Live-stream Broadcast of Palin’s Speech in India

Nan sent us this link this morning.  There’ll be a Livestream broadcast of Palin’s India Speech at this site.  I’m working on my own version of the speech which will be out later.  Thanks Nan!

5 thoughts on “Live-stream Broadcast of Palin’s Speech in India

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  1. It’s going to be interesting to find out what’s happened here. I’m bummed, but still, can’t wait to hear the story behind it.

    off to work


  2. God awful. She sounds more and more like her mother Sally every day. And Sally’s voice and delivery would shatter glass. Screechy, raspy, sing songie babbling.

    Hair and jacket god awful. Answers to questions, the usual babble. She continues to blame the media and not herself for the loss in 2008. She should have been on the top of the ticket. LOL.

    Continues to fight the I see Russia from Alaska thingee.

    And LOL she dates Indias rise to 1940’s? Didn’t she know there was a war going on, and the Brits were there? I don’t think she knows anything about India and its history.


  3. India became independent in 1947. I really don’t think Palin knows anything about world history. Even current history.

    Palin won’t criticize our government while abroad? but implies Obama dithers about Libya. She should have no comment on American policy during a period of crisis in the Middle East.


    1. lilly,
      If you want the interview where she answers questions, you have all the proof that you need that she is clueless.


  4. Went to the site and read the transcript of her speech. I refuse to subject myself to that voice if another option is available. I did see how she bashes the president though. Perhaps people should do to her what the conservatives did to the Dixie Chicks when they said something about Bush while overseas- except instead of a CD smashing we could have a good old fashioned book burning- of Palin’s books. Heck, from what I have heard about sales on the last one the publisher might donate some! They are dirt cheap and available at garage sales and thrift stores. I think that would be an appropriate action. Now, I would never recommend a book burning in any other circumstance because I love books, but I think it would be appropriate for this book and this person!


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