Sarah Palin’s Reaction to Game Change is the Real Lesson

For many Americans, Game Change, the movie, made the danger of Sarah Palin as President palpable. In the period of two hours, the movie told the story of a woman who was so poorly vetted that audiences across the country were scarred. People who were “anti-Palin” left the screenings saying that they were more sympathetic to what she went through. It wasn’t that they thought she and McCain should have prevailed in the election, but they realized just how dangerous the nomination of Palin was, and why it was a disservice to America, and to Sarah Palin, personally.   John McCain used Palin for political gain and, by doing so, endangered America.

Everyone, except Palin supporters, validates the accuracy of the portrayal of Palin.

Mark Halperin, one of the authors of the book, described the movie as “factually accurate.”

Nicole Wallace, one of Sarah Palin’s top advisers said that HBO’s “Game Change” was “true enough to make me squirm.

Sarah Palin said it was a “false narrative.” Palin admitted she hadn’t seen the movie.

Aides of Palin said it was “sick” and “inaccurate.” They had not seen the movie either.

John McCain said “It’ll be a cold day in Gila Bend, Arizona when I watch that movie.” He admitted that he hadn’t seen the movie but explained that the portrayal of himself was inaccurate as he didn’t use the amount of “course language” that was depicted in the movie.

Steve Schmidt, the campaign manager of McCain, has seen the movie, and said: “it’s the true story of what happened over those 10 weeks.”

Here is a video comparing Julianne Moore’s impersonation of Sarah Palin, with actual clips of Sarah Palin. . The uncanny performance of Julianne Moore is a testament to the effort made by the producers of the movie to accuracy.  Game Change taught a lot of people about the 2008 election. The reaction to the movie Game Change, of Sarah Palin, and her staff, teaches other lessons.

1. Sarah Palin is willing to comment on things about which she knows nothing. Even though she hadn’t seen the movie, she said it was a “false narrative.”

2. Sarah Palin aides will disparage anyone, and anything that they perceive as critical of Palin, even if they don’t have the facts. If someone conveys information that they perceive might negatively reflect upon Palin, it must be “sick” and “inaccurate.”

3. Palin, and aides, have suggested that the film was “inaccurate,” but they have totally failed to identify even one scene that was not factually correct.

4. Even though sources like Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace are identified by name, and were the people who were the most knowledgeable about the campaign, Palin still claims that the reports are “lies.” Thus even though Sarah Palin may have attacked reporters in the past for relying on anonymous sources, the result is the same. If the report is unfavorable, Palin claims the report to be a “LIE.”

This video is a graphic illustration of the extent to which the producers attempted to accurately portray Sarah Palin. The fact that Sarah Palin considers this to be a “false narrative” is a graphic illustration of the unwillingness of Sarah Palin to admit the truth, if the truth is anything less than flattering.  It’s why Sarah Palin insists on being called “Governor” even though she quit three years ago.  It’s why she portrays herself as “Undefeated” even though she is a loser.

39 thoughts on “Sarah Palin’s Reaction to Game Change is the Real Lesson

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  1. The 2 leading twits did not watch the movie? Why? Because the TRUTH HURTS. Mccain being a true potty mouth and woman abuser and palin a true sociopath opportunist with IQ of 80. Yes it hurts to hear and see the TRUTH mr. mccain and ms palin. Both of them put this country in danger and shame. I do not feel sorry for either of them. They both make me throw up. Both should be tied to a chair and forced to watch the movie.


  2. Okay, not so breaking news:
    Sarah Palin really is a complete idiot.

    Fact is, all reasonable people have abandoned support of Palin a long time ago. Those that still bother to defend her at this point are brain-dead teat-sucking sycophants. By definition.


  3. I did not have a very high opinion of caribou barbie before I saw the movie, now, I just feel sorry for her… It really is too bad that she doesn’t see that she is her own worst enemy. Ah well, as long as she keeps up the “talkin and truthin” the more people will realize just how out of it she is. Except of course for her small group of followers who live “in the bubble”


    1. I never will feel sorry for her…she has displayed too much viciousness for that.

      Troopergate was part of this movie.

      She tried to destroy Trooper Wootten’s life because he was divorcing her sister…she DID put him through hell..she WAS found GUILTY of “abusing her power” as Governor and LIED about it repeatedly. In the process she destroyed the police chief’s decades long reputation and fired him.

      After Gabby Giffords was shot and she came out with her ‘blood libel” horror show, and most recently to say that POTUS Obama is trying to take the country back to pre Civil War prejudices…she is SO full of hate she doesn’t realize just how ridiculous that statement is.

      Palin has been defending Rush Limbaugh over the 10 day Sandra Fluke attack, yet threatened David Letterman with boycott over a joke about her daughter….she defends Limbaugh by bringing up Bill Maher’s remark about her…in his stand up routine… to a live audience, not on national TV or radio, and certainly not false attacks for ten solid programs …yet…in the “there’s nothing to see here so move on” emails of Palin’s that were released …..she referred to Fairbanks Republican Rep. Jay Ramas as Vajayjay…..another word for c@#t………numerous times. She was governor at the time and used this reference to staff and other Alaskan Representatives.

      The list of venomous things she has said and the vicious way she attacks and destroys people is far too long to publish to feel sorry for her?…you have GOT to be kidding!


      1. I SO agree with you. I can never feel sorry for such a vicious, vindictive, spiteful, hateful person. She goes after people to destroy them. Her vicious hate has been aimed at President Obama for 4 years now. She never lets up, she is evil.

        I don’t see how anyone can feel sorry for such an evil, hateful woman.


  4. I don’t feel sorry for this hateful, vindictive, poison spewing narcissist.She will never shut up and go away. She is milking her fifteen minutes for all it is worth. She is an incredible liar, she faked that pregnancy for political and financial gain. Her husband is a criminal and she is too. It’s simply incredible that a woman of such little knowledge and intelligence can rise so far with her folksy kind of act. She got by on bullshit and her looks. Damn Fox for continuingto give his fraud a platform for her vitriol.


  5. Feel sorry for her? Not on your life. Has Sarah “Mean Girl” Palin felt sorrow for anyone she has attacked and even lied about? No Did she feel sorrow for Gabby Giffords? No, she felt sorrow for herself because she had to take the heat for her cross hairs ads. Did she feel bad about laughing at Lyda Green (a cancer survivor) being called a cancer? No, She felt bad (or mad) because she was hoaxed into believing the President of France called her. Did she feel bad she fired Walt Monegan for not performing illegal actions against her brother in law? No She felt bad that she was called on it. Does she feel bad that The Anchorage police department lied about Shailey Tripp and conspired to destroy her property? No But you gotta know that she’s just burning inside because Todd had sex with Shailey.

    It’s all about Sarah. She doesn’t feel bad for other people. She doesn’t feel pity.

    She deserves everything bad she has coming her way.


  6. I did not like the fact that palin was portrayed as a caring mother and John McCain’s portrayal was fairly wimped out. Even cowardly as he refused to “get control” of palin when asked to do so by Schmidt’s character. I found this lack of depth in portraying the full scope of palin’s persona – the real one – and the process by which political campaigns are run in this country, to be just the tip of the iceberg of what was presented.

    For the stupid people who support palin, it won’t matter that her ACTUAL and REAL character was barely revealed. They prove the Jim Jones cultists are alive today and would have been stupidly – dangerously stupid – to have allowed this country to be destroyed by two people without a vision for ALL three hundred plus millions of diverse American’s. Palin and McCain both warmonger’s as well. Both without the diplomacy and intellect it takes to deal with foreign policy. Her phony religious fanaticism and his POW/military experiences basically a disastrous combination. Then her blatant racism would turn the world into a fireball. Dramatic? Anyone who knows palin knows that she is PURE drama without an iota of substance.

    The movie gave us just enough to wince, cringe and remind us how thankful we should be that McCain and especially palin, because she is the real crazy of the two, were the losers of that campaign. In that respect, the movie was a win for all those of us who know sarah palin up close and uncomfortably/maddeningly personal.

    As always Malia, your writing, research and posting is one of the best and most important on the internet. Thank you for your perseverance, courage AND humor – so needed for the poisonous and toxic topic of all things palin.

    Now lets continue on to expose the FULL and COMPLETE persona that has so wrecked, tainted and totally undeservedly stolen a spotlight that never ever should have been shone upon her.


  7. I keep trying to imagine how stupid one would have to be not to care about displaying one’s own crass vulgarity and idiocy on a daily basis for all the world to see…I just can’t fathom it.


  8. I don’t believe the movie went far enough.They portrayed a loving relationship between palin and her brood which I don’t believe exists. Her family to her is just something that she can manipulate to her advantage.I don’t believe she treats them any better then she treats anyone else in her life.A true sociopath and a very dangerous person.


  9. P.S.: I felt NO sympathy for palin. She was willing to allow our Alaskan villages to freeze and starve that winter. She brought cookies and Franklin Graham to slap us in our face and demean and disrespect our elders who never wanted to ASK for help in the first place.

    I felt NO sympathy for palin because she POSITIONED herself ahead of time to be put on that “shortlist” of candidates for the VP and didn’t “blink” when asked. We Alaskans, fooled by our eagerness to rid ourselves of the “corrupt bastards”, gravely mistook that absolutely false charm and empty words of promise to be rid of said Alaskan political corruptness, to the regretted and painful reality of what we got in mistakenly electing a charlatan and fraud. It didn’t take long for her true ugly, lazy and vicious character to show. Sympathy? Not by a long shot. And our litany and list of her empty sociopathic character is long and longer than everyone.

    You give empathy and sympathy to those who regret, rue and feel remorse for their misdeeds, foibles and otherwise, rotten and dangerous behaviors. There is nothing of that in the thoughts, words, or actions of sarah palin. She never forgives or retracts. How does one feel sympathy for such a person? In my thinking, you don’t. You can’t. Some things ARE just black and white.


    1. deennaa,
      I agree. I feel no sympathy for her, even for being married to Todd. she has known what he is and has done nothing about it!


      1. Amen! Todd and sarah are two of the same amoral character.

        I just saw a picture (can’t remember the site) of a family birthday party that she and Todd attended. It was soooo telling. He is leaning over her neck looking like he is trying to kiss her and she has her head leaned waaay over AWAY from his pathetic ass-kissing attempt to look like he cares. He probably knew it would be a photo-op for the “fam”. What two perfect phonies! Their lovely “family” life will bind them together forever, but not for any other reason than their secrets are too deadly and disastrous for them to part from one another. No worries for them: Alaska is HUGE and so is their mansion in Arizona and the house on Lake Lucille. They will be afforded their own isolation from each other except when they feel the need to fool the fools with photo-ops.


    2. Thank you! That is the best explanation of Sarah Palin I have heard and one we can believe as you were on the front lines in all of this. Thanks also to Bill Hess for bringing the real story of the natives to us. I admire you so much thru the lens of his camera to show how deep and caring your people are. Sarah shows her hatred of you….if you were out of the way, the Repubs could shred and pillage your state with oil rigs killing everything in the way. Keep getting the truth out! I heard last night it costs the oil companies $10 to drill a barrel of oil, and we are being charged $120+ dollars to use it. That is why they wanted her to be VP so they could drill, baby, drill…to hell with the natives an their land! Thank you Deennaa for telling the truth. I would love to hear you give that speech in Congress like Ms Fluke did, and get the truth out! We could shut down more Rush Limbaugh idiots!


      1. Thank you for your comment; especially about our people. You hit on a truth about sarah and the oil companies. American politics are always about resources and the money from those. sarah palin was a perfect foil for the real hidden power and money mongers and she had to appear that she wouldn’t rape our land and the people on it. If you ever get a chance, read the book “A Village Journey” by Thomas Berger a former judge from Canada. It is a very telling book how Alaska’s Native peoples were set to be swindled out of their lands and resources, and how the Native peoples had no input nor chances to digest how cleverly and quickly this was done against them. Also, if you’ve a notion to find out more, google “Alaska Native Land Claims Act”. We call it “ANCSA”. Its basically a story of the Broken Treaties of the lower 48 tribes done to a modern tune.

        When sarah palin was running for governor, under cover of night, she made a visit to the home of Bill Allen, Alaska’s foremost famous leader of the “corrupt bastards” – for a little wine and chat. Oil and Bill Allen’s Veco were synonymous with power and corruption in Alaska. It was disclosed soon after that a hefty donation from Allen was contributed to Palin’s campaign. The Alaska Daily News has devoted some space to Allen and his cohorts:

        Another perspective:

        Once again on Bill Allen:

        Still these stories are not ended and will continue as long as palin’s incompetent appointees remain in their unwarranted positions in Alaskan government. ONE person can do so much harm, damage and destruction – sarah palin is proof of that. At least in Alaska. That she set her eyes on the white house was I N C R E D U L O U S. We were about to see a complete breakdown on levels no one could imagine in this country, and hence the world at large. DISASTROUS would have been the only word to describe that scenario. It is crystal clear to us that there are no clear heads in her party. She being the lowest rung on their ladder. (A matter of opinion since there are so many on those lowest rungs)

        My wish would be for all clear headed and sane people to stand united against this scourge of ugly and deadly corporatist people who are ruining our country and our earth. Most of them come from our country. They’ve muddied the waters of everything they touch – literally and figuratively. And they are hell bent on doing much more. They now have women in their “crosshairs”. sarah and todd palin being the epitome of their vulgar, deadly rapacious selves. Get rich quick, rule with a hitlerian hand and the hell with all the rest you, but smile in our faces with tawdry lies undercurrent with violence. Its just their way – their modus operandi – to fool all of us. Our takedown will be their badge of obscene honor. The fake and fraudulent among us: our awareness should be ever so much more acute to the likes of what the palin’s have shown to all. I’m hoping the intelligent will prevail and the obstinate stupid will never get their voice that Palin brought to the fore and DELIBERATELY/HATEFULLY INSTIGATED. (I capitalize for emphasis)

        Thank you again for your supportive comment, and thanks to Malia for giving me the space to exercise a more true freedom of speech.


  10. In the movie, Sarah first heard from McCain in summer 2008. But wasn’t there some information that she either met with him or talked with him much earlier, in Feb 2008 or before? Anyone know the details on that, or am I remembering wrong?

    It matters, since she announced her “pregnancy” the day after McCain clinched the nomination.

    The book and movie could be a cover-up of McCain involvement in the pregnancy hoax.


    1. Yes, she did meet with him briefly. There is a lot of this information on the internet. I highly encourage people to search this out.

      Alaskan’s believe in the pregnancy hoax. When, within a matter of days you see a stomach go from flat to full blown looking 9 months, you have no choice but to reason that she did not give birth to any baby. Read all the blogs against palin and then read Shailey Tripp’s blog regarding the massage she gave sarah palin. One plus one ONLY equals two. SANE and FACTUAL reasoning, that is. She fooled us on a few levels, but this lie of pregnancy was just simply over the top and into the realm of fiction. Totally a huge lie. Yes, and we can STILL say how stupid she is in believing that WE were the stupid ones to swallow this INSANE lie.


  11. My husband and I watched Game Change today. His comment at the end?
    “It’s all about her, isn’t it?”
    He listens as I rant about palin, but I don’t think he realized the depth of her ignorance, stupidity and narcissism before this movie.
    It really showed how ignorant she really was. How did she get pushed up the ladder in Alaska? How did she get to be governor?
    It really brought home the fact that republicans would do anything to win.
    Anything at all.


    1. mgardener,
      I also think that it is important to realize how important for women in politics to be attractive…especially Republican ones.


  12. The palinbots are awfully thin skinned if they think that this portrayal of sp was some kind of skewering.

    I think she got off easy.


    1. rf,
      Me too! There was a huge amount of information available regarding her dysfunctional family, and they didn’t touch that. I think they were very kind to her.


      1. I may be wrong, but I’d be willing to bet that the comments being removed have to do with Shailey’s book.


  13. Sarah Palin is mean and a bully and carries a grudge. She brags about being a pitbull and a barracuda–and delivers the anti-Christ message. How can she claim to be a Christian when the only thing that comes from her mouth is hatred and jealousy about the Obama family and love for herself. Sarah, when you die, you will not be judged by the amount of money you have made. You will be remembered for all the divisive actions you took to get your family media attention and more money. Your Mom should have taught you that you are judged by your actions and not by your comments about being a Christian. Your language is coarse and we know that you don’t act like a Lady. You would get more respect if you weren’t known as the person with the sharp, forked tongue.


  14. Defenders of HBO’s “Game Change” have fought back against those who criticize the politically charged film as a two-hour attack on Sarah Palin. They claim that unless a person has watched it in its entirety, they cannot judge its content or the people involved with the project.
    Well, I’ve seen the entire movie, so don’t mind me while I go ahead and judge this piece of high-dollar propaganda.
    “Game Change” is pretty easy to deconstruct. At its core, it’s a left-wing project designed to make one of their most hated political enemies toxic. They used people with an axe to grind to legitimize the story they want viewers to believe and help push their agenda. They also have no problem lying.
    Honestly, it was difficult to narrow down this list because there were so many fabrications and distortions throughout the film, but here are the top ten lies produced by HBO.

    Lie #10: HBO released a defensive statement to the press along with screeners of the film saying the project “is a balanced portrayal of the McCain/Palin campaign.” Having seen the movie in its entirety, I can say that that statement is beyond absurd. There was nothing “balanced” about the story they told. As someone who has studied Palin’s career for years, I can say that I didn’t even recognize the person sold as “Governor Palin,” here played by Julianne Moore.
    Beyond the grotesque character assassination, there is a heavy partisan imbalance at work. “Game Change” portrays most Republicans in a bad light — everyone minus Steve Schmidt (Woody Harrelson), Nicolle Wallace (Sarah Paulson), Mark Wallace (Ron Livingston), and Chris Edwards (Larry Sullivan). One character refers to former Vice President Dick Cheney as “Darth Vader,” while the McCain/Palin rallies depict unhinged men yelling “terrorist” and “he’s a Muslim” at the mention of Obama’s name. Then, there was the the quote they placed toward the end of the movie which had Sen. John McCain (Ed Harris) warning Palin not to get “co-opted by Limbaugh and the other extremists.” None of these instances were balanced and were clearly told from a left-wing point of view.
    Lie #9: Virtually every characteristic attributed to Palin in “Game Change” is false. They portray her as egotistical, ungracious, demanding, stupid, forgetful and, cruelest of all, mentally unstable. They do show her as a loving mother, even though they have her go into “catatonic stupors” when separated from her children. Even when they’re trying to be nice they’re mean. I don’t know Palin personally, but I know people who do. I have never heard any stories that fit the descriptions listed above; in fact, I’ve heard just the opposite.
    An egotistical person wouldn’t put her state’s well-being before her own political career. An ungracious person wouldn’t spend her time making long phone calls to supporters, giving them shout-outs at rallies, or spending countless time shaking their hands on rope-lines. It also appears as though Alec Baldwin didn’t get the lefty memo. In October of 2008, after meeting her on the set on SNL, Baldwin describes Palin as “polite” and “gracious.” Oops!

    “Game Change” also depicts Palin as highly forgetful. Around the 70 minute mark, Mark Wallace tells Steve Schmidt that Palin couldn’t remember “any” of the information he used to prep her for the debate. As it turns out, another Democrat didn’t get the memo. In 2008, former editor in chief of Ms. magazine, Elaine Lafferty wrote:
    I’d heard rumors around the campaign of her photographic memory and, frankly, I watched it in action. She sees. She processes. She questions, and only then, she acts.
    Lafferty also said Palin was “smart” and “more than a quick study.” She, however, was not interviewed by “Game Change” screenwriter Danny Strong for the film. Seriously, if you think Palin is stupid, just read her emails. Dumb, mentally unstable people prone to falling into “catatonic stupors” don’t generally work their way up to governor. She did, and she did it all on her own. From top to bottom, the “Palin” character is absolute fiction. She is nothing more than a left-wing day dream of who they wish Palin was.
    Lie #8: “Game Change” depicts Palin as unwilling to go on stage with Jeb Bradley because he is pro-choice. At the 92 minute mark of the film, Palin tells a staffer:
    There’s no way I’m going on stage with anyone who’s pro-choice.
    When HBO sends out statements telling people that they “ensure” the “historical accuracy” of the research they conduct, they’re lying. If this woman refused to go on stage with anyone because they’re pro-choice, why did she attend rallies with Joe Lieberman in Pennsylvania and Florida during the campaign? Why did she also allow the L.A. President of NOW to introduce her at yet another rally during the campaign in question? Palin doesn’t ostracize people for having a different opinion than she does. Frankly, that’s more in line with behavior I have come to expect from the left.
    Lie #7: The movie suggests Palin wanted to flee Alaska. At the 89 minute mark, Palin whispers into Schmidt’s ear:
    I so don’t want to go back to Alaska.
    Never mind Moore’s horrendous acting; the statement is ridiculous. If Palin “so” wanted to get out of Alaska, why does she still live there? And how exactly do you explain “Sarah Palin’s Alaska”?

    Lie #6: At the beginning of the film, McCain’s staff is depicted as searching for a Vice Presidential candidate. The movie clearly tried to suggest that McCain’s team picked Palin because she was a woman. To back up this assertion, around the 10 minute mark in the film, McCain is seen saying, “so find me a woman.” The real Schmidt admits this never happened. The Chicago Tribune reports Schmidt said he never heard McCain speak those words. “It was a minor point of dramatization to make a point,” Schmidt said. Actually, the entire movie was a major point of dramatization to make a point–a point only an Obama SuperPAC would love.
    Lie #5: The sin of omission regarding the film’s depiction of the “Troopergate” (aka “Tasergate”) investigation certainly qualifies as an egregious lie. The movie briefly mentions it early on, but during a scene at around the 93 minute mark, Schmidt says:
    You cannot say that you were cleared of all wrong doing … the report stated that you abused your power. That is the opposite of being cleared of all wrong doing.
    Really, HBO? And which “report” was that? The report they cite was headed up by Democrats in the Alaska Legislature and known Obama allies during the campaign. It was a political witch hunt, not an honest investigation. In fact, President Barack Obama rewarded State Senator Kim Elton, a longtime friend of Pete Rouse and Chairman of the Legislative Council who released the report, with a fancy job at the Interior Department in his administration after the election. It was a shining example of the blatant pay-for-play antics of the Obama administration during the early days.
    Something else that HBO purposely leaves out of their movie is that Palin was cleared of all wrongdoing in an independent investigation just before the election in 2008. From the AP:
    A report has cleared Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin of ethics violations in the firing of her public safety commissioner.
    Released Monday, the report says there is no probable cause to believe Palin or any other state official violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with the firing. The report was prepared by Timothy Petumenos, an independent counsel for the Alaska Personnel Board.
    HBO leaves viewers with the impression that Palin had been found guilty of an ethical lapse, when in reality she had been cleared by the very board legally charged with investigating the matter.
    After watching the film, I spoke with Thomas Van Flein, Palin’s attorney throughout both “Troopergate” investigations. Van Flein undoubtedly knows more about this topic than any other person in the country. He told me that HBO never contacted him.

    He also reminded me about a statement released by Hollis French, an Alaska Democrat who was also involved in the Branchflower report. French had said openly that due to their actions, the McCain campaign now had “to deal with an October surprise.”

    Van Flein also stated:
    The true independent board that reviewed this matter and exonerated Governor Palin in the Petumenos report, condemned the Branchflower report as biased, partisan, incomplete, and incompetent.
    The Anchorage Daily News reported at the time:
    Petumenos wrote the Legislature’s special counsel, former state prosecutor Steve Branchflower, used the wrong state law as the basis for his conclusions and also misconstrued the evidence.
    To quote Bill Dyer, the Branchflower report, the one sold by HBO as proof Palin was guilty of any wrongdoing, was “an obvious political hatchet job.”
    Democrats who were active with Obama’s campaign hijacked the process, ignored the law and released a report that fit their agenda. Luckily, an independent board corrected the record. That doesn’t stop HBO from misleading their viewers.

    Lie #4: At approximately the 16 minute mark in the film, while interviewing the faux-Palin, Schmidt says:
    Senator McCain supports stem cell research, you do not.
    While the movie is correct in pointing out that Palin differed with John McCain on the issue (McCain supported federal funding of embryonic stem cell research), they make no distinction between embryonic and adult stem cell research. There is a big difference, and Palin supports adult stem cell research, as she pointed out in her interview with Charlie Gibson:
    We’re getting closer and closer to finding a tremendous amount of other options, like, as I mentioned, the adult stem cell research.
    Lie #3: A constant theme pushed throughout “Game Change” is the notion that the McCain campaign didn’t vet Palin. If you pay any attention to left-wing bloggers in Alaska, you know that this has been a talking point for years. The movie tries to pin the blame of this alleged non-vetting on the man who was responsible for the process, Arthur “A.B.” Culvahouse. The film also suggests Culvahouse didn’t ask Palin any policy questions during his interview. This is provably false. The Chicago Tribune interviewed Culvahouse in 2009. He directly contradicts the way the movie portrayed the vetting process and how Governor Palin was selected:
    There were three rules,” Culvahouse said of himself and McCain. “He was the decider. There was no one between him and me…. There was no one who was going to say, ‘This one is on the list, this one is off the list’… Third… he could not pick anyone that I had not vetted.”

    Culvahouse, a former counsel to then-Sen. Howard Baker in the 1970s, had delivered Baker’s paperwork when he was being considered for Gerald Ford’s vice president – there were 19 questions asked.

    “The questionnaire I sent out for John McCain had 74.”

    They asked her if she is prepared to use nuclear weapons in the defense of the American homeland, he said, and they asked her if, say Osama bin Laden should be spotted, but taking him out would result in many other casualties, would she take the shot?

    “She knocked those three questions out of the park,” he said.
    Those were obviously policy questions, and Palin was obviously vetted.

    Lie #2: The movie portrays Palin as an absolute foreign and domestic policy dunce. The things they try to get their audience to believe are not only insulting to Palin but to the intelligence of the people watching. At around the 102 minute mark, while talking about the similarities in Obama and Palin’s charisma, Schmidt says to Rick Davis:
    The primary difference being, Sarah Palin can’t name a Supreme Court decision, whereas Obama was a Constitutional Law Professor.
    A. Obama was not a “Constitutional Law Professor.” B. A.B. Culvahouse has also stated on record that the Katie Couric interview left viewers with the “wrong impression” about Palin’s knowledge of the Supreme Court. He said:
    She clearly did … My law firm represents Exxon in the Valdez matters,” he noted. “Until she became governor, Gov. Palin was a plaintiff in that case…
    Regarding foreign policy, the movie depicts the Director of Foreign Policy and National Security for the McCain campaign, Randy Scheunemann, as teaching Palin as if she were a child learning about geography for the first time. The movie implies that using maps while discussing foreign policy and national security with a political leader was necessary because she was so dumb. However, during a press conference last week, Scheunemann said:
    I always use maps as a briefer and did so even with McCain.
    Around the 46 minute mark, the filmmakers portray Palin as unfamiliar with basic knowledge pertaining to World War I and World War II. During that same press conference, Scheunemann said:
    The idea that at any point that Gov. Palin expressed any uncertainty as to who were the various sides in World War I or World War II, or any other war, is absolutely untrue. She was incredibly intelligent. She asked very informed questions. She was very interested and she wanted to understand John McCain’s view of foreign policy because she wanted to be the best possible vice presidential nominee.
    Scheunemann went on to explain that his discussion with Gov. Palin about these historic topics was in the context of the historical roots of John McCain’s foreign policy world views, not a history lesson.

    Lie #1: At the 106 minute mark of the film, Schmidt is talking to McCain after the election loss. He appears as though he wants to apologize to McCain but instead apologizes for “suggesting her.” The movie attempts to drive the message home that the primary reason McCain lost was because Palin was on the ticket. That simply isn’t the case.

    After the selection of Palin for the VP slot, McCain took the lead in national polls. It wasn’t until the economic collapse that the trend started to move the other way. The trend stayed in Obama’s favor due to the manner in which the McCain campaign handled that crisis. The decisions the campaign made did not inspire confidence in the American people, and they were not decisions made by Palin.

    After months of research on this movie, this lie was certainly very telling to me. Never before has Schmidt’s motive for talking to the book’s authors and the makers of this movie been more clear. He is trying to absolve himself of responsibility for the bad decisions he (and the Wallaces) made and the campaign they ran. They told their convenient version of events to left-leaning activists in the entertainment industry who loved the lies so much they made a movie out of them. The result is “Game Change.”


  15. Joe, you cite on source for your rebuttal of the film and Palin.

    Darn, I never thought it was possible that I would remotely find Palin sympathetic but the film gave her stark moments of humanity. If the film were truly out to ‘trash’ Palin in every way, it wouldn’t have portrayed any sympathy for her.

    Not once did the film portray Sen. McCain in negative light, his campaign would not allow him to pick the VP contender he truly wanted, Lieberman. They insisted on a anti-choice candidate to get the ‘base’ behind him.

    Palin has never shown us anything in any way to discredit the fact that was and is not a vindictive person, who is unwilling to discover anything about the world. Her words on the campaign trail, often times not shown in film, were cruel, untrue, and so vitriolic, it does paint to her motives as a human being and not just ‘politics as usual’ on the campaign trail,

    When she is not using a teleprompter, everything she says comes out like word salad.

    Of course she wasn’t interviewed for the film. I’m sure the producers and the director would have loved that, as would Julianne Moore, but unless the film were to portray Palin in the light *she* deems acceptable, she would never agree to such a thing.

    Schmidt didn’t run a bad campaign, Palin killed that campaign. Wallace has never been known in any GOP circles as anything but level headed and an excellent campaigner.

    Palin ruined that campaign and those directly responsible for, the source you cited, can’t admit it.


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