Join Me in Listening to the Senate Hearing on Wed. May 23rd

Tomorrow at 10:30 am, Eastern time, the Senate will conduct a hearing with the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. This hearing is “to examine the Secret Service, focusing on trust and confidence, that may have been compromised in situations like the prostitution scandal in Colombia.”   It is this committee that has the information regarding Todd Palin, pimp, Shailey Tripp, prostitute, and David Chaney, john. Here is the link to the audio, so you can listen with me in the am.

When you go to this site the hearing will be listed in the column on the right side. If I get notice of a video of the hearing, I will pass that along.

39 thoughts on “Join Me in Listening to the Senate Hearing on Wed. May 23rd

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  1. Did you see that there are 2 witnesses listed for the hearing? Edwards and Sullivan. And looks like at least 2hrs or more.


    1. Yes, zumba, it’s 10:30 to 1 pm, 2-1/2 hrs.

      Secret Service on the Line: Restoring Trust and Confidence

      Witnesses: Mark J. Sullivan, Director, U.S. Secret Service
      Charles K. Edwards, Acting Inspector General

      These men have been preparing their remarks and answering the 60 questions put to them, since the hearing was calendared.
      Really and truly, no matter how righteous, this is not the forum that is going to bust it out with Shailey Tripp. This isn’t Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise.

      When everyone is disappointed, please don’t say “conspiracy” and “cover up.” Instead, use common sense. Follow through with Senator Collins’ staff. Provide what investigators ask for. Answer questions. Allow time for process. It doesn’t happen in 24 hours.
      You can see for yourself that the events in Columbia took place on April 11. It took over a month for it to develop this far. Shailey Tripp isn’t a federal employee or a politician or part of some larger picture that needs a response.

      You can expect at least the same for Shailey Tripp, assuming that she provides real information without delay and has real material. If it’s conflicting and confusing, expect it to take longer or simply be dropped.


      1. guest,
        Nicholson explained that his very existence was grotesque. I know someone else whose very existence could be described the same way!


      2. Guest. You are correct. This is the beginning act. And it will continue as long as needed. But it will not go away until the questions are answered to the American Peoples satisfaction. Look at how many scandals in Our lifetime have happened in Government. It will come out and those involved will be held accountable. The Secret Circus is exposed. And will be cleaned up. Americans do not pay for sex vacations. If these clowns want to play? They can play on their personal time off AT HOME. But their code of conduct in their positions are 24/7 365 days. If they want to act like heathens than they can find a different type job. Period.


      3. My guess is no Tripp stuff gets mentioned tomorrow. That may get addressed in a long-running background process.

        Tripp’s story has been vetted by McGinniss and the NE, maybe even Dunn too. It’s going to take maybe a few more respected journalists to reject her story, as well as the govt., before people realize it’s time to move on.

        She didn’t mention any SS or Chaney stuff in her book or other media until after the Columbia scandal broke and Palin commented on it. Then Tripp remembered Chaney and Todd. And the $40 stiffing details.

        Shades of Bob Lazar


      4. This is not shades of lazar. This is a real and outragous security threat. Todd and Sarah Palin are done. They will be exposed. They will be questioned and prosecuted. Along with all involved. Mccain and his strategist must also be removed entirely from politics and DC, they are a disgrace. Many Gop’ers running for office, that hold office, that are strategist and are working on taxpayer money, private money are unethical, unlawful, and completely outragous in their actions, comments and behavior. IT MUST STOP NOW.


      5. zoom zoom,
        It is a security threat, and it seems to me that we have seen evidence of Todd Palin’s use and abuse of governmental employees for his benefit. The press release of the APD vindicating him is a perfect example. The potential use of this type of information by Todd to blackmail people could be much worse than we expected.


  2. Malia,
    I made a phone call to both Collins and Liebermans Office with my concerns on this story. The explanation and details are rather lengthy. Refers to my recent comment in the Politicalgates thread up now rather than do a duplicate. I will be emailing them later as back-up to my phone call.
    Liebermans office gave additional info about his schedule tomorrow in additional to CSPAN 1 and 2 at 10:30 est tomorrow. 12:30 scheduled to talk to Fox. 6:00 will be on CNN.
    1 tweet so far.


  3. This is what I’m worried about:
    Rep. Pete King, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Homeland Security committee, repeated on Sunday he feels comfortable that the Cartagena incident is not part of a broader cultural problem in the agency.

    King also said on CNN that the lawyer of one of the prostitutes involved in the incident had contacted his committee last week and suggested he come to meet with him to discuss the incident. King, however, declined.
    Maila do you think the last paragraph was about Shay?


    1. Crystalwolf,
      I would just be guessing, but I bet he is focused on the prostitutes in Colombia. I don’t think the investigators would have had their report done on Shailey until around Sat., so I doubt this would have come to his attention at the time.


      1. A previous comment from a prior thread mentioned getting the complete records of this hearing through the Open Records Act (a great idea!) if this turns out to be another disappointing “sweep under the rug” event.

        That brought to mind “then what?”. I suggest sending all the info to crime reporter Sara Gamin of the Patriot-News of Harrisburg PA. You probably recall that she and her associates won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for local reporting when they broke the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse story and then blew the official cover-up sky high while also exposing corrupt pockets statewide.

        If you have followed that particular story, you know it took a great amount of courage from Sara and the Patriot-News (an apt title if I ever read one!) to “attack” the scared cow of entrenched football culture at Penn State. They put everything on the line, their budding/seasoned careers, their newspaper (and perhaps their own personal safety) to bring this to light. The Baltimore Sun newspaper said ” it’s “every bit comparable to the guts and drive of The Washington Post in breaking the Watergate scandal.” I totally agree.

        So I’m wondering if they would perhaps like to top themselves by investigating THIS story which is of national importance since the behavior of the Secret Service affects us all.


      2. PK,
        What a great idea! I’ll definitely consider asking them to consider this is things don’t go as we hope tomorrow.


    2. There have been several articles on Rep Peter King. It is always Dania Saurez he is refusing to meet with. That has been reported for weeks now. I don’t know if he still claims that there is no evidence of a pattern of behaviors. He has an agenda. Many of the complainers about prostitutes want to blame President Obama.
      May 14, 2012
      (AP) WASHINGTON – The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee is refusing to meet with a Colombian prostitute involved in the U.S. Secret Service scandal which has become an election-year embarrassment for the Obama administration.
      Rep. Peter King tells CNN that a meeting with the woman, identified by her lawyer as Dania Londono Suarez, would merely be “a publicity stunt.”
      The New York Republican’s panel is conducting its own investigation of the incident in which several Secret Service agents consorted with prostitutes in advance of President Obama’s arrival for a regional summit in Cartagena, Colombia, last month.
      Asked in an interview Monday about reports the woman wants to meet with him, King replies, “There’s been enough cheap publicity.” He says, “I’m not going to give her another forum.”


      1. anonymous,
        He does so at his peril. This isn’t a Republican or Democratic issue, but a safety and security issue, and a woman’s issue.


  4. Tuesday, May 22, 2012 Secret Service sex scandal: Several say they didn’t break the rules

    The agents are arguing that the agency is making them scapegoats for behavior that the Secret Service has long tolerated, a charge that Director Mark Sullivan may have to address when he appears before a Senate committee Wednesday.


    1. anonymous,
      Thanks for the link, and if they feel they are scapegoats, they might get mad enough to tell what they know.


  5. Malia, Your tenacity is amazing! It is so great that you continue to expose the lying fraud that is $arah Paylin and her clan. We in Alaska know there is SO much more to reveal and that our patience will be rewarded thanks to people like you. America needs to know the truth about the Palins. Thank you!!!


    1. Alaska Cod Piece,
      Thanks for your support! I keep thinking that I’ll be able to move on, but it seems the outrage just continues, and it’s just too soon to let this die. I appreciate your feelings that we’re not ready to let this die yet.


  6. “Boys Will Be Boys” review for those who hasn’t read it yet.

    In “Boys Will Be Boys” Shailey Tripp proves, with copies of documents and lists of names, that her arrest for prostitution and her introduction to that business had roots in the heart of a famous celebrity “family man.” One day after standing next to Sarah Palin as she was sworn in as Alaska’s first female governor, this “First Dude” was flirtatiously emailing with a young single mom, Shailey Tripp,and saying “You light up my life.” What transpired in the weeks, months and years (2006-2010) that followed did not light up her life in return. Guided by a powerful man into the darkness of selling sex, Ms. Tripp has set herself free and is telling her story. The truth will continue to set her free, and she honestly spills the agonizing, humiliating, and depressing details of life as Todd Palin’s commodity. Interstate sex trafficking is no joke. The names she names and emails she released prove this woman means business. In the current political climate of taking away women’s rights, Ms. Tripp should become an icon for having the courage to stand up and say “I’m not going to let men define who and what I am and what I do.” Once you read it, pass it on. This book belongs in libraries, homeless shelters, and women’s clinics where it can speak to those who find themselves enslaved by any unhealthy behaviors, limited by losses or disabilities, or injured by the cruelty of others, as the author once was.


  7. Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, the committee’s chairman, said, “I want to hear what the Secret Service is doing to encourage people to report egregious behavior when they see it.” Well there ya have it folks!

    Participation would be even better, do’cha think.


  8. I noticed recently that Janet Napolitano commented she didn’t think this Columbia thing was anything but an “isolated” incident. Would it be beneficial to send her some of this information as well? Seems like there is less chance for the Alaska part of this to get swept under the rug if more of the authorities know about it.


  9. It is very disappointing so far.
    Now someone is talking about Jesus and the prostitute? Those without sin cast the first stone?
    This does NOT belong in a congressional hearing for dog’s sake.
    I might have to turn this off now and get a report from you all later.
    These people dance around the issue and love to hear themselves speak.
    Someone ask a relevant direct question….please!!


    1. comeonpeople,
      I thought we were going to hear a “Praise Jesus” from that Senator! It was as if he was saying that unless every investigator had a “clean” record then they should not be critical of these poor agents!


  10. Watching on CSPAN:

    Just now Senator Lieberman questioned Mark Sullivan specifically about whether SS investigations involving SS personnel here in the USA would be conducted with the same zeal as the Columbia scandal, and Mark Sullivan indicated that if allegations of improper conduct were presented to the agency, they would be investigated.

    This is the closest I’ve heard in the testimony so far of a hypothetical situation that would match the Todd Palin/Shailey Tripp/David Chaney allegation that Malia and Shailey have presented.


  11. Not one word about Shailey. They will shove Shailey’s story under the table. Just as I thought, is so sad. Begich was not there, but I bet they contacted him. I did like Collins though, smart woman.


  12. It’s an ordinary hearing, a routine business day. Really. You can see that.

    It’s not a special hearing, not an inquiry, not a trial.

    It’s the oversight committee holding the two top employees accountable for restoring trust and confidence in the Secret Service, following a specific incident: well-publicized shenanigans involving 14 agents on April 11 in Colombia.


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