The Sisterhood of Clueless Mothers

On September 25th B.S. used her Facebook post to congratulate an organization celebrating their first anniversary.  The organization calls itself “As a mom.”  Palin included a video on her Facebook page which was an interview of the two women who founded the organization.  This organization advertises itself as the “sisterhood of the mommy patriots.” .  They define themselves as “a network of principled mothers, grandmothers, daughters, & guardians of our nation’s children dedicated to the 9 Principles 12 Values…”  “Mother” and “patriot” are two of the most revered images in America.  Who could attack any person who is a “guardian of children?”

 In order to access more than the initial page of the web site of  you much be approved, and fill out a questioner to indicate if you are worthy of membership.  They ask:

 “Do you agree with at least 7 of the 9 Principles? –

The Nine Principles

1. America is good.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.

3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.

7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.”

Consider just a few of the fundamental problems with the 9 “Principles” of this organization to which Sarah Palin offers her congratulations:

  1. If you only have to agree with 7 of these principles, and #3 is one that you don’t agree with, then dishonesty could be something you value, and to which you aspire.  Palin has probably earned an honorary membership in this organization.
  2. If #1 (America is good) is one of the two you disagree with, then the FBI might want to add you to its list of suspected terrorists.
  3. When #4 makes reference to “my spouse” does that mean that having a spouse is a prerequisite to membership?  What if you are divorced?  Is the message that you are not a worthy woman if you don’t have a spouse?  What if your spouse is another woman and you were married in Canada, where gay and lesbian marriage is celebrated?  What if you and your spouse disagree about the proper role of government?  If you and your spouse are the “ultimate authority” then that must mean that the law and the Constitution do not apply to you.  A terrorist is a person who has no respect for the rule of law, and considers himself/herself the ultimate authority.  Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican, explained the importance of a fundamental respect for the rule of law when he said:

            “The clearest way to show what the rule of law means to us in everyday life is to recall  

            what  has happened when there is no rule of law.”

4.  It is ironic that #4 and #5 are in sequence.  Did they forget that #4 principle  indicats that you and your spouse were above the law, and in the next principle, you recognize that you are not above the law.  Does that mean that this organization recognizes the value in being a terrorist, killing thousands of American citizens as long as you recognize that you will pay the penalty.  The terrorists of 9-11 were willing to pay the ultimate price.  Do you think they were worthy of membership?

5.  Item #7 suggests that we have no obligation to our Government.  To suggest that “Government” cannot force me to be charitable” suggests that the Government should not be allowed to tax its citizens because “I work hard for what I have.”  These mothers must have forgotten that it is our government who protects the safety and security of our country, educates our children, protects us from contaminated food through the FDA,  protects us from diseases through the CDC, builds our highways, protects our land and natural resources, and facilitates the enactment of criminal laws, providing law enforcement personnel, prosecution of people charged with crimes, and the building and operation of prisons to isolate those criminals from these moms. 

6.  To suggest that the government should answer “to me”  is the most troubling of these principles. “Anarchy” is defined as that “state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government).  Perhaps these mothers don’t realize how ironic it is to call themselves “patriots” but advocate anarchy.

We have heard the speeches of Sarah Palin and know that she promotes this type of thought…or absence of thought.  The members of this organization are victims of their own ignorance, and of Sarah Palin.  They fail to recognize the hypocrisy of the very foundation of their organization.  True patriots protect the weak instead of using them for their own personal advantage.  A true leader inspires confidence instead of promoting fear.  Instead of offering criticisms, a real leader proposes solutions.  “Only the pure in heart can make a good soup.”  B.S. is a wretch and her soup causes us to retch.

8 thoughts on “The Sisterhood of Clueless Mothers

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  1. No wonder Palin likes this group of X women. Their muddled-headed simplistic approach to values echoes her own — and they are a ready source of $$$ supporters for SP. They are made for each other. Don’t give any more visibility to these wingnuts. The last thing we need to do is help them with fund-raising of ANY kind.


    1. BW, I won’t mention them again after today, but I continue to be amazed by the things I learn like this! When the very web site demonstrates the ignorance of the members, I am appalled! Malia


  2. Thank you Malia for more insight on those who dare not think. I don\t know how old this group is, but its income source is well established. They first thing I noticed was all the stuff they sell. The second thing I noticed is their privacy issue. You can’t get info if you don’t join. Is it a non profit or for profit? The whole setup looks like a hustle using Tea Party talking points. It was just a matter of time before hustlers set up shop. The Tea Party members have a decent average income, an excellent market full of followers.
    On Rule #4, you should not think outside the box. This is a Christian moms’ organization. To be a mom, you need a male spouse and a marriage license.
    On rule #2, they lost me at “He.” That notion came about in the third century when the rulers turned Christianity into a white male dominated religion. (Disclaimer: I am a white male.)


  3. I stand corrected. I watched part of the video, up to Glen Beck. Mystery solved. Beck and his marketing people set this group up. Coming soon, moms with gold.


  4. I swear when I checked out the Becksters 9/12 project website that those are his nine principles. Makes me want to gag. Who in their right mind ever gave Glenn a public forum to air his insanity?

    Now all we have in this country is “real” Americans or “patriots”. It is us or them. What a kindergarten mentality. Unfortunately half of Americans are not able to get over that hurdle.

    I really am very afraid for us and our children. Hopefully some of them come to their senses before it is too late.


  5. believe in god? is this the same god in who’s name some believe up to 1/2 billion people have been killed in the last 2,000 years?

    malia, did you read the rolling stone article about the pee farty hatriots written by mike taibi?? great article…


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