A Failure of the American Government

We are within 24 hrs of a total shutdown of government.  Surely both Democrats and Republicans can recognize that this could be devastating to the entire country.


4 thoughts on “A Failure of the American Government

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  1. My question is: Why are we allowing the Tea Party, a minority in the government, to shove their social agenda down our throats? Their agenda is what is holding up this “compromise.” They are hell bent on hijacking America and turning it into a third world country.


  2. Malia, This situation borders on insanity and demonstrates the amazing ignorance of our politicians and media people. Here’s a simple analogy of what is going on. A person goes into a bank and asks for a secured loan. The bank can’t verify the borrower’s income. In addition, some of the borrower’s assets can’t be located. No problem. The bank approves the loan. That scene has been played out at the highest financial level in our country for years.

    At this moment in 2011, the borrower (Federal government) has asked the bank (taxpayers) for the money (the annual budget). A GAO report issued December 21, 2010 cited “serious financial management problems” that made the Defense Dept. financial statements unauditable. Homeland Security and the Labor Department had similar problems. In addition the agencies cannot account for all of their assets (equipment and supplies).
    The Federal government has not been able to produce a consolidated financial for years.

    The Feds do not know how much money they have or need, because there are no accurate reports. What we have is a bunch of highly paid politicians making arguments with nothing to back up their claims. We also have a bunch of even more highly paid reporters selling news that has no basis in fact. They never took the time to look at the GAO plain language reports and press releases. The American public is clueless and worried about the sky falling. It fell ten years ago when Donald Rumsfeld reported $2.1 trillion missing.

    The whole budget process is a farce until all government departments can pass an independent audit and figure out where they stand financially. How many more years are we going to allow this total mismanagement of our tax dollars?


  3. The government ‘will’ be shut down. The baggers want it to be. All that remains is for the two parties to spin it to their advantage. What a bloody loser of a system! And how so obvious that the people don’t understand the impact of the coming shutdown and have let their government be hijacked by the ignorant stupid baggers.


  4. So true. If some of these idiots would make a trip out of the USA they would be shocked by how well some of the rest of the world is doing. Try a trip to France, Australia, Britain, Canada or any other developed country that isn’t waging continuous war. It is amazing what decreasing military spending does for infrastructure and education. We are the dupes and too stupid to see it.


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