The Barracuda’s “Message of Christmas”

If Sarah Palin has conveyed one message over the last three years it is that Barack and Michelle Obama can do nothing right. Palin has lodged an attack on everything from Breastfeeding  to encouraging healthy eating.  In her zeal to attack Obama, she has shown herself to be clueless. When she attacked Obama’s State of the Union message she confused the space race with the arms race. While blaming Obama for not solving the Gulf Oil Spill, she proved just how clueless she is by suggesting that we should build dikes 50 miles off shore where the ocean is 5000 feet deep.  Instead of applauding Obama for killing Osama bin Laden, she lodged criticism for his failure to publicize a picture of the dead terrorist’s body. Thus, it was predictable that Sarah Palin would find fault with the Obama Christmas Card .


Here is the Card:


The greeting inside was:

““From our family to yours, may your holidays shine with the light of the season,”

Here is the Palin “Card” which isn’t a card at all but instead a facebook post. She says:

My family and I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! I offer this to all because Christmas is a holiday for all, whether you are a Christian believer or not. The message of Christmas is full of hope, peace, joy, and the fellowship of all mankind; so I find it amazing that every year we hear more accounts of a ramped up “war on Christmas.”


How sad and ironic that a handful of grinches are at war with the annual celebration of the birth of the Prince of Peace, whose coming was prophesied centuries earlier and was then gloriously heralded by the angels with a blessing for “peace on earth” and “good will toward men.” Even if one doesn’t believe the story, can’t one at least recognize the beauty of the message? Or at the very least, let everyone else enjoy the season without throwing a temper tantrum at the sight of a Nativity scene? People who feel affronted by a baby in a humble Manger display or a few Christmas carols have truly lost all sense of proportion and seem to be most in need of some holiday cheer. ……

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas.

The only picture on the post is this one of Bristol.


There is no actual card with Sarah’s signature or personalized message. There is no Christmas tree. Bristol isn’t wearing anything that would remind the viewer of Christmas. Palin is not depicted with her family. There is no dog in the picture, perhaps because she shot it long ago. Palin said on Fox News that :

“ the majority of Americans can appreciate the more traditional, “American foundational values illustrated and displayed on Christmas cards and on a Christmas tree.”

There is nothing “traditional” about a post on facebook. Palin’s “post” isn’t a Christmas Card at all. There is no garland, poinsettia, tree, family, or even a cozy home in the background. While criticizing the President for being sensitive to those who don’t celebrate Christmas, Sarah Palin proves her lack of sensitivity to all non-Christians by suggesting that Christmas is a holiday “for all.” Her reference to a “temper tantrum” at the sight of a nativity scene is a direct attack on the importance of separation of church and state. Thus while promoting the idea of “hope, peace, joy, and fellowship of all mankind” Palin establishes she only wishes hope, peace, joy, and fellowship for all of her Christian brothers and people who support her. Sarah Palin is unable to convey any message of love, peace, joy, or values of Christianity without being critical of others who hold a different view of the world. Through her attack on those who would disagree with her, she reveals her true character. By her lack a of real Christmas card, and the lack of a real message of love at this holiday time, we see Sarah Palin for the person she is …and she is a person totally void of good will for all.


29 thoughts on “The Barracuda’s “Message of Christmas”

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  1. Sarah’s foundational message of giving the whining middle finger to all her haters! Yep, we all dress in red furry bathrobe-like jackets, slap a dead weasel on our heads, gesticulate frantically on Faux Noobs and then follow up our seasonal hatred with a nonsense whine on face book. I am thankful that America dodged the Palin VP bullet. Now if this wretched woman would only go play “rill” American and go get a “rill” job but, alas, I don’t know of many openings for a clueless, incurious, moronic buffoon…not even a circus wants her.


  2. Yes, she is more than “a bit much.” It’s hilarious that she thinks it is her God-given duty to lecture the world about her warped brand of “Christianity.” Please make her go away.


  3. Sarah is so clueless that she has no clue that her claimed “idol” Ronald Reagan said:

    “We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief. Nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief. At the same time as our constitution prohibits state religion, establishment of it protects the free exercise of all religions. And walking this fine line requires government to be strictly neutral.”



    1. Pat,
      Are you kidding me? Saint Ronald Reagan said that?
      He must be a RINO!! He’s a MODERATE for heaven’s sake!!
      No true TParty, gun totin’, caribou shootin’ Conservative could have ever said that!!!

      What good old boy, died in the wool Dominionist could possibly believe that? I feel like calling in to Rush Limbaugh’s show and asking them if I could read a verbatim speech on faith and America by Saint Ronald!!

      Seriously, that is perfectly illustrative of exactly how moderate the Republcan party used to be in the 80’s, and how much in thrall they are now to the Christian Taliban of today.

      Sounds just about the opposite of that hit piece that $arah Paylin posted as a “Xmas card”.

      Some day, a court is going to convict her of a crime, or the BabyGate deal is going to break wide open, and a blessed holiday will be declared by most of us:

      It will be called the ” Sarah Palin Memorial sit down and shut up day”


  4. Ya gotta admire Sarah Palin and Rebecca Mansour’s insatiable urge to snark no matter the occasion. They couldn’t actually wish anyone a happy holiday, Christmas or otherwise. No, they have to take the opportunity to use Christmas as an excuse to insult people.

    McCain has a lot of explainin’ to do…


    1. Theresa ‘Darklady’ Reed,
      It never ceases to amaze me that Palin can be critical of a Christmas card, breastfeeding, and eating healthy food. It’s like calling the Virgin Mary a whore!


  5. Sarah Palin gets it wrong, as is usual.

    Even the carols follow the gospel of St Luke etc. more accuratly.

    A. the Magi follow the star and stop at the court of the King. They do tell King Herod what they are seeking. King Herod sends out his soldiers to massacre baby boys. Pretty grim stuff there.

    Supposedly, according to people who track these astronomical phenomena. Jesus is born on April 17. One of the popes pre-opted the winter solstice as the date? I’m a little hazy on this. What does it matter one way or the other. A holiday is a holiday.

    The magi warn Joseph and the family flees to Egypt. “We three kings of Orient are bearing gifts we traverse afar…….following yonder star.”

    B. The shepherds hear the angels on high. “Angels we have heard on high sweetly singing o’er the plain”.

    At least that is how I use to sing these carols years ago.

    St Luke is beautiful. Haven”t read it for years, should do so.

    Sarah doesn’t know her christmas carols or her Bible. But of course she doesn’t go to church. God speaks to her directly so why bother, and the family is so very busy to do anything so mundane and time consuming.

    What is she bitching about?

    As far as a war on xmas. No one hassles anyone around here. We have Nativity scenes re-enacted in most of the Christian churches locally, in their assembly and meeting rooms and out of doors with live animals. The two local Catholic churches have Nativity scenes and creches outside their doors. The park displays usually are tall lighted trees, Nativity scene, a Menorah. A Santa.

    Carolers are singing downtown every Saturday and Sunday in December.

    No war on Christmas around here.. Though those Puritans way back when punished anyone who didn’t work on December 25th, No Holy day for them.


    1. lilly lily,
      I think the only war on Christmas is at the Palin home…and we can only imagine the reason for the “war”.


    2. Emperor Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the “Invincible Sun” in the third century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations. Shortly thereafter, in 273, the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336, this Roman solar feast day was Christianized. January 6, celebrated as Epiphany in Christendom and linked with the visit of the Magi, was originally an Egyptian date for the Winter Solstice.


  6. What was that movie with Danny DeVeto and Bette Midler where she was kidnapped and he didn’t want her back. Thats’s what needs to happen to Palin. Kidnap her. Keep her away from other people. She’s a carrier of all that’s ill with human character.


    1. mitch,
      I know the movie, and yes, it would be the perfect movie for the Palins. You gotta wonder if Todd would pay the ransom.


  7. I know a lot of people to whom Christmas is not a time of hope,joy and peace.If you are alone at Christmas,then you are really ALONE!


  8. Just sent you a tweet Malia – I think you’ll really, REALLY like it for this post! H/T @MMBoucher at Politicalgates for this find!


  9. Look, if Sarah Louise Heath Palin and President Obama were just two normal people down the street, Sarah would be considered a stalker and have restraining orders against her or be arrested by now for crawling in his bedroom window in the middle of the night.


  10. I found Sarah Palin’s criticism of the White House Christmas card to be beyond … the beyond! The theme of the official White House decorations is something like “share light shine” and the purpose is to thank and appreciate the country’s military families, especially the Gold Star families. I personally thought the White House card was lovely and we have it proudly placed.

    Something tells me that Sarah Palin does not spend the weeks before Christmas decorating her home and tree, baking for family and friends, listening to beautiful choral music or attending performances like “the Nutcracker” ballet. She’s simply too wrapped up in herself and her own brand of nuttiness to really appreciate the holiday season. Fortunately, most of us are not like that.

    So before we take off tomorrow on our jaunt to the Detroit area to share Christmas with our son, let me wish you, Malia Litman and your family, the happiest of holidays and may we all see the re-election of Barack Obama as president in 2012 along with a genuinely liberal House and Senate!


  11. Malia, Once again $arah displays her ignorance of the English language. I genuinely believe that she does not know or understand the meaning of many word, like “traditional.” Does she know what it means? Can she interpret the picture on the White House card? Over the years I have received many Christmas cards with images similar to the White House card-a cozy room with a warm fire, gifts, and Christmas decorations. I can’t believe she hasn’t received these same type cards. The image on the Obama’s card is Norman Rockwell-esque.

    She so often misuses words, or just makes words up when she doesn’t know the correct word to use. She uses words out of order and seems incapable of speaking in complete sentences. She also seems unable of forming a coherent sentence to get a specific idea across. She is very capable when it comes to spewing meaningless generalities.

    She called Florida’s Disney World “refreshing.” I really don’t think that she knows the meaning of that word, either.

    I also think she is jealous of Bo Obama because he is cuter and more popular than she is.


      1. I’m sure you’re right. I’d still like to know what kind of score she made on the verbal portion of her SAT’s.


      2. TurtleTears,
        That presumes she took it and I’m not sure if she did. If she took the test she probably thought the “verbal” part meant oral, so she spoke the answers, and those elite types gave her a “0”.


  12. How incredibly snide and petty — and in character her comments are.

    I thought you’d all like this link to the Reagans’ card in 1983. I wonder if Palin would think that this card — from one of her so-called heroes — meets the criteria for “family, faith and freedom”. (BTW, what has the Christmas story to do with ‘freedom’ per se?)


  13. Here’s a lovely message from the Obamas hitting all her themse of “family, faith and freedom.” I wonder how Palin would criticize this message, which asks us to help our military families.

    What has Palin done to honor military families unless you count shameless politicking on bases and pretending to be like them so she can imagine American soldiers as her own private militia?


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