Last Letter to Homeland Security Before Filing Suit Next Week

*Jan 01 - 00:00*05_Flatbed_WEB

The following letter has been sent today by Federal Express as a final desperate attempt to limit the attorneys fees and expense of a suit which is scheduled to be filed next week.


Malia Litman

(my address)


Department of Homeland Security

Freedom of Information Act & Privacy Branch

Communications Center

245 Murray Lane, S.W., Building T-5

Washington D.C. 20223


June 25, 2012

Re: File Number 20121153-20121174

To Homeland Security:

On June 7th I sent you a letter making one last plea to avoid the unnecessary time, expense,and attorneys fees that both you and I will be forced to spend if a suit is necessary. I have received no response to that letter. I did receive a phone call from a Mr. Gibson in your legal department and he indicated that there might be an interest in producing a redacted statement of Mr. Chaney, and in spite of my indication that I would be willing to work with him in that regard, he never called back. That was over one week ago.

I have retained an attorney to pursue this matter in court and her fees will be $400.00 per hour. As you are well aware, that is an average fee per hour for an attorney. Considering simply the time necessary to prepare the Original Petition it is clear that this suit will result in thousands of dollars in fees and expenses that could be avoided.

You have asserted Exemption7 of the FOIA as the basis for your refusal to provide records requested that pertain both to the statement of David Chaney and to the retirement benefits of Mark Sullivan and David Chaney. You have failed to establish or even assert any one of the five justifications for withholding documents that pertain to an “investigation.” To the contrary, I have established that the confirmation by David Chaney of information already in the public domain as asserted by Shailey Tripp regarding Todd Palin, would not reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings as the information is already available to the public. There is no suggestion that providing this information would deprive a person of a fair trial or an impartial adjudication as any confirmation of Todd Palin’s activities as a pimp would be duplicitous of information already available to the public, both as a result of Shailey Tripp’s statement and her book Boys Will Be Boys. Production of these documents would not constitute an “unwarranted” invasion of privacy as it is “warranted” if the conduct of David Chaney and Todd Palin constituted breaking the law. There is no “confidential source” of this information as Shailey Tripp has already disclosed the identity of Todd Palin as her pimp, and David Chaney as her customer. There is no suggestion that the production of Chaney’s statement would circumvent the law. To the contrary, if his statement is not produced it is clear that there will be no prosecution of Todd Palin, as the Anchorage Police Department has issued a false and misleading “press release” to the National Enquirer attempting to vindicate Todd Palin. Moreover, Shailey Tripp has identified, by name, Office Padgett of the APD as one of her clients,( Boys Will Be Boys at 260) so it is predictable that no charges will be filed in the absence of verification of the veracity of Ms. Tripp’s statement that Todd Palin was her pimp. Thus the only law that would be “circumvented” would be the law that prohibits Todd Palin or any other person from offering prostitution services of Shailey Tripp.

Finally, and most importantly, there is no suggestion that the production of David Chaney’s statement could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual. To the contrary, I advised you by letter of May 1st that Shailey Tripp and myself have received death threats, and that Ms. Tripp’s apartment building was the target of an unexplained fire. Thus the production of these documents, affirming the statement of Shailey Tripp, would be a confirmation of Ms. Tripp’s story, and thus would have the effect of making violence against her, or me, less likely. Once the information has been confirmed publically it would accomplish nothing to eliminate Ms. Tripp or myself as the information would be readily available through another source.

Finally with regard to retirement benefits paid to Mr. Chaney and/or Mr. Sullivan, the payment of the benefits are not the subject of any investigation. Because I have requested documents reflecting the payment of benefits to a person with their years of experience and status, I have requested not only documents personal to them, but also generic documents that would show the amount tax payers are paying for a person of their status and years of experience in retirement benefits. Obviously there is no investigation underway regarding those types of documents.

Let me reiterate. If you will produce even a redacted statement of David Chaney that only confirms that he was introduced by Todd Palin to Shailey Tripp for the purposes of making her services available to him, and that Mr. Chaney did in fact go to and did receive sexual services from Mrs. Tripp, I am willing to refrain from filing a suit at this time. However in the absence of that confirmation, you leave me no alternative. It is my understanding there is a five year statute of limitations in Alaska for providing prostitution services. If that is the applicable statute of limitations, it would run in October of this year. Thus there is an urgency that does not allow me to wait or postpone the filing of suit to obtain these documents.

Since the office of Homeland Security already indicated in February of 2013 that the documents would be produced, and then retracted that position several days later, I can’t refrain from filing suit based on the indication you will produce the documents at some time in the future. If you are willing to produce all or part of the statement of David Chaney, you can Federal Express the documents to the address above. In that way I can be assured that there won’t be some other unexpected circumstance.

Please do the right thing and produce all or part of the documents requested now to avoid further time, expense, and attorneys fees.




Malia Litman



boys will be boys





32 thoughts on “Last Letter to Homeland Security Before Filing Suit Next Week

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  1. Malia, you shouldn’t have to shoulder all of the cost, for this suit. I personally would be willing to contribute, if this action drags on.


    1. pvaz,
      I appreciate your offer! At this time Im not asking for any help as I’ll ask the court to award reimbursement of attorneys fees. If it lasts longer than I expect, I’ll let you know.


  2. “It is my understanding there is a five year statute of limitations in Alaska for providing prostitution services.”

    That is what Todd and Sarah Palin are hoping for . They can see the statute of limitstion finish line for his crimes right in front of them if no one cooperates with you. Which brings up the question, I wonder if the person who is your contact from Homeland Security is a Palin sympathizer, acquaintance or a political party member who is a aware of the statute of limitation? Could this Homeland Security contact be a acquaintance, former classmate or friends of a lawyer representing Todd or Sarah Palin?


    1. Besides that audio at the website , if you Google Howard Stern Sarah Palin you will see that Howard does not fall for Sarah Palin’s winking and folksy sayings.


  3. Hi Malia –
    Have been busy with family needs the past few weeks and am just now trying to catch up on what has been happening.
    I mentioned to my husband this is the month you would be filing suit and he is always interested in what is going on with your blog.
    As always our sincere best wishes to you and the work you do. Thank you – and please know so many out here in lala land are with you most certainly in spirit if we can not help you directly.


    1. Pat,
      Thank you for your support. I realize that this lawsuit may put me or my family in jeopardy, but I feel like it is time to say NO More! If we are to put an end to abuse of women and children by men like Todd, somebody has to take a stand. I don’t “stand” very well due to my MS, but I can take a stand in Court. I know a Judge might rule against me, but I have to try!


      1. As to your taking a “stand”. Just a short note on what has been going on with my family. My dear husband developed gangrene on both feet. He had an amputation below the knee on one leg and two toes removed from the other foot. He is very much looking forward to being able to stand on his own soon. In a couple of months he will get a prosthesis for the one leg so he can stand securely again. He is doing very well and we are taking very good care of him. Beyond that he has a wheelchair, a walker and a wonderful Scooter he uses out in the yard for puttering. He insisted on going grocery shopping today and one of our grandsons went with him. Most stores have a motorized chair available for people – which he used. A clerk came out to the car with him and unloaded our groceries and took the chair back. All of the time I sat in the car doing my crossword puzzle. Life is good.


      2. Pat,
        I am so very sorry to hear about the challenges you and your husband face. I am now walking even in my house with a walker, and I’ve decided walking is over-rated. There is still so much we can do and accomplish sitting down. My youngest daughter got me an office chair on wheels to use in the kitchen and I’m pretty good now at cooking in the rolling chair. Walking with a walker is a way of announcing to the world that I’m not walking funny because I’m intoxicated, but that there really is something wrong. Hang in there and keep laughing. I recommend laughing about something at least once every day. It’s the best medicine!


  4. Thanks for your perseverance, Malia. Even if the statute of limitations runs out, this will still be bad press for him and his wife. And there may be more recent incidences that fall within the time frame so that he can be charged. I’ll pop some popcorn and sit back to see what happens next.


      1. The IRS may have a 6 year statute of limitation, but they still have to face God’s statute of limitation which lasts past Sarah and Todd Palin’ s sorry lifes


  5. I noticed — from the few clips of Celebrity Swap I saw on the net — that Todd was in the program. How can these people be continually rewarded when they have committed such crimes? Who protects them? It just drives me crazy!

    Again, Malia, thanks for all your hard work. I can tell from comments, you have a lot of support. Take care and stay safe.


  6. Great letter, Malia. Your perseverance is commendable! I salute you.

    Just one comment… you may not have noticed that you have 2 paragraphs starting with ‘Finally’.


  7. Malia: I have MS too and so relate to having walking abilities that make me appear intoxicated, but I’m still walking!! Stress is not good for your MS, so please be careful!!

    Should you have financial needs with the court case (as time moves along), please let us know, as I’m sure there are many that can help. I would!

    Thank you for your persistence as to Todd Palin and his illegal actions. He is an embarrassment to Alaska and the nation!


    1. Millie,
      I am sorry to hear that you are a patient too, but if we are still walking at all, that’s a good thing. My understanding is that there is a study underway in Europe right now for a new medicine, that if it does what they think it will do, it would be a CURE!!! Even having hope for a cure is a good thing, so we have reason to be hopeful! Hang in there!


  8. I see you are getting some help from Jesse over at Immoral Minority….
    Would be nice to see other Alaskan bloggers pick up the pace.


  9. July 2nd, 2009…how’s it going Sarah? when did you resign? 24 hrs later?
    What was in that email to make you resign, and Denali Law Group, and the local FBI, Eric Gonzalez, say the same lines in the interviews they gave?

    Who wants a copy? They should be distributed in Alaska with the “oil giveaway” …that is not the only things to be given away hu Sarah?

    Spend money like that still the Mode of Operation Sarah?

    Sounds like you will need a pitbull attorney…incompetents can’t afford one!


  10. Malia I have ME/CFS which has some similarities to MS. I have brain lesions, but ours are smaller than with MS and in a different part of the brain. In rural AK healthy food can be difficult to find, but I have been doing my best to eat Dr. Terry Wahls’ diet. She has MS, was confined to W/C and now rides a bike to work. It has not cured me, but has greatly improved my symptoms, my energy, brain function and pain. Since health care is so bad here I am on my own and look for anything I can do for myself. She has many videos on youtube.


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