Zimmerman Claims He Was Attacked by Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman’s attorney gave a statement to the press, declaring that George Zimmerman told police the night of the murder of Trayvon Martin that Martin “knocked him down with a punch to the nose, repeatedly slammed his head on the ground and tried to take his gun.”

Martin was a 140 pound teen.

Zimmerman weighs “well over 200 lbs.”

Even if we hadn’t heard Zimmerman’s racist remarks, and even if we ignore the instructions of the 9-11 operator not to follow Martin, the difference in the weight alone of Zimmerman and Martin would make it extremely hard to imagine the image of Trayvon “repeatedly” “slamming” the head of George Zimmerman to the ground.

It was also reported that Zimmerman has cried for days after the killing of Trayvon Martin.  Even if George Zimmerman is remorseful, the image of the huge man crying is beyond imagination.  This is the same man who called blacks “fucking coons”, volunteered to be the neighbor watch captain, called 9-1-1 46 times in 15 months, and hoped to be a policeman one day.

47 thoughts on “Zimmerman Claims He Was Attacked by Trayvon Martin

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  1. I’ve heard the same thing, which I find extremely hard to believe. Since the Sanford police botched the investigation, and they had a vested interest in accepting Zimmerman’s version of events, I don’t trust anything they’ve said so far. One of them even “corrected” a witness who said she heard Trayvon shouting for him by saying it was Zimmerman she heard. In any case, if he received any injuries from Trayvon, it was a direct result of his failure to heed the 911 operator when he said that they didn’t need him to follow Trayvon. Everything that transpired from that point is Zimmerman’s fault.


    1. Anne,
      You’d think that if Zimmerman had a broken nose, and lacerations to his head, he’d be taken to the hospital, either before or after being questioned by the police. I also think it is interesting that the two women who found Zimmerman on Martin didn’t mention anything about a bloody nose or back of the head of Zimmerman. They surely did notice the blood of Martin. And if Zimmerman was so afraid of Martin, how is it that Zimmerman ended up on Martin’s back? Was he just sitting on the lifeless body of the 140lb teen to make sure he was really dead, after shooting the teen who had been on top of him, pounding his head into the ground?


      1. If events were truly as Zimmerman said, there would have been nothing to hide. It’s quite obvious that the police department in Sanford is helping to cover up this crime. In fact, they have a well-documented history of giving a pass to folks connected to them who commit crimes. In one instance, a lieutenant’s son was taped attacking a homeless black man from behind. In Zimmerman’s case, they gave him a pass both because he had helped them previously and because they viewed Trayvon as an African-American nobody that they thought no one would miss. They could not have been more wrong!! I have even heard allegations that the police coached him on what to say in order to put him in a good light. I agree totally with you that if he had had injuries of that nature, they would have required a trip to the hospital. It’s utterly sickening to see people reaching for any conceivable excuse in order to defend Zimmerman’s indefensible actions.


  2. He sounds drunk in his 911 call. I realize there are no laws against being drunk and carrying a gun, but there should be.

    So what if Martin confronted his stalker? I believe that he had a right to under FL’s new law. If he was drunk he could have easily been knocked down and maybe Martin did get in a couple of punches. So what? He wasn’t armed. He was within sight of his house. He was shot to death because Zimmerman premeditated his murder.

    Zimmerman was not on the neighborhood watch force. This has been denied multiple times by people who are on the force. Zimmerman called 911 multiple times to report children playing in the street at dusk. Another call was because his neighbor’s garage door was open. This man was looking for trouble. He murdered the boy.

    Michelle Bachmann has jumped on the bandwagon to defend Zimmerman. She posted a picture of a boy that was twice the size of Martin and claimed it was him. She has since taken the photo down when called out on her lie, but not before several TV stations picked up the photo without fact checking.


  3. Seems to me if Martin knows zimmerman has a gun as he claims, he would not be wasting time banging his head into the ground leaving his hands free to use in pulling the trigger of a gun.

    and as a past police officer i can tell you that should a suspect somehow grab the cops night stick that we carried at the time, the cop then has the right to shoot the suspect for now having a lethal weapon.

    the point?
    zimmerman knows full well that the phrase “he was trying to get my gun” (though he never demonstrates how) gives him LAWFUL authority to kill Martin.
    and thats why you see that calculated phrase of part of the defense.

    its exactly the phrase ANYONE Would use if claiming self defense.

    I knew zimerman would use it.

    This is a clear cut case of a more then likely unstable man who at the very least subconsciously stalked and set out to confront with deadly force a young black man.

    and one last point about the media.

    we are seeing all types of distractions because the media will not debate racism and the effect these legalized killing laws have in connection to that racism.

    i tell you all had the shooter been a young black man who stalked and killed a 16 year old 140 pound white kid wearing a “hoodie” they would be able to arrest and convict him fast enough.

    america is still an overtly racist country and that is the real issue no one is willing to touch.


    1. jadez,
      You are exactly right. I bet if Zimmerman had been black and killed an unarmed white kid he wouldn’t have made it to the police station to give a statement. Instead it would have been a trip to the morgue for him.


  4. One would ask how come Zimmerman was able to find his gun, IF Martin was pounding his head and all of the above. Boggles the mind.


    1. Linda,
      Yea, if Martin was strong enough to subdue zimmerman, why didn’t he take the gun first and shoot Zimmerman?


  5. I have read on right wing posts that the picture of Martin was an old one and he had grown to be over 6 feet tall. I suspect this is a racist exaggeration of a black man’s size, but have the weights of these two been published somewhere?

    The police should have done something with Zimmerman. Treating his wounds or providing counseling as they would do for anyone else. Wouldn’t they have photographed the situation?


    1. eclecticsandra,
      The 140 lbs for Martin was from an article, and the report that Zimmerman was over 200 lbs was also from a source on the internet. I provided links in the stories.


      1. I followed your link in the post. Martin was well over six feet but only 150 pounds, and that article says Zimmerman was well over 200 pounds. I guess we’ll have to wait for a medical report. Some people are suggesting that Zimmerman had himself beat up after the incident. Still no pictures or emergency treatment?


      2. eclecticsandra,
        Of course we don’t have any proof of that, but it surely seems strange to me that anyone would take Zimmerman to the police station first, and keep him there for hours questioning him, if he was in need of medical treatment. If Zimmerman was so distraught, he must have needed a psychiatrist too!


  6. 1. Zimmerman can (and will) make up any story to save his ass.
    2. If Batshit Bachmann is defending Zimmerman, that should be proof enough that Zimmerman is guilty of murder.
    3. Since Martin was being followed, the Stand Your Ground law should be on his side, and not Zimmerman’s.
    4. This case is truly one for the record books, and provides another good reason why my fellow snowbirds should just stay home and deal with winter!


  7. If he was injured to the degree he’s claimed, then the police would have taken pictures to cover their own asses. I read that Zimmerman weighed 240-250, specifically. So he weighed 100lbs MORE than this innocent teen. I weigh 25lbs more than Trayvon, and was in a benching competition– and frankly I don’t think I could punch Zimmerman hard enough to knock him down. OR that I could keep him on the ground long enough to slam his head even once against the pavement.


    1. Mauri ,
      I know you are right, and it seems ludicrous to assert that this 140 lb teen could have pounded this guy’s head into the ground! If he did, why didn’t he need stitches?


  8. I believe that Martian fought back.
    I would too, if somebody was following me and then got out of a car.

    I have NO sympathy for Zimmerman. This could have been avoided if Zimmerman stayed in the car and let the police handle the situation.
    Actually. There WAS NO situation.
    A kid was walking home from the store. He didn’t rob steal or do anything except walk. And wear a hoodie cause it was raining.

    Zimmerman imagined a scenario that did not exist, made it worse, then killed somebody because he had a gun. And an attitude.


  9. I don’t see how Trayvon would have time to knock Zimmerman down and slam his head against the ground *while* trying to get his gun away from him, given we have a witness who said she was on the phone with the boy (records can back that up or not) and there was likely only a minute between phone dropping and death.

    I *can* see Trayvon getting Zimmerman on the ground, however… in frightened self-defense….

    One thing I want to firmly disagree with Malia on is her projections about Zimmerman’s ability to both weight 240 pounds and weep. Do only slim people weep?

    Is it his size or his deed that makes you doubt his capacity to cry?

    I hope he cried, because it shows that he has some idea of the consequences of his actions, whether he honestly think he can defend them or not.

    I can’t imagine his weight having anything to do with his ability to have a conscience.

    Think about how many people have said unkind things about Ms. Tripp due to her being a heavier woman, rather than beauty queen slender.

    It’s a hot button area for me, being a bigger woman myself, so I wanted to caution against allowing too much personal judgment about body size influence conclusions about others when we have very little information to base anything on yet.

    BTW — if Zimmerman had those injuries, why weren’t photos taken and why wasn’t he referred for medical assessment?


  10. The latest version of Mary Cutcher’s story is that “there was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no wrestling.” Cutcher conceded that whatever fighting took place was over before Zimmerman and Martin had reached her backyard.

    In an interview airing on Dateline Sunday, Cutcher said that she and her roommate ran outside after hearing the shot. Then, they saw George Zimmerman holding Trayvon Martin’s face on the ground. ”He never tried to help,” she said.

    On Tuesday, Anderson Cooper interviewed Cutcher and Lamilla, the latter of whom stated, “By that time [of witnessing the scene], you hear like a shot—like some other noise. I run away from my backyard and I look at the person [Zimmerman] on his knees on top of a body [Martin].”

    Cutcher added that Zimmerman was “straddling him. One [leg] on each side, on his knees, with his hands on his back. I immediately thought, Okay, obviously if it’s the shooter, he would have ran. I thought, He’s holding the wound, helping the guy, taking a pulse, making sure he’s okay.”

    isn’t that sweet? Zimmerman was tenderly cradling Martin’s head while waiting for the police to arrive…..pfffft.

    there are so many conflicting reports – the police continue to alter their reports. I’m not buying Zimmerman’s lawyer’s excuses for his insane behavior.


    1. Dis Gusted,
      I don’t buy it either! Too many obvious problems with the story. The most obvious answer is usually the correct one, and all you need to do is hear the comment “fucking coons.” No further explanation is required.


    2. The truth will always result in the same answer, every time it is told. There’s an old saying, a good liar must have an excellent memory. So thanks to Dis Gusted for showing the memory problems of Cutcher and Lamilla. On a bigger scale we have the changing story presented by Zimmerman and the police.


  11. Zimmerman sounds drunk on the 911 call. This guy stalked the youngman and murdered him in cold blood. He is a cold blooded murderer. The police are corrupt to allow him to leave the scene of the crime. They have intentionally blown the case. His body had alcohol, possibly drugs and blood on his hands. He must be arrested, prosecuted and put to death for cold blooded murder.


  12. The only thing more sickening than the obvious lies and inconsistencies from the “Zimmerman camp” is the way the MSM is helping to spread them.

    For example, Zimmerman told police that Trayvon Martin attacked him from behind after he’d gotten out of his truck to see what street he was on.

    But according to the leaked police report …


    … the murder occurred at 2831 Retreat View Circle.

    Why hasn’t anyone pointed out that Retreat View Circle is one of exactly THREE streets in the gated community Zimmerman lived in — and had “patrolled” like a hawk — for the past EIGHT years ? … that it’s the same street Zimmerman lived on ?

    Then there’s the racial slur Zimmerman exclaimed during his 911 call … CNN’s audio enhancement leaves little doubt he said “fucking coons”:


    But now, amidst the flurry of statements being issued on Zimmerman’s behalf by various “friends” and anonymous witnesses, there’s this howler (per ABC News):

    “The Zimmerman family friend also denied that a word the watchman is heard blurting out on one of the 911 tapes is the racial slur, ‘coon.’ Oliver said the word he hears Zimmerman saying is ‘goon.’


    And never mind that when a black man shot a white man in Florida back in 2010 and claimed it was a case of “Stand Your Ground,” he was arrested and tried.


    And yet police didn’t even test Zimmerman for drugs and alcohol (though they DID, or course, test Trayvon’s dead body — and found NONE) … no, they just took his statement and then let him go scot-free.


  13. I have a problem with Zimmerman’s side of the story as far as what I’ve heard so far. One version I’ve seen is that he told police he got out to see the name of the street he was on and that Trayvon attacked him from behind as he was returning to his SUV.

    My problems with this story……

    1. Street signs are either on the corner of the block or suspended overhead at an intersection. So Zimmerman should have been able to see the sign from his vehicle.

    2. If he walked over to the street sign and back to his truck, he’d have been on the sidewalk next to his truck when he was attacked. If so, how did they end up in someone’s back yard? As that is where witnesses said the shooting took place.

    3. Why would Trayvon, who was trying to get away, suddenly show himself? Is the being “attacked from behind” an excuse to show Trayvon as a cowardly attacker deserving of being shot?

    4. If Trayvon attacked Zimmerman from behind, how did he give Zimmerman a bloody nose He’d have been hitting the back of his head not the front. And he’d have been behind Zimmerman on the ground, not exactly the best position to shoot someone from. you’d need to be facing him.

    5. Zimmerman claimed Trayvon was trying to take his gun away from him. How did Trayvon know Zimmerman had a gun unless Zimmerman had it out when the confrontation started. If he was just beating on Zimmerman thinking he was unarmed, he’d have no reason to be trying to take a gun away.

    To me this seems more like Zimmerman went after Trayvon and chased him into the yard. Trayvon turned to defend himself and Zimmerman pulled his gun and Trayvon was beating him trying to get the gun away when it went off either because Zimmerman purposely pulled the trigger or accidently in the scuffle. Trayvon was unidentified for at least 2 days even though the police had his cell phone. They had plenty of time to help Zimmerman with his story. They have an “unidentified guy named John” who supposedly “saw” Trayvon on top of Zimmerman beating him unmercifully right before the shot. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t, or maybe it was somebody the police have something on and they used it to get an alibi for Zimmerman. There are also a couple women who said it was the other way around but the cops changed their version of the story.

    I’d like to see the official version of Zimmerman’s version of the story. Because the stories coming out so far don’t add up to self defense.


  14. And I have a Bridge to nowhere to sell you

    And you’ve won 100 million in the Euro lottery

    And I hear poor Mr Zimmerman can’t stop crying. I’m sure Trayvon’s parents would love to hear their son crying.


  15. Here’s a topic nobody has touched. We know one of the 1st things the Sanford Police did was interview the 7/11 clerk. Had there been any signs of Trayvon being “suspicious” it would have been all over the news leaked by police. Since they kept mum, we know Trayvon acted like any other normal customer. So 5 minutes later he becomes a killing monster machine? Sorry, again doesn’t add up. Try again Sanford police.


    1. ricklondon,
      I bet if you checked you would also find that the incidence of burglaries drops off when it’s raining, so that should make Trayvon less “suspicious”.


      1. Could be so; but my point is; a 17 year old with (what his schoolmates and teachers say was consistently good behavior, doesn’t smile, buy Skittle and tea and then suddenly go out and try to murder a neighborhood watch guy just a few blocks down the street. All the stories of the Sanford police are elementary and transparently stupid, and I’m not surprised they did not “leak” that the interview with the convenience store clerk did not go to their liking. They may be a bit dense, because they must not think The Justice Department is going to draw that clerk in as a witness. This case will be full of such surprises.


      2. ricklondon
        It give me hope that there is a federal proceeding that could be pursued, and thus a federal judge that would preside over the case!


  16. Muder, pure and simple. There will be no rehabilitation of Zimmerman’s reputation after we’ve all heard the “fucking coon” remark. He is a homicidal, racist thug.

    He can cry me a river, it changes nothing. Like all cowards he’s crying because he is realizing that the Sanford police can’t save his sorry ass now. He’s NOT crying for the young life he took, it’s self-pity.

    As for Mr. Oliver’s ridiculous excuse of “he said goon” and claiming it was a term of affection (!) really, Mr. Oliver, you want your fifteen minutes of fame more than anyone else I’ve ever seen. Pathetic loser.


    1. I saw that Oliver guy too, twisting himself into a pretzel to defend the indefensible. He cannot dispute the contents of the tape, which plainly show that Zimmerman had a negative attitude about young black males which he projected onto Trayvon. His use of the word “goon” does nothing to change the fact that Zimmerman is bigoted toward black males, which is the impetus behind Zimmerman’s harrasment, attacking, and murdering Trayvon. He projected his own hangups onto this boy. It looks like Zimmerman’s side is collaborating together to come up with some excuse that justifies self-defense. But so far, everything they’ve come up with defies logic and common sense.


  17. About the injuries that suddenly became; maybe someone in the PD beat him after the fact to improvise a good story for the defense. I find it impossible to believe that he wouldn’t seek medical attention until the following day if his head and nose were bleeding at the time of the murder.


  18. The physics of the fight scenario don’t make sense. When my son was Trayvon’s age, he was about the same weight, height, and in excellent physical condition. I was around Zimmerman’s weight, 6’1″ and in my early 50. My son and I would rough house, but due to the weight difference, he could never knock me down or pin me. Even when he jumped me when I was on the floor, I could always just roll and stand up with him hanging on to my back. Again, I was in my 50’s and not training to be a policeman.

    One other point about the fight, if there is a possibility of legal issue, most people know to go to the hospital immediately and have your wounds documented.


    1. aj,
      And the police would certainly know and appreciate the importance of having the broken nose documented, or the lacerations to the back of the head documented. They’d take pictures too. I haven’t seen any of this!


  19. Malia – This case is a textbook case of what not to do in police work. I spent many years working along with different law enforcement jurisdictions in West Central Florida on domestic abuse/child abuse cases for the Florida Department of Children & Families (formerly HRS). The behavior of law enforcement in this instance, from what I can determine, is unprofessional and appallingly bad.


    1. thomas,
      I’m not a police officer, but even with my limited understanding, this is clearly evidence of police not wanting to uncover the truth.


  20. I think Zimmerman is a dead man walking, he knows when the DOJ investigates and interviews him he won’t be able to hold his story together, there are too many holes and conflicting stories from him. I also think the Sanford PD know they screwed up and it isn’t gonna look good for them.

    That’s my two cents and I’m stickin by my theory. And I don’t give a shit if he cries me a river, what’s done is done, an innocent young person is dead.

    The 911 tapes, the deragotory name calling, he ignored 911 advice, he knew the police were on the way.
    The girl friend on the phone, the short time until it went dead.
    The lame bs street sign story to explain why he left the car.
    The police not taking him in for questioning? that is plain crazy!
    And why the H did it take 2 days to ID him? Where was the fiance? Had she no clue what had happened outside her home? or were the police draggin their feet…..

    So many questions.


    1. CNN has released the initial police reports, which show that the cops treated Zimmerman’s head injuries in the police car and that he was handcuffed and taken in for… questions? Doesn’t sound like there was much done once he got to the precinct and once they processed him, he was set free and allowed to keep his firearm.


      1. ah, I did not know this.

        huh, allowed to keep a firearm used in a shooting, that doesn’t sound right.


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