Republicans Compromise on Towel Service

palin halloween costume

Has Fox News ever been critical of the Republican Party? They have now. In a recent clip from Greta Van Sustern, the Republicans were identified as people unconcerned with the average American, and totally focused on themselves.
The story revealed that the Republicans have deemed their swimming pool, basketball courts, sauna and steam room as “essential items”. Taxpayers are still paying for maintenance and cleaning of these work-out areas. The GOP has compromised by forfeiting the towel service.

government shutdown fox news gymn

Just to review, let’s consider what is considered to be “essential” in the way of government services. “Essential activities” are defined as those services designed to protect life and property or services essential to the national security interest.”

For example “non-essential” services include :
 The National Institutes of Health will stop accepting new patients for clinical research and stop answering hotline calls about medical questions.
 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will stop its seasonal flu program and have a “significantly reduced capacity to respond to outbreak investigations.”
 The Department of Housing and Urban Development will not be able to provide local housing authorities with additional money for housing vouchers.
 The Department of Homeland Security will no longer operate its E-Verify program, which means that businesses will not be able to check on the legal immigration status of prospective employees during the shutdown.
 The Justice Department will suspend many civil cases for as long as the government is shut down.
 The National Park Service will close more than 400 national parks and museums, including Yosemite National Park in California, Alcatraz in San Francisco, and the Statue of Liberty in New York.
 The Environmental Protection Agency will close down almost entirely during a shutdown, save for operations around Superfund sites.
 Many of the Labor Department’s regulatory offices will close, including the Wage and Hour Division and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (The Mine Safety and Health Administration will, however, stay open.)
 The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which oversees the vast U.S. derivatives market, will largely shut down.
 The Social Security Administration won’t have enough employees to do things like help recipients replace their benefit cards or schedule new hearings for disability cases.
 The Veterans Benefits Administration will be unable to process education and rehabilitation benefits. The Board of Veterans’ Appeals will be unable to hold hearings. What’s more, if the shutdown lasts for more than two or three weeks, the Department of Veterans Affairs has said that it may not have enough money to pay disability claims and pension payments. That could affect some 3.6 million veterans.
 The Department of Agriculture will cut off support for the Women, Infants and Children program, which helps pregnant women and new moms buy healthy food and provides nutritional information and health care referrals. The program reaches some 9 million Americans.

How can the GOP reconcile paying themselves salary, and continuing to charge the American people for use of their exercise facilities, which the deem to be “essential services”, but 9 million women and children are unable to buy healthy food?

ryan lifting weights

No wonder the Republican Party has fallen to an all-time low approval ratings. Now only 24% of Americans have a favorable view of Republicans, which is the very lowest level since the poll was started. A whopping 70% of Americans recognize that Republicans are putting politics ahead of what is best for the country. Gallup Polls confirm these declining numbers, finding that only 28% of Americans still have a favorable view of Republicans. That is the lowest rating since Gallup started asking questions 21 years ago!

Even when they get their towels back, it’s doubtful whether they can clean up the mess they’ve created.

elephant turd

14 thoughts on “Republicans Compromise on Towel Service

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  1. Should be closed which would force those still using their offices as their living quarters to vacate as then the showers would not be available and the GOP/TB stink would be worse than what it is now. Living in their offices is ‘free rent’ and ‘tax free’. Those offices aren’t zoned ‘residential’. This was an issue some time back that CREW was going after along with K Street cheap lodging. Have no idea where it stands or if it fell through the cracks.


  2. If Neugebauer uses the gym, he can rail at the manager about the lack of towel service entitlement. Bachman, Gohmert, and King can show up for a grandstand photo-op. Never miss an opportunity.


  3. You try and give up towel service. It’s not fun. When they hose me off I used to get a paper towel to dry off. Now they roll me on the rug. It wasnt so bad until they moved me into the broom closet. The tile floor is flipping cold.

    The sacrifices are getting hard for our electorate. I heard the ice machine went down and they have to drink thier scotch room temperature. Some are forced polish their own shoes. I am not sure how much longer they can suffer.


    1. Paintchipeater,
      Somebody told me that they were drawing the line at panty-washers! Their new motto is “Give me panty washers or give me death.”


      1. It reminds me of cloths smuggling of 2008. There was a
        pair of Calvin kliens that seemed to be mating with an old towel. We tried to chisel them apart but the looked so happy.

        Bristol came up with a great idea to empty the panty warehouse. We sold the really crunchy panties as moter cycle helmets. You got a free book and a helmet for 50 bucks. Sarah wore one to a moter cycle rally it looked pretty good.

        Please don’t bring up panties anymore. They don’t like it wen I cry in my sleep.


  4. That is, (corny dogs), the most credible news ever shown about Iowa Fair Bachmann in the infamous deep throat photo!

    Poor Marcus was standing by reduced to tears!

    His feminine side, you know.


    1. laurenSD1,
      I know and those photos are seared in my memory. I wish I could have a medical procedure to remove them, but alas, I’m afraid that long after they are unable to take money from the Government any longer, I’ll think of those cony dog pictures!


  5. Pictures do say a thousand words. The epitomy of the Republican party is in that pile!
    They have absolutely NO SHAME –NONE! They think because they’re little crowd of psychopathic Tbaggers cheer them on that it represents the country’s views as well. They refuse to look no further than FOX and the GOP. They do not look beyond Tbaggers and their Koch Bros orders, Citizens United, Heritage Foundation– who I might add stole hundreds of thousands from their Tbaggers who deposited their money..lucky for the Tbaggers it was FDIC once again the GOP organizations get away with rippping off their igoramous constituency but they will still vote for them. becuase they’ll get their money back from FDIC after the GOP KOCH BROS spent it on shoddy real estate packages. But these morons continue to blame democrats while their own leaders are the ones who have ripped them off time and time again..taken from them time and time again and the idiots still vote GOP. You just don’t get any dumber or more stupid than a RW constituent. I’m sorry. There is no excuse to be that much either in denial or just plain fricken stupid!


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