Thousands of Dollars To Decorate a Bus for a “Family Vacation”

Criticizing the “elite” is common rhetoric for the Empress.  Declaring her bus tour to be a “family vacation” was insulting to everyone who heard her or saw the bus.  The bus was not adorned not with suitcases tied to the top of a rack on top but with pictures encapsulating the bus including the phrase “One Nation”.

The second quarter SarahPAC filings have been submitted to the FEC that clever Timothy Crawford. He has positioned himself to earn ‘$15,000.00 per month from SarahPAC, for a salary of $180,000.00 per year. No doubt there are other financial rewards to Mr. Crawford that may not be so obvious. he is a whiz with numbers.  Over the next few days I will be posting articles regarding the information obtained from the documents filed by Mr. Crawford.

The most obvious and extravagant expense paid by the SaraPAC was payment to “Fast Signs” which was a “bus wrap” fee of $13,708.44.The first and most obvious question is “’Did the Retired and Unemployed Donors expect that 13 Thousand of their hard earned money would be spent on decorating a bus?

The second question is why would this kind of expense be justified for anyone who had not declared their candidacy, or who was not trying to sell books?

Was this the total expense for the bus wrap fee? According to Rob Russell a salesman with the Prerost RV company, he said that he knew this particular wrap job and the total cost was $35,000.00. His company does wrap jobs too, and he explained that this is a very specialized industry. He indicated that the reason for the expense is that there are fees for the art work, the actual wrap and there is a fee for removing the wrap.

The most important question is “How foolish do you have to be to spend over $13,000 decorating a bus with anything that would constitute a trademark infringement?

Not only would the expense of $35,000 be extravagant, but it would be totally wasted if the art work constituted a trademark infringement. That could result in damages beyond the cost of the wrap. Maybe Sarah Palin asked the supporters of her PAC to make a “leap of faith” as she had done while mayor regarding the unlawful building of the hockey center on property the city didn’t own. IF Sarah Palin didn’t know about the trademark violation, she might be considered foolish. However if she knew in advance that the bus wrap constituted a trademark infringement, then spending thousands of dollars to infringe on the existing trademark owned by another person would be unnecessary, and just plain stupid.

In a letter dated August 10, 2010 Sarah Palin was notified:

“Your actions constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition under both state and federal law, including the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 1051-1127). Remedies for such infringement can include payment of actual and treble damages, recovery of profits, reimbursement of attorney’s fees, and may also include injunctions against your further use of the Infringing Trademark and the seizure of infringing materials.”

A representative of the holder of the trademark “One Nation” said:

“I view this whole thing as David vs. Goliath,”

“SarahPAC believes they can get away with walking all over other groups, even those in the conservative movement, simply because they can.”

The only logical conclusion is that Palin is not just foolish, but stupid!



In comments of July 16th I realized that the trademark infringement letter was not sent to Sarah Palin, but that the “One Nation” trademark was allegedly being infringed at that time by persons other than Palin.  Here is the letter.    We might conclude that Palin is only foolish.  Malia


35 thoughts on “Thousands of Dollars To Decorate a Bus for a “Family Vacation”

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  1. Good Job again Malia. I can’t wait to read the posts about her PAC Filings. MicMac and MXM over at PoliticalGates have written great posts in the past too about her PAC filings. I am still surprised that the FEC has never really investigated this PAC for misuse of funds. I mean seriously $35,000 for a family vacation paid for by her PAC? I just keep thinking someday her gravy train will be stopped and she is going to have to get a real job. LOL
    Thank you too for your kind words to my comment on your last post.


    1. Dusty,
      Generally the government seems to be very liberal in reviewing spending by a leadership PAC. They are not as liberal with respect to personal filings, and I think Palin may be the target of some personal IRS investigations…or at least she should be. Malia


  2. I’ve been running crazy all day but wanted to pop in and congratulate you on your 1,000,000th on your blog Malia, I love your blog & try to visit each day!
    Sounds like Mr.Crawford may be the guy they were talking about when they said “Don’t try to play a player”. It’s been a good week my friend, the wheels appear to be coming off the crazy bus! We may very well witness the toppling of the ruthless leader of the lunatics that would see our country implode because they’re pissed off about a brilliant black man leading this great nation. Barack Obama 2012, you are my president and I will support you through the storm (even though you really piss me off sometimes).Sarah Palin: go get a psychological evaluation….


    1. jcinco,
      That sums it up pretty nicely. Thanks so much for your participation in this “family”, as we share our amazement and disdain for Sarah Palin.


  3. I’ve also been looking over the filing, and noticed how many of $arah’s friends are on her payroll. Would that not be the same ‘crony capitalism’ that she rails against?

    The bus wrap is funny because the PAC also paid for lodging and SUV rentals at all of her stops. The RV could not be parked in a campground, like other Americans do? She also expensed her family’s airfare – and Toad’s cab fare when he split the sideshow. So how does the FEC allow her to claim the expenses she does?

    I want just one journalist who interviews her to ask her: “You say the President spends other peoples money – how would YOU not do the same as every other President in history?”


    1. nexmeximan,
      I think the biggest problem for her is on her personal income tax returns. The IRS is much stricter on that. Malia


  4. Looking forward to what you glean from these filings! The whole premise that this wasn’t political, and just a “family vacation” was totally preposterous. A family vacation that included Sarah and Pouty Piper necessitated a “look at me!” Gigantic wrapped bus? With people out of work, and struggling to make ends meet, the extravagence is simply uncalled for, especially for someone who’s “Kind of not sure but has an idea, maybe, if she’ll declare, then declares in the “look at ME!” Newsweek fluff piece.
    I understand a large sum was declared for “lodging” and other extravagent things as well. They raced through tornadoes to steal Romneys thunder, when did they have the time to “lodge”?
    Fiscal Conservatives who blast “Elites” then throw away money are hypoctites!


    1. Mac,
      The records are not as clear as you might think, but it does appear that she spent a lot on the “family”. I’ll post a full report by Sunday. Malia


      1. Thank you, Malia, for doing this extremely important work. And for raising so dispassionately the case for having a thorough psychiatric evaluation of nominees who hope to lead our country. You’re a voice for sanity. You add the legal context to so much of what SP is doing.


      2. Felix,
        I hope that because of my legal background I will be able to do the necessary to bring to light some of the many things that Sarah Palin has done that are so unlawful! I am learning as I go that truth and justice do not always prevail at the end of the day, but perseverance may, I hope that in the months ahead I will have much more to report to you about the unlawful acts of Sarah Palin. Malia


      3. And how does she, who obviously IS running for POTUS, get away with keeping her Fox paycheck, when Gingrich and Santorum were ‘suspended’ for even thinking about running? The graft at that network stuns me. Hopefully, Murdoch is going down, and taking the entire Fox con game with him to hell.


      4. Sally,
        I think Fox and Palin are both playing the game because allowing her to continue generates money for both. Shameless!!! Malia


  5. There was no reason for that Beast of a Bus; none at all! They did not travel in it. They did not sleep in it. The tiny and shrinking entourage did not warrant it. All it was was a big stage for Sarah. So is the threat of infringement rights keeping the Bus to Nowhere off the road? Will they have to remove the wrap in order to transport it? Where is the dang thing anyway? It must have cost a fortune to have this RV driven from Alaska to Boston and beyond. And back to Alaska I assume. In addition to the “warp” and the logistics, and family “consulting”, this bus must have cost a fortune alone: gas, oil, maintenance, tires, drivers, per diem, tolls, etc. Who paid for all that?

    And to you….. Thanks a million!!!!!!! for digesting all this information for us. And you write so well. I am happy to part of your million!


  6. Good Post. I looked at the financials and wondered about them. I am glad you are checking it out Malia. Also, the people on the payroll are making some big bucks..How awesome to have people donate to you and you can spend it on whatever you want. Sounds like the little vacation costs about 50 grand total or more. What about the bus rental? Or did she buy the thing. Maybe she could donate for a mobile soup kitchen in Anchorage?


    1. Raven,
      I’ll do a post later today, but from what the guy told me yesterday, they are renting the RV and the cost is staggering! Malia


  7. This leadership PAC business sure is murky. When you get to use other people’s money for yourself and your immediate family, shouldn’t that money then morph into “income” and be taxable? I know our senators are busy with other matters right now, but I intend to write and suggest that this is something that needs to be corrected – soon.

    Remember when Sarah Palin had to pay the state for either the per diem days or her children’s travel (I can’t recall which abuse it was right now) and the money came from her “defense fund”? Shouldn’t that money have then morphed into income because she should have had to make the repayment from own money?

    When she said as mayor that she’d do what she wanted to until the courts told her not to, I guess she’s still doing it. Imagine if one of us started a “leadership PAC” and then lived much larger than life along with lots of family members. I wonder how long that would last. Not very, I would guess.


    1. Beaglemom,
      I have looked into this pac spending several times, and each time I am amazed that there are not more regulations governing what can be done with PAC money. I think you are right that the likelihood of a problem for Sarah is personal exposure for IRS problems. I’m not sure how the IRS would treat the gift of this vacation from her PAC to the Palin famiily, but it seems pretty clear to me that it was a gift to the family members who attended. However I doubt the “gift” value of this vacation exceeded the amount the IRS allows a person to give without gift tax consequences.

      I think the bigger issue may relate to the expenses charged to the PAC and which resulted in personal profit to Palin. For example, if the PAC paid her travel expenses when going to give a speech for which she was paid $100,000 personally, I think that is wrong. It seems to me that either she should not charge the PAC for travel expenses when she is traveling for her own personal gain, or if the expenses are rightly covered by the PAC, then it seems that any money she generates from the event should be donated by her to the PAC.Obviously she has never done that. Malia


  8. Malia,
    In reading the article about the trademark infringement letter of 2010, it seems to have been written to a Sierra Club, not to Sarah Palin — who had not yet infringed on the name. She waited a year to do that.

    Just want to get the facts straight — I am as apalled by her as you are which is why I come here a couple of times every day.


    1. Hudson Elizabeth,
      Thank you for letting me know about this error! I have updated the article and referenced the actual letter. She should have still checked on the use of the name, and I bet someone who helped devise the idea for the artwork knew about the trademark of “One Nation” but I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and agree that in this case she may have only been foolish and not stupid. Thanks, Malia


  9. Malia ~ Don’t you find it doubly humorous that not only was Palin guilty of TM infringement, but that the trademark she infringed was from a Tea Party group who didn’t let her get away with it? I’m guessing that The Bus Tour to Nowhere stopped in its tracks because of the ‘cease and desist’ order.


    1. BW I think you are exactly right, and maybe we will now talk about the Bus Tour to Nowhere on the Road to Nowhere, that never reached the Bridge to Nowhere.


  10. I do so love that someone called her out on the trademark infringement at just about the same time as she and her daughter were trademarking their own names. Coincidence? You betcha! And a good one at that.


    1. Ripley in CT,
      I expect that her PAC will pay to settle this case, but if it went to trial it would be very persuasive evidence that she was not only aware of the trademark of “One Nation” before she used it, but that by registering her name for a trademark, she has demonstrated the importance of a trademark to protect the use of a name. Malia


    1. Bw,
      I’m not sure its possible to do anything to add to the perception that she is crazy…except maybe announce that she is running for President. Malia


  11. Perhaps the “Trademark infringement” was the reason the bus tour abruptly stopped?
    She is nothing more than a grifter! I can’t believe the peepods can’t see that? They live on rice & spam while she spends thousands on bendy straws & whatnot!


    1. crsytalwolfakacaligrl
      I think that is exactly the reason! If the tour had continued, we could expect that the potential damages in the trademark infringement case would increase exponentially! I don’t know why more people aren’t connecting the two? Malia


    1. Sarah Palin has a serpent’s heart,
      I missed that, but of course I’m not surprised! So predictable for this family. Malia


  12. Malia…..thanks for solving a huge problem for me. I always wanted my Mustang painted black with the ZZ Top lines, like in their video. I knew it was probably a Billy Gibbons or band trademark, so probably not a possibility for me. (Or is Billy Gibbons your neighbor and friend?)

    I’d like to announce I may be running for President in 2012, and I need money to paint my tour vehicle.


    1. aj,
      I think if you form a PAC, shoot some animals, build some dikes, and adopt a special needs child you can attract get a lot of unemployed and retired people to send you more money than you’ll need for the paint job.


  13. Malia ~
    I wish we had a place on your blog to offer Palin tidbits not related to your themes of the moment. For example, on the Alaska Daily News web site, I found these three tidbits:
    1. A new poll showshow badly Palin has slipped in popularity:
    2. A second poll shows that Alaskans would vote for Obama over Palin:
    3. The debate over released emails continues, with the state releasing 50 more, but Andree McLeod protesting that the release to date does not reflect an accurate number:

    There’s no way we’ve seen what should have been released. Check out this:
    “The state is withholding more than 2,000 pages of Palin’s 2006-2008 emails, having deemed them exempt from Alaska’s public disclosure law. The state’s lawyers made recommendations for what to withhold and the final decision was made by the governor’s office, which includes holdovers from the Palin administration. A set of the emails to be released was also previously sent for review to Palin’s lawyer, John Tiemessen of Fairbanks. The state says that the Palin team made no requests to redact or withhold any of those records.”

    I hope you are in touch with Mcleod who is a heroine for attempting to get Palin exposed for the grifter she is.


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