Rush Limbaugh, You Impotent Chauvinist! You Vile Excuse for a Human Being!

Rush Limbaugh called Ms. Fluke, the woman who admitted before Congress that she is a law student at Georgetown University and needs her prescription birth control pills covered by her medical insurance, a “slut” and a “prostitute.”   Today he was even more offensive and said:

“ So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch.”

This is the same vile person who was stopped at the airport when returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic.  He was returning with four other men, who included producers of shows on Fox, who had flown on a private jet back to Palm Beach from the stag party.  He was stopped because he had a history of abusing prescription medication,

and on this occasion he had 29 100 mg Viagra pills in his possession under a false name on the prescription bottle.

One Hundred milligrams is the very highest dosage that is permitted, with half that amount the average dose.   At another web site the use of the 100 mg. dose is described as:

“A full 100 mg. will give you a Ginsu carving knife that, if put to ultimate use, will render her suitable for burial in a Y-shaped coffin.  For most of us, 50 mg. is plenty, ensuring that you can return to a deflated state between orgasms, if so desired…But you may have to picture your grandmother naked, to do so.

Today Limbaugh suggests that the only way that Ms. Fluke should be allowed to receive reimbursement for her birth control pills would be if she posted a video of her having sex on the internet. Funny that contraceptives have other “medically necessary” uses, but not Viagra!  I bet we don’t see an amendment presented in the senate to limit the reimbursement for a prescription for viagra !

It occurs to me that it’s time for another contest.  Just as Rick Santorum has a Google Problem, it seems only fitting that Rush Limbaugh should have a Google problem too!

I am announcing a contest to determine what the name “Limbaugh” means.  Send this to all your friends, family, and remote acquaintances, and ask that they submit their entry sharing their proposal for what the name “Limbaugh” means.  I’ll post the winner in a few days.




People React to Limbaugh’s Unforgivable Comments


Outrage of everyone reading this blog to the comments of Rush Limbaugh was also shared by a Pennsylvanis man who sent a “business opportunity” to Rush which was an electronic plaque commemorating the assassinations of Abe Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth.  The real news is that Limbaugh evidently generates such hate and discontent that all mail sent to Limbaugh’s home is routinely x-rayed.  The police were called after Limbaugh’s staff grew concerned about a possible bomb when the x-ray of this package showed what appeared to be wires.  No matter how vile Limbaugh has been, I would never wish that he would be the victim of a real bomb.  However it is rather funny that somebody got his attention through something that was totally legal and not harmful.



117 thoughts on “Rush Limbaugh, You Impotent Chauvinist! You Vile Excuse for a Human Being!

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      1. “Vile excuse for a human being”, I couldn’t have said it better. It’s not enough that he makes an obscene amount of money for simply flapping his jaws. No, that’s not good enough for Rush. He has to be disgusting, revolting, and purposely hurtful to people whose only crime is thinking differently than he does. He is beneath contempt.


  1. Rush Limbaugh is what’s created when the formula that made Swamp Thing is instead poured over YouTube comments and a glazed ham.


  2. Limbaugh had to pay 4 women to pretend to be his wife. THAT is why he thinks women are whores. No DECENT woman would touch him with a 10 foot pole, even if he did want her to. He prefers young brown boys. By the way, it would be much cheaper for the Catholic church to pay for birth control than the millions of $$$ they have paid out covering up the pedophile scandal.


  3. Disgusting pig. And his old white male viewers are just as disgusting. I’m sure their daughters use aspiring between their knees.

    I Betcha.


      1. BTW, Malia, Rush worked in Pittsburgh in the 70’s for KQV radio under the name Jeff Christie. Jeff Christie was arrested for soliciting a male prostitute. Unfortunately he was arrested by University of Pittsburgh police so there are no public records.


      2. laprofesora,
        Is there anyway we could document that? There must be some records that we could get our hands on?


      3. Malia, I’m answering your question below up here. I’ve tried to find the records, but when I found out he was arrested by campus police I hit a brick wall. If you have any suggestions I’d be happy to pursue it.


      4. laprofesora,
        Just send me what you know and I’ll start researching in the am. Thanks for your help! Malia


  4. Malia –
    There are times when my frustration and amazement render me speechless. There are things I want to say – and yet when I try to put them into words – the words sort of float away and I feel I cannot get my point across. I envy you your gift of words and how to use them properly. This man simply makes me crazy and I so regret at times the ability he has to spew his hatred out on the airways. Thank you for saying it for the rest of us.


    1. Pat,
      You read so often that you know I don’t usually get this worked up about someone, but I have been seething ever since hearing this! Why do the stations let him continue? Every woman should stop listening, and tell their husbands that they won’t have sex unless they stop listening, because if we ban contraception we will all be pregnant.


      1. Obviously, you are just another liberal hack job that twists everything. Nobody wants to ban contraception, nobody even implied that a little bit. But thats the BS you want to make everybody think. we just do not want to pay for somebody else to have sex. If I need a condom I go buy it. if she needs an IUD or the pill, then she can go buy it. if she can afford Georgetown, then she can afford hill birth control. What an absolute joke that she should even have the audience of the Congress to whine about somebody else buying her brth control. And if shes willing to go in front of that national audience about her rampant sex life, then she must be the slut she is. Same thing with me buying Viagra for someone. Why should I have to pay for someone to have sex? Answer that question – straightforward. Why should I have to pay for someone else to have sex. This country is bankrupt (gee I can’t imagine why). We have really serious issues to work out and we are spending time listening to this girl whine about paying for her own birth control. What a joke


      2. Skeeter,
        You have fallen into the trap that Limbaugh set, and haven’t gotten all the facts. That is exactly why Limbaugh is dangerous and needs to be stopped. He uses Viagra, and it is a covered medical expense. So the insurance company he uses does actually pay every time he wants to have sex. He mistakenly thought that birth control pills were needed every time a woman has sex. He showed his ignorance of the way birth control pills work. They cost the same, regardless if you have sex 100 times in a month, or once. Finally you must have failed to listen to the actual testimony of Ms. Fluke as she never spoke about her sex life, or if she even uses birth control pills herself! She gave a specific example of a woman who needed birth control pills to treat poly-cystic ovarian tumors and because she couldn’t afford to pay for them she had a tumor grow that needed to be removed by surgery, and she lost the ovary. It was a medical reason, not birth control at all! Get your facts straight before you call someone a “slut”. You show yourself to be influenced by what Rush says without checking the facts, even though I provided the video of the actual testimony of Ms. Fluke. YOU are exactly the reason that Rush Limbaugh should be off the air!

        People DO want to ban contraception. The Senate in Oklahoma recently passed the Personhood Amendment that recognizes a person from the moment of conception. Birth Control pills prevent implantation of the fertilized ova, and thus to take birth control pills after the state has considered that fertilized egg to be a person would be murder, and thus not allowed!


  5. Limbaugh is an abomination. He assaults the sensibilities of all decent minded people. That is what sociopaths can do. I want to say more, but I am a decent person… there is a lot welling up inside me but I will keep it to myself. Sometimes by omission you can communicate more. Thank you Malia, for providing a forum where I can be so taciturn and yet still get my thoughts across. You are doing the heavy lifting and I appreciate it.


    1. Just_a_Mote,
      I have never called someone such foul names on the blog, but he deserves it! He incites me to use whatever influence I have to retaliate, on behalf of all women.


    1. carolyn clark,
      I knew before I researched it that viagra would be covered, because you know the predominate sex of the people making our laws.


      1. viagra is actually used in children with pulmonary arterial hypertension….you should see the parents’ faces when we tell them what drug we are planning to treat them with lol


      1. Katie,
        Thanks for the entry. He is foul and I hope my path never crosses his, unless he has a bag over his head, and I have one over mine in case his falls off. …a Two-bagger.


      1. mmboucher8,
        I wonder if they would have to do the reconstructive surgery under a microscope?


    1. One who gets paid!! Whenever I read about his latest “wife” (read “beard”) she is in Hawaii, shopping with her mother!! I asked my daughter why couldn’t she find a guy like that, one who would pay us to shop. I would not want this repulsive person added to my family.


  6. L oser
    I gnorant
    M alicious
    B abbling
    A rrogant
    U nfair
    G oon
    H alf-baked


    Nimble Limbaugh,
    his brain fits in a thimble.


  7. In regard to that Senate amendment – was Sen Snowe the ONLY female member of the republican party to vote against it?

    How CAN any woman regardless of political power vote AGAINST the best interest of her sex. The amendment had everything to do with the war against women. It is so very sad that some women fight themselves.

    As for fat old racist men – Limbaugh is a heart attack waiting to happen. Pills can prevent pregnancy but they can’t prevent stupid.


  8. I so dislike this guy and what he gets away with due to ‘freedom of speech’. I’ll wager he has a four inch dick and cannot get it up without viagra! He is a total asshole and has a place in hell awaiting him as does Sarah Palin and their ilk!


    1. Well, Millie I think you’ve got it: “Limbaugh” means four inch dick. Make that a four inch pencil dick.


      1. I would wager that NOBODY, including Limbaugh, has seen his little member in years, his belly gets in the way. He makes me think of the author who wrote “give him an enema, and what is left would fit into a matchbox”!! He is such an angry man that it is proof positive that “Money cannot buy happiness” He is a miserable failure as a real MAN.


  9. He is fat, ugly and very unattractive to women. Plus, he is unethical and not smart! He was been been married four or five times ONLY because of his $$$$. He has no children and is the biggest fraud and asshole out there! I’ve been on the golf course w/him and he is loud with such an ego. I’d want to knock his block off if I were able to get close to him! He’d be the last person you would want to be married to or associated w/in business.


    1. Millie,
      You know that if he’s been married that many times, either he is impotent, or his wives used birth control as they couldn’t tolerate the idea of having Rush as the father of their children.


  10. Limbaugh, Noun A fouls smelling excrement pouring from the mouth of a person with verbal diarrhea. This disease is spread through the airwaves by right wing talk show hosts. Side effects include impotency and feelings of grandeur.


  11. “Limbaugh” (pronounced “Limb-awh”ith a silent “B” Like “Lim-maw”) is the sad state of a male member (i.e. penis) that cannot be aroused under any circumstances due to excessive “male condecension or chutzpuh”. A sudden “Rush of Limbaugh” can take a well functioning male member and render it incapable of generating any effective “feelings” for either partner in a sexual union. “Limbaugh” is effectively… the death of the “Party”.

    “Rush Limbaugh” should be the last thing curse anyone should want to see inflicted upon their bedrooms.

    May your sex life never encounter this blight upon thee human spirit: Limbaugh, Rush.


  12. Prostitution is legal in the Dominican Republic and a private jet that Rush Limbaugh uses is reportedly often seen at the Puerto Plata airport.

    Try googling Rush Limbaugh and dominican republic!


  13. “Limbaugh”: a medical condition whereby excessive use of Viagra kills massive amounts of brain cells and renders one a delirious fool.


    1. Amy,
      That was great! I’m only surprised that they didn’t include a reference to the female orgasm being for the purpose of procreation only!


  14. Someone beat me to Limpballs but I found this pretty funny at the

    1. limbaughcile
    Anyone who listens to Rush Limbaugh and agrees with him
    “I had to listen to the rantings of a Limbaughcile at work today, it was sofa king annoying.”

    2. Limbaughcile
    (LIM-be-cile), noun A corruption of the surname Limbaugh. A contraction of Limbaugh + imbecile. 1. any extremist in total accord with the doctrines, teachings, & dogma of ultra-conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh. 2. one who is lacking in reason, or the common powers of understanding. 3. one easily bamboozled by a slick charlatan. 4. a person with little or no judgment, common sense, wisdom, etc. 5. a mentally deficient person with an intelligence quotient ranging from 5 to 15. 6. a person mentally equal to a chicken between three and eight months old; Limbaughcile is the lowest classification of mental deficiency, significantly below ‘idiot’ and ‘moron’. 7. Ditto-head; fool; naive; feeble-minded.
    “Tragically, the gullible Limbaughcile often amazed and embarrassed his colleagues when spouting his provincial political opinions”.


    1. Colleen,
      These are GREAT! I’ll put them under your name since you looked them up and brought them to us! Thanks, Malia


      1. For more laughs visit the and look up Palin! Plus you can vote up/down for the definitions and send in your own. laprofesora should add his.


    1. Xenon,
      If the network doesn’t fire him over this, then we will have to ban anyone that advertises with them.


      1. I wanted to call him an asshole, but those actually have a purpose. Hemorrhoids merely obstruct and irritate.


  15. So why isn’t he in jail for having an illegal prescription? And why is he allowed to get away with this vile speech when others have been pulled from the airwaves for less (I’m thinking Don Imus and even Keith O.) Can we petition his sponsors as worked with Beck?


    1. Sally ,
      That has been effective in the past and tomorrow I’ll do a post with a list of their sponsors. Thanks, Malia


  16. Rush is confused. He associates lots of sex with lots of birth control, as in, the more sex you have the more birth control you have to buy. Does he think a woman takes a pill every time she has sex? So… if she weren’t having so much sex she could save on her birth control costs? Does he really think it is like paying for a condom or a viagra, wherein it costs more money the more you “do it”? Someone needs to explain to him that whether a woman has sex several times a day or once every few months, it doesn’t affect the cost of birth control pills or an IUD or a diaphragm. And a woman doesn’t even need to be having sex at all in order to incur the cost of birth control. What a fool!


    1. CD,
      If what everyone says is true, and he is a closeted gay man, then that would explain his lack of understanding of how oral contraceptives work.


  17. To quote the late great Florynce Kennedy…”If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”

    Women all over are getting really annoyed at these old white men commenting on and trying to dictate women’s contraception decisions.

    We all know that if the shoe were on the other foot….


  18. We need to find out who his sponsors are and write or call them, put comments on Facebook. Money talks and bullshit walks. Maybe we can start s movement to get him fired.


  19. Limbaugh broadcasts for Clear Channel. They are owned by Bain capital (Romney’s former company). Now wouldn’t that be an interesting story fir the media? Clear channel has a Facebook page. Everyone needs to email their local media to complain and mention clear channel and Bain.


  20. Limbaugh is a’s worthless, contemptible piece of crap. The young lady he insulted is 37years his junior, and exhibits all the class, intelligence, and dignity he so notably lacks. His attitudes are a throwback to the 1950’s and before, which is why he equates the use of birth control with moral turpitude.
    Just as bad as this hateful moron’s remarks are those men and women who agree with him, along with the deafening silence of those in his party who don’t speak out publicly against him. That silence implies either agreement or cowardice in failing to take him to task.


    1. Anne,
      I agree, and I’m just as indignant because the Republicans won’t stand up to him. Palin wouldn’t even when he used the “retard” word.


  21. Limbaugh: a sexually frustrated and impotent homosexual who can’t admit to himself his true nature and thus makes everyone in his wake suffer his bizarre and offensive rantings.

    I’m not sure how I feel about Anonymous, but I think it would be a good thing for them to focus their attention on each one of his business ventures.


  22. Would like to clarify my submission:

    “LIM-baugh” (n.) Chemically induced erection lasting 4+ hrs. Use as directed w double paper bags 2 prevent stomach upset.


  23. For someone who has been married 4-5 times and has no children, he was obviously going against what he preaches and actions speak louder than words – so why doesn’t he follow what he dictates us to follow? He’s a hypocrite and a misogynst!!! Why does he need Viagara idf he isn’t going to procreate as he feels women should all procreate? Hey Rush, cancel that Viagara prescription – it obviously isn’t helping you to procreate! FYI – I am an 39 year olf post graduate school educated woman who has been married for almost 12 + years and had my first and only child at age 38. My doctor said not to have anymore kids because as a Type I Insulin dependent diabetic and at my age, that I and/or a baby could lose our lives due to any other pregancies, so I have been on birthcontrol. I don’t consider myself a slut unless my husband were to consider himself my monogomaus “john” of 12 years, which would be calling our legally licensed marriage in a church a sham. Maybe we should mandate vasectomies for misogynysts. I have a son, but if I had a daughter I’d want her to be able to have contraception available to her. My husband and I are raising my son to support contraception and freedom of choice.Rush is a very poor excuse for a human being (if we can even call him one). Was his last name Limbaugh, or then again was it Limp Dough? As a person with such a gutter mouth, he needs sterilization in more ways than one. American Heritage Dictionary: Rush: to attack suddenly, or a sudden attack. Limbo: A Roman Catholic place for souls excluded from Heaven but not sent to further punishment in hell. Limbo being basically a purgatory (a place of suffering, expiation, and/or remorse).. Basically Rush Limbaugh is a sudden attack from a place of suffering (suffering from delirium? delusions of grandeur more likely Hey look at ll the OxyContin he was on – he’s obviously drugged up thus delusions of grandeur.


    1. do you not have contraception available to you? I’m sure you do. I just refuse to pay for your contraception. That simple. Why should I have to pay for you to have sex


  24. Here’s a website detailing some information from his visit in 2006 to the Dominican republic:×1518000

    Apparently there is a child sex trade there too, which he may have been participating in:

    He’s a disgusting PIG and MISOGYNST!!! Just do a search on Rush Limbaugh, Dominican republic, Viagara, etc… and all of these things come up. Obviously for a reason. He’s apparently against contraception because he probably knows that if his mother saw how he’d be in the future (as in how he is now and has been) she would have advocated for and used birth control or had an abortion.


  25. As a person that leans towards the conservative ideology I find Rush to be completely out of line and rude. He has embarrassed me as a man and should no longer be allowed to comment on the air. This fine young woman does not deserve to be insulted this way as should any other human being. Rush what is wrong with you? Are you truly insane?

    More importantly this demonstrates the insanity that both Republican and Democratic brainwashed individuals espouse to; the bashing of others. With the thought that you will win over any one to your side you verbally strike out at another human being-barbaric. Yes I have heard similar brainwashed comments from both sides and it only confuses me as to what the political parties stand for or why they exist.

    The lesson to all is to never EVER use derogatory adjectives to describe someone if you ever want their respect. You can never influence anyone by insulting them nor can you win over anyone by reason when using this disgusting rhetoric.

    While I may not agree with some of Mr. Obama’s policies I am fully confident that he only means the best for the country as did Bush and Clinton and Reagan and all the presidents. Rush, you are trying to denigrate the Democrats by insulting a young woman-wrong. I just wish that politicians and politicos would stop all the hate bashing and lies about the other side. I only listen to the promises and dreams for improvement. I study their programs and weigh them for my own interest as well as the benefit the nation will receive. I have never been nor will I ever be closed to one party or person. I will always listen and attempt with as much respect as possible to remain neutral and then decide which and who is best.

    We are Americans not dems or repubs and that needs to be the focus. I don’t see much difference between the parties currently available and wish for a change. If you really want to impress me (politicians) then do your job, pass the budget, and reduce the deficit. Bring our young men and women home from our insane missions overseas and for goodness sake put the needs of our citizens above all else.


    1. Jeff,
      Thank you for sharing this intelligent comment. When I started writing this blog, I felt the same way. I had voted for Obama, but thought that we should still respect the Republican point of view. Many of my friends in Texas, and even some members of my family are conservatives. Yet when McCain picked Palin, it was no longer about political ideologies, it was about the safety of our country. No longer were politicians trying to do the right thing, or even push for the policies that they believed in, but it was all about getting elected, and nothing more. When getting elected trumps reason and good judgment, then I say it’s time to speak out and work for sanity in our country. Thanks for reading. Malia


  26. Good try, but a bunch of us on over a decade came up with the ultimate name for Rush:

    PIGBOY !

    You can’t beat that one.


  27. If the shoe fits …..
    “Slut or slattern is a term applied to an individual who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous. The term is generally pejorative and often applied to women as an insult or offensive term of disparagement, meaning “dirty or slovenly.” However some women have demonstrated saying they’re proud of being “sluts”, and have given it a positive connotation.”


    1. cbj,
      I hope you listened to the testimony of Ms. Fluke, and if you did you would know that she never spoke about her own experiences or even her own use of birth control pills.


  28. All of us make choices everyday that have a Major IMPACT on Our Country.. Our World.

    Our Children and Grandchildren are always watching us to see how we treat each other when we disagree with each other.

    We Can choose to be Part of the PROBLEM or Choose to be Part of the SOLUTION this is up to Each and everyone of us “OUR CHOICE”


    Finger Pointing, Disrespect, Lack of Team Work, Lack of Respectful Communication, we do this Privately and Publicly but PUBLICLY DAMAGES AMERICANS and Especially OUR NEXT GENERATION..OUR CHILDREN..THER CHILDREN, AMERICAS FUTURE.


    Respect Each Other Using AMERI-Can Do Attitude and Team Work To Solve Our Problems Utilizing Respectful Communication;


    What ever choices we make Impact “OUR CHILDREN, OUR GENERATION, THE NEXT GENERATION & THE WORLD ! !

    I choose to be “Part of the Solution” always trying my best to use Respect as my Guideline to follow at “All Times Publicly” it is not an easy Choice to make, but it is “THE RIGHT CHOICE TO MAKE”

    Sincerely, Respectfully, Michael V. Caldwell,

    “Always Striving To Be Part Of The Solution” Using Respect, AMERI-CAN-DO Attitude as my Guidelines to; “Follow At All Times”


    1. Michael V.,
      I hope that part of the solution this time is to ensure Limbaugh is never allowed to be put in a position where he can ever do something so despicable as what he did on Wed.


  29. I have recently emailed rush…I hope you all like it (I edited one word)…this man should rot in hell for the rest of eternity…

    Dear Mr. Limbaugh,
    I am a 25 year old, catholic woman and single mother of two young children. I USE BIRTHCONTROL! I can’t even begin to explain to you how disgusted I am with you and your ignorant, self-righteous comments! How dare you tell women what they should or should not be doing with their bodies! How dare you accuse women who use contraceptive as being “sluts”! I’m sure your God fearing self has never had pre-marital sex, right? Or is it only women who are “sluts” when having sex? Furthermore, I must be a slut for using contraceptives but it’s perfectly okay for you to watch porn online (in particularly the sluts on birth-control who are supposed to be taping it just for you) and for you to be a filthy, disgusting, perverted, pathetic excuse for a human being?
    As a woman, go to hell. As an AMERICAN woman, GO F*CK YOURSELF! I have the freedom of speech too! I hope you burn in hell you egotistical, chauvinistic, conservative bastard! Whoever you work for should take you off the air! I will make it my personal mission to pass this along to every person who believes that you should shut the hell up! For those who believe that women should have the right to choose what to do with their own bodies! And especially for those who believe that freedom still exists in America!


      1. Thanks, I find it even more frustrating that some people would even come to his defense. I posted this on my facebook and had a man tell me it wasn’t his job to pay for women to lie on their backs. He also posted a video of Rush and how he “interpreted” what Sandra had said and tried to use his interpretation as fact. It boggles me how some people can be such sheep. If anyone at all reads anything that I post anywhere I hope they get the message to be a critical thinker, find the sources…FOX news is not a source…its opinions glorified on its own tv channel. And for anyone who does not believe what Sandra’s interview contains or wants to come to Rush’s defense they should watch this video that aired on real news broadcasts There is also a site now called that was created by left action to take Rush off the air and make him take responsibility for his unforgiving disgusting opinions. And if he doesnt come to justice in this lifetime…Annette I definitely agree with you…he will meet his maker that he uses as an excuse for all that he says and he will have to explain why he spreads hate…like a good christian (insert sarcasm here) Boycott Rush!


  30. skeeter (name says it all) your 3 channel rfd thinking about sex and birth control is woefully lacking in intelligence and by the way is skeeter descriptive of some part of your anatomy top or bottom perhaps?


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