Crony Cow Capitalism in Alaska

If you haven’t yet read the article about Sarah Palin in the Frontiersman, by Andrew Halcrow, it’s a revealing look at Sarah Palin’s effort to make sure government got out of the way of business, …unless she didn’t.  Thanks to “The Lawman” for bringing this to our attention.

8 thoughts on “Crony Cow Capitalism in Alaska

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  1. How come everything Sarah Palin touches or is involved with gets screwed up or maybe involved with corrupt dealings?

    Palin kids
    Palin kids education
    Palin kids jobs
    Palin kids pregnancies before marriage
    Wasilla Hockey Rink
    Pebble Mine
    John McCain’s, Gingrich’s, Cain’s, Romney’s and Trump’s presidential bids
    Palin family car wash business
    Anchorage Police Dept
    Wasilla Rape Kits
    Left Wasilla in debt for many generations
    Dead Lake Lucille
    Hiring unqualified cronies and BFFs
    SarahPAC Palin family vacations
    Sarah Palin’s history lessons
    Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs
    Alaska Fund Trust
    Property taxgate
    Palin’s endorsements
    and all her other failures and gates.

    Does it have anything to do with the Sarah Palin Curse?


  2. I am wondering if the $600,000 federal money was from the USDA which seems to have big issues in other areas in Alaska such as incompetence, lying, allowing abuse of tenants of subsidized apartments owned by shady corporations. They do business with very dishonest corporate entities without doing any checking on their backgrounds. When complaints are made the USDA makes all kinds of excuses for them.


  3. Actually I can’t take credit – one of your other bloggers mentioned it on another thread…I just watched it for Saturday and nothing…it was there Sunday…so credit goes where credit is due…unlike Sarah who steals it…and apparently embezzles and not just trust funds…Evil is Great eh?
    How’s that working out for her I wonder…smirk…


  4. When you are worth a lot of money – people – Palin will do anything to keep it…now they have to answer to the United Nations Council to why they ignored human rights and money laundering? What justice in America?


  5. The irony of a state-subsidized dairy in a state led by a madwoman who constantly decried the role of government in business is too delicious.

    I have to wonder whether the recent fire that destroyed the dairy is linked to the FBI investigation of possible fiancial shenanigans there. As you pointed out earlier, Malia, there have been some suspicious fires with Palin connections (or coincidences).


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