George Zimmerman Shops for a 12-shot Shotgun

zimmerman at gun shop


George Zimmerman is back in Florida. It seems he now spends his spare time at gun shops where he is something of a celebrity. 

Now that he has been cleared of the Murder of Trayvon Martin, he is sporting the shaved head, and beard image that we have come to recognize in the image of the killer we recognized.

george zimmerman night of shooting no blood on jacket

It seems he is in the market for a special type of shotgun, the Kel Tec KSG. It’s especially good for neighborhood watch captains who live in neighborhoods where there are as many as 12 “suspicious” black unarmed teen just walking around, looking about.  If they spread out, or try to run away, this type of shot gun is especially good because you can kill everyone trying to get away.

zimmerman gun

24 thoughts on “George Zimmerman Shops for a 12-shot Shotgun

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    1. sallyinmi,
      My thoughts exactly. And if Zimmerman kills again, they probably couldn’t introduce evidence of the first killing.


  1. I doubt very much that Sarah has a degree. For one thing, she can’t decide what her alleged degree is in- journalism or communications? She doesn’t know, and very few people seem to remember her from her college adventures.


  2. Thanks for sharing this information. I am disgusted by this type of “celebrity” that seems to be the norm these days rather than the exception. So sad when an unarmed teenager can be shot and killed by a wannabe cop.


  3. No worries. Someday he’ll be the one trying to get away and KABOOM!
    Sweet dreams Georgie boy, look out behind you, quick! Gotcha’


    1. Hey Grasshopper! Good to see you! Missed you. How’s the garden? Found a book on Indian beading thought you might like. Lost your address.

      Oh, I think his day is coming. Wonder how high he would jump if someone threw a fire cracker at him! 🙂 Probably wet his pants!


  4. I wonder if Zimmerman yet understands that he will be dogged by reporters watching his every move? Zimmerman’s chances of getting a responsible job in law enforcement are between negligible and nil. There are lots of forms of punishment beside jail. Welcome to the rest of his life.


    1. BW,
      Yes anyone who would hire him for any type of security job or law enforcement now would be a law suit waiting to happen. If I were a gun shop owner I wouldn’t even want to sell him another gun.


    1. @Foreward, he did indeed play his fellow racist and is now debt free thanks to them. He played the I’m fearing for my life card. Where is his body guard and, he has now shaved that “LUMPY” HEAD OF HIS. It would be awful nice, if one of his benefactors would be the one to take his ass out. He played them like a violin. LMAO


      1. Actually Im kinda amazed that the wanna bee is accepted among manly he men, hunters, athletes. Because zimmy and even his brother are clearly lacking and somebody will have to carry that POS. Yes indeed. zim will go out one day with the men and he just might get hurt. Zim will never be free, he will roam and be a chicken coward forever. Lost, confused, alone, afraid, scared, DOOMED WITH VERY BAD KARMA.


  5. Ps……anyone catch the Bristol article in national enquirer 8/19? booze it up and ship the trip to az with grandma azzclown


  6. Good! He has the same right as a anyone else to own a firearm. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers who agreed that the instant Trayvon landed the first blow, he became the assailant and Zimmerman defended himself.


    1. Wrong. Wrong heather. This case was failed from the neighborhood watch meeting through to the trial. First off HOA’s must not be allowed to allow a self appointed moron with a gun to patrol those streets in the usa. Next. That Hispanic georgie Zimmerman got away with murder for now.


    2. Little ms. Racist heather, I hope you can never have kids, and if by chance you already do, I hope one of them will meet the same fate as Trayvon. You dirty trashy racist don’t believe this bastards lies and you know you don’t. You are only praising this piece of shit, because of the color of his innocent victims skin.



    1. or better yet…….defend themselves against him. Zimmy is threatening and scary…….he fits the profile of a criminal in MY NEIGHBORHOOD


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