The Foul Stench of Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz

palin and cruz

In March of 2010 Congress passed the law that mandated nationalized healthcare for Americans. That was two years into Obama’s first term, two years before Obama was re-elected, and almost one year after Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska. Since that time Sarah Palin hasn’t run for anything; but only run-off at the mouth. Forty times the House has voted to repeal “Obamacare” and 40 times the Senate has voted against that effort. While the many problems facing America have been ignored by lawmakers, we continue to watch as they devote their time to this insanity. Over and over they vote with the same result. The national debt rises. Education deteriorates. Infants and children are gassed in Syria. Gun violence proliferates. People are out of work. Infrastructure declines. Pollution escalates. Restrictions on abortion increase. Veterans lack the services they so desperately need. Violence against women and sex trafficking is on the rise. The cost of a college education rises to new levels. The debt ceiling spirals upward while America’s credit rating spirals downward. Yet the House of Representatives continues its course in attempting to repeal Obamacare, over and over and over.

In its latest approach, the House, at the urging of Ted Cruz, has voted to defund the Affordable Care Act. The President has pledged to veto the bill. The Senate leadership has already indicated they will veto it. Thus the the repeal of the Affordable Care Act will result in a Government shut down. Such a shut down would result in failure to fund (1) Small Business Loans, (2) Shut Down of D.C.’s monuments, parks, and museums, (3) Medical Research, (4) Suspension of passport services, and (5)trash collection in the nation’s capital.–abc-news-topstories.html The amazing this is that independent experts agree that the shutdown would have a minimal impact on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The reason is that the money flowing to the 16 states, and the District of Colombia that are running their own ACA exchange is part of a “permanent appropriation” and not subject to annual appropriations.

The impact of this vote to repeal ACA is even greater due to its potential effect on the need to raise the debt ceiling. The New York Magazine explains:

“What makes the House Republican strategy so disturbing is that this flailing effort to solve the government shutdown problem is exacerbating the vastly worse debt ceiling problem.”

Even Republican leaders have been outspoken about he danger of a government shutdown. John McCain said:

“ Cruz can do whatever he wants to with the rules of the Senate….I can tell you, in the United States Senate we will not repeal or defund Obamacare, and to think we can, is not rational.”

Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, said:
“I didn’t go to Harvard or Princeton, but I can count —the defunding box canyon is a tactic.”

Republican Representative Peter King accused Ted Cruz of “committing a fraud against the American people for suggesting that “the strategy will work”.

King thinks Cruz will no longer have any influence in the Republican Party.

Democrat Eric Swalwell explained that Republicans should:

“wake up from this radical ideological wet dream and come back to reality.”

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Steve Israel explained that we have reached a “new low” and pointed to a “chaos and dysfunction of House Republicans.” “House Republicans have now made their priorities crystal clear: they will protect insurance companies’ profits at all costs, even when it hurts middle class families,” he said.

palin rages

Sarah Palin has weighed in on this disaster. In her usual way she promotes the efforts of Ted Cruz regardless of the consequences. Reality has never constrained Palin’s comments, and her recent rant about defunding Obamacare is no exception. However she seems to be creating an even greater chasm between her comments and reality. For example, she says that the “majority of Americans don’t want Obamacare.”

The truth is the opposite. The majority of Americans, 58% still favor national health care. However 44% of Americans are unclear about whether it is still the law. With people like Sarah Palin spewing her lies, it is no wonder that people are confused.

It’s been over four years since Sarah Palin resigned as Governor. During that time she has promoted hate, discord, and ill will. People often say she is irrelevant, but when people like Ted Cruz, who was endorsed by Palin, cause such total dysfunction of government, it is clear that she is still having an impact. If America is to recover from the myriad of problems facing this country, we can no longer afford to tolerate this type of discord. It’s foul. It stinks. We are finished being polite. All Americans, and especially the GOP, need to put Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin back into the holes from which they emerged.

port a potty

20 thoughts on “The Foul Stench of Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz

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  1. It’s amazing how much power she has! She doesn’t even have an office. But Republicans are ignoring their own leadership and following her. Nobody cares anymore what Mitch McConnell, John McCain and whoever else has to say. Unbelievably, she is calling the shots, and since she’s unelected, she gets to say whatever she wants! She not answerable to anyone. I’ve never seen influence like this. Now, granted, I’m young and I haven’t been observing very long, but I’m just stunned by the power she’s been able to accumulate and grow since her resignation, and how she weilds it leaves me slack-jawed. I mean, she’s a losing VP candidate! In her most recent column, she brags that her political obituary has been written so many times, she’s practically Lazarus. And she’s right. How did this happen?!

    I’m convinced that we are doing something wrong. I wish I knew what it was!


      1. Hi, cheryl! No, I don’t think the GOP is listening to her. It’s starting to look to me as if she’s going to split the GOP in two. Even McCain is finally sprouting a pair and coming down on Ted Cruz over defunding Obamacare. But there’s Palin, out on a limb, egging Cruz on, and who’s listening to her? Not the GOP. That party doesn’t give a large mammal’s behind about her and her opinions. The ones who are problematic are the ones who follow her – rank and file Republicans, TEA Partiers and other assorted voters. And that is what is worrisome to me because I really do think they’re taking their marching orders from her. And I have to say that as a phenomenon, it really is quite amazing.

        In my estimation, it is something that needs to be undone. Her power base needs to be eroded. How, I don’t know. But right now, it is undeniable that she is a force. To deny that is folly. Look at the first picture in this post. It reads: Vote for Palin-endorsed Ted Cruz. Malia herself says, “….. it is clear she is still having an impact.”. She lost the election in ’08, then resigned as Governor, and still, she’s a major player. There’s no denying that.


      2. She did not lose an election!!! McCain did. And she is not a huge force. She effects the lowest group in the country- maybe at most 10% of the total population.


    1. Stop trying to pretend that you are in agreement with the spirit of this blog. WE are not doing anything wrong. You, on the other hand, suffer from the delusion that we don’t see through your BS.

      SP’s descent into the low lights was predicted and now has materialized.

      Insanity and Criminality — Perfect together.


    2. Dang write she gots power

      On the seventh day god created Sarah and then took the rest of the day off. It’s common cents.

      Just cuz you people focus on facts and reality doesn’t make you write. It’s all to boring. The polickticians have a choice. Listen to broke people or listen to Koch suckers like Sarah.


    3. Ms sarah louise heathen palin really only has bamboozled a few. Nobody is following that loon or the other loon from the goon cruz. Both are insanely disgusting and that is what they appeal to that few. Very few. for now but not for long. Watch. sarah does not have power. she is only escaping conviction for now.


    4. Power, Elle? She has no power at ALL and she knows it. MSM knows it as well, she’s just a carnival barker and they “report” it because, face it, the weirder you are the more attention and she sucks it up. Nut job personified.


    5. Elle,
      News flash: no one is following Sarah Palin any more except people like you, and people like us who like a good laugh. She only “calls the shots” among her rabid bots, who would continue to support and defend her if she shot her neighbor’s dog and roasted it for dinner.

      If you are so stunned by her power and influence, why don’t you give her more money. In fact, if you tithed a portion of your paycheck to her, she just might send you an autographed (stamped) copy of her Christmas book. Wouldn’t that be special? And don’t forget her children in your will. I know you are young, but it’s never too soon to start planning.


  2. You’re right Malia, we are all sick of this right wing bs!

    We, the country, voted President Obama in, we won! Now they, the Republicans, need to allow his policies to go into affect.

    We voted for him and his ideas! Not the Republicans, who don’t seem to have any ideas except wanting to controlwomen.


  3. ahhhh chucky ducky-ho down. cruz and palin? 2 pure evil hateful terrible awful disgusting con artist working for the devil himself.
    It still amazes me that the Republican party can convince their poorest voters that they do not need healthcare, food, relief from economy. It is amazing to me that someone poor and so proud that they can be convinced to not take that bread and basic preventative healthcare at affordable cost? I just do get it. How does the republican’s do this? Does anyone know?


  4. They close down schools, deny college loans, red states only let their constituents listen to FOX–propoganda controlled–so they hear nor see nothing else. And know nothing else but the hate and lies taught by the GOP. The red states are basically Jonestowns, if you will. Only difference is they are being poisened and killed slowly before our eyes, everything taken from them by the GOP piece by piece , so they can’t see it. They convince them everything bad that is happening is the work of the dems. So yes. Their pride will never let them admit their leaders are using and abusing and denying them everytying all at once they continue to vote GOP. Because again, like I said the GOP owns their minds and schools. They underinform lie cheat and steal from their people every day. They’ve spent 17 million trying to defund Obama care. Just think how many jobs that could obeen instead of lying to their constituents we’re to appeal Obamacare for the 41st time. See? No school. No mind.The RW has created their own illiterate leaders constituents because they sit back and allow their party to destroy them too. Not just me as a dem..YOU too. Idjit! Please vote for a life next Democratic. Where you can live in a civlized society. The GOP has a very uncivilized and racist plan for your future.


  5. Curooze is delusional. $carah is just plain stupid. They’ll make a perfect ticket for POTUS in 2016. But they’ll have to shun the establishment GOPPERS and form an independent party called the “Fundychristian Unamerican Cabal of Knuckledragging Egregious Deranged Unpatriotic Phobic Pinheads.” Yes, the FUCKEDUPP Party. They’ll get 99.99% of the vote from those real ‘Muricans, even without the help of Flush Limpballs and Faux News. The Koch Brothers could easily part with a few billion and finance the whole train wreck, making sure we can “take our country back”.

    2016 can be a moment of truth. With this new party,,the election can serve as a census. We’ll know true number of ignorant, racist, bigoted, anti-education, and anti-science troglodytes still out there. Like everyone else, rednecks only get to vote once..


  6. I don’t believe the GOP is listening to palin ! she is so kindergarten with word ryhmes. is fox the only news channel she will appear on! her ignorant chatter is so shameful. just not a smart woman at all. so surprised she is still around with nonsense. so un-american, I have (5 adult children and (6 grandchildren they would share with me nicely mom please have a seat and please be quiet. is her family listening at all ? she really needs prayer!


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