The Political Climate That Is Destroying Our Nation

While checking my e-mail this week, I noticed the story of the sentencing of Rod Blagojevich. I was reminded of the disgrace Rod Blagojevich brought to Illinois for his attempt to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat. Blagojevich was found guilty on 18 charges of corruption and sentenced to 14 years in federal prison. The amazing thing is that corruption seems to be the norm for Illinois Governors. In fact four out of the past nine governors in Illinois have gone to prison. Two others were charged with crimes and subsequently acquitted. That’s not to say that those Governors were not guilty of the crimes charged, but only that there was insufficient evidence to convict them.

The really sad thing is that corruption is not unique to Illinois, and it is not unique to one political party. Connecticut’s John G. Rowland resigned in 2004 and served 10 months in prison for accepting gifts from state contractors and lying about it. That same year, James McGreevey resigned as New Jersey’s governor after admitting to an affair with another man he had hired for a state post. Blagojevich’s predecessor, George Ryan, was convicted in 2006 of steering contracts to friends. New York’s Eliot Spitzer resigned in 2008 after confessing to patronizing prostitutes. In 2010, South Carolina’s Mark Sanford acknowledged an affair with a woman in Argentina, maintained through misuse of state money. Then there was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s adulterous affair with his housekeeper of many years that resulted in a child the same age as one of Arnold’s children by another mother. More recently former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine was subpoenaed by Congress to testify about his “management” of MF Global, the financial firm that collapsed this fall with $1.2 billion of its clients money gone missing, that he “just doesn’t know where it is.” Then there was the indelible impression of Anthony Weiner’s photograph,

or that of Christopher Lee.

Many of us hoped that Sarah Palin’s ignorance and corruption was an isolated event.  However the Republican Party has shown that to be a false assumption.  With the recent rise and fall of GOP candidates campaigning for the Presidency, the shock and awe has increased exponentially. No longer is there simply corruption to consider, but the level of ignorance of these candidates running for the highest office in the United States is astonishing. First there was Michele Bachmann who bought her way to the top in the Iowa straw poll. Of the many stupid things she has said and done, Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC provided a great summary:

Then there was the rise and fall of Rick Perry. He is both corrupt and ignorant.  However the “oops” moment will be remembered for generations to come.

Who could forget Herman Cain’s ignorance of the most basic foreign policy question on Libya?

Cain probably couldn’t be considered “corrupt” as he isn’t a politician. However he is unquestionably morally corrupt.

Now Newt Gingrich is ahead in the polls. He has been found to be corrupt by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress.  His three wives would be the most knowledgeable sources for documentation of his moral corruption. 

Is this the best we can do? Are these the best candidates we can find to hold positions of leadership and guidance for our country? Are political candidates only charged with proving that they are not witches?

In 2008 when we elected Barack Obama as our president, Americans elected a president who would fight “for the people.”

Many would criticize Barack Obama for his economic policies. I don’t pretend to know if another leader could have done better digging us out of this economic disaster that Obama inherited. I am confident that John McCain and Sarah Palin would have caused a permanent and disastrous decline of the American economy. Whatever Obama has done during the last three years, we have always known he was acting “for the people.” There has been no suggestion of self-interest, political corruption, or moral corruption. Abraham Lincoln said in his infamous Gettysburg address:

“…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

When Mayor Bloomberg announced his resignation from the Republican Party, he said:

“We have presidential candidates who don’t believe in science,” …

“I mean, just think about it, can you imagine a company of any size in the world where the CEO said ‘oh I don’t believe in science’ and that person surviving to the end of that day? Are you kidding me? It’s mind-boggling!”

Newt Gingrich currently trails Obama in national polls by 5%. Newt proudly declares that he is “more conservative” than Romney.  If “more conservative” means more corrupt, then I would agree. What is undisputed is that Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, and Newt Gingrich are each “for themselves” and not “for the people.” Both George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan dramatically increased the national debt during their two terms, and both lowered taxes. While they may have contributed to the economic disaster facing the country today, we re-elected them as they were perceived to be “for the people.” Let us hope that in 2012 we have the “common sense” to re-elect the candidate that we perceive to be “for the people”

8 thoughts on “The Political Climate That Is Destroying Our Nation

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  1. The long arm of the Tom Petters Ponzi scheme clawback has reached out for Congresswoman Michele Bachmann in an effort to recover $27,600 in contributions to her congressional campaign from Petters associate and Bachmann friend, convicted money launderer Frank Vennes Jr.

    Bachmann previously has tried to wash her hands of some of Vennes’ “dirty money.” Following FBI raids on Vennes’ and Petters’ homes in 2008, Bachmann quickly moved to donate $9,200 of Vennes’ and his wife’s money to charity. However, that represented only a portion of the more than $50,000 Vennes and his family and personal lawyer gave to Bachmann from 2005-2008.

    Vennes was convicted in North Dakota of money laundering and illegal firearms and cocaine trafficking charges in 1987, served 38 months in federal prison in Sandstone, MN, and a decade or so after his release, began laying the groundwork for his presidential pardon.

    Vennes and his family were among Bachmann’s heaviest campaign contributors. Bachmann wrote a glowing letter of support for Vennes’ pardon on December 10, 2007, even though Vennes, a resident of Shorewood, MN, and Jupiter, FL, was not and never had been a constituent.


  2. What is destroying the nation is a bunch of closed-minded idiots who don’t vet democrats, who spend waaaay too much time speculating about shit that happened far in the past regarding candidates personal lives. Those things don’t matter.

    Answer this: would you vote for JFK today? If yes, hypocrite could be your middle name.

    Wall street is not the problem. There’s way too much jealousy in thid country. People feel way too entitled to other peoples things and money. Olderwiser said recently she never cared about money, yet currently lives off govt, pennies a day. Doesn’t that enrage you?

    It’s time to stop kissing Obamas and democrats asses. Its time to focus on things that matter instead of seeking to personally destroy other people. The liberal blogging world has proven to me there are many dangerous thinkers out there, people who believe anything that’s written if that’s what they want to believe is true.

    It is irrational liberal bloggers who won’t admit to this admin’s failures that is doing us in.

    *note: do not assume I think Bush et al were any better. That argument is old and pointless. There are no good people in DC currently. THAT needs to be understood by all citizens. When people freely admit on camera in front of the white house that they expect GOVT to hand them work after college, THAT is a problem.


  3. Malia, I think it is far more than that because the politicians we have representing us are _for the most part_ bought-and-paid-for puppets who must then serve their masters, who are all certified members in a very exclusive club.

    If you have not read it yet, there is very interesting information posted at the Politicalgates blog which has to do with memos from Citibank and what they refer to as the plutonomy. While the Citibank papers were produced for a certain class of their clientele but leaked to the internet, they clearly describe a force and an attitude which is intertwined into the political process, thus the politicians whom we have elected — or thought we elected.

    The current OWC movement may ultimately prove to be the downfall of the plutonomy (plutocrat class), but it won’t be an immediate thing — and certainly won’t be a good thing for the country, or the world for that matter. As always, those who pay the highest price will be the little guy — anyone who isn’t a member of the very rich class. Sort of a reverse trickle-down, if you will.

    About the Citibank papers mentioned (the PDFs): most of the links given in the article and comments don’t lead to a document any longer, but I managed to obtain all three of them today. If you would like copies and cannot find them but would like to read them, just let me know.


  4. Frankly, I’m amazed that this current lineup is the best the GOP can come up with. Newt is a front runner? OMG! I find that to be not just amazing, but dumbfounding. How exactly can that be? The whore of DC that couldn’t keep it in his pants? This is the Republican great white hope? Of course, I can’t forget that the bleached blond bimbo that he is married to set out to find herself a rich and powerful man when she moved to DC from small town America and had no qualms about taking up with a married man. While we may elect only one of the halves of a couple, there is no way I would want this home-wrecker as the first lady. When we have someone as classy and real as Michelle Obama, who does our country proud, there is absolutely no comparison to the third Mrs. Gingrich. I could never trust a woman who would deliberately set out to take another womans husband.

    Romney is a hot mess who doesn’t know where he stands day to day. I wonder if he has a staffer who reminds him at the start of each day of what his positions are?

    Ron Paul has one, maybe two things he says that I kind of like about him, but then he keeps his mouth going and one realizes he is an egg short of a dozen. And lets not forget Rick Perry the duffus from Texas. How can anyone believe he has the actual capability to be president?

    Ol’ Sanatorium (spelling intentional) is a genuine nut-job who seems to have gay sex on the brain to the point it makes one wonder.

    Who can forget Bachmann? Someone turned her mouth into permanent overdrive to where she just doesn’t know when to shut up. The more she talks, the more she convinces us she is a fruitcake. I never have liked fruitcake.

    Since Cain has “suspended” his campaign we no longer have to be concerned with him, but OMG, was he for real? Surely this man was really on a book tour and didn’t really think he was qualified or electable? I do wonder at those who supported him. Do they really think this is the way to choose a president? Getting behind someone who is obviously so clueless about the US government and the world at large? The fact that he had supporters who were ready to consign this nation to someone so clueless makes me start thinking that some people aren’t qualified to vote. When I read some of what they seem to believe, I am even more concerned.for us as a nation. I recall studying civics, government and American history in grade school. How does one graduate and remain so clueless about the most important part of our government; our duty to vote and elect a person to guide our country into the future?


    1. MTinMO,
      Yes, I am just as appalled as you about the Republican candidates! Even if they don’t nominate one of this group, I think they have done so much damage to the Republican Party, that the party may never recover.


  5. Running for political office has become so brutal, I am not surprised that it attracts fools, narcissists and grifters. How many intelligent, highly capable people would willingly subject themselves and their families to such intense scrutiny and really ugly mud-slinging?

    Put that together with the Dunning-Kruger effect– stupid people suffer from illusionary superiority and intelligent people suffer from self-doubt–and one can see why people such as Palin and some of the current crop of Republican presidential wannabees leave us muttering, “How stupid does s/he have to be to think themselves capable of being president?”.


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