Sarah Explains: “The Devil Made Me Do It!”


We know about conversations B.S. (Beautiful Sarah) has had with God.  Palin made a “D” in foreign language but she seems to be fluent in the language of “God”.  Some people hear voices and report confusion about who is speaking.  Not Sarah.  She has heard God’s voice enough to recognize his accent and inflection.  God and Sarah are on a first-name basis.  She calls him “Trig’s Creator, Your Heavenly Father” (Going Rogue at 187) and He has given her the nick-name, “B.S.”  Until recently, B.S. had only reported hearing from one divine being.  Maybe there were others she talked with, but none who’s language she spoke, or none whose name was profitable to mention.  Recently B.S. reported hearing from the Holy Spirit, although he must have been suffering from bronchitis, as he could only whisper.…/palin-puts-personal-spin-on-abortion.htmlAs far as we know the Holy Spirit never wrote a letter confirming his true identity. Moreover, recent revelations indicate that the whispering voice may not have been the Holy Spirit.  It is just possible that it was in fact the DEVIL.   The devil is a supernatural entity and the enemy of God, so we could reasonably anticipate that he would interfere with God’s Plan.  The Devil is commonly associated with heretics, infidels and witches.  Palin has been associated, and even endorsed, witches like Christine O’Donnell.  Some regard the Devil as a representative of free will, wisdom, and enlightenment.  Just yesterday we learned about the congratulatory message of B.S. to people advocating “free will”.

For two years scientists have been working night and day to solve the mystery of what compels B.S. say and do things that appear to be contrary to reason.  The Church of Satan, with the help of Christine O’Donnell, has conducted a séance to consult with the premiere authority on the devil.  Flip Wilson, the consummate authority on the influence of the devil, dedicated his career to explaining to people about the influence of the devil.  He often explained “The Devil Made Me Do It.”  

B.S. is too young to remember Flip Wilson.  However with O’Donnell’s help, B.S. has gained a healthy respect for the evil that might be perpetrated by the devil.  The devil has no compunction about lying.  For the devil to be intentionally deceitful is not surprising.  B.S. has demonstrated her difficulty with differentiating the truth from lies even when she is talking.  If she doesn’t perceive that she herself is a liar, it would be totally unfair to expect that she could possibly know when a spirit is being untruthful.  She can’t even see the look on their faces when they talk to her.  Now that we understand that the devil made her “do it,” everything makes sense.

  • God recognized B.S. needed a prop or trophy and gave her Trig.  The devil made her abandon him.
  • God gave us turkeys to eat at Thanksgiving.  The devil caused their heads to be removed on national television.
  • God caused John McCain to nominate B.S. as his VP running mate.  The devil made them loose.
  • God created us with the desire to have sex before marriage.  The devil made Levi run out of condoms.
  • God gave B.S. the power to speak.  The devil gave the American people Katie Couric.
  • God made the Iraq war a “task from God”.  The devil hid the WMD.
  • God ensured that B.S. would have beautiful clothes that she could wear during the campaign.  The devil caused them to disappear when the representative of the Republican Party came to collect them.
  • God filled cans with food.  The devil made B.S. throw them at Todd.
  • God gave B.S. the power to fire Walt Monegan.  The devil caused the Alaska Legislative Council to determine that B.S. acted unethically in firing him.
  • God caused people to vote for B.S. for Governor of Alaska.  The devil told her to quit.
  • God introduced B.S. to Glenn Beck.  The devil caused them both to promote lies.
  • God told B.S. to kill all of his creatures.  The devil made her forget to get a hunting license.
  • God told B.S. to build a hockey center.  The devil caused the judge to determine that the owner of the land where the hockey center was built,  was the owner of the land.
  • God created man.  The devil made dinosaurs to eat them.
  • God caused Ronald Reagan to become the Governor of California.  The devil caused him to attend college in Illinois.
  • God caused people to pay B.S. $100,000.00 per speech.  The devil made students go into a dumpster to retrieve the contract.
  • God made it possible for polar bears to swim.  The devil made them swim to find a home.
  • God gave us soldiers to protect our country.  The devil made some of them gay. 
  • God gave B.S. a friend named Todd.  The devil made him get her pregnant before she was married.
  • God gave B.S. a science teacher for a father.  The devil caused him to give her eyeballs as a gift.
  • God told B.S. to drill for oil.  The devil caused her to blame environmentalists for the Gulf Oil spill.
  • God gave us Esther.  The devil gave us B.S.

4 thoughts on “Sarah Explains: “The Devil Made Me Do It!”

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  1. Never knew Sarah referred to herself as BS. You realize, of course, that the initials also stand for something else? BTW Sarah is old enough to remember Flip, because I remember Flip and we’re about the same age. So is Obama. I didn’t realize this at first, because people assume some of these political figures are younger than they actually are. It took me aback, for a minute, when I understood that my generation is now leading the country, for better or worse. Mine and my brother’s, anyway, who are a couple years older.


  2. Malia,
    My goodness, I’m stunned I’ve been saying this for several years.. Moreover, recent revelations indicate that the whispering voice may not have been the Holy Spirit. It is just possible that it was in fact the DEVIL. But, I never have had the guts to put it down in words. Bless you, this is quite amazing that you’ve come to this conclusion. I’ve been carrying this strange prophetic knowledge for quite a while. You seemed to capture the truth here, my dear, without ever having really met or known Sarah. I do know her and I’ve been drawn as you know to be a siren for a reason. This I believe is that reason… I’m too close to the darkness here in Wasilla, this has provided me a great place to start. Thank you for your persistence and excellent documentation of the dark and unsettling realization of who Sarah may actually represent..

    I having no special talent or position. I’m armed with nothing but the WORD of GOD Note: The Bible is to speak to GOD’s People first, not the other guy.

    Tell me how you think these references fit into the Palin/ Tea Party narrative?
    2 Timothy 3:2 For they will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient, ungrateful, unholy, deceitful and deceptive..

    2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths, fables and lies.

    Matthew 7:20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.


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