Pimps, Prostitutes, and Palins — Part 3-Violence Against Women

Shailey Tripp’s book Boys Will Be Boys tells the story of a single mother who was victimized by men.

She describes the abuse inflicted upon her by her second husband who tried to poison her and her two children. Ms. Tripp admits to returning to that abusive husband nine times, contrary to the advice of her parents. Having left that husband permanently, she re-located to Alaska. Shailey Tripp found herself alone, and with no means of support for herself and her two children. She describes in graphic detail what “poor” means; spending the night with her two children in a public restroom, not being able to afford toilet paper or sanitary napkins. Whether because of financial desperation, or her vulnerability to abusive men, Shailey Tripp became the victim of the manipulation and abuse of Todd Palin.

She turned to a life of prostitution through the manipulation and coercion of Todd Palin.  Instead of finding support for her at his church, Todd Palin used his influence in the Alaskan community to find men who were willing to pay for sex, making money for himself along the way.

Women exposed to recurring and inevitably abusive circumstances often feel helpless and develop a strong and extremely harmful perception of themselves and the world.. Violence against women in America is much worse than you probably knew. It has been described as an “epidemic”. At a conference held by the Obama Administration during Domestic Violence Against Women Awareness Month, Vice President Biden reported that there are 21,000 crimes against women in America every WEEK! He told stories of a woman who had her arm broken with a hammer by her husband, a father who beat his daughter with a lead pipe, and a 15 year old girl who was stabbed by her boyfriend the same day he was released from prison.

(Members of the audience listen as President Barack Obama speaks at a Violence Against Women awareness event in the East Room of the White House, Oct. 27 2010.)

This week Alaskans heard the story of a 3 year old girl who froze to death, and her 1 year old sister who was hospitalized with hypothermia. The boyfriend of their mother locked them in a room with the window open as punishment for wetting the bed. 

Violence against women is now well recognized as a public health problem and human rights violation of worldwide significance. It has far reaching consequences for both physical and mental health.  It is ironic that it is the Obama administration that has worked to curb violence against women while Sarah Palin’s daughters have been associated with drugs, alcohol, failure to pursue higher education, and unwed teen pregnancy. While the “liberal elites” are working to address this tragic problem for women, Todd Palin, the husband of the woman with “common sense,” is using and abusing women across the country. Violence against women is a global problem that urgently needs to be addressed. 

Yet Sarah Palin seems to contribute to the problem, instead of using her celebrity status to bring this tragic problem to light.

The history of Rihanna and the abuse inflicted by her boyfriend, Chris Brown, is a perfect example of the tendency of women to return to their abusive intimate partners. Therapists who treat both abusers and their victims report that it is common. Abuse victims will leave out of either fear, anger or resentment, but after the fear, anger or resentment begins to subside, they feel guilt, shame, anxiety, and that takes them back.” The woman may not want to break off an abusive relationship because they are afraid to be independent, or perhaps they don’t know how to take care of themselves, or don’t want to face shame from friends and family. 

While Todd Palin is running a prostitution ring, with the assistance of the Anchorage Police, the Obama Administration is highlighting unprecedented coordination and cooperation across the entire government to protect victims of domestic and sexual violence and enable survivors to break the cycle of abuse. You show know that:

• One-in-every-four women experiences domestic violence during their lifetimes

• more than 20 million women in the U.S. have been victims of rape

• Approximately 15.5 million children are exposed to domestic violence every year

• The impact of abuse lingers for years, for both for victims and their children.

• One in twelve adult women are abused during pregnancy

• 25-50% of adolescent mothers experience domestic violence before, during, or just after pregnancy

• Children born to abused mothers are 30% more likely to require intensive care upon birth

• One in six women and one in thirty-three men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes

• fewer than 1 in 6 rapes are reported to the police

• Women who have been raped have high rates of PTSD, depression, anxiety, and suicide attempts.

The Obama Administration has taken specific steps to address this attack on women through a broad, comprehensive response to reducing violence against women. Specifically, these concrete steps include:

• Protect Children and Break the Cycle of Violence

• Improve Legal Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence

• Increase Sexual Assault Arrests and Successful Prosecutions

• Help Victims Regain Housing and Financial Independence

Programs that have been instituted under Obama include

• The Affordable Care Act’s new Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program

• The HHS Head Start program is reaching out to pregnant women and parents of young children to prevent and respond to domestic violence.

• The Attorney General has launched the Defending Childhood Initiative to protect children from the harmful consequences of witnessing violence.

• The new HHS Enhancing Services for Children and Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence program supports innovative, evidence-informed services for children exposed to domestic violence.

• There are improvements being made for the legal protections for victims of domestic violence.

• The Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, in partnership with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, is releasing new tools for communities to improve enforcement of protective orders.

• The Department of Justice, with assistance from the White House, is launching Access to Justice for Domestic Violence Victims, a pilot project to encourage more commitment from the private bar to provide pro bono legal services to victims of domestic violence.

The list of interventions of the Obama Administration to address this epidemic is extensive.  The most significant factor is attacking this problem is education. While education is important for everyone, it is especially significant for girls and women. This is true not only because education is an entry point to other opportunities, but also because the educational achievements of women can have ripple effects within the family and across generations. Investing in girls’ education is one of the most effective ways to reduce poverty. Investments in secondary school education for girls yields especially high dividends.

Girls who have been educated are likely to marry later and to have smaller and healthier families. Educated women can recognize the importance of health care and know how to seek it for themselves and their children. Education helps girls and women to know their rights and to gain confidence to claim them. However, women’s literacy rates are significantly lower than men’s in most developing countries.

The education of parents is linked to their children’s educational attainment, and the mother’s education is usually more influential than the father’s. An educated mother’s greater influence in household negotiations may allow her to secure more resources for her children.

Educated mothers are more likely to be in the labour force, allowing them to pay some of the costs of schooling, and may be more aware of returns to schooling. And educated mothers, averaging fewer children, can concentrate more attention on each child.

Besides having fewer children, mothers with schooling are less likely to have mistimed or unintended births. This has implications for schooling, because poor parents often must choose which of their children to educate.

Shailey Tripp, even with her limited resources, is working toward a college degree. With all the demands she faces for child care and providing financially for her children, she still recognizes that education is fundamentally important for her independence and her future. Bristol and Willow are not in college even though they are the appropriate age, and clearly have the financial support to seek a degree. The importance, or lack thereof, to Todd and Sarah Palin of education is an illustration of their endorsement of the continuation of women being subjected to domination by men, and thereby, the potential for violence. Sarah Palin’s defense of Herman Cain, saying “boys will be boys” is a vivid example of her perception of a woman’s role in relation to a man’s.  Being married for years to Todd Palin, the “preditor”, we have a glimpse as to why Palin has joined the war on women, she plays the victim, defends Todd when it is revealed that he is running a prostitution ring, and why she would allow him to occupy to Governor’s office and take on the responsibilities of Governor.

34 thoughts on “Pimps, Prostitutes, and Palins — Part 3-Violence Against Women

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  1. This family is quite a piece of work. And to think they were THAT CLOSE to being the VP family of the US. Totally terrifying, to say the least. wish Shailey the best!


  2. “The most significant factor is attacking this problem is education.”

    Now you know the other reason why the GOP wants to gut education… systematic subjugation of females in the USA. Keep the bitches barefoot, stupid, and pregnant that is their mantra.


  3. What can be done to get an investigation into Todd Palin going? We know the Anchorage Police Department is covering for him…but, Shailey still has evidence! It’s amazing to think what the Palins have gotten away with in Alaska. Why aren’t the FBI and IRS after the two of them? It makes absolutely no sense!


  4. Something has to be done here. Malia, is there anything I can do specifically from Alaska that would help other than just sending emails? What I don’t understand here is that Shailey is essentially reporting many crimes. Isn’t it incumbent upon APD to now investigate those crimes? Could they be reported to a different jurisdiction?

    I’m more than happy to do what I can but I don’t know where to start


    1. Barb,
      I’m not sure what to tell you either. I have no confidence in the FBI in Alaska or the APD, and the jury is out on the new AG. I have asked him to reconsider the ethics complaint previously filed, but haven’t heard anything back! I think I would start with the Governor and any legislators in Alaska. This level of corruption is horrible for the state, and I would think that they should be interested in eliminating the corruption! The other option that seems like a possibility is the Attorney General of the U.S. Eric Holder, One other place you might call is the office of Valerie Jarret in the White House as she is the person in charge of the Council on Women (she is in the picture on the post). If they aren’t aware of this they should be. I will try to call them on Monday.


      1. Alan,
        Unfortunately I understand the Ombudsman’s office has NO authority to do anything. I got the impression from them that they are a bogus governmental sponsored entity and their findings are of absolutely NO consequence.


  5. I’m reading Shailey’s book and I can’t put it down. My heart is breaking for her and I want so much to see her succeed. She is truly an inspiration to me. I am much older than she is, and my life has been quite different, but I can nonetheless relate to what she is saying. One need not have been a prostitute to have suffered at the hands of unfeeling uncaring men who view women as objects for their own use.


    1. sunnyskies,
      I am reminded of the saying, “walk a mile in my shoes” when I read about the tragedies she experienced, and everyone can immediately understand how she became vulnerable to a predator like Todd.


  6. So it’s just another taxpayer funded diversion agency and part of the same municipal government that protects criminal activity in Anchorage?

    Mayor Sullivan and APD Chief Mew must be so proud….


    1. shay,
      I hope you realize how many readers appreciate just how brave you were to write this book. Thank you, and God bless.


      1. Agreed!

        The way all these people are covering for each other in Alaska is un-flippin-believable (to borrow a word from someone we all know and loathe). Shailey, I continue to admire your courage and refusal to be a victim of the Palin machinations any longer.


    2. I’d ask her (Barbara Jones) what her job description is. It certainly is NOT to advocate for the corrupt APD.

      From the Municipality of Anchorage Ombudsman web page:

      The Ombudsman’s Office was established in addition to other remedies or rights of appeal, as an independent, impartial municipal office, readily available to the public, responsible to the Assembly, empowered to investigate the acts of Municipal agencies and Anchorage School District, and to recommend appropriate changes toward the goals of safeguarding the rights of persons and of promoting higher standards of competency, efficiency, and equity in the provision of municipal services.

      Barbara A. Jones


      “independent, impartial ”

      “investigate the acts of Municipal agencies “,

      “safeguarding the rights of persons”

      Does anyone else feel that the very agency we can turn to for help is wrong to state they are ” putting full faith ” into APD Internal Affairs?

      This certainly raises serious issues about ” independent and impartial ” in the Ombudsman’s office.

      Shailey, I hope you are continuing to document and save all your evidence in this matter.

      The criminal activity you describe was bad enough but the collective cover up is even worse.


  7. Boys Will Be Boys reveals among other things that Todd Palin has a peculiar physical characteristic. A characteristic that Shailey Tripp would have no way of knowing about had she not been seen Todd nude.

    The Palins silence about this revelation speaks volumes.

    If Shailey were lying about this physical trait of Todd’s it would be quite easy for him to prove that she was not being truthful. But Shailey isn’t lying, is she Todd? Sarah?

    That’s why all of you are being so quiet in regards to the book, isn’t it? Hoping if you ignore it then it will go away.

    It’s not going away. More and more people are going to read it and learn the truth about teeny weenie two-toned Todd.


    1. jeannie,
      Yes he could go to a dr and get the dr to describe his physical characteristics …unless of course it was cbj


      1. I wouldn’t believe a doctor’s statement from Todd…the only way I’d believe he isn’t as Shailey described is by seeing for myself, though even then I would suspect a prosthetic or some other sort of trickery. Besides, the mere thought of seeing Todd clad in less than a neck-to-toe snowmachine ensemble makes me queasy.


    2. I have to say this;

      Now we all know why $arah gets so screechy when she talks about wee-weed up

      T.W.Todd does have a “ring” to it…..


  8. My thinking is that at least we can mention Shailey’s book in comments re “Game Change.” I’ve done that in several places. I see that the book’s amazon rank has gone up since I last looked, although i know that’s not a perfect indicator.

    Mailia: What do you think of the idea of a Gloria Allred-type of lawsuit:
    — contingency, so it would cost Shailey nothing;
    — you perhaps know people more suited to this than Allred;
    — sue Todd for damages for some aspect of the prostitution activity;
    — maybe sue the State of Alaska for negligence in not addressing the wrongs Shailey has suffered and made known to the authorities.

    Not necessarily to win (although a win of some cash for Shailey would be so great!) but to publicize the matter, the lack of interest by the authorities. I don’t know the legalities around all this, but I bet you do.


    1. credit repair,
      I have learned much more than I’d like, but now that we know, more people should be talking about this!


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