Sarah Palin Remains Oblivious to Trig, to Animal Abuse, and to Common Sense!

palin dog announcement

For an entire week Sarah Palin disappeared. The rumor mill was out of control. It is still unclear if Sarah was just taking a holiday break, in a drug stupor, or dealing with a drug problem of a family member. Yesterday she emerged with another Facebook post. There were no pictures of presents around the tree or opening presents on Christmas morning. There were no pictures of a traditional waffle breakfast, playing games together, or anyone in her home, except Trig and the dog.
Her post was a simple one:

“Happy New Year!
May 2015 see every stumbling block turned into a stepping stone on the path forward. Trig just reminded me. He, determined to help wash dishes with an oblivious mama not acknowledging his signs for “up!”, found me and a lazy dog blocking his way. He made his stepping stone.
– Sarah Palin”

Then she posted these pictures.

trig steppin on dog

trig standing on dog

trig washing dishes while standing on dog

From the three line post and the three pictures, Sarah reminded us that:
1. There are no Christmas decorations to be seen in the house.
2. Trig still doesn’t speak.
3. Trig still doesn’t wear hearing aids.
4. Trig still doesn’t wear his glasses.
5. Sarah describes this specially trained dog as “lazy.”
6. Sarah remains “oblivious” to Trig’s needs.
7. No accommodations in the family home have been made for Trig(such as a step stool).

Not only was Sarah so irresponsible that she allowed Trig to step on the back of the dog, but she stopped to take pictures, and was then foolish enough to post them on Facebook.
Because she had the camera in hand, capturing the ascent as he stepped up on the family pet, it is likely that Trig did this, and Sarah had him repeat the behavior so she could capture it in photos.

I was so outraged to view the blatant mistreatment of a specially trained dog, that I looked into the background of the dog. Sarah got Hadassah from the Puppy Jake Foundation.

The mission of the Puppy Jake Foundation is to “ improve the physical and emotional well-being of wounded military veterans through well-bred, socialized and professionally trained service dogs.” Since Trig is a child with special needs, and has never served in the military, it is hard to understand why it was appropriate for Trig to have a dog that was trained and intended for a member of the military. It is even sadder that a soldier who might have benefited from having such a dog, goes without a dog. Instead, Hadassah is being wasted and abused in the Palin household.

The cost of training one of these dogs is $6000.00.

If you feel as I do that this treatment of any dog is outrageous, and abusive, please feel free to send the foundation a message here.
Perhaps they can take the dog back and find a soldier to give it a loving home.

Trig is almost 7 years old. The average weight of a 7 year old child with Down’s syndrome is 50 lbs. Imagine the permanent damage a 50 lb child could do to the spinal cord of a dog by placing all his weight on the dog!

Imagine the permanent damage Sarah Palin could do to a Down’s syndrome child by adopting him!

palin thanksgiving trig arm neckchocking


Palin’s post had resulted in over 12,000 comments. Sarah Palin has done a masterful job of staying in the news during a week that would otherwise be a slow news week. Way to go Sarah!

73 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Remains Oblivious to Trig, to Animal Abuse, and to Common Sense!

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  1. Except there’s not a person who currently knows them who sees Trig or animals that are anything but loved.

    Allow me to correct a few odd things:

    1. There are no Christmas decorations to be seen in the house. (from a limited view, this is your assessment? lol)
    2. Trig still doesn’t speak. (You’ve never met him, you’re not his teacher, you’re not there to hear him say I love you which he can say)
    3. Trig still doesn’t wear hearing aids. (you are qualified to assess that he needs them how now?)
    4. Trig still doesn’t wear his glasses. (you know he had eye surgery which you’ve acknowledged I believe)
    5. Sarah describes this specially trained dog as “lazy.” (simply because she was lying there.)
    6. Sarah remains “oblivious” to Trig’s needs. (lol which is why he’s been in school for 3 years now)
    7. No accommodations in the family home have been made for Trig (from a snapshot? Plus, you’ve seen things like babygates in pictures since 2008)

    Logic is getting worse


    1. The dog in that photo is not “being loved.” Nor is the child in the photo. By this point in his life, Trig should certainly understand that a real, live dog is not a stuffed toy. If he doesn’t understand that then his mother, real or otherwise, has not been caring for him properly. Why in the world would the Palins acquire a specially trained dog for a child who has absolutely no understanding of what a dog is, let alone how to get along with a service dog. But then, does your favorite heroine, Sarah Palin, have any understanding of anything?


    2. You really have no idea what you’re talking about.

      Step back from your computer and really THINK. You are bending over backwards to excuse an obviously stupid and dangerous event. Trig could easily hurt the dog. The dog could easily hurt Trig. And Sarah stood there and took multiple pictures.

      I don’t doubt that Trig has affection for the dog or that the dog is generous and patient. That’s not the point!

      I hope that deep down inside whatever emotional and/or mental illness is clouding your brain function, you really see that it’s not ok for Sarah Palin to let her son step on that dog.


      1. Ask any veterinarian if a dog should be stood on like that! He’ll say absolutely not! That kid probably weighs between fifty and seventy pounds for crying out loud.

        So many things could go wrong with that scenario! The dog is probably already being damaged and the kid could fall or be bitten!


    3. fuck off lilly. Go hang out at the anchorage airport & maybe you’ll see your girl crush rushing home from az to do damage control. You should be ashamed of yourself condoning the abuse of an innocent animal and the negligent care that poor child is receiving. I can only assume you’re a family member protecting your cash cow.


    4. Lilly

      You and I have to stick together on this. These pansies don’t understand the “buck up or get thrown under the truck” attitude.

      I remember when Todd drove his truck on my back and parked it. It hurt a little but I realized the man had to change the oil. My back hurt a little the hot oil in the eye is a different story. Regardless Todd’s truck runs better and I support the economy by having Medicare purchase a wheel chair.

      Lilly please help translate palin rituals they sometimes seem odd to the informed


      1. painchipeater,
        …and don’t forget that if Hadassah should be so lucky to be caressed by Todd, then all the trauma to her spine was worth it. Besides they have wheelchairs for dogs don’t they?


      2. I checked all of the Medicare fraud files in Todd’s office. It seems even he can’t scam the government for a dog wheel chair.

        He has a decent chance since he fleeced the dog from that wounded warriors dog training scam operation. Or he can sell my chair on eBay again.


      3. painchpeater,
        I hear that he wanted a male dog but only if he had a bi-colored …you know. When he couldn’t find one, he opted for a female.


    5. There is video of him simply screeching unintelligibly. He can not speak.
      He probably has gearing problems as he had deformed ears at birth externally, probably indicative of internal problems. He had eye surgery for his strabismus but may still need corrective refractive lenses. Dogs lie around aot – why does that make them lazy? Is he supposed to be cleaning the house? Big deal Tri-G has been in school for three years. He needed intensive therapy from birth you idiot.


  2. Thanks for posting this with the link for commenting to the Foundation! I just did & asked them to explain why they let Palin adopt this dog & asked if they’ve seen the photos of the youngest Palin standing on this dog!
    I asked them to please explain this & gave them my email & phone number.
    Good work Malia, as usual!


    1. Jeanabella,
      Thanks for submitting your remarks. I have sent mine, and hopefully they will get a lot more! Imagine the good a wounded soldier could do for this dog, and the dog for him!


  3. Thanks for the link, Malia. We need to all write to them. Dogs for wounded veterans. WTF? She manages to scam everything. This woman is beyond the pale.
    Happy New Year!


  4. Whether it’s the Thanksgiving Turkey Massacre, the Blood Libel Video, the Throw Down at the Hoedown, the Boy on Dog Scandal, or a host of other incidents, Sarah Palin has proven that she is completely tone-deaf. When that proficiency was handed out, Sarah was hiding behind the door.

    AKA Darlene Underdahl


  5. Someone else, I think in the IM comments, got in touch with someone from that foundation. The woman responded that the Palins paid for the dog and it’s theirs to do what they wish. Sickening.

    I agree that some veteran is denied this beautiful animal because of Palin’s greed. I bet she got the dog under the guise of Track’s reported “PTSD”, (coff coff *bullshit* coff coff). It was about the time she claimed he was involved with a group related to that, when they got the dog, as I recall.

    It’s so unfortunate that this woman is allowed to do whatever her money avails to her. And by her own words, she’ll keep doing what she wants until the courts tell her she can’t.

    This is abusive. I can’t imagine how much they yell at this poor dog so that it will tolerate the youngest boy’s challenging behavior. That’s the reason she doesn’t move. I bet a million dollars that Palin told her “STAY!!!”. Bitch. I hate her.


    1. If you go to the Puppy Jake Facebook site, they’re now claiming that volunteers raised and trained the dog all on their own, with no Puppy Jake input. That’s not what they said when they GAVE the dog to her last summer. They were hoping to ride her coat-tails….why, I don’t know, because anything Palin touched turns to crap.


      1. Anonymous,
        Typical…people love to be associated with Palin, until they find out they don’t want to be, and then they deny any connection!


    2. If this ‘organization’ claims no responsibility for the dog THEY SOLD to idiots, then it is time for THEIR local animal control, national SPCA, HSUS, and PETA to get involved. With more than just a comment to get their own names in the news. If this ‘organization’ claims to be tax exempt, they need to lose that rating.

      The palin KKKLAN needs to be ‘targeted’ as well.


      1. Now it’s been brought out that Palin has a relationship with someone in the leadership of this Puppy Jake organization. Should we therefore be surprised at their response?


    3. Originally it was said she “adopted” the service dog for Trig. Also, too, I understood it to be a gift…now with this obvious abuse the foundation is saying she “bought” the dog and can do whatever she likes? Doesn’t make sense to me that a foundation dedicated to training dogs would say such a thing. But then again, Becky Beach is a Palin supporter…


      1. This is the comment on IM to which I am referring:”Sent from my iPhone

        On Aug 27, 2014, at 1:45 AM, wrote:

        Sarah Palin paid for everything associated with the dog. Additionally, the dog was raised by volunteers on their own time.

        ——– Original Message ——–
        Subject: Sarah Palin
        From: “Pam Gabriel”
        Date: Tue, August 26, 2014 6:50 am

        Why did Sarah Palin get a puppy? Why would I donate to an organization that
        is suppose to be for Veterans and you are giving dogs to Millionaires.

        Pam Gabriel


  6. That this has gone international, Malia, goes to show you how wrong it is. She just can’t help herself, can she? I thought she had advisers.


    1. CIP,
      People who don’t speak English react to the photo. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to look at those pictures and know that the parent taking the pictures is a sociopath. What kind of a parent would allow this, much less take pictures, post them on Facebook, and praise their child for creative thinking.


  7. OUTRAGEOUS!!! I cringed when I saw the photos. Then I sent a complaint to the Foundation. Let’s hope everyone else who views this abuse does the same thing. Problem is: if any action is taken, Sarah will just blow it all off as victimization by misguided dog-hugging liberals. What a total dumbass thing to allow! Everybody but Sarah (and “Lilly”) knows that a dog’s backbone is fragile when it comes to bearing a load. They’re not horses for Christsake!


  8. Thank you for the link to the Puppy Jake Foundation. I just sent the following:
    I have seen the youtubes, and read the reports of the differences service dogs make in the lives of wounded veterans. I don’t know the background of how Trig Palin received a service dog from the Puppy Jake Foundation. Trig is a special needs child, not a wounded veteran. Being a high profile family, by having the Puppy Jake Foundation tied to the Palin name gives a lot of publicity to a good cause. However, the pictures posted by Sara Palin on New Years Day clearly show their service dog being abused and mistreated. Since the original posting, this abuse has been reported worldwide. I would suggest the foundation remove that poor service dog from the Palin household to maintain any kind of accountability. Allowing such an animal to suffer in that household puts the foundation in the same category as an inhumane puppy mill. I don’t think the old adage, “Any publicity is good publicity” applies in this case.


  9. Malia – I emailed Puppy Jake Foundation yesterday. Sarah apparently hasn’t taught Trig about the treatment of animals. In the Thanksgiving video with Sarah, Trig, and Tripp on the couch, Tripp kicked the dog so that should be pointed out too. And, of course, Sarah didn’t tell Tripp not to kick the dog. She is so stupid. If Trig had to “sign” the word up, how in the hell does he communicate with the dog? Shame on Sarah! Shame on Puppy Jake Foundation for allowing this family of morons to buy a service dog for a DS child instead of giving the dog to a solider.


    1. Sharon,
      Shame on Sarah for letting Trig treat the dog this way. One day if Trig gets bitten by the dog, they’ll probably say she needs to be put down, and then what a travesty!


  10. We all know how all the dogs in their household are treated, quite badly I’m sure. They have no respect for animals, they were brought up to believe they are worthless. They are just props for the Palins. I’m sure they don’t even understand why people are upset over the treatment of this particular dog. They really are sociopaths with Socio Sarah leading.


    1. One of the responders to the ASPCA response was that the Palins had already brought one of their pets to a ‘pound’ and that they expect this dog to end up there sooner or later, too…


  11. children with dogs need to learn how to treat their pets….down syndrome children especially need to learn that over and over….when watching the thanksgiving video of how the kids interacted with their pets…was very frustrating…sarah could have taken a moment in her video to say no, trig, don’t choke the dog…be gentle…or when trip tried to kick jill in the face….could have said…No trip…we don’t kick our pets…and gently tell a ‘trained dog” go sit down…..but no….she does not teach her kids to do anything but lie and they act out and she makes excuses…..

    hey lilly, that part of the kitchen just looked bare so maybe she is not a big Christmas decorator for a holiday she “fights ” for.
    It was noted before that he doesn’t speak yet but grunts for everything….and she publicly never tries to get him to say anything, unlike most parents, who continue teaching their children to speak.
    Hearing aides….if he needed them before….he would still need them now….unless he got an implant but probably not. (before you argue Lilly, one of my degrees is in special education.
    trig may not need eye glasses….but corrective surgery for cross eyes is usually 2 surgeries….not one and they continue to use glasses until they are much older and can help vocalize what they see and differentiate what they see…..trig was not old enough to do that when sarah said he had corrective eye surgery unless it was for cross eyes….2 surgeries…
    that is sarah’s stupidity/ignorance if she wants to describe the service dog as lazy……the dog was a victim of a down syndrome child that is not being taught how to interact with his dog… can defend it all you want…it just makes you look stupid as well. Sarah is lazy, uncaring for animal life and abusive if she is not teaching trig and tripp how to care for their pets. Your defense is militant ignorance.
    So you think that trig’s needs are being met if sarah shuffled him to school for last 3 years…..most people start their DS children with services when they are toddlers, even earlier, not 4 since he is 7……and any really intelligent “parent” doesn’t leave it all to the school…..especially in limited surroundings in Alaska. lol They are constantly interacting, teaching, and doing amazing things with their DS children…..trig is behind in skills, obviously, eating habits, etc. He is capable of learning and being there like his normal peers in most cases. That is lazy parenting….leaving it to the school, not teaching and training him as opportunities arise…like the thanksgiving video……
    Lilly… come on here to check to see what is being said so you can “defend ” it in an uniformed manner with little rational logic…..are you a palin, or family member, or paid troll? Or are you so infatuated you are of no help to sarah or trig or any of her family members, esp. a service dog? You will overlook anything to protect her…….better seek a good counselor.


  12. Puppy Jake Foundation claims that Jill was not trained by any trainer in the PJF. Sarah made it seem like they got the dog from the PJF but someone on there website said Jill is not a PJF trained dog.


    1. This is what Sarah said in her FB:

      Happy household this weekend as we welcomed a new addition to our family! Our new four-legged love, Jill Hadassah, comes to us with great training under her collar by our friend in Iowa Becky Beach and her Puppy Jake Foundation, along with Canine Craze in Des Moines. The Puppy Jake charity trains dogs for adoption by our service men and women, including those recovering from PTSD, as well as families with special needs. Jill Hadassah has been trained to be Trig’s buddy, and we’re over the moon to finally have her home! Thrilled, too, because all the rescue dogs and cats our kids have adopted over the years will hopefully learn something from our first dog trained to do anything! She’s brilliant and beautiful, and we feel very blessed to have her.
      Thank you so much, Becky and Puppy Jake Foundation, for working with this tail-wagging bundle of love. We’ll treasure her, as she joins the rest of the current furry members of our family: Lucy, Lola, and Wilson.
      Please visit the Puppy Jake Foundation to learn more about the great work they do, and join us in supporting them if you feel led to do so!
      – Sarah Palin and family


      1. All the dogs and cats her kids have rescued over the years? Exactly what happened to all those dogs and cats? I’ve never seen nor heard about a single cat and there have only been a couple dogs, more recently.

        Just more bullshit.


      2. I read that the “foundation” has actually only place one dog. That’s ONE. The IRS needs to investigate them. And now that Palin has brought them out into the open, I think it’s not only warranted, but a little Schadenfreude-inducing. They are ultra-conservative, likely Evangelical bible thumpers like Palin, and they’re using dogs to further their agenda. Well, to be fair, dog. One dog, it turns out.

        Instead of wasting words on Puppy Jake, I think those who are inclined should write to whatever board in Iowa that licensed this place. Enough complaints and they’ll get checked out. Palin brought this on them. Bless their hearts.


      3. lol Excellent.
        The PJF wanted the publicity Palin could provide by this post, but they got a hell of a lot more than they bargained for. They can’t backtrack now. these are their queens OWN sacred words lol!


      4. Puppy Jake Foundation’s site says nothing about training dogs for “families with special needs,” as SP claims on her FB page, quoted just above.


  13. A very Happy New Year Malia, to you and your family! First off, what palin did and encourages is disgusting, lazy behaviour! As for “Lilly”, kiss my ass troll! You have been hanging around on that Puppy Jake page as “Lily St. Clair”, and sniping at everyone who has admonished the AK dunce for this most outrageous prop yet! Heads up Malia, the palin ass-kisser is not done by a long shot!


    1. abbafan,
      I know this is only the beginning, but everyone who has a child would tell their child never to stand on a dog’s back, even if it was another person’s dog. Most people wouldn’t boil bear brains for that special holiday aroma,so it isn’t too surprising to me that Palin lets Trig stand on the dog’s back. The amazing thing is that she is stupid enough to post a picture of it on line and suggest that we should be impressed with how self-sufficient Trig is.


  14. Hi! My Names Jill Hadassa!

    I’d like to meet you but I’m busy working!

    I’m just a dog but I still like looking at my BFF Triggers iPad!

    Pipper and Willo bookmarked some things tor Triggers to click on with this iPad.

    My favorites are Animal Planet and the cat video channels!

    I don’t like when Triggers plays Grand Theft Auto V the peoples on it are mean!

    When Triggers wants to get Grannie Aggro all wee weeed up he clicks on the link to this site or the one for Immoral Minority! Triggers starts laughing at all the funny face pictures of Grannie Aggro. Then when Triggers is bored and Grannie Aggro is oblivious Triggers shows Grannie Aggro those funny pictures. Then Grannie Aggro is all wee weed up! I don’t like people who kick and hit and step on kids and dogs 😦

    No matter what Grannie Aggro says, I really am a good dog and I always try to help Triggers.
    I’m just a dog and dogs cant type.

    If dogs could type I’d type #Doghazi and #HelpJillHadassa!

    Can you type these for me? Grannie Aggro is always yelling about Twitter so maybe do that 4 me too with those tags! If Triggers knew how he’d help me out!

    Also too for my BFF Triggers could you type #HelpTriggers and #Icantspeak?

    Thanks! And love your favorite dog for me!


    1. Oh hell-obvious abuse of a loving animal aside-we all know she didn’t take the photos or write the caption. I suspect she’s been under her bed for a couple of weeks.


  15. my god, that poor kid is probably looking for solid food!
    I was at the Rose Parade yesterday, didn’t see a sign of Sarah supporting the Special Olympics float (special Olympics here in LA this year). Guess they don’t pay $262,500 for an appearance.


  16. Dear Sarah Louise Palin –

    2015 is here. Put the drugs down. Check yourself into a year-long rehab program. Learn how to live like a person among people.

    (you are not a “governor” in rehab – you are a human being amongst other human beings. nor are you a flutist. nor will you be the kmart shopper who lost the 2008 election to a black democrat. nor will you be chastised for your candied pecan recipe of 17 pounds granulated sugar per every one pecan. nor will you be the former wife of a pimp. and you won’t have to pretend to run the entire 2016 election and country and planet and fail like every addict does as the entire basis of addiction is the illusion of control when in fact everyone sees it but you don’t and cant because you are caught up in active using.)


  17. And to continue on Ms Beach and the Jill H Palin debacle. Despite the horrid press Puppy Jake is receiving, the FB page has not issued a comment but rather posts their first official newsletter. Becky also just happens to be a board member of She-Pac. Just google Becky Beach and Sarah Palin in the same search and it brings up lots of little goodies about this woman and her history.

    BTW, according to posters on the review section of the PJF page, Jill is not a service dog but a companion dog and was trained by one of the PJF volunteer trainers.

    PJF should be jumping to their feet to issue a comment on the deplorable treatment of this companion animal but instead they put out their inaugural issue of their newsletter. Shame on them!


    1. Sheesh, volunteer trainers could have spent the 4 months (at least) they spent raising and training Jill on raising and training a dog for a wounded vet.


  18. Enough about the dog. What about Trigg? Ever se a kid step on a dog’s back and the dog moves? What kind of idiot lets a kid handle whatever might be in the sink, glass, china, knives, forks, while standing on a dog?????!!! The dog stands up, Trigg falls on a glass or a knife. Social services should take Trigg away from this lazy person.

    Is Lilly the former LSD? Sounds like the same writer. I wonder if it’s the same Lilly from Blazing Saddles.


    1. aj,
      …or when the dog moves he falls and knocks his teeth out on the counter, or his teeth cut through his lip! What sane parent would ever let any child do this,,,especially a special needs child? Worse, what parent would get the camera out to take pictures of the event?


      1. Thirty years ago, as a little boy, my brother tripped, hit his chin and bit through his tongue. (Not standing on a dog. He is the gentlest person with animals, always has been) Not only was it a horrifying injury physically, it traumatized him to the point that he was non verbal for months as the stitches were removed and the scars healed. That kind of setback is the last thing a child like Trig needs. He has already fallen so far behind because of his families lack of diligence.


      2. meghan,
        …and any mother who was paying attention would never let Trig stand like that, even if she didn’t care about the dog, because she’d realize that Trig could be hurt.


  19. Sarah Palin does not care about the dog, Tri-g, nor any of her dysfunctional offspring. Neither Sarah nor Todd admonished Willow when she slammed Piper’s face into her birthday cake. Willow is a mean sneaky bitch, who gets pleasure out of causing problems for others. How many ‘stalkers’ has she invited to their compound, then cried stalking?


  20. I haven read any of the comments yet, so if anyone said the same: sorry!

    Anyway: I believe Sarah has bitten of a bit more than she can chew this time. She has even enraged some of her faithful ‘fans’, because these pictures are a sign of animal abuse. The ASPCA has even reported her ‘to the appropriate agency’ according to their FB page, since so many people have been posting on their website. International media have taken up the story, PETA is outraged.
    This is bigger than her ‘blood libel’ video, because there is a puppy involved IMHO. No agency has every investigated any of the child neglect reports, but now that it goes about a puppy, they react.
    I guess, better now than never, right? Maybe someone at child protective services will see the pictures and decide to FINALLy follow up on the neglect reports?

    I can hope, right?


    1. FedUp!

      WE will all continue to hope that something sparks the interest of somebody to investigate the fraud of Sarah Palin. We know she is a disease that infects America,…but imagine having her as your mother!!! OMG! The Courtsshould appoint a guardian-ad-litem to investigate her on behalf of Trig.


  21. If anyone wants to take further action, the Alaska SPCA advise they have contacted the appropriate authorities>> “Regarding the posts to our wall and messages about Sarah Palin’s dog: The Alaska SPCA agrees that this type of behavior with an animal is unacceptable. Please know that the appropriate enforcement authorities have been notified. The location of the household falls under the jurisdiction of the Mat Su Animal Care and Regulation. You can register complaints there as well. (907) 746-5500”
    Also try their website


    1. Unfortunately the MatSu animal care (aka the pound) does absolutely nothing about complaints unless there are large numbers of animals (often 50 or more) involved and some are already dead (often starved to death). The horror of the ones they deign to actually investigate make the Tri-G/Jill debacle seem like a my little pony tale. I did some rescuing at one of those they weren’t ready to tackle. There were already 10 dead on chains, and the rest were walking skeletons.

      The pound is a dead end, and HSUS and ASPCA have no enforcement authority in AK.


      1. FrostyAK,
        I am so sorry to hear that, but I’m not surprised due to all the other things I know about the government in Alaska.


  22. Malia & others, I’ve always heard Trig needed glasses and a hearing aid for each ear. Do you know of any solid documentation? Thanks


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