CONFIRMATION! Palin’s Contract At Fox Has Not Been Renewed!

We’ve had many clues over the past few months that Sarah Palin’s contract with Fox was not going to be renewed. As Sarah Palin weighs in on the abortion controversy through a facebook post,  but no interview on Fox, I once again contacted Brian Lewis the Executive Vice President at Fox, at 212-301-3331 to attempt to confirm the status of Palin’s contract at Fox.  His administrative assistant answered the phone.  I explained that I was simply calling to determine the status of Sarah Palin’s contract at Fox.  She transferred me to the switchboard operator.  The switchboard operator would not give me her name, BUT CONFIRMED SARAH PALIN’S CONTRACT AT FOX HAS NOT BEEN RENEWED.

palin rages



258 thoughts on “CONFIRMATION! Palin’s Contract At Fox Has Not Been Renewed!

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  1. Thank God!! No wonder she looks so terrible though. I can’t stand this woman and her vicious lies but I don’t wish her harm. She looks emaciated in photos. It will be interesting to see what she does now. One would think she would “retreat” to really take care of herself and her family, but somehow I doubt it. But at least she doesn’t have her bully pulpit anymore, I wonder if legally she has to keep her mouth shut about Fox. We have seen how Sarah holds grudges forever and I bet she despises Roger A and others. How long will it be before she starts slamming them??
    Thanks for following through on this Malia!


    1. Lisabeth,
      I don’t wish her any harm either, but I am glad she’s not in a position to do so much harm to America. People really believed her when she’d appear on Fox, so I am thankful that this chapter has come to an end.


    2. Did Scarah leave Faux without even a “squirmish?” I’ll bet she has Faux in her crosshairs! She’ll probably start ranting on Twitter about how Faux has become part of the “librul lamestream media.”


    3. Lisabeth – I wonder if you hate her more than I do. She is uneducated, unintelligent, unread, parasitic and useless. After 3 years, at least Fox News has come to its senses. She should be buried in the dustbin of worthlessness.


    1. Big Daddy,
      Who knows? I think it’s probably a lot more than alcohol she’s using, but that’s just a guess given her weight loss!


    1. Older_Wiser,
      Yeah, it seems that they don’t want to acknowledge that anyone there wants to be associated with the name “Palin” and you know that they must have given the operator permission to confirm the news.


      1. For me, the fact they can deny it adds credibility. That sounds odd, but when you are talking about Fox and Palin, odd is about it.


    2. As in Ayn Rand’s book “Atlas Shrugged” the decision to authorize the Comet to continue its final journey/destruction through the Winston Tunnel was left up to a young office boy. Nobody in charge would face up to responsibility.. Sweet irony…. the teabaggers will never get it…


      1. Jamie,
        They should have gotten a clue when they didn’t even invite Palin to their rally before the RNC


  2. No! Don’t tell us Sarah got fired from another journalist job?

    Well there’s always the “I’m thinking about running for president” scam she can always count on for revenue.


    1. Raygun,
      I think she’ll have to announce that on facebook, and who will believe her now? She didn’t run in 2012, and quit her job as Governor, so even if she believes it herself, not many others will.


  3. 1 down..a whole bunch more of the FOX DUMBING DOWN TEAM that need to go. Actually..FOX NEEDS TO GO IN ITS ENTIRETY! They have ruined and poisened the minds of so many vulnerable uninformed people in this country to the point of convincing them to kill doctors that have to perform abortions for medical reasons ..or endless threats to our president’s life ’cause he’s a comin to take your guns’…and cause he’s black. ALL LIES AND SHEER IGNORANCE with their hate filled propoganda. These people on FOX make tons of money lying to their public. HOW DO THEY STAND THEMSELVES AND GO HOME AT NITE AFTER THEY HAVE LIED TO SENIORS! TEENS! GROWNUPS! WOMEN! MEN! KNOWING THEY ARE HELPING TO DEPRIVE THEM EVEN MORE IN THEIR HARD EARNED RIGHT TO BASIC THINGS LIKE INCOME AND SS MEDICARE MEDICAID UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WHEN YOU NEED IT–GOVT SERVICES WE OFFER OUR AMERICANS. While they make their MILLIONS TO LIE TO YOU AND FREAK YOU OUT OVER NOTHING!!!! ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN ON THERE WHO LIE AND HELP THE RW DEMEAN WOMEN ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! So many misinformed people on the Right all because of the limbaughs of the world and FOX! Their ways of seeing things and reacting to anything remotely human, fair or that entails EMPATHY is just not acceptable in their vocabulary or way of life. And yet they claim GOD at every turn. They are a very sad and ugly people. How does one live like they do and be so heartless and hateful towards so many? WITH NO EMPATHY FOR NOTHING!!! As they help their PARTY THE GOP DESTROY THEIR LIVES, OUR LIVES, THIS COUNTRY! You should be so ashamed of yourselves all of you for denying us ALL a better life. You are whats holding us up. YOU are why we still have no jobs. YOU are helping the GOP by voting for them time and again. Its the hardest thing for me to understand why anyone, man or woman straight or not children seniors people of color would vote for anything GOP. Please educate yourself. Since the news won’t tell you go see how all those red states have taken so much from their citizenry BUT HAVE GIVEN TAX BREAKS TO THE RICH in the name of CONSERVATISM. Biggest joke in the world CONSERVATISM! Right!


    1. Example: in our local paper there was a letter from someone stating that “Obamacare cards” are being used at veterinary hospitals. Obamacare cards?


  4. Great work Malia!!! And great news, at least that is one place we won’t have to hear from her now. Keep kickin butt! We will be attending Shawn’s Evidentiary Hearing today, and we are going to kick some butt too and try and clear our son’s name from what Sarah has done to him. She will never be able to shut me up! I will keep fighting.


    1. Shawn’s mom: I would love to hear your side of the story because it has never been told. I’ve heard all kinds of things, but have you ever done an interview with anyone that we could read?? PS I have Lyme too and I know how it can effect the brain and body…


      1. Leah. I would love to tell you about it. We have been able to get some things out in the news, but of course most of the time the words are used out of context. There is a decent story the ADN did on July 13, 2011 you can check out. And, of course, this has been going on since 2009 and you cannot put all of it in one article. I am hoping on one day writing a book about it all, as soon as this is all over. The way it is going, that won’t be for a long time. And the book would end up being way longer than War and Peace. Our hardest problem right now is that none of the major media really wants to take on this story because nobody really cares about Palin any longer. And before that, they really didn’t want to get involved because it goes all the way to Washington DC. We just got back from Shawn’s hearing and the judge said that he needed more direction because this thing has turned into a real big circus, so tonight our son stays in a jail in Alaska thousands of miles away from his home all because Willow Palin stole one of her Mommy’s Blackberrys and started texting him in January 2009. Willow got his contact info becasue our son signed up to be a Palin campaign supporter when she was running for VP. This is just one of the many lives that Palin has destroyed. In the future I will post more information as I get the opportunity. We will keep you in prayer with your Lyme, because I know how you feel!


      2. To ShawnsMom – the Palins view destruction of an “enemy” as a fine art. They do not hesitate to try and totally and viciously ruin people’s lives especially if they believe there is something to gain.
        From shooting dogs – to “missing hookers” – they definitely lead colorful lives. Too bad there are so many humans around them that can fall victim to their evil.


      3. OT
        Are you talking about having Lyme Disease? I had it years ago, stage three. It was everywhere in my body including the brain. I was fortunate to go to the right doctor. It was in my brain as well, so I have seen Alzheimers from the inside out. Let me know if I can help you in any way. It took me years to get rid of the symptoms even though I was disease free.


    1. Donna,
      I think they hired a more educated, younger, more attractive woman. It wasn’t hard to find such a woman, but hard to find one that was aligned with their views.


      1. We can SEE what they like over there at Fux.. B3. That is bleach blond bimbos. I laugh every time they do Fux and Friends on SNL with dooshee, the idiot, and the B3 and the part where they do the corrections for misstatements with the fast scroll to fit them all in – major yux. Three cheers all around for the good news and thanx for your reporting.


      2. John,
        I’m not usually happy to report anything about Palin, but I’m glad to report this today!


      1. It’s more fun watching her get hired and then fired. It’s just one more person or group saying, “Sarah Palin, you’re irrelevant.” It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person!

        Of course, Palin will pretend it was her decision. The articles I read indicated that Fox knew she wasn’t worth the money they paid her, especially not now, and knowing Sarah, she wasn’t about to settle for less. In fact, she’s looney enough to demand that they double her contract $$. She was allegedly getting $1M/year. Not anymore! She’s not getting the invites she used to get, either. They are few and far between. She’ll soon be reduced to grocery store openings and other similar events. LOL! Sarah, you’ve hit bottom, bitch!


  5. Wow – they kicked you to the SECRETARY? She’s so unimportant that no one knows who she is so they have to check a list.

    THIS is what Sarah has come down to (or gone down to)…(sorry Malia!)

    I am wondering if they’ll head up to the Dead Lake and pick up all the crap in her studio AND that gynormous Sat dish that sits in her front yard facing the lake?

    She just sort of faded away … gotta love it!


      1. her and tawd are going to be so po’d when they take that equipment. they were planning to use to make domestic terrorists militia/type training films…


    1. I’ll bet that there’s lots of good stuff on the hard drives. Maybe McCain’s team will help out with that chore.

      Great scoop, Malia!


  6. Like everything else in her life, she has been replaced. Of course, she will not tweet this horrific event in her life. I bet Greta, Hannity and O’Reilly are laughing their asses off. She was used only for ratings. They know she is the dumbest person on earth. When Fox cans her, you know she is finished. So, now what? Sarah living at her Arizona compound to prepare for a run there? No way, even the Republicans there know her targets were seen by all the nuts in the country. They are not stupid. Sarah has not done one politically related thing in the past four years. She has not spoken out for a cause, stood by Romney and other politicians. Not one Republican will help her.


      1. From 2+ years ago: Fox News on-air personalities laugh and slam Sarah Palin and her reality show during a commercial break:

        I’m QUITE SURE there will be many stories to come in the not-so-distant future…


      2. KatieAnnieOakley,
        I’m sure there will be much more to come, and I’ll share if I learn of any, and ask that you and everyone reading share if you hear any!


  7. This job loss is not just about Sarah, it affects others. What about Todd? Where will he get his entertainment money from when he hangs out in Anchorage?


    1. I’m glad she’s not on the payroll anymore. I have nothing but contempt for Fox News, but I hated the thought of her raking in the cash for her uneducated and sometimes dangerous screeches.

      Unfortunately, it is yet to be seen whether Sarah Palin will make guest appearances on Hannity and Greta’s shows. I fear we’ve neither seen nor heard the last of her.

      That’s one of the reasons I’m so glad there are people like Malia who continue to push for justice to be served.


    2. Oh THAT is an easy one. He’s a pimp – he runs a stable of Prostitutes that service higher ups in Alaska so they say. Evidently his contact list may have come from Sarah when she was the Governator.
      If he gets desperate he can just sell himself to the boys.


  8. Sarah always said

    “When one door closes, God will open another door”.

    I’m really happy for Sarah, now she can concentrate on her Facebook business.


    1. Abel,
      I think she is still waiting on another door to open! Maybe it will be the door to Taco Bell, as I think she could use some food!


  9. She lost another job? There has to be something Sarah Palin is qualified to do with all her qualifications?

    Is Sarah’s problem stemming from being over qualified?


    1. Luke,
      Maybe she could start a dike building company? Or, maybe should could teach American history, and specialize in the American Revolution?!


      1. Don’t say it too loud, and don’t give her any ideas, Malia! She actually just might be bold enough to do it, and I am sure there are enough idiots out there who would be willing to send her kids to her ‘school’… Look at Glen Beck and his ‘university’ etc…


      1. jk,
        I think her looks exceeded her qualifications initially, but now I think they are approaching equality.


      1. Hey Wlliow, HOW can appearing on Fox once a month take up that much? Does it take a lot of time to land at Wilkes Barre, PA form AZ, then drive an hour to check on the Christy`s? You think we don`t know who Sarah has on her payroll in our little mountain neighborhood since 2009? The Feds are just waiting like they did with John Edwards. They will wait till all the truth is out on your grizzley mama and she is a nobody, then they will indict Sarah, Todd, Grandpa Chuck and Sally “Militia” Heath. Look`s like the Palin girls will be working at the local truckstops (hopefully just serving food) to support poor Trig and Tripp. Restitution will drain the Palins/Heath’s bank accounts to pay back all the money to the folks that Sarah swindled. Well, have to get back to singing that Beatles song I hear in my head every time I think of Sarah. The lyrics go “I`m a loser and I`m not what I appear to be”!


    1. Willow, she doesn’t have time to take her kids to church, she didn’t have time to finish her governorship, she didn’t have time to complete college, she didn’t have time to campaign for Romney or the other Republican candidates. She only has time for plastic surgery and tv shows.


    2. How’s that attorney scrambling going Willow…Bristol get that email on FB yet? I heard you all will lose everything you got…that a certain someone is not “getting mad” they are “getting legal” let me know how that works out…


  10. Will her followers still believe that she is going to run for any office now? Just add Fox to the group that will not support her. I wonder if they will write negatives on her now when she does another stupid thing? Maybe they decided never to mention her name again.


  11. Meanwhile, the clueless Pbots and Teavangelicals over at C4Pee website are counting angels on pinheads.

    They have convinced themselves that $arah Paylin is the only living human on the planet who can save America, turn the clock back to 1950,
    balance the budget, serve as savior President, and drill 10,000 oil wells
    on her first day in the Oval Office.

    I’m hoping she has lost her job at Fox, as this will force $arah even further down the celebrity D list.


  12. When FOX comes for their video equipment at the Palin compound and can’t find it, I hope Sarah Palin has a better story than its in the belly of the campaign plane in black trash bags.

    Tell FOX to check EBay and Craig’s List in Alaska.


  13. Most Palinistas seem to want her to walk away from Fox RINO News. They’ve abused and suppressed Sarah Palin repeatedly for years. The only reason that Huckabee and Palin were given generous contracts by the Fox RINO’s is because the GOP Establishment was afraid that those two would take over the party after 2008.

    Huckster has been bought off. Sarah is a free agent…


    1. Come clean Pete. You daily post about your admiration and worship of Sarah. The reasons that Fox let her go are many, but her ignorance, and shrill vapid diatribes aren’t drawing much viewership.

      She also got on the wrong side of Roger Ailes by being stupid and ignorant enough to read a blood libel ghost written speech, which finished her in the minds of most Americans.

      I guarantee you that Ms Palin had no idea what blood libel means in the historical context, and how offensive it would prove to be. Even her ghostwriters live in the Sarah matrix apparently.

      You Palinbots consider anyone who’s not a “pure” conservative to be a Rino.

      “Pure” evidently must be a person who is a gun totin’ evangelical Christian who’d kill a mother to save foetus, hates all gays, and thinks Saint Reagan never raised taxes.


      1. jkarov – Your comments are excellent. As they say, you’ve hit the nail on the head. I was incredulous that Roger Ailes would allow this woman with sawdust for a brain to give opinions which were not her own because in order to have an opinion, one has to have a brain and we know she’s devoid of one.


    2. Pete
      I see you are being beaten up at your C4P home for visiting this site even though you are professing not to know who Malia is! Karma baby!!
      Now you and Scarah are both unemployed and can share food stamps.
      Great job Malia. Keep up the good work


      1. jinky,
        You know they know who I am, they are just in denial I think. If I report it they say it must not be true, but of course they could call Sarah and find out in a second if it weren’t true, and I haven’t seen anything posted to indicate to the contrary.


    3. “…They’ve abused and suppressed Sarah Palin repeatedly for years…”.

      She’s been victimized by Fox News too? Repeatedly? FOR YEARS?!?

      Poor lil’ thang! For a mama grizzly, she sure does get “abused” “suppressed” / pushed around / victimized / taken advantage of a whole lot!! Golly!!

      Maybe she needs one of those big, strong, manly, handsome (legends in their own minds…) pajama-clad bloggers commenting over there at SeaO’Pee to rescue her! Maybe… just maybe that could BE YOU, PETE!!




      1. I think I’d take a job at Fox so they could “abuse” me by paying me $1 million a year to bloviate about stuff I really don’t know, pick on President Obama, and preach the Gospel of Low Information.


      2. jkrov,
        If they paid you $1,000,000 per year, I bet you’d do a better job not pissing off your boss.


  14. Whadya’ bet she comes up with an evangelism movement or church? That is another license to steal! She could continue to “talk in tongues” and get all gussied up in tasteless clothes AND (this is getting good), T. Nugent could be the minister of music! “Have-you-SEEN Todd” in pimp costume….
    the offspring witnessing, Chuck and Chuck passing the plate…..

    I can see it vividly, “The Charismatic Church Of Clowns.”


    1. You forgot one…Sally “Malitia” Heath. She will put on her AR15 supplied by Robert Fulton and her Alaska Peaceful Malitia will be declared by Pastor Sarah to be putting on the “Full Armor of GOD!” I think there are a few available beds in API (Alaska Psychiatric Institute) to make sure we get these nuts off the street.


    2. But Scarah’s already the Messiah to the Pbots. Let them continue to worship her in the First Right Teavangelical Church of Seaforpee! And continue to send her money, because freedom isn’t free. Especially the freedom to be dumb.

      Scarah and Toad used to belong to that white trash pentacostal church in Wasilla. What happened? Were they asked to leave when Scarah became the Antichrist?


      1. steve,
        My impression is that they no longer attend any church. Certainly if the department of HOmeland Security ever produces documents regarding David Chaney and Todd Palin, people may not allow Todd to be part of their church.


      2. no that Palmer Church of God preacher lady brought “the target” that is worth $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and when that person is “not evil” and others give high praises in the church and in the schools that just brought out the demon in Sarah so she burned it down…or tried to then went after the preachers sister’s house…Roger Purcell standing there to make sure with the photographer taking pics…oh shit wrong address…say isn’t that what the Iran President kept saying..cough cough…or is it “your nothing but a mosquito” or the latest “I don’t give a damn” lol….all the way to the banks baby…from Russia with love baby..


  15. Soon there will be a glut of houses for sale on the Dead Lake! Wonder if Sarah has picked out side-by-side double-wides for she and Todd at Peaceful Acres? The girls may prefer pitching a tent with a kiddy pool outside. Or they may all live together in the RV as they try to allude the FBI and IRS. Hope they take the shrink-wrap off so they aren’t so visible! Greta will be lonely without her sidekick. Are Redbull and Crunch-Wraps allowable on food stamps?


  16. All they wanted her acid tongue for was to bash President Obama for his first term to try and keep him from being reelected, BUT of course it didn’t work.


    1. Imogene,
      They should have known…it didn’t work for McCain and it didn’t work for Fox. The funny thing is that women were the reason Obama won in 2008 and 2012!


  17. Sarah fought so hard to have the following people terminated and now look:

    President Obama
    David Letterman
    Author Joe McGinniss
    Countless of others not famous

    Lesson learned: Don’t mess with Karma, she’s a bitch


  18. This is a question for Bristol.

    Bristol in the past you said that your family is too busy to go to church. Well after hearing that your mentor is unemployed, which service will your family be attending next Sunday?


  19. Great news and great job Malia.

    A lot of happy people today. Just imagine what the feelings will be when Todd is indicted for running a prostitution ring and Sarah indicted for all her gates.


  20. Aaaahhhh, it will be a mega grifter’s life out there for Sarah if she can no longer babble on the airways. Car shows, Terri Shiavo Foundation, Mother’s against secondary education, Natural born americans with english as a second language conferences. She can have it all now . . . .

    Of course, CNN is not immune to hiring crazies. They have Erik Errikson.


  21. I sure hope Sarah invested all her millions . The wingnut welfare circuit isn’t as lucrative as it was four years ago, and I doubt car shows, gun shows, and tent revivals will keep Sarah in the lifestyle she has become accustomed to.


  22. Funny, one of the bots posted your link but the moderator took it down…calling you and us deranged Palin haters. They are waiting to hear from “other” sources about Sarah’s gig at Fox.


    1. NJfan,
      Funny thing is that they call me a Palin “hater” but I couldn’t have been more factual in the post! If I am a Palin “hater” then I guess Fox News falls into that category too!


      1. BarbiePalin posted a comment saying you were factual and honest and they haven’t deleted it yet but deleted other comments she made.


  23. Thank you Malia! It’s nice to know for sure that she’s toast. Her last appearance was at the car show in Scottsdale. Was she paid to be there or did she and Todd just show up? Her next appearance will be in April in Philly at the Terri Schiavo Memorial. This is most certainly a paid gig for Sarah. She’s not looking well these days. I wonder what will happen to her in the next three months…. More plastic surgery or rehab?


    1. sunnyskies,
      She looks to me like she needs rehab! Maybe she’ll make a reality show…”Sarah Palin’s Hospital.”


    2. Ah, Philly. Thanks sunnyskies for that info. Did you know that Philly (not Phil) is only within 60 to 80 miles of my home. Chuck Heath abbreviates Philly as Phil. He did this when he set my son up with a fake letter mailed from the Philadelphia area that now the FBI and AK US Atty’s Office have said that there is no evidence my son sent the letter. I only know that Chuckie sent the letter in the first place because Willow called my husband on August 8, 2011 and told him to leave her granddad alone and that he burnt the letter, The FBI has never had the original letter, they only received a copy from John Tiemessen, Sarah’s attorney. Tiemessen was given a copy of the letter by Chuckie. I guess Sarah and family will be stopping by my home town again on their way to Philly to pay off those who they have hired around us since ’09.


      1. I would pass this intel to the “Joe the Slugger” VP…and that he is gathering intel and along with now retired Hillary Clinton they are setting the stage for a showdown in court…just as representations of the peoples of course…but those FREE attorneys…lol…what they will do for their country…and those that threaten it…bye bye Sarah & Co.


      2. Call Karen Loeffler 907-271-5071 and ask her why Pam Richter is working there and if she is at all related to the two employees of Richter Investments…the scam is about to hit the federal circuit and rumor is they are doing everything to stop it…they can deal with the Clinton’s have fun with that! Gosh two retired attorneys one a former President and the future one! I will have a seat at those hearings and trials for sure…


    3. Let’s clear this up ok? Russo Steele is a PREMIER show in Arizona. For anyone who watches Barrett Jackson on the Speed Channel, RS is about 50 steps higher. The cars are top cars and go for literally millions. The show in not televised.

      There is no way that the Russo Steele people would have even invited someone like her. She did what most people do – she parked in the lot and walked in after buying her rather expensive ticket.

      Even with the money they have, they couldn’t have touched any of those automobiles. In fact standing next to one of the RS cars would have made her look even uglier and cheaper than she actually is.

      Since the show wasn’t televised – the auction was live or online) – why would they want her there? The car auctions use young attractive blondes in their early 20’s .. not washed up hags in Girls with Guns lace T-shirts trying to be someone she’s not.


  24. I have no love for Palin and do not watch Fox News. I hope it is true, but since when are switchboard operators authorized to give out information about people’s contracts?!


    1. Homer,
      I wouldn’t normally think they would, and was surprised when she did because of that very fact. I surmised that because I had called previously and got NO answer, and this was different, I felt confident that she had been authorized to give this information out. When I called before, I was given a message machine, and they never responded. Thus when they transferred me to the switchboard, I got the impression they didn’t want to take a chance on me asking any questions, but they were comfortable acknowledging that the contract was not renewed.


      1. Sounds like they wanted to avoid you but decided the switchboard giving you the answer was the way to go to get them off the hook. LOL!


      2. NJfan,
        I think you are exactly right, as they didn’t want to allow me to ask any other questions, but obviously gave permission to the operator to confirm she’s not there.


  25. It’s time for this parasitic decaying national embarrassment to go. She contributes nothing to Fox and everything she utters are points she hears made by other people. Her limited brain matter does not allow her to think independently. I wish her the worst life has to offer.


      1. I asked greta on her blog if sarah’s contract was renewed but she didn’t respond. I go there occasionally and scold greta for putting up posts about the president’s family as it encourages all the psychopaths to make disparaging remarks about the first lady and the girls. I’ve posted several times how greta feels about having her name on a blog that allows posters to call the flotus a gorilla and girls monkeys and if it makes her proud..she never responds. she acts like she’s not as much of a hate mongering psycho bitch as other fux women, I think she’s worse. there’s a special place in hell for old greta, right next to sarah, maybe then they can get it on…


      2. jcinco,
        I don’t expect Greta to confirm or deny, but if you get a response, we’d love to hear!


  26. Oh, I hope I am proved wrong. I used to work retail and when a customer would come in the store to complain or was a “problem” in someway, someone )usually the owner or the real manager) would send out the “Manager” (usually a new hire and not a manager) to tell the customer “the store policy or or whatever blah, blah” to rid themselves of the person and not need to dirty their hands doing it.

    I hope that you got the truth and Palin will no longer comment on FOX and that you weren’t “switchboarded.”


    1. Poached medium,
      Since I called before and was connected to an answering machine, and this time they gave me to the switchboard operator, my thought is that it must be true. I got the distinct impression the operator had been told to confirm that Palin was no longer at Fox, but nothing else. I would think that the operator could lose her job by confirming something like that if she wasn’t told to do so. It would be so easy to just say, I’m not authorized to say yes or no to that.


      1. couldn’t reply to your reply to me Malia! just went to greta’s blog and on two different threads asked if anyone knew if the rumors were true that her contract hadn’t been renewed. I asked on the most recent open thread and the one about the little maggot, rant paul, being on the show tonight. I was very polite and even called batshit barbie by her given name and capitalized first letter of first & last name. I’ll go check later..if you’re on disqus you can comment there. maybe others should go inquire.. 🙂


      2. jcinco,
        I’m so proud of you that you used such restraint. I doubt Greta will respond, but if she does, please let us know.


    1. NJfan,
      I appreciate your words of encouragement. Now…let’s just see if we can get the documents from Homeland re David Chaney and Todd Palin.


      1. Just got linked to this site. I want to say I will be back almost daily. Keep up the yeomans work. I have had bad feelings about her since the crosshairs incident and can hardly stand to see more than 1 minute of her on any media.


      2. Gary,
        Welcome! If you are new to the site, welcome to our “family.” Be sure to read about the pending FOIA request that was sent to Homeland Security last summer regarding a statement taken of David Chaney regarding a meeting he had with Todd Palin where Todd introduced him to Shailey Tripp, Todd’s prostitute.


  27. Hahaha, took another peek at the Urinal and this is what ‘bot’ George posted:

    Take this for what you consider it’s worth. I am NOT linking to the site. I searched re. Sarah Palin Fox contract renewal to see if anything came up. This appeared –

    “I once again contacted Brian Lewis the Executive Vice President at Fox,
    at 212-301-3331 to attempt to confirm the status of Palin’s contract at
    Fox. His administrative assistant answered the phone. I explained that
    I was simply calling to determine the status of Sarah Palin’s contract
    at Fox. She transferred me to the switchboard operator. The
    switchboard operator would not give me her name, BUT CONFIRMED SARAH


    1. “Tyroanee,
      I don’t think they care at Fox. Greta is smart, but not hot, so they are probably in the process of transitioning her out. How do you think she got stuck with Palin?


      1. Well, with the spilt screen advantage Greta and Palin did mange to even-out one another’s crooked smirks…8~/


      2. Another face lift and Greta will have a beard! Maybe Scarah’s departure can serve as the trigger for a major housecleaning at Faux.


      3. Greta got stuck with Palin because she helped further the baby gate. Sarah and Greta have loose ends that need to be tied up.


      4. Cracklin’ Charlie,
        Don’t underestimate the power of the male dominance at Fox, and the discriminatory attitude of the men towards women. I think they felt it only appropriate to stick Sarah with a woman.


    2. Tyroanne,
      Maybe she can be the supporting actress in Palin’s new reality Show,Sarah Palin’s Husband’s Business.?


  28. Malia you are nonstop in your quest to do your part in helping the everyday joe. With this blog format, if you write a new post your last one goes to cyberspace and I know its accessible but maybe others don’t. I will pray that you take a well deserved break and leave this post on your blog for at least a couple of days. Unless of course you get a response from our friends at Homeland Security.

    Great job and thanks Malia


    1. Average Joe,
      Lots of people view my old posts. They find them just by key words. Thus if anyone types in “sarah” and “contract” and “fox” I think they will find it. I post almost every day, and several times a day sometimes, but lots of people find me. I’ve also sent a link to this article to several media sources, so I hope in the days ahead, it will become common knowledge.


      1. You’re right, Malia. A lot of people see your posts. I’ve seen 3 links to it on sites I don’t normally read in just the past several hours. Keep up the great work, I so admire your tenacity.


      2. Kate,
        I’m glad the word is getting out! I’ve been so busy answering comments that I haven’t been to many sites.


  29. Will the Palins come out with a sequel book to Sarah From Alaska?

    If they need a title, an appropriate one would be

    The sad story of a beauty pageant contest who went from vp candidate, TEA Party leader and FOX contributor to the low level of only being able to communicate with the outside world through Facebook.


  30. Late to the party, but a big “HALLELUJAH” from Oregon! This is huge news and quite interesting. Remember, Faux has the rule about not being able to be a contributor if one is running for president BUT I have seen and/or heard several places since Oct 2011 that not only wouldn’t she run but she CAN’T due to things “those in the know” would make public and instantly take her down. She can’t afford to do that lest her PAC dry up.

    So exactly where does that leave the C4P and alike faithful? Will they finally have to admit they’ve been scammed? Will they see that Creepy Chuck Jr.’s “American Party” is just another attempt to fill the “postage” coffers giving absolutely nothing in return for their “investment?”

    This is getting GOOOOOOD.

    My hat is off to you, Malia!


    1. CIP,
      We’d never finish the party without you! This is just the appetizer, as I believe that there are documents that Homeland Security has that confirm what we think about Todd, and I believe we have a right to see them!


  31. WAY TO GO MALIA! A GREAT DAY FOR FREEDOM (for our ears that is; not being permanently damaged by shrill screeching)! I TRULY admire your drive and persistence; you are a REAL inspiration to us who post here regularly. I personally think that this is the beginning of the end of the reign of grifting and stupidity this ignorant bunch has foisted upon everyone. She has pissed off a lot of people everywhere, including her “employer”. Her appearance at the car auction in AZ last weekend shows how far her star has fallen; she appeared too drunk or severely high on something powerful to comprehend where she was. It looks as if fear and paranoia has a firm grip on her; the truth IS coming out , and very soon! Next, Toad needs to be exposed for his pimping ways; someone will talk soon. Slowly but surely, the Teflon armour around the Palins’ is peeling away. We’re behind you 110% Malia; keep up the good fight! P.S. – Attention Wasilla residents – we would greatly appreciate any reports of Repo men and large trucks at the “sports centre look-alike” removing broadcasting equipment i.e. Faux News Property. Watch out for a hasty charter flight from AZ to AK!


    1. abbafan,
      Thanks for following, and commenting! You guys who read often make this worth while! I’m working on hiring an attorney for the suit I may have to file to get the documents from Homeland Security, and when that happens, you know that Sarah Palin will just be something kids read about in their American History Books, and it will be right after the chapter on the American Revolution, and will explain that this is what happens to kids who don’t learn their American history!


  32. Thanks for the good news, but I won’t be doing the happy dance until I see Sarah & Todd taking the perp walk for their crimes – any of ’em, all of ’em!


    1. Raina – I will be doing the happy dance as well. Sarah and Todd Palin are hustlers, grifters who should be investigated. She’s was never a political force. It was the fawning Media that anointed her with that title. To those of us with sense,she was and remains a racist, divisive, dimwit with no future. Too bad she became so rich, deluding the gullible and the fawners.


  33. Yea! She hasn’t been listed on the list On Air Personalities for a while now. I agree with others that the switchboard operator had been authorized to give her response. Now FOX can say no producer, etc. said a word but hey if somebody calls into the public switchboard, the only answer the operator can give is to transfer a call to whomever or say they don’t work there..

    You deserve a special award for your persistence in always trying to get at the truth. Thank you for all that you do!


    1. Marie,
      Thank YOU for reading, and I agree this was the chicken way out, as the switchboard operator wouldn’t know any details about why it was renewed or who made that decision, but would confirm the information, perhaps so I would quit calling?


    1. jk,
      Not yet, but it may be over the next few days. I’ll let you know. I’ve sent the information to other political sites, and we’ll see if they pick it up.


  34. Someone called me today to point out “missed opportunities” guess who works the federal courts? Pam Richter…under Chief Judge Beistline…
    DQA & Contact for RRB cases…907-677-6125…might want to ask her if she is related to the Richter Investments? You know the firm that took that talked about HUGE trust fund of someone else’s? Cover ups may be?


  35. Thanks for hanging in there Malia, and being persistent in finding out about Sarah’s contract at Fox.
    This is wonderful news! I was on her FB just a few minutes ago, and didn’t see anything regarding her being dumped by Fox.
    Now if we could learn of any indictments of her and Todd were forthcoming, that would be the icing on the cake.


    1. whisperingstar,
      I don’t know about any indictments, but I do know that if Homeland Security doesn’t produce the documents I have requested that they will leave me no choice but to file suit.


      1. mhaylene,
        I don’t purport to have the facts to substantiate a criminal claim, but I do have a good reason to believe that Homeland Security should produce the statement of David Chaney, and if he verified Shailey Tripp’s story, then there may be criminal charges that would apply.


    1. Just_a_Mote,
      Thanks for reading, and I appreciate every person who reads what I’ve written. It’s because of people like you that I feel like what I’m doing is being noticed.


  36. Malia — I have a question for you. I read on another blog’s comment section a while back that you received confirmation that Sarah Plain did earn her degree at University of Idaho. I had never seen you report that at your blog (though I could have missed it). I’m wondering if it’s true, or if it was a troll trying to make people think it’s true. Can you confirm?


    1. SLQ,
      I did contact The University of Moscow? in Idaho, and they did confirm she received a degree. It was very strange that they wouldn’t give me any other information, for example I asked what the degree was in, how many credit hours were earned at other institutions, and whether any grievances had been filed against her while she was in school. They wouldn’t tell me any of that, so I never wrote a post about it, as I always felt like I didn’t get all the information. They way they answered the questions, I had the impression they were scarred…of what I’m not sure…but it made me wonder if Palin or her attorneys had threatened them. Of course they wouldn’t tell me that, but given what I learned from the APD, and how she got whatever she asked for, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if she had threatened them. I also, personally, believe that Trig is not her baby, but of course I can’t prove it. The fact that the people from the hospital aren’t talking, makes me believe that Palin knows how to scare people.


      1. Thanks for the info. How odd that someone knew that you did that, even though you never wrote a post about it. But I’m glad to know you checked. The fear is, unfortunately, par for the Palin course.


      2. SLQ,
        They probably knew about it because I may have answered a question in a comment when someone asked the same question you did. I have a vague memory of that.


      3. Malia, did they tell you WHEN she received the degree? Receiving a degree may not be the same as earning a degree.


  37. Such good news. It’s a relief that she no longer has that platform available to her.

    As usual, great work, Malia! You’re a gem. (And also very funny!)

    P. S. Love to hear an update on Shailey Tripp sometime…if you’ve heard anything that you can share.


    1. Venefica,
      The last time I spoke with her she was doing ok. She is living outside Alaska, and has started a new job and is being careful about disclosing her location for safety reasons. she is very hopeful that Homeland Security will produce the documents requested on the FOIA request that is pending!


  38. I was banned at the urinal for posting a link to your story and by golly, it was worth it! Your post was all they could talk about yesterday. They should be thanking you for making their day interesting. I wonder how many of those braindeads called FOX to try to get the same info? I


    1. barbiepalin,
      I posted the phone number so people could call to confirm if they didn’t believe me, and I wonder how many people called, given the large number of views of the article yesterday?


  39. Well, I called the FOX phone number that was listed and the status of Palin’s contract is NOT confirmed. I don’t think that I would rely on the word of a switchboard operator. It would be bad if the info stated in this post is incorrect.


  40. Malia:

    You started a firestorm yesterday. Scarah’s nonrenewal is all over the librul news media. Kudos for all the good work!


    1. steve,
      It seems that way! I’m thrilled that people now believe that I try to report the facts, and that what I reported is truthful!


      1. Congratulations, Malia! You reported the news first yesterday. I’m sure that forced Faux’s official announcement today. Great job!


      2. AK in PA,
        Thank you! I think you are right. I’m sure they would have announced it sometime, but probably not this soon. It also prevented Palin from having time to make up some excuse about why she chose not to work there another year.


  41. Malia — Just wanted to add my congratulations to all of the others you’ve been receiving on your fabulous piece of detective work. You are amazing!! Hope you’re feeling well. Take care of yourself and take a well deserved break!


    1. pol,
      thanks for your support! I won’t take a break until we get the documents from Homeland Security. Then I may take a vacation.


  42. You broke this entire story and everyone else jumped on your bandwagon, bloggers and MSM alike! Congratulations for getting the scoop!


    1. Gene,
      Thanks for your help! I always welcome anything readers can tell me, but to post a story I try to find a source to back up the rumor.


  43. OK Roger. You have fired the witch from Wasilla. Now, could we see you go a little further and fire Hannuty, Ugly Van Susteren, O’Reilly and the other dum a&*holes that you have hired to be incendiary. These idiots lie and invent stories as they go. Even Rove, Morris and the other clowns that are contributors need to go away. Fox is going the same way as the GOP……
    if you decide to reinvent your network, make sure that the people you hire are credible and respectable. If you decide to start cleaning house, please don’t overlook the Fox and Idiots……they are deplorable and sooooo dumb.


      1. Yeah! There is a God. That vile, disgusting ignoramus does not belong on TV or for that matter, should not be within arms’ length of any human. She is slime.

        Sent from Windows Mail


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