Palin is the Cookie Monster


Sarah Palin has been known to attack the President’s approach to solving the health care crisis, the economic stimulus, and his approach to resolving the Gulf Oil spill.  She has appeared as the Keynote Speaker in Las Vegas on behalf of bowlers and liquor distributors.  Palin speaks at rallies for Special Needs Kids, but raises money for her own special needs.  Even though appearing at fund raisers for anti-abortion groups, the funds she actually raises ensure the continuation of her ability to hire people to wash her underwear, to enable her to pay for assistance from the ghost writer of her book Going Rogue who admits to having had an abortion, and to endorse candidates for political office (Star Parker) who admits to having had four abortions because abortion was her “preferred method of birth control.”  Now Palin has attacked Pennsylvania schools for their efforts in trying to get kids to eat healthier food.  Palin has established her lack of concern for her own children by abandoning them or using them when it suits her purpose.  Now it appears she is attempting to cause harm to the children of other people.  In an act of defiance, Palin provided sugar cookies to kids at a school fundraiser in Pennsylvania, suggesting that the school should not attempt to control the amount of unhealthy food the children eat while under their control. 

While advertising herself as an advocate for children, Palin has repeatedly taken positions in direct opposition to the best interests of children.  Palin has been a vociferous opponent of health care reform.  Yet an estimated 9 million children in the United States were  completely uninsured in 2007. Another study reported that 11.5 million more kids end up without medical care for part of the year. Another 3 million couldn’t even get a ride to the doctor. That’s more than 23 million children in 2007 that were without necessary health care.   As if her positions regarding health care reform were not sufficiently damaging to children, Sarah Palin has now lodged a direct attack on efforts to address the greatest threat to the health of American children, Childhood Obesity. 

190 Million Americans are Obese or Overweight. Childhood Obesity has Tripled in the last 30 Years.  The challenge of curbing the prevalence of childhood obesity is so urgent and such an immense problem for the United States that Michelle Obama has identified curtailing of childhood obesity as one of her primary goals while serving as the First Lady.  We want our kids to face a different and more optimistic future in terms of their lifespan.” “I mean, one in three kids are overweight or obese, and we’re spending $150 billion a year treating obesity-related illnesses. So we know this is a problem, and there’s a lot at stake.”

The far-reaching, nationwide campaign called “Let’s Move” calls for a myriad initiatives that target what Obama calls four key pillars: Getting parents more informed about nutrition and exercise, improving the quality of food in schools, making healthy foods more affordable and accessible for families, and focusing more on physical education.  How could anyone with “common sense” oppose these initiatives of Michelle Obama?  Even Republican and Tea Party adults would not desire for their children to be obese. 

We have to ask, what would motivate Sarah Palin to use her “star power” to oppose any effort to help kids.  The answer may be as simple as a popularity contest.  In spite of President Obama’s declining approval ratings, Michelle Obama remains “extremely popular.”  A poll indicates that six out of ten men and more than seven out of ten women approve of the job Michelle Obama is doing.  In some perverse way, perhaps Palin thinks that if she can thwart the effort of Michele Obama to curb childhood obesity, Palin will be more popular.   The irony is that if Palin ate more of those sugar cookies she took to the kids at school, and became obese herself, her popularity ratings would decline markedly.  Not to worry, … she would still fit inside a cookie-monster suit.  That suit looks a lot like the monkey suit Bristol wore on Dancing With the Stars.  Maybe Bristol ate too many of those same sugar cookies.  Perhaps nutritional guidance from the school wouldn’t have helped Bristol since she dropped out of high school.  Maybe other kids could benefit through guidance from teachers since they are obviously not getting the help needed at home.

14 thoughts on “Palin is the Cookie Monster

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  1. You are right. This is Palin’s way of flailing out at the Obamas, who (in her mind only) occupy the central position she rightfully deserves. So much of Palin’s pettiness stems from jealousy. Here we have a First Lady committed to the good health of children…so that in turn our healthcare system is not saddled with diabetes, etc. and this wingnut tries to turn it into a “socialism” issue.

    BTW, I have now heard several TPers (like senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee) talk about how education decisions are best made close to the level of the school itself, which is code for
    * We can get intelligent design taught in our schools
    * We can take down the federal Dept. of Education, Pell Grants and all those other elitist programs
    * We can destroy teachers’ unions

    It’s imperative that we pay CLOSE attention to the code of the TPers because they have a hideously narrow-minded social agenda that they hid under sound bytes about the economy while they were running, but will come out soon, now that they THINK they have a mandate to do anything they want in Congress.


  2. Watch her new show. Instead of being a responsible mom, Piper is in back of sarah on a 4 wheeler with no helmet.
    Another teachable moment missed, helmet safety.


    1. AnnaLynne I don’t think they were home baked. I’m sure Palin just had the person who washes her underwear pick them up at the grocery store when she was getting more laundry detergent. Malia


  3. That would be the mean girl in her. Did she ever stop to think that maybe the parents were behind the whole thing. And why would public policy have anything to do with a Christian school?


  4. No doubt about it, Malia. Palin is a monster asshole. Just needed to vent after having to look at her and having to hear that screech on my noon news today.


  5. I think what is atrocious about Paylin’s delivering cookies to the school is she is now usurping the parents who may want their kids to eat healthy foods. I agree on one thing- parents should have the right to feed their kids all kinds of garbage food if they so desire. After school, at home, give them what you want. But at the school, they should be given healthy food. The show that Chef Jamie Oliver did on school lunches and changing them to feed healthy lunches should be required viewing. When you realize how bad some of the staples of school lunches are, how could anyone not want it changed? They could require parents to sign permission slips to allow their children to eat cupcakes or something that parents bring to celebrate birthdays or holidays, but the rest of the time, the school should provide healthy choices.


  6. Obesity is caused mainly by students living a sedentary life style. Parents have also become lazy at parenting and have found the ‘ultimate baby sitter’ in TV and video games for their kids. Eating sugar cookies is just the icing on the cake.


  7. Palin is the GREEN-EYED cookie monster. Could Sarah’s jealousy of Michelle Obama who encourages kids to make healthy food choices and fight obesity be any more apparent? Palin talks about protectin’ our FREEDOMS. Well replace the word cookies with tobacco or cigarettes in her quotes. She would then be bringing dozens of cartons of cigarettes because the government can’t tell us what is and is not healthy?? 2 words for Palin. Attention Wh0re. There’s actually a song called that…the lyrics fit her PERFECTLY! Google the lyrics….


  8. Think someone in the sugar industry financed this? Certainly is not in the best interest of children. Take a look at her own children. As far as that goes, take a look at her. Why is she shaking so much?


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