One of the Sarah’s is Done Whining; One Still Whines

Whining is something Sarah Palin does best. Instead of taking responsibility for the many stupid things she says and does, she whines. She blames any, and everyone, except herself. When the Gulf Oil Spill occurred, instead of saying that perhaps “Drill BabyDrill,” in hindsight was a foolish thing to say, she blamed the environmentalists for the spill. . When people reacted to her map with targets as potentially inciting violence, she whined that she had been the victim of a “Blood Libel.” Calling reporters “corrupt bastards,” Palin played the role,once again, of the victim. . When Joe McGinnis moved in next door, Palin suggested that he was a child molester and that she and her children had been somehow victimized.. Sarah Palin has even blamed the media for the loss of the Presidential race in 2008. She believes that the media tried to bring her down.

She thinks the media decided:

“we’re going to seek and we’re going to destroy this candidacy of Sarah Palin’s because of what it is that she represents.”

“Obviously something big took place in the media,”

It is “very frightening, I think, what the media was able to get away with, this go around.”

Palin suggested that unbalanced media coverage posed a threat to democracy.

“This is for the sake of our democracy that there is fairness in this other branch of government, if you will, called the media,” she said. “It is foreign to me the way some in the mainstream media are thinking.”

“There have been lies told, there have been reputations trashed, there have been children that have been harmed,” she continued.


Perhaps because someone advised that her whining was getting out of control, the Empress said she was finished complaining. In an interview with Greta Van Susteren of Fox News, the Empress announced that although she perceived that there was a double standard in the way conservative women are treated, she was no longer going to complain.

Her exact words were:

“I’m through whining about a liberal press that holds conservative women to a different standard, because it doesn’t do any good to whine about it,”

“When a shot is taken at me, it is water off a duck’s back because I know the important things we need to concentrate on in life — especially the national and international issues that are so important in our country.”

That must have been one of the “other” Sarahs. The Blackberry-Sarah, who has a Blackberry and posts notes on Twitter said yesterday:

I’ll hold LSM accountable MORE THAN EVER;my comment acknowledged personal coverage(not unfairness to others).Happy to defend others re: bias1 minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

I just wish each of the Sarahs would get their own Twitter account, so we know who is talking. I guess the current Twitter account is currently controlled by the whining Sarah, and the non-whining Sarah is the one who talks to Greta Van Susteren.



31 thoughts on “One of the Sarah’s is Done Whining; One Still Whines

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  1. All I have to say is, more proof of her mental illness! I see a rubber room, a white coat with the sleeves that wrap around the back, and a few “dollies” in her near future!


    1. theperilsofpalins,
      I fantasize about the day we will talk about her celebrity status in the past tense. Malia


  2. Do you think that her friend “Bailey” helped her write her recent facebook note? Bailey does seem to have a lot of influence with her.


  3. So The-Two-Faces-of-Eve $arah wants to hold the LSM accountable more than ever, but she herself does not want to be held accountable?

    In my opinion, the LSM hasn’t come anywhere near to exposing Palin for the fraud & degenerate that she is. The LSM has sugar-coated Palin way too much and has been way too laxly irresponsible in researching and reporting on who and what Palin truely is.


    1. TruthSeeker,
      I agree and obviously the reason I write on this blog is because the media has not done their job. I’ll do all I can to help them out. malia


  4. Two definitions of twat refer to females, but the third definition fits her perfectly: a foolish or despicable person
    Now, which definition do you think Bill Maher was applying to her?


  5. Honestly Malia, I see her fading and growing more and more useless and unnecessary to those who sought to use her (Buchanan, Kristol, Koch brothers, Dick Armey) to achieve their ends. They are the neocon monsters who wanted a female George Bush installed into office. McCain would have been a place holder as he is very old and in poor health and may have made it through one four year presidency but not two. The powers that be wanted Sarah in the White House. They never imagined that the American people would elect a black man.

    I too hope she will become marginalized soon. WTH will it take? She has already gone over the edge and has exhibited her instability and mental illnesses. She obviously is a wreck.


    1. thomas,
      If there were a strong GOP candidate, I would rest much easier. However with so many to potentially split the vote, I could imagine her winning. malia


  6. She could use that non whining time to pay some attention to Trig perhaps? I actually think Sarah whines MORE than Kate Gosselin. At least Kate is focused directly on her personal discomfort when she whines and admits that she is obsessive compulsive; Sarah just whines in a manner that is typical narcissism. Of course, if you life on the surface appears to be a mess, there are lots of opportunities for attacks. Why not just say 1) yes, Todd had an affair and we are working through that; 2) yes, Trig was born via surrogate, we just had a hard time talking about it; 3) yes it was a mistake to wear the star of David and key, I realize that now. Wouldn’t she get more respect from the midddle if she was more honest. They said, yes Bristol is pregnant…you accept that and move on…its the probably cover ups (based on lack of logic) attempts that make her appear to have poor integrity. Also it would help if she didn’t make blatant generalizations, like “everyone in Alaska has a goal of climbing McKinley” (aka Denali to most people).


    1. jcinco,
      I not sure??? Somebody called her a name…”tw*t” so maybe that’s it, but if that’s the only thing I’m surprised she is so upset about that? Malia


  7. Instead of the Rapture, I’m looking forward to the time when we say,
    “Do you remember that idiot who thought she should/could be POTUS?What was her name, oh yea Sarah palin.”
    And our grandchildren of the future would not even know the name!


  8. Malia, you’d complain too if the media and morons turned you into a charicature. Nothing that is reported is factual. Nothing reported about her family is factual. According to the media, the Palin family unity is non existent, yet they continue to stay strong, visit each other frequently, and support each other fully. In essence, everyone who spreads rumors are jealous liars. Hate is typically derived from jealousy. People take different paths in life. Who are we to criticize Sarah’s path to her success. It must suck to be an angry liberal minded moron who spews lies/rumors instead of firsthand facts


    1. “Kim”,
      Please provide a single citation to prove that something I have said is not factual, and I will retract whatever I have said. With regard to the frequency of your family visits…remember the TLC show where Piper had never met your Eskimo relatives, or the Down’s syndrome cousin. They both live in Alaska, and Piper was at least 10 years old, so it looks like there were no “family” visits for the last 10 years. I would also suspect that Trig would love to have a “family” visit. Finally I would simply point out that if your approach to disagree with my post is to call me names or to suggest that I am a “moron” just know that I am one of five kids and I learned that children retaliate by calling people names,so I learned to be unaffected by those names. Eleanore Roosevelt said “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” You don’t have my consent. Malia


      1. I base all of my conclusions about Sarah and her hypocrisy on her reality show and videos of her speeches and commentary, then research background of what she says. Body language says a lot. Lack of depth says a lot. If you are going to criticize the leader of our country on an international stage, you damn well better have a concrete solution in mind. Saying that Sarah is the first to come up with a no fly zone is bogus…no way you can tell me that military leaders weren’t already considering this as soon as Libyan planes started to attack the opposition. Does she think all of the fine folks we have in the military and intelligence units are idiots. They study this stuff, get degrees in military strategy and international relations, and engage in practice scenarios on a regular basis. She is smoke and mirrors.


    2. The word is spelled caricature and sarah did that to herself. No one is jealous of sarah. As a woman I am embarrassed by the pride she has in her ignorance and using her sexuality to further herself. She has done nothing but attempt to set womens’ rights back 50 years. I am appalled that she with absolutlely no intellectual curiousity and one that is too lazy to attempt to learn anything about the topics she spews about actually thinks she has any right to think she is qualified for any office. It sickens me when she goes overseas and spews her nonsensical crap and makes a fool of herself. Afterall, unfortunately she is from this country and is a reflection of American women to the rest of the world. She really does need to sit down and shut the fuck up as it’s not funny but borders on dangerous. Her attempting to speak of foreign policy with world leaders is akin to letting a child play with razor blades, it’s not going to turn out good.


  9. Kim, walk away from the kool aid, kiddo. Sarah turned herself into a cartoon by pandering to the lowest common (nonsensical) denominator. The media just reports what it sees and what she says. No need to embellish any of it.


  10. In backward Sarah world all this whining means is that the BLOGGERS know who she is. The COMEDIANS know who she is. Her own party and everyone but her idiot followers knows who she is.

    But its the one group that has given her more cover than anyone else has, the MSM, that she’s going to go after and whine about. Sarah is truly insane.


  11. sounds to me like Palin may have had one of her mini breakdown in India, holed up in her hotel room.

    Too many browner skins than her own perhaps?

    No room service requested.

    Very odd. the whole thing was odder than odd.


    1. I read somewhere that the American embassy requested that she be bumped up to a more prestigious foreign visitor status but was denied. Why should she be bumped up? She’s nothing more that a 1/2 term governor, washed up reality star, non-stay at home stay-at-home mom. She’s nothing, her “job” can best be described as hate spewing instigator of violence.


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