Fey and McCain Predicted Palin’s Future in 2008, and McCain’s Loss

8 thoughts on “Fey and McCain Predicted Palin’s Future in 2008, and McCain’s Loss

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  1. Malia,
    Why does Sarah NOT volunteer?
    why does Sarah NOT donate?
    Why does sarah NOT respond to Katie Couric with newspaper info?
    Why does Sarah NOT refund my bridge to nowhere money?
    ad infinitum….
    What’s your take?
    Best, c


    1. There’s not one altruistic bone in Palin’s body. “Volunteer” and “donate” are simply not in her vocabulary (not just because they are seemingly ideologically repugnant to her, but also because they have too many syllables.)


  2. also, do you think Sarah Palin has ever (or do you, or not, have documentation that shows us that….) she has, or has not:

    Rescued baby Seals
    Not Been A Vehement Cunque
    Helped Needy Children
    Given Hand jobs To homeless blacque Men While On Meth
    Blown any Alaska state troopers for favors/payoffs
    Lied about her superfake breasts
    Lied. Period.



  3. Malia why have the Feds not intervened and taken “Trig” from Sarah? Why has Obama not required Congress to Intervene on this Little Patriot’s Well-Being???


    1. Sarah abandons all for money,
      I have no idea and I’ve focused my energy on the prostitution ring. It’s amazing to me that bring THAT scandal to light is so hard!


  4. Know what jumped out at me? That stupid-ass fake-Fargo accent Palin put on for 2008. Nobody else in her family or her town talked like that, but she thought it would bring her closer to her “base” to sound like a bad movie impression. Lately she’s dropped that accent, most recently talkin’ ’bout “varmints” to people in Tennessee. What a fake loser she is.


  5. She couldn’t name which newspaper she likes to read or knew which countries are members of NAFTA. In other words, she’s a corrupted pseudo politician who worships money and power.


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