with Sarah’s decision making. When you see things like that it gives credibility to everything Frank Bailey said in his book Blind Allegiance. Malia


  17. I was fortunate enough to be born WITHOUT wisdom teeth! However, I suffered through 6 years of dental appliances and braces, and the kind of pain that never really goes away, just dulls. I don’t know how I would have done it without my mom

    My poor mother. I was such a handful as a child. I practiced martial arts from the age of 5 to 19, and while she turned her head while I sparred in tournaments, she was there in a heartbeat with a calm demeanour whenever I hurt myself. Even now, at 25, I’m still dealing with the life long pain due to injuries from martial arts. Every time i limp into her house, or groan as i lean down to pick up tells me every time that all she wishes is that she could take the pain for me. She was there holding my hand when I woke up from knee surgery when I was 20, and I know she will always be there for me.

    I know I can always rely on my mother. She will always unconditionally be there for me Something the Palin children, ubfortunately, will never feel.


    1. Chella,
      All of us feel sorry for the kids, and I wish that children could all have the type of mom you had. The problem is that Sarah Palin advertises herself as the perfect mother so we open ourselves to criticism when we say that she is not, suggesting that we think we are the perfect parents, or that she should somehow be responsible for the bad choices that her kids have made. somebody has to be willing to say that even though none of us are perfect parents, most mothers do a better job for their kids than Sarah, and we don’t advertise ourselves like she does as a great parent. When one or two of your kids have problems, we are all willing to say that it may have nothing to do with Parenting. However when all three older kids have trouble with drinking, drugs, and pregnancy out of wedlock (not Willow) then somebody someplace needs to start asking some difficult questions. . if that parent wants to be the President of the United States.


  18. I’ld like to assure Richard Garrell I am absolutely not a racist. And no Richard, I do not use the ‘N’ word. A person’s pigmentation is of no concern to me, however their character is. I expected that what you wrote was a reflection of you. I thought it was intentionally pointed and harsh. Evidently my impression that you are judgemental and narrow minded are off base, although the fact that you have labeled our disagreements with Sarah Palin as hate, and your very aggressive response to my comments do little to assuage my perceptions.

    Did I misjudge you? If I did I apologize. Can you do the same?


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