No Republican Will Ever Be the Commander in Chief in the War on Women

It’s been one week since Rush Limbaugh began his attack on Sandra Fluke, and thus, on women. Men and women across the country have rallied against Limbaugh through twitter, facebook, blogs, and e-mail. Virtually every media source has had some type of report or commentary on the outrageous things said by Limbaugh, not only on Wednesday, but in the days that followed. Over 36 advertisers have discontinued association with the Rush Limbaugh Show, and the number is growing daily… The real question is “Why?” Why now? Consider the many outrageous remarks of Limbaugh from past shows which did not result in anything approaching the current outcry.

1. “In Obama’s America, the white kids now get beat up, with the black kids cheering, ‘Yeah, right on, right on, right on’ … Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff.”

2. “If homosexuality being inborn is what makes it acceptable, why does racism being inborn not make racism acceptable? … We are born that way. We don’t choose it. So shouldn’t it be acceptable, excuse — this is according to the way the left thinks about things.” Source

3. . “Barack the Magic Negro“

This original song aired on The Rush Limbaugh Show several times. Chip Saltzman, a 2008 candidate for RNC chair, put it on a mix CD and distributed it to his colleagues. The gift backfired; Michael Steele was elected instead.

4. [To an African-American caller] “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”

5. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”

6. [To a caller arguing that black people need to be heard] “They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?”

7. [When a Mexican won the New York Marathon] “An immigration agent chased him the last 10 miles.

8. Jared Loughner has the Democrats’ “full support”

Limbaugh suggested that the shooter of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat, was being aided by the same party:

“What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He’s sitting there in jail. He knows what’s going on, he knows that. … The Democrat party is attempting to find anybody but him to blame. He knows if he plays his cards right, he’s just a victim. … That smiling mug shot — this guy clearly understands he’s getting all the attention and he understands he’s got a political party doing everything it can, plus a local sheriff doing everything that they can to make sure he’s not convicted of murder — but something lesser.”

9. “The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They’re invested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there’s a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he didn’t really deserve.”

10. “Look, let me put it to you this way: The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.” In spite of these offensive and socially incorrect remarks, the public outcry that resulted from these remarks, pales in comparison to the outcry over his remarks to Sandra Fluke.

Consider the attacks on women that have occurred in the last year, and have been termed the “War on Women”:

1) Republicans not only want to reduce women’s access to abortion care, they’re actually trying to redefine rape. After a major backlash, they promised to stop. But they haven’t yet. Shocker.

2) A state legislator in Georgia wants to change the legal term for victims of rape, stalking, and domestic violence to “accuser.” But victims of other less gendered crimes, like burglary, would remain “victims.”

3) In South Dakota, Republicans proposed a bill that couldmake it legal to murder a doctor who provides abortion care. (Yep, for real.)

4) Republicans want to cut nearly a billion dollars of food and other aid to low-income pregnant women, mothers, babies, and kids.

5) In Congress, Republicans have a bill that would let hospitals allow a woman to die rather than perform an abortion necessary to save her life.

6) Maryland Republicans ended all county money for a low-income kids’ preschool program. Why? No need, they said.Women should really be home with the kids, not out working.

7) And at the federal level, Republicans want to cut that same program, Head Start, by $1 billion. That means over 200,000 kids could lose their spots in preschool.

8) Two-thirds of the elderly poor are women, and Republicans are taking aim at them too. A spending bill would cut funding for employment services, meals, and housing for senior citizens.

9) Congress just voted for a Republican amendment to cut all federal funding from Planned Parenthood health centers, one of the most trusted providers of basic health care and family planning in our country.

10) And if that wasn’t enough, Republicans are pushing toeliminate all funds for the only federal family planning program. (For humans. But Republican Dan Burton has a bill to provide contraception for wild horses. You can’t make this stuff up).

It could be argued that the comments of Rush Limbaugh do not have nearly the devastating effect on women that these new laws and attacks on women. Each of these laws or policies could be considered to be the result of a conservative philosophy, instead of simply a direct attack on women. Opposition to abortion, for example, could be justified by a philosophical aversion to the termination of any pregnancy, instead of a desire to harm women. It could be argued that people opposed to abortion were not targeting women, but instead simply fighting for “life.” The difference in the comments of Rush Limbaugh is that his comments could not be justified or explained as anything but an unfounded, direct attack, on an intelligent, poised, and coherent woman who was testifying about the medical needs of women that have nothing to do with birth control. Instead of advocating the need for “birth control” she was highlighting the fundamental inability of women to get much needed health care because it was called “birth control” instead of “hormone therapy.”

Mr. Limbaugh’s attack became a “Republican” problem when the leading candidates for the Republican nomination were unwilling to express outrage at his remarks. George Will, a right wing conservative commentator, colorfully articulated the problem with the Republican response to Limbaugh. He explained:

“[House Speaker John] Boehner comes out and says Rush’s language was inappropriate,” Will said. “Using the salad fork for your entree, that’s inappropriate. Not this stuff.”

Commenting on Limbaugh’s tirade, Mitt Romney timidly observed that “slut” and “prostitute” were not necessarily the words he would have chosen, as if Limbaugh were simply in need of a thesaurus.

Rick Santorum called Limbaugh’s comments “absurd,” but seemed to give Rush a pass since he is an entertainer whose job it is to be absurd.

Newt Gingrich simply took the Limbaugh flap as one more opportunity to denounce the “liberal media.”


Men and women across the country are outraged by Limbaugh’s direct, offensive, and unprovoked attack on a woman who was attempting to represent women who are being injured in the War on Women. Sandra Fluke was not joining in the war, but was simply making the observation that a war was being waged. Even though Ms. Fluke was not armed, Rush Limbaugh lodged a direct assault on an innocent civilian, for all the country to witness. When the Republicans failed to condemn the attack on an innocent bystander in the war, the Republicans were viewed as participating in the attack.

Edmund Burke said:

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich did nothing to stand up to Rush Limbaugh. Republican leaders allowed evil to triumph. The President is supposed to be the Commander in Chief. If a candidate for President won’t fight for an innocent women in the War on Women, then he doesn’t deserve to be our Commander in Chief.

32 thoughts on “No Republican Will Ever Be the Commander in Chief in the War on Women

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  1. And our own favorite attack dog said nothing but platitudes for Rush playing her own victim card for him. I’m willing to bet she wishes she had weighed in early and often in his defense. Then again wasn’t she the one who went after Letterman for his bad joke about her girls? Not the Belmont girls but her daughters. The hypocrisy of the far right is gob smacking disgusting.


  2. Way to stereotype Malia. Just because there are a few asshole republican doesn’t mean all republicans are bad. You’ve just never met ones you like.

    There ARE gay republicans, and feminist republicans, and honest republicans.

    I would say the same about democrats, as people assume ALL democrats are selflish welfare junkies who are perpetually unhappy.

    Out of the 11 states I’ve lived in, 50 states I’ve visited, 37 countries I’ve traveled, I have NEVER met an unhappy conservative-voting person. EVER. Every republican I have ever met is rolling in happiness. I cannot say the same for democrats.



    1. lookyloosuzig,
      Some of the members of my immediate family are Republicans! They think what Limbaugh did and said was reprehensible! My point is that they are embarrassed that the leaders of the Republican Party won’t stand up to Limbaugh!


    2. Ah, it’s the “I’ve traveled to 50 states and all over the world” troll.

      Yes, we believe you. There are no unhappy conservatives. Really, they are all rolling in happiness. Whoo hoo! Goooooooo conservatives!!!


    3. LOL! Well, I have traveled almost as much as you supposedly did, and let me tell you: *I* have BARELY EVER seen a ‘Happy Conservative-Voting Person’. I don’t know of any ‘Republican rolling in happiness’. I DO know many Republicans ‘happily rolling in $$$’, though…


    4. 100% crazy is what I would call you.

      I’ll stand with a democrat any day! I would have considered myself more republican leaning in the past (yes, I was insane then) and there is no way in hell I could ever vote for a republican again. To be a republican today you have to be a religious right wacko & beyond selfish & greedy. Maybe they have always been this wacky & I just had blinders on? Probably……but you have to admit they seem to be wackier than ever.

      I am surrounded by republicans at work & believe me they are the most selfish and crabby people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing so your experiences sure aren’t mine.

      As the mother of a gay son, I have NO freaking explanation for gays voting republican. As a woman, I have NO freaking explanation for why any self respecting woman would vote republican.


      1. Like many people, you didn’t move away from the Republican party, the Republican party moved away from you. My parents always voted Republican until 2008, when my mom voted Democrat thanks to Sarah Palin and my father finally cut ties to the Rs and voted Democrat in 2010. If it were twenty years ago, Obama would have been a fine Republican.


    5. Lookloos…….Nice take. But honestly? I do not believe you and your wide description of travels. Rolling in happiness? Every conservative? Sure. I think you just might fit in at the rush website and watch your fake news on fox. Sounds more like your happy place than here. Independents and Democrats are very happy personally, but fed up with toxic fox news gang of bullies and republican leadership.


      1. You are right. All we have to do is listen to Beck, Coulter, O’Reilly, Hannity, Rush & the rest to see the “rolling in happiness” – NOT! Have you ever seen or heard so much “happiness” in your life? You could only be delusional if these people sound happy.

        I think the only time they are happy is when they are depositing their paychecks & thanking the ignorant people for being so gullible.

        I wouldn’t want their money for anything. If that is how I had to make a living I would rather be living in a shack.


    6. Yes, those tea party members just seem like a happy go lucky bunch of wanderers. The low education, low income voters who vote Republican, are motivated by fear and resentment. Not happy qualities to have.


    7. I think you’re exaggerating. There are a few billion people on this planet. Republicans are a drop in that bucket. I CAN say, I’ve never met a republican that I’ve ever liked for mostly their inability to look at “others” as more than their own one dimensional narrow-minded selves. People really are more than “right” or “left”, “repubs” or “dems”. Its the mind and heart condition that defines human’s more than anything else. People in america in these days and times could be more described as being divided in their chaotic name-calling soup of labels for each other. Name calling and labeling that never comes to anything but distrust and outright hatred for those who do not think like themselves. I’ve seen this more in people who label themselves “republican”. Yeah, I have. Oh, and where it matters the most – here in america – of which I have travelled from my home in Alaska to the east coast and back thru the south and into the west as far as the Pacific Ocean all the way up and back to Alaska – I can make my own claim re what you stated as well. But I would add, I don’t look at people in terms of the standard and oft used labels.


    8. When I look at the people attending events for any of the Republican presidential hopefuls, I do not see happy people. When I see people attending events for President Obama or Vice President Biden, I see happy people. Frankly, I’ve never met a “happy” conservative.


  3. What a comprehensive and fantastic post. Thank you Malia. And Ozmud has a post today with an update that indicates that Mitt Romney has been reluctant to criticize Rush because Clear Channel is a major contributor to his campaign.


  4. lookyloosuziq
    Well, if every conservative-voting person you’ve ever met is rolling in happiness, you haven’t met very many of them, including my very conservative-voting Republican sister and her friends.


  5. I see that a website for the encourgement for infidelity has offered to buy up three months of ad time of those that pulled out ads on the rush limpballs hate show. And the woman Dr. that appears on his show confirms that rush takes viagra and his medical insurance pays for it. The Hippocrit.
    Next? I held my nose and turned on fox business news this am. The men on that show are so ignorant inbred sounding. The woman are so odd……I could hardly stand listening……..these people are very strange to me. It is like watching the undesirable people in “deliverance” … really !!!! It is so interesting that you can have “A Fact” and these kind of people completely hear it differently. I remember discussing this very issue in a college class in the 80’s. And here we are today on a national level. Its Frightening.
    I also read today that there were 175 militia’s in the usa when President Obama took office in 08…….there are 1200+ today and growing. These people do not believe they are subject to state or federal laws and do not pay state or federal taxes. It will take 3hrs. of yoga today to calm down from this information. I cant help but to feel its gonna get crazy as we approach the end of the year………Does anyone know if geico still has ads on the rush show?


  6. I would add the following to the stop sign. Do it for our daughters, out mothers, our sisters and our wives. I think Rush awakened something in men who have daughters. Men hearing Rush suggest that someone’s daughter owed him the obligation to create a sex tape and post it on the internet so that he can watch it, affected many fathers. He got through to a lot of men with that.


  7. War on Women you say? This is a war on Men as well! Can you imagine how many MEN are disgusted with this bastard? My husband, as well as other women’s husbands are ready to do things to Limbaugh that can’t be said politely. My point is, this is just not a war on women, this is a war on husbands and wives together.


  8. I’ve got an errand to run Malia, but this magnificent post will get a response from me later. I said MAGNIFICENT and so it is! You are the “bees knees”! Way to go!


  9. I feel strongly that this is a war on a healthy, sound, american society. This is a war on a sane society. To me this is mental illness galore. It seems so very sick that this is even an issue to me. Not sure about the rest of you? But toxic, abusive, con artist, sociopathic, opportunist are our societies deadly disease.


  10. What a great title for this article. I think the title phrase should be made into a bumper sticker and T shirt, as in:

    Elect a Republican to be Commander in Chief in the War Against Women (stick this one on rightie men’s cars)


    Republicans: aspiring to be Commander in Chief in the War Against Women (women put this one on on their cars)


  11. This current modern Republican Party is not the Republican Party of yesteryears. I kinda think that some Republicans of sound mind and ethics are having a hard time with recent issues and stance that the party has taken. This really is not a war on per say Republicans? It is a war against those that have taken over the Republican Party. But what I am disappointed about is that the decent Republicans are not standing up and telling the rift raft to take a hike and leave the party. I think they are as sadden as Independents and Democrats at the course this party has taken in the last 20+ years. They really do not know what they stand for anylonger. Its too much of a mixture.


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