Thanks to You This Blog is One-Million Strong!

The month was December. The year was 2009. I had written my first book, Rebuttal to the Rogue.

The purpose of that book was not to make money but to document the absurdity of Sarah Palin being nominated by John McCain. All the proceeds from that book were donated to Planned Parenthood. Even if only a few people read the book, I felt it necessary to take a stand.. Having been both a professional woman, and a stay-at-home mom, I felt it was necessary to go on the record as saying that Sarah Palin did not represent me. I had gotten involved in the election of Barack Obama, only after being amazed at the damage done by Bush. My conclusion was that I couldn’t complain if I wasn’t willing to do my part. I also felt it important to document that the United States had elected our First African American and the majority of people who voted for him were women. Especially because Sarah Palin was involved in the election, and especially because she was selected because she was an attractive woman women were not willing to vote for McCain/Palin simply because a woman was on the ticket. 35,900,000 women voted for Barack Obama, and 26,000,000 voted for him. It was if the news media failed us. Women had worked so hard during my entire life to be treated as equals, and in the wink of an eye, a woman was doing more damage to the image of the American woman than any man had ever done.


A friend advised me that the way to publicize Rebuttal to the Rogue was to start a blog.. With only friends and family reading, I averaged 10-15 people reading each day. The blog was not advertised, and I was uncertain how to make people aware of the blog. Because of readers doing their part in making people aware of the blog, I am so proud to announce that TODAY the blog has passed the One Million Views Mark, and the number of views per day is only increasing. On the same day as the debut in Dallas of the Undefeated, I feel that you and I have made a statement about Sarah Palin.


It was because of you that I wrote a second book, The Ignorance of Sarah Palin: A Humorous Refudiation of the Ex-Half-Term-Governor. 



In May of 2010 Conservatives 4 Palin identified me as the person having the worst case of PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) in the country. They quoted the basis for my objection to Sarah Palin, which was written BEFORE her comments about Paul Revere attempting to warn the British, and her comments regarding a Blood Libel. The reasons they quoted were:

Her attitude regarding homosexuality, banning books, reproductive freedom, race, equal pay for women, unethical behavior, charges to her PAC, attitudes toward people who work for her, the number of days Piper misses school, her use of Trig as a prop, the hypocrisy inherent in virtually everything she says compared to what she does, resignation from her position as Governor, personal charges for travel expenses of her children passed on to the people of Alaska, shooting animals, endangering the environment, her lack of understanding of countries around the world and basic geography, lack of education, blatant disregard for scientific evidence for evolution, lecturing at right to life rallies while hiring Lynn Vincent to be the ghost writer of her book knowing that Lynn admitted to having had an abortion, indicating that Bristol and Levi were going to marry and that would solve the problem of an unwed teenage pregnancy, mocking our President for having an understanding of the U.S. Constitution, writing letters to herself in God’s voice and her attitudes regarding responsibility as a mother are just a few of the many things with which I take issue.

Instead of retreating, I reloaded. Instead of getting mad I found a sense of humor was the best response. That second book helped me recover some of my expenses writing the first book. Most importantly, it provides daily assistance to people around the country to suffer from varying degrees of PDS. I have done book signing in D.C., Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Anchorage. At each event I met old and new friends, who were each outraged that someone so ill equipped to be the President of the United States could have come so close to the White House. As time has gone by it is even more obvious that the objections to Sarah Palin extend beyond her political ideologies, and even her competence, but also include her lies, hypocrisy, and outright unethical behavior.


As we anticipate the 2012 election, and the very likelihood that Palin will run, your viewer ship and this blog are more important than ever. We have become a community of individuals dedicated to making the country aware of the danger of a Palin Presidency. I extend my thanks to you for your loyalty and commitment to reading my posts and passing on the information. Sarah Palin is a threat to the safety and security of our country. It is not about hatred, jealousy, or even politics. It is about protecting our country and insisting that our President is ethical, honest, intelligent, and competent.


Immediately after Palin was introduced at the RNC Matt Damon made this you tube video.


Over 11 Million people have watched it and he sums up the disaster that Sarah Palin as President would be. He said it was absurd, and he didn’t know why more people were not talking about it. It’s a terrifying possibility. Even then he said, the “fact that we have gotten this far and we are that close to this being a reality… is frightening.”

Matt Damon was talking about Sarah Palin running for VP. Now we are talking about the frightening possibility that she is this close to running for President.

Make sure you tell everyone you know about this blog, books about Palin,, and/or the web site

It is only fitting that this blog passes the million viewer mark on the day that the Undefeated premiers in Dallas. Together we can make a difference! Thank you for your help, your support, and your viewership.  Malia


65 thoughts on “Thanks to You This Blog is One-Million Strong!

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    1. moinkslinger,
      Onions make me cry. Sometimes Palin makes me want to cry, and that’s when I write something funny. Malia


    2. Palin news BELONGS on “The Onion!” LOL. Malia, thank you for all you do. I am so happy to have discovered your blog. I visit every day.


      1. CouginPortland,
        I am happy to have you with us, and it means a lot to hear from you. Thank you for your Support! Malia


  1. Congratulations! This blog, IM and Joe McGinnis’s blogs are part of my daily blog roll. Why you ask? Because I trust your integrity. Keep up the good work and I hope it takes less time to get to 2 million.


    1. Cheryl,
      At the rate of viewers coming to the blog each day, I expect the 2 Million mark will come much sooner than I could anticipate. Malia


    1. Eulane,
      Thank for your support! As you can see the blog has gotten so big that I have had to limit other activities. thanks for being understanding. Malia


  2. Thank you so much for all you do…. yes, all the bloggers are making a difference,.. a huge difference. Persistence has paid off. We all love our country too much to let someone so ignorant and mentally ill take charge. This will not happen. And it does lose its humor when the seriousness of the situation is realized. But thanks for the humor you provide to those of us that can see that she is just too crazy to go much farther. I am sorry that so many people have been hoodwinked in giving her their hard earned money, but that just means there is less for another crazy foisted upon us. The truth will out.. thanks again..


    1. pam,
      I think the bloggers who write about the REAL Sarah Palin are making a difference. Sometime when researching something on the internet, I come to an article I wrote at some time in the past. People are starting to notice. Malia


    1. Dusty,
      Thanks for being there! I know that being one of thousands can be hard, like voting, you feel what you say and think doesn’t make a difference, but it does, and we must all take an active role. Thanks for doing just that. Malia


  3. As a long term reader and fan of your books and your blog, this milestone is well deserved! I know it takes a lot of determination and sacrifice, but visiting your blog has always been and will be a sheer delight for me. I always come away learning something new, or seeing something in a new perspective in the body of the posts and in the comments.

    Congratulations, and Thank You for all the hard work and many chuckles along the way!


    1. Mac,
      I think its the chuckles that make it tolerable! Most of my friends and family don’t share our perspective of what a threat Palin could be. They just say “Oh she’ll never be elected.” I am hopeful that this blog will provide a reminder to everyone of the crazy things she has done. Malia


  4. Congratulations! Thank you for all that you do. I consider you the “Rachel Maddow” of bloggers! You always do your research and present it in a clear, concise way. Keep up the great work, we need you now more than ever!


    1. Kallie,
      What a compliment to be compared to Rachel Maddow! Thanks for your loyalty and please let me know if you are ever coming to Dallas. Malia


  5. Congratulations to you and thank you for your dedication and consistent hard work!
    I would personally give the PDS award to the people at C for P and Team Sarah. They spend morning, noon and night running around the internet defending Sarah. They ignore ALL facts that clearly show that she was/is not a fiscal conservative in practice, she lies nonstop, she is thin skinned, petty and vindictive. I could go on but you get my point. Their loyalty would be admirable except they excuse Sarah ‘s behavior, actions and words at times she should not be defended. They are a cult; discussion or disagreement is allowed. They ban people for ridiculous reasons. I wrote once: ” I dont think she is going to run. There isnt evidence she is building a national team.” i was BANNED just for saying that! There was nothing negative about Sarah in my statement.
    These people have true dysfunctional NPD. I like how you talk about ours with humor!! I readily admit I have PDS but my energy goes into educating people i meet who don’t know her real record. Most people, especially emotionally healthy ones, want facts and want unethical public figures like Sarah to be exposed and held accountable!!!! That where you come in and your perseverence and efforts are admirable!!! If you ever need help wirh amything, like writing letters, research or whatver, please feel free to ask me. I hope to meet you sometime!! Thanks again.


    1. Lisabeth,
      You are so kind! I greatly appreciate your willingness to help, and if she declares she is running, the importance of this blog will only increase. for now, just know that I’ll call on everyone to help if it looks like she might be a threat. Malia


      1. Lisabeth,
        Thank you for the offer. Until she announces, we will be ok, but once she announces we will all have our work cut out for us. Malia


  6. Malia,

    Congratulations, and further success to you!!

    It is obvious, the huge chasm of difference between you and the grifter. She keeps the money she swindled from her minions. You donate. That in and of itself is reason enough, but you also deal with truth (and a bit of humor), and don’t defend yourself when you make a mistake, you just admit you made one.

    Continued success to you in exposing the fraud known as $arah Palin. There are things I learned about the grifter here, that I most probably wouldn’t have seen otherwise, because the MSM won’t report it, and you do.

    There are a few million more to go, but no worries, with her waning star and her continued stupidity, she’ll keep saying and doing crackpot things because she can’t help herself.

    Keep it up, Malia!!


    1. gokemidoro,
      My husband says she is the “gift that keeps on giving.” she has done, and continues to do so many foolish things, that there is ALWAYS something to write about. Malia


    1. SunnyVee,
      Thank YOU for reading. If Palin runs, I think this blog will get noticed by the press because of the number of views. Even if I had written all the same articles, it would never get noticed without the sheer number of views. Thanks, Malia


  7. Malia,

    Congratulations and thank you for your time and effort that you have put into exposing Sarah Palin. She would be a disaster to our country and the world should she manage to get elected as President.


    1. Marie,
      It is people like you who take time out of an otherwise busy day to read. ‘thanks for your support! Malia


    1. Sarah Palin has a serpent’s heart,
      Jesse has been doing this much longer then I and he has contacts that I will never have. I do think we each add our own perspective, and we need more people reporting on the real sarah.


  8. Congratulations! I’ve been following this blog just for a few weeks, finding it on a trail of links beginning with Dailykos. I agree that $P is a threat to our nation, and am grateful we have brave, literate souls like you to do the necessary research to expose her. Thanks!


    1. Jolene,
      It’s people like you who will make the difference if she runs. If every new reader would refer just one more person, the blog would continue to grow. Thanks so much! Malia


  9. Dear Malia,

    I don’t think I’ve ever commented at your site, but I do like to click on your 5 stars to let you know I’ve read your work and appreciate your intelligent efforts to keep us all informed.

    I’m sure I’m one of thousands who enthusiasticly read you everyday, but never say “thank you”.

    So, THANK YOU!!! And keep up the hard work. It’s definitely paying off.

    Fondly and with much appreciation,
    Emily in NM


    1. Emily NM,
      Thank you for your support and your kind words. I know there are a lot of people like you who read, but don”t comment., and each of you are so important! I truly feel that this is “our” blog because everyone is reading and passing on information. Malia


  10. Congrats, Malia! You have been an absolute island of sanity in this insane Palin world. Thank you for your insight, wit and truthtelling.


  11. Congratulations, Malia! I love your thoughtful commentary and really appreciated your holding the police department accountable.

    I visit daily, sometimes more often. (I fear addiction but right now deem it a healthy one).

    Please continue the great work and keep your eye on Rick Perry whom I fear more than BS.


    1. PhilaPhan,
      I have already written a lot about Perry so if he runs, I have a lot of research already done, so you will definitely hear from me about him! Thanks, Malia


  12. I thought this would be the perfect time for my first comment. Thanks for all you have done & will do. Keep on fighting the good fight. Know that you are appreciated.


  13. Malia –
    I have been following your blog since I discovered it, by chance, last year. Each morning I check in with you, Gryphen and Politicususa. That always gets me off to a good start.
    Thank you for all you do – not only with Palin – but the many other issues you address.
    We need you!!


    1. Pat,
      I always enjoy your comments, and I try to stay up with Politicususa and IM too. I love reading Sarah Jones and I’ve had many conversations with Jason Easley and he’s a great guy too. I am very privileged to write and have so many people willing to spend their time reading what I think or have to say. It’s really fun to laugh at Palin and have you laugh with me. Thanks for always being there. Malia


  14. Thanks Malia! Ever so long ago when I read your post I scurried back to Palingates to tell them about this wonderful blog I found and everyone needs to go read it! Well, it seems I fractured your name….can’t even remember how I wrote it now, but someone corrected me and I have been scurrying back every day to let them know what wonderful info you had! Check several times a day and do so enjoy your sense of humor…it is the best medicine! I would love nothing better than to have you put out of work when she goes down in flames! We think we get so close and I’ll be damned, she comes up with something crazier than the last. Thanks again for exposing her to over a million people now!
    Tick, tick, tick!


    1. Mrs. Gunka,
      Thanks for your help in making people aware of the blog! I can’t tell you how many times I have had the same thought…I’ll be damned …just when I think she can’t do anything more foolish…she surprises me. Malia


  15. Congratulations for reaching the million mark. You have written creative, funny, and factual articles about this dangerous public menace named Palin. Your generosity of time and effort has paid off with the success of your blog, and you have performed a great public service exposing this flame-throwing fraud for the intellectually lacking diva, liar and hypocrite that she is. THANK YOU!



    1. Aries,
      Thanks so much for your dedication to the blog, and if she announces it will take each of us to speak out as the voices of reason to help even Republicans understand why she is not the right candidate for anyone! Malia


  16. Malia,

    Congratulations on “One Million Strong”! I’ve enjoyed your blog since day one and it’s part of my daily online routine. Your perseverance, your integrity and your ability to keep going no matter the roadblocks put in front of you (the Anchorage Police Department comes to mind) are just a few of the things that I admire. You’ll be going strong long after $arah is a part of political history. What a great example you are as a Mother, attorney, author & blogger. Thank you for bringing us the vast amounts of information you do. Far too often, I forget to say thanks to the bloggers who work so hard behind the scenes to bring us all the pertinent info that the MSM often overlooks or refuses to reveal.

    Keep up the great work, here’s to another million!

    Kate (akrnhsnc)


    1. Kate,
      You are so kind, and you realize that it’s people like you that make this worthwhile. Thanks for your support! Malia


  17. Malia – You are brilliant. A gem. A dedicated and smart and wonderful blogger who knows what you are doing and you do it very, very well.

    Brava, ma belle amie.


    1. thomas,
      You are such a wonderful addition to this blog! Thank you for all that you have shared with us! I hope we meet in person one day! Malia


  18. Being one of this million feels very good. I appreciate the well-researched, well-reasoned comments. That combination is so rare these days.


    1. Elizabeth.
      It seems it is so hard to know the truth when you read something. I am so amazed that people say things without any proof or justification.. thanks for reading. Malia


  19. Dear Malia

    Many heartfelt thanks for your work in exposing the truth about Ms Palin.
    I know it takes considerable discipline and time to maintain a blog, not to mention writing skill, humor, and professionalism.

    I am not your average progressive either. I hold a mix of conservative and libertarian beliefs. . My conservative friends won’t accept me as anything but a RINO because I am an atheist, and I favor a woman’s right to choose.

    So it’s not all progressives reading your blog. Many of us that are “right of center” utterly reject Palin’s religious prejudices, and the outright ignorance she represents.

    Your efforts are much appreciated!

    Jason Karov


    1. jkarov,
      Jason you are exactly the type of person I hope to reach by this blog. Half of my family are Republicans, and it has taken me two years to convince them that Palin is not the right candidate to represent conservative values. Just one example is that she claims to be a fiscal conservative and talks about the importance of the gov’t getting out of the way. The truth is she hired a lobbyist to get earmarks for Wasilla, left Wasilla and Alaska much further in debt than when she took office and she facilitated a television show that made her $2 MILLION Dollars, and resulted in Jean worldwide receiving a tax credit of 1.2 million dollars. Thus even fiscal conservative Republicans should oppose her nomination. thanks for reading and having the courage to admit that you may be more conservative than some readers. Malia


  20. Kudos on this mile-maker, Malia. Keep up your efforts on behalf of sanity and standards.

    BTW, I think it extremely humorous that Sarah’s trogdolites listed all the things you oppose about her. Unwittingly they have given you more exposure about the myriad of issues on which she is ‘short.’


    1. BW,
      I reprinted that section as I felt the same way. By putting this one their site, they documented for Palin supporters a synopsis of many of the things that are so wrong with Palin.


  21. Malia, thank you so much for this excellent blog! I learned about it from another blog, and now check it often. Keep up the excellent work – hope a whole lot more people will learn about it!


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