Sarah Palin Takes the Lord’s Name in Vain

I don’t purport to be a religious scholar.  However anyone who has been educated as a Christian or a Jew knows that the 10 Commandments prohibit the misuse of the Lord’s name.  To be exact, the Commandment states:

“You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.”

On repeated occasions Palin has misused the Lord’s name.  It seems that any time Palin does something stupid; she calls upon her religion to explain and/or justify the incident.  For example, when giving a speech and interview at the Tea Party Convention she wrote on her hand to remind herself of three simple words, and even then she made an error and had to cross out one of the original three. Palin then justified her foolishness by comparing herself to God, suggesting that if it was good enough for God, it was good enough for her. She has said in a religious service that the war in Iraq was “God’s plan”.    At the time she accepted the nomination for the Vice Presidency she was totally ill-prepared, lacked sufficient education and was totally ignorant of world affairs.  It was not the right time for her family considering her teenage daughter was unwed and pregnant and she had given birth to a special needs child just months before.  Palin also knew that from a political standpoint the timing was not ideal as she was under investigation in the Troopergate matter.  Yet she was totally comfortable with the nomination as she failed to accept any responsibility for accepting the nomination by suggesting that it was part of “God’s plan.”

The most amazing hypocrisy is that Palin states, “I would never presume to know God’s will or to speak God’s words.” Yet in Palin’s own book, Going Rogue she writes, “Ambition drives; purpose beckons…I thought of a passage from the book of Jeremiah 29:11-13; ‘For I know the plans that I have for your, declares the Lord.  Plans for peace and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.  When you call upon Me I will hear you when you search for Me you will find Me; if you seek Me with all your heart’…And it wasn’t anyone who pressured me: ‘Sarah you’ve got to get out there and fly!  Go do more!’  But I knew there was something more” (103).

Most amazing of all, is the letter she wrote to herself in God’ voice, and reprinted the letter in her book.  Thus, even though she “would never presume to know God’s will or to speak God’s words” Sarah wrote a letter to herself, as if she knew exactly God’ words, and made the note available in her national best seller, Going Rogue (185-187). At least 16 times in this letter she uses the pronoun “I” making reference to God, indicating that she knew exactly what was God’s will and suggesting by this letter that she not only knew God’s words but was willing to record them for millions to see.

This letter, and Sarah’s continuation to invoke God’s name as an excuse, is an indication that Palin is unwilling or unable to take responsibility for her own actions.  Many Americans, men and women, knowing of the risks of having a baby when over the age of 40, undertake to have a surgical procedure to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.  Even if people might be opposed to surgical intervention they still take responsibility to use birth control to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.  Not Sarah Palin.

In Missouri, Sarah Palin once again demonstrated her confusion with between free will and God’s plan.  She stated in that speech, “…The Constitution, our dear Constitution, did not give us our rights.  Our rights came from God and they are inalienable rights.  The Constitution created the government to protect our God-given and unalienable (sic) rights.”

It is with utter disbelief that we contemplate what Sarah Palin said in Missouri.  For any celebrity or politician, or even a news reporter for Fox News, to suggest that our “rights” were not the result of the multitude of lives lost in the American Revolutionary War is ludicrous.   When a tsunami is approaching your home, it is not acceptable to simply say that God’s plan is to save you, yet not evacuate.  If your child is bleeding to death, it not acceptable to simply refuse to seek medical assistance because you believe that it is God’s plan that he should live.  When we went to war in Iraq, it was not the result of God’s plan, but rather it was someone’s misguided plan that had an office in the White House.  When the catastrophe occurred in the Gulf it was not God’s plan, but the result of something man did, or failed to do.  Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions.  Palin is responsible for what she says and does.  I am taking responsibility for making sure that the hypocrisy of Sarah Palin is known to anyone willing to read.  Help me educate the American people about the dangers inherent in a person who suggests that she doesn’t presume to know God’s will, but does.

Sara Hickman reminded us in her video of the importance of women who have had the courage to rely upon their own actions or deeds, instead of attributing fate to God’s will.  Sara Hickman reminds us that Sarah Palin pales by comparison to brave women like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Joan of Arc, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.  Each of these women believed in God, but the God in whom they trusted demanded that they take responsibility for their actions, or inaction.  Sarah Palin is Palin’ by comparison.

16 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Takes the Lord’s Name in Vain

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  1. Right on target, Ms. Litman! We are to try to do the best we can to follow the God in which we believe, whether He be God; Allah, The Great Spirit; or God by any other name. We do this through prayer and trying to live the best life we can. But we try to discern, we do not presume to speak for him in a public way.


    1. Irl, I am hesitant to write about Pain’s religious beliefs, because generally I consider that a personal choice. However when it is someone who advertises herself as a “leader’ of the people, I take offense at her trying to say that our constitution was given by God, and not by the sacrifice of the soldiers who gave their lives to make our Constitution a reality. malia


  2. Malia, …Your post this morning goes hand-in-hand with the copy of the transcribed speech posted yesterday on Palingates when she spoke to the ” Women of Joy “. When she is around her X-ian followers her mind goes to a whole different place and she opened up. And the the fact that she thought her speech was not being recorded made her open up and speak exactly the way SHE felt. I always thought she acted strange but reading those transcripts made me realize that she is ‘ mentally sick ‘.
    And the fact that those Women attending there were loving and buying into all of it…. that’s pretty twisted as well. The one comparison I can think of is that she is like a ” Fundamentalist Charlie Manson “. THEIR version of reality is just twisted.They see what they want to see.
    If you know of a few professional Psychologists or Psychiatrists I think it would be interesting to send those transcripts of the speech to them and ask them to analyze them. What would they say…What is their ‘ professional opinion’..?
    I think we know what the answer would be and I doubt they would say it publicly either. ” Off the record ” only… no names.
    And ” Thank You ” to goes out to that ‘loyal Fan ‘ that outed her or exposed the Real Sarah by posting the speech on YouTube because she wanted to SHARE her with everyone else. Yes… she did.
    Isn’t THAT sweet Karma..?… or maybe it was ” God’s Plan ” … Him using THAT person, putting them there, working through them, to expose to the World, the REAL Sarah. Can we all have… an ‘ Amen’
    As she believes… ” there are no coincidences “


    1. honestyinGov, I am having a difficult time getting through the transcript. I visit Palingates on a regular basis but apparently not recently. That “loyal fan” is to be commended. I am glad you posted this here.


  3. Again a very good post about Sarah. Thanks Malia. I am a Christian and so much of what Sarah says and does are so antithetical to the teachings of Christ that I was brought up with, the lessons of the Bible, just everything. It is hypocrisy. And hypocrisy is something I cannot stand. Her followers say that she walks the talk. But that is so not true. Why they cannot see this is beyond belief to me. They even justify the amount of money she is earning right now and that she is keeping it for herself. And yet according to the Bible, money is the root of all Evil. I believe Sarah to be evil and I also believe in the axiom “what goes around comes around,” and I do believe she will “reap what she sows.” What I don’t like is the harm I see her doing in the interim.

    On another note and about someone else who seems to USE God for his own gain, I sent the governor of your state, Rick Perry, a message the other day (via FAX) that he should be careful blaming God for something that Man so obviously did: the oil spill. I then quoted the verse from Romans 12:19 “Vengeance is mine (I will recompense) saith the Lord.”


    1. daisydem, I appreciate your comments and I am working hard to stay focused on Palin, but it is hard to do that with Rick Perry working hard to get my attention. I may have to devote a day or two to him as we get closer to the election. malia


      1. You may have to take time away from Palin to devote to Rick Perry? Oh my goodness; is that like jumping from the fire into the frying pan? Bless you.


      2. Yes, the grease is hot, and I don’t know if I can stand the heat without saying my peace. malia


    2. daisydem: I enjoyed reading your comments, and believe as you do, that Sarah will get her comeuppance.

      However, when I was younger I was taught the phrase was “the love of money is the root of all evil” not just “money.” For me, that’s the difference. Money is neutral and can actually be used for great good, but it is the love of money (greed) that is the undoing of people who seek it for their own benefit.

      Sarah Palin certainly seems to love the making and keeping of money. So, on both counts (loving money for its own sake and using it selfishly) she loses when evaluated by her own proclaimed faith.

      Great post Malia. Thanks to daisydem for bringing up Big Hair Perry.

      Oh – Malia, a year or so back I seem to remember a story that his wife had come home to the Governor’s digs and found him in bed with a male. Was that just a bogus story or one that just “went away.” I think I recall stories that his wife was going to divorce him. Guess that didn’t happen either, right?


  4. When a nitwit speaks to other nitwits, utterances need not make sense. Palin’s admirers tend to be highly credulous, poor at critical thinking, impressed with appearance over substance, and hold low standards for public servants. Hence, when she goes all blubbery about the role of God in her life, they lap up what she says — without questioning the merit of it.

    Nowhere in these “inspirational” ‘bon mots’ does she refer to witch doctors to drive out evil spirits, The Rapture coming in 2011, holy laughter, creationism and other wingnut End of Days beliefs to which she subscribes. She knows how to work selective “religious” audiences!


  5. Considering your post today, I thought I’d share this with you and your readers. Someone posted a link to this blog on one of the Alaskan blogs. It’s a very good read, even though it was written 10/28/09 just a week shy of the election, it was spot on. The author fully recognized the class/religion warfare the GOP was perpetuating/grooming/feeding during the election and they’re blatant attempts at hijacking Christianity. Great article, but I posted this portion about Palin because the author claims to not only be pro-life, pro-heterosexual marriage but also a follower and subscriber of Dr. James Dobson, whose partner in religious crimes has now been busted with the male prostitute while vacationing.

    He received almost 300 comments (which themselves are interesting to read) from pro-life Christians who felt as he did. I’m only providing a small snippet of the article, so there is much more worth reading.

    I should mention too he fully recognized that G.W. Bush hijacked his religion and in the author’s opinion The party that sprang back to executive power in 2001 (never mind 1994’s broken “contract with America”) did so headed by a self-professed Christian who took no issue with smearing his opponent (John McCain) with the racist lie that he’d illegitimately fathered a mongrel child. George Bush went on to run not only two of the most vile campaigns in recent memory, but also to hold one of the most deceptive and secretive presidencies ever (kudos to Nixon for the one-upmanship).

    The Conservative Christian Case for Supporting Obama

    When did the party of Teddy Roosevelt decide it was politically expedient to champion mediocrity? With the various “Joe” slogans, Republicans insult blue collar workers everywhere by expecting them to vote for the candidate who’s willing to talk “folksy” and drink a beer with them all the while lying about the fact that “Joes” across America will be worse off under McCain’s tax policies than under Obama’s.

    But the poster-child for the Republican assault on intelligence is the once honorable John McCain’s running mate, who, by the way is also an affront to Christians. While professing Christianity, Sarah Palin has shown a penchant for lying whenever she opens her mouth. Whether she’s making up the story that the Alaska legislature fully exonerated her of abuse-of-power charges, proclaiming that Obama is an anti-American terrorist sympathizer, calling Obama a socialist (and now, a communist) who will raise all our taxes and “redistribute wealth”, or reveling in the hatred and rage she incites at her rallies, Palin has proven herself to be a lying, vengeful, slanderous hypocrite who uses Christianity as a resume booster.

    She is also an unabashed anti-intellectual. While she’s not insulting working Americans by speaking with a hokey, sixth-grade-reading-level dialect (as though working Americans are too stupid to understand and relate to anything else), Gov. Palin is expecting the American people to swallow the proverbial tripe that she’s qualified potentially for the highest office in the world by virtue of (1) her ability to see Russia, (2) her overseeing of a national guard that might – any day now (whenever Putin “rears his head”) – be called on to defend the U.S. against a highly improbable Russian invasion of Alaska, (3) her recent U.N. coming out party where she, for the first time in her life, met foreign leaders, (4) the fact that her international travel experience is limited to a trip to Kuwait and Germany to visit Alaska National Guard troops – a trip for which she obtained her first passport – last year, and (5) her governance of an oil-rich state. We’re also supposed to ignore the fact that she cannot make it through softball television interviews – for which she had weeks to prepare – without stumbling incoherently through answers to even the simplest of policy questions and getting hopelessly stumped at both the fundamental questions – whether she agrees with the Bush doctrine, and the “gimme” questions – what newspapers she reads.

    And after weeks on the campaign trail, she has yet to demonstrate the desire – as Colin Powell put it, the “intellectual curiosity” – to become a student of the serious international and domestic policy issues that she has no comprehension of but seeks to be in charge of. It was appalling that, in her only debate, Gov. Palin excused her inability to answer questions important to the American people by saying “how long have I been at this, like five weeks?” If she cared about anything other than smiling, winking and regurgitating campaign talking points, Palin would have used that “five weeks” to attempt to seriously consider some solutions to our national and international issues.

    In that regard, Palin is an insult and a slap in the face to Christians. When stripped of her contrived “qualifications” we are left with a candidate whose only redeeming quality – with regard to the Christian base for whom she was nominated – is that she is a professed Christian who is pro life. And the implication is that Christians are either too stupid, too emotional, or too single-minded to see through her support for our values to the fact that she is woefully unqualified and was selected merely as a pandering tool. Sarah Palin embodies the ultimate betrayal of the trust that we placed in the Republican Party to champion our message.

    I am unashamedly pro life and pro traditional marriage. Christ is also, though he would condemn abortion clinic bombers (who, by the way, Ms. Palin, notwithstanding your attempt to dodge the question and pander to the lunatic fringe of your “base”, are terrorists). And though He obviously did not condone the practices of the sinners of His day, Jesus walked among them, rather than separating His followers from them, for to those persons was His ministry.

    I apologize for the long comment on your site but I think it’s definitely worth reading and I think many have friends and family that this author is describing that might find it interesting to read another fellow pro-life Christian’s opinions on the GOP and Obama. His words ring so true and so loud 18 months later that it’s almost deafening.

    Couldn’t help it one last good one from the article:
    Last week I received an email from Dr. James Dobson – whose internet ministry I subscribe to – imploring me to “vote my values,” meaning to vote for the candidate whose “pro-life” and pro traditional marriage rhetoric carried Dr. Dobson’s stamp of approval. My immediate thought was: Why should I vote two of my values to the exclusion of all others? In that question lies the problem of the Christian allegiance to the Republican Party.

    Since this country’s founding, Christians have politicized Biblical values (we have as much right to do so as any other group that wants this nation to reflect its beliefs) and have helped the U.S. become a beacon of light to the world. The problem, I now realize, with the union of Christians to the GOP, is that we’ve aligned ourselves with a spokes group that sees Christians as nothing more than a voting bloc to pander to with lip service about two passion-evoking issues while ignoring other values that form the core of our beliefs. And as they grip our hearts with life and marriage, the GOP exploits our values to demonize or vilify those with opposing viewpoints.

    GOP leadership has (perhaps with the willing participation of some Christian leaders) twisted and distilled our values to the point where we are just hot-button sound bites wrapped up in a platform designed to benefit the wealthy and corporate classes. In the process, they have turned uninformed Christians (me among them) into “single-issue voters,” sheepishly towing the Party line while it exploits the name of God and bastardizes our ideals to foment hatred, division and racism and to engender animosity toward Christians by associating us with a platform that is anathema to God’s love.


  6. Another great post, Malia!

    I only wish more of Palin’s supporters who call themselves Christian would examine her words and actions to determine whether they are in line with Scripture. I just don’t get it, and maybe the reason that I don’t is because my Bible warns me of people like Palin. If her supporters would open their eyes and minds to her lack of substantive knowledge on almost every subject; non-stop lies; hypocrisy; divisiveness; refusal to accept responsibility for her mistakes; ad hominem attacks on President Obama and others she doesn’t like; overwhelming quest for attention, wealth, and fame; refusal to appear on any other network except Fuchs Noose; and secretive behavior, among other things, they’d wake up and realize that she is an empty suit and a user. Where Palin is concerned, there is no there, there.

    Some of her supporters are upset today because she announced her support for Fiorina instead of DeVore in California’s gubernatorial race. Maybe this is the beginning of their awakening to the fact that Palin does whatever Palin thinks will promote Palin, and that she could care less about her supporters until it’s time to fleece them for more funds to finance her high flying lifestyle. To Palin, her supporters are collateral damage on her journey to achieving the life she feels she has always deserved, and if you ask her, she’ll say that God planned for her to be rich.


    1. majii, I have been gathering information all day regarding Fiorina, and expect to post an article tomorrow. thanks, Malia


  7. DootDittyDoot – it’s always good to go through old articles and posts for further perspective (reflection)on the whole 2008 GOP Presidential run experiment.

    As a non-partisan Alaskan that worked with the still new yet single-minded Palin Administration, the whole McCain tactic was a stunning and gobsmacking event. She was angling herself to catch the Party’s eye from the get-go.

    Let’s not forget Malia, her writing the announcement to Alaskans in the voice of God about Trig’s birth and condition.

    And for that opinion piece referenced about Palin’s debate (“how long have I been at thus, six weeks?”) should tell us all that if she were at adequate candidate, she wouldn’t have had ti bone up so much on very obvious world and domestic issues. And we are also supposed to accept her excuse to her defensive non-answer to the reading gimme question as her being irritated at Katie’s ‘insulting’ question about Alaskans?

    There is so much wrong with Sarah Palin the person, politico, wonk, mother, employee, boss, that it’s exhausting to go into her Chosen One complex.


  8. I’ve always been astounded by the blatant hypocrisy of those who claim to know the mind of their deity… yet in the same sentence turn around and say it’s “god’s will” or “strangest things”, or some such nonsense. They don’t have a fricking clue and are always trying to explain away their straw man beliefs.


  9. Miss Litman, Why do you use an ancient Celtic Family name as your first name? Malia is the name of the ancient Celts who gave their name to atheir palace on the grecian Isle of Crete, the Gulf of Malia, Malia Bay, and the Greeks called the Malia shipping Company, the Malia Thallossocracy, or “Dominian of the Sea.” The company ran for 500 years and ended some 3,500 years ago. NO MALIA IS NOT A GIRLS NAME. The Lords Malia would be greatly offended, and so am I.


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